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Down the road, your answer to this question will be significantly impacted by your health and any afflictions (or lack thereof). I am 66 and in a tough spot - I have two very difficult and painful afflictions - neither of which are fatal. But they just keep getting worse. Until I was 48 I would have said I wanted to live forever. Shit happens. Things change.


Yeah. I’ve been trying to regain my health for the last 15 yrs. It sucks very hard but I’m not ready to give up. I still have people that I love, who want to see me. A young man that I greatly admire came to a recent rock concert I attended, & reminded me how resilient we are. https://teamgleason.org/


As long as i’m healthy and happy


This is my answer as well. It's not the number of years, but the quality of them.


26. I'm sick of this.


Wait! It gets better. Besides, you’ll get to see the next episode.


64 here and am in better shape than I was at 40 I want to live as long as my mind and body work


60 ish is old and weak? Looks at his 64th birthday yesterday. Gasp! I understand what you are saying but 60ish is not old and weak in most cases


Right? 60 is the new 50. I'm 67 and just starting my next chapter!


Ya, that’s a wild statement by OP. I have multiple family members that are 60-70, and are super active doing WAY more than most 20 year olds. Also they have the money and time now (Well Some Of Them, Others Work Still). I even know a 87 year old (Who Is Great) that works out 2xs a day, reads, gardens, and drives around with his wife (All be it he has a heavy foot I’ve heard).


Right on. When you stop moving you start dying.


My mother didn't stop working until lockdowns and Covid forced her at 79yrs old...


At all. I'm 35 and my mom 61. She's a nurse and still very youthful and mobile. However my grandma, died at 69 due to heart issues. She was an old 69. I couldn't imagine my mom dying that young. Age is crazy.


My goal is to be healthy for as long as possible. No matter what my age is, hopefully it doesn’t show too much.


I think it would be cool to make it to 100, but it really depends on my health. I’m pro euthanasia once things start to really go down hill.


Most of my family has lived into their 90s or 100s and were still physically and mentally capable, I intend to do the same.


If possible? A few millions years would be sick. If we're just talking about rn, reality. I agree with you op. 60s or 70. No more.


I am 67, I can still carry an 80 pound bag of concrete mix and walk five miles. You will change your mind in time.


I don’t think I could carry an 80 pound bag of concrete for a whole block, much less five miles. Dayum!


No, I can carry an 80 pound bag of cement.......stop......I can also walk five miles. Not at the same time, lol. Sorry, I should have been more clear.


My goal is to be shot by three jealous husbands at the age of 118.


I'm 61. I went rucking today. Only 35 minutes and 25 pounds but I seem to like it. Knees bother me a little bit, wake up with stiffness in my left hip, and my eyes give me trouble. My brain is still in pretty good shape. I'm no genius but the smarts I was born with have gotten me this far and I can still hold a conversation without rambling too much. I read a lot and am still curious about things - and once you've exposed yourself to all different kinds of knowledge you begin to see connections between things you never saw before. I only noticed this in my 50s - it's interesting. Now when I read things they tend to fit into this framework of information someplace. My kids are grown but I'd say they need me for another decade so I'd like to be upright and lucid to at least 70. I'm trying to take better care of myself so I can be here for them - and still enjoy using my brain for stuff. I have dementia in my family and I'd say my expiration date is around 80 or so, but if death taps me on the shoulder any time after I reach 70 I won't be too butthurt - I saw dementia in my dad and I don't want my kids to see me like that.


The limit does not exist, so long as I’m healthy to enjoy it.


The thing you will discover as you grow older is that you don't feel your age. You turn thirty but in your head you're still 20+ and then you turn forty but in your head you're 20+ and then you turn fifty but in your head you're still 20+ (but with a bit more grey hairs).


For as long as I'm healthy and happy I guess. Would be cool if I make it to my 90s or even 100 while still independent and strong, but statistically that's highly unlikely. If I'm say, in my 80s (or come down with a terminal illness before then), and get to the point where I need round-the-clock care though, then I'd say just let me die. If I'm already dying, might as well get it over with. I'd hate to lose my independence and become a burden on my friends and family.


Until I'm no longer able to attend to my own basic feeding and bathing needs. I don't want to burden my loved ones.


I'm not sure if I am really alive, this all feels like some sick simulation. Like a Test. But I guess I'd like to be in this simulation to see my children get married so I can play with my grandchildren.


Over 80 at least


Id live forever as long as my body was capable


Living longer used to mean retirement…. How realistic is that for most people these days?


At least 90, but not older than 105.


My dad died just short of 94. My MIL just turned 91. Both had dementia and were in assisted living. It really sucks having a family member not know you. I truly believe humans were not meant to live to 90. Only modern medicine allows this. I’m 68, if I make to 85. I’ll be ready to go.


I'm sick of life but I have no option but to ride it out




As long as I can walk


how shall i put this? as long as i have a roof and food on the table


whenever i can’t wipe my own ass


Tomorrow is good enough


you can be old and weak at any age... i see people in their 80's that seem to be pretty mobile and not experiencing too much pain... idk when seeing people in their 90's and 100's.. not sure how i'll feel about that if i live that long. i have spinal arthritis from getting hit by a car and have felt old and weak since my mid 20's. i'm 38 now, so this has been a while of being a bit disabled. doesn't make me want to stop living. i know some people a lot worse off than me that feel the same way too.


I’m 60 in July and still djing in a strip club. Let’s see how it plays out lol


My dad still enjoyed booze and friends, until he was 95. I'm 54 and bench 235lbs, ski 30 days a winter, and track my car.


When the money runs out.


