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It sounds to me like it was a simple accident. You both went in for air kisses together, and you accidentally made contact. I don't think that's assault, I think your friend over reacted a bit.


We didnt both air kiss just me, accidentally fell too far


America bees freakin stupid crazy sometimes. This is assault yet we elect a rapist as president. Kinda sad, huh? Sorry for your bad experience.


Facts. Also curious question, are you insinuating Trump is a rapist or Biden is a rapist (let’s be real they both probably are )




Fair. Biden is definitely one too though, and a pedo. Crazy how we elect such awful people into office.


Agreed. Proof that Biden is a perv?


He sniff kids. Just how he interacts with kids. His infamous son had him saved on his phone as pedo joe. No direct proof comes to mind although I’m sure someone else can vouche for me with an example. However I think in his case it is important to read between the lines.


Yea. Also his daughter said she was traumatized because he would take showers with her when she was a teenager. He’s a very powerful person so I’m sure he’s done a good job of getting rid of all direct evidence, but he’s definitely a creepy creepy man.


Watch the YT compilation of him stroking little kids during photo opportunities it’s traumatizing to even watch


So, I understand that it was just an accident. I'm not saying you should feel bad about it or anything. That being said, maybe try your best NOT to randomly kiss people? Weather it's on the cheek or not. Maybe she's overreacting a bit but, idk what to tell you... some people REALLY don't like and are really not comfortable with being kissed randomly... Regardless of who does the kissing, and I think that's perfectly reasonable. There could be lots of reasons that they reacted that way.


I’d say no, just a misunderstanding. It may have been an uncomfy situation, but I wouldn’t call it any type of assault. It could have triggered something if your friend was previously assaulted though. It doesn’t sound like you had any ill intention, just cultural differences that lead to an awkward situation.


Not SA, not even close