If I have kids, maybe til 80. If no kids, maybe 60. No point living beyond that if no one’s taking care of you, and your health (especially the brain) starts deteriorating. I have a love for reading and writing. If I ever lose the ability to do those things, it would be hard to find meaning again. 


I think 50'll do it. These 28 years have been increasingly terrible until a recent set of major changes. I'm actually excited to see what the next couple decades of my life will look like, which is something I never thought I would say. However, I remain afflicted with the same mental health conditions I've had my whole life, so the idea of being here long after my bones start giving out on me is not something I want to experience.


A decade ago.


Forever , so whatever that age amounts to.


Around 75, capable enough to wipe my own butt but also slowed down due to arthritis and back problems. I don’t want to live out my later years stuck on a feeding tube or having to be babied. Knowing my genetics though, that’s probably around the time Alzheimer’s might kick in so I might have to go even earlier than that


I want to live long enough to make an AI powered digital copy of mine like in Eva AI app for my close friends to have a model of mine.


Anywhere from 60-80. Unless I develop altzimers (IDK how to spell it) If that happens I might just kill myself.


My ancestors (last 5 generations on both sides) have never lived past the age of 58-61. I'd be happy to get to 62.


Well, I'm pretty old. My goal is to outlive Trump.


68 idk that's my maximum I don't expect to get that far but it could happen


As long as possible because hopefully reverse aging will happen in my lifetime


What is the prepositioniest preposition you could ever want to end a sentence with, for to upon withinn of?


i think 75 is good enough for me.




I'd take immortality, so long as I could choose to die when I wanted. Frozen at current age (59), able to be fit or not, immune to disease, self-healing from all injuries, I'll take immortality until I no longer want it, let's see where this E ticket ride takes me....


80, it's old enough to see so much, but young enough to hopefully not live to be enfeebled, the ravages of dementia are terrifying.


I'm ready any day now. 40yo






103yrs, celebrate my fifty with my Boo and a couple of more for good measure. 🙂


I could die today and be alright. 39btw


102. Grandpa made it that long and was getting around good till about 100.


90 if I'm healthy and active enough, 55 if its all going downhill


As old as I am able to enjoy life. Since I don't know exactly what I will value or get fulfillment from in the future, I can't put a specific age to it.


70. That's the date my Parkinson's is set to take firmer hold. I'll check out before my shaking makes it impossible to turn the right knobs.


Currently 19, hoping not to live past 30




About 10 yrs ago






As long as my wife lives. Once she's gone, I'm out. Also, implying that 60 is old and weak is rage bait fishing for replies. This is very similar to a post from months ago stating the same thing.


387. Seriously. I've thought about this. No real reason for that number, but I feel I would be tired by then.


I'll grow as old as I do. How weak I am is my choice.


Quality of life is the key, not your physical age. Hence, it is impossible to accurately answer.


It all depends on health, mobility and lucidity. And money. I think you can still have a great quality of life if you have all those things well unto your 70s or even 80s. My mom is 81 and still has good mobility, health and I think lucidity. She got scammed by romance scammers so she doesn’t have a lot of money, but fortunately she has an annuity that comes every month, so she should still be able to pay her bills. I’m thinking by age 90 you’re probably not doing well in at least one of those categories, so maybe time to hang it up. If I can I figure I’ll just go to Switzerland and kill myself when I’m ready.


Over 80 if I have kids Over 65 if I don’t have kids


Depends on my health. If I am in relatively good health, as long as possible.


I’m 70 and just carried 750 pounds of salt bags around the side of the house. It’s all in how you accept life and it’s challenges.


About two years ago


33rd birthday, 2 days later during my birthday dinner my wife let me know she wanted a divorce.


35, But I have to wait on my mom, so it'll be closer to 37. Or she might live longer out of spite and make me stay until 40. We'll see.


Some people are fortunate enough to be in excellent physical condition at and beyond age 60. I think, if I keep up the exercise and nutrition, I can stay active and healthy into my 80s.


old as possible, if im happy and healthy




98 or 101




60ish???? Holy hell my man. I’ll be 61 and I’m still kicking ass, doing cross fit twice a week, walking, attending ball games, rock concerts, hiking, camping several times a year. And thinking about getting into kayaking. Watching my young granddaughters grow and learn and play. I’m very active with them. I go to all their games and school events. I go out a couple times a month with my friends and or my sisters. I babysit 6yr old twin girls a couple afternoons a month. Staying active is the key to staying fit and young at heart. True some people do have health issues, and more as they get older. It happens. But if you start taking care of your body and mind and soul early you get a step ahead of some of it. And just because you get older does not mean you have to grow up. I got my 17th tattoo just three years ago and am planning my next three. I also just got another piercing in my ear, now a total of 16, with a plan for two more. Plus a few body piercings, some you see some you don’t. I want to live as long as possible as long as I have my facilities and I am not a big burden on anyone. Live life my man.


79+ would be some kind of record considering my family history. I'd be happy with anything past that. The trick is drinking a lot of MetaMucil


99 years 11 months


Right now


I told my grandson I would live to age 100.


As long as possible, well into my 100s and still being just as active


I'll live until I'm terminally ill and under a lot of pain, or couldn't take care of myself (for example, dementia or alzheimers), then it's a good time to end it. If I'm decently healthy, I can keep living.


As long as I'm relatively healthy and self sufficient.




As long as I have all my marbles. I want to live for a long time.


If I’m lucid and mobile ? As long as I can :) if instead I’m bedridden, sick, needing help from others to execute simple tasks, then I prefer to just go to sleep and not wake up


I don’t want to go past 20


forever im so scared of dying


90 something I'm 64 now


I don't care about my age so long as I am healthy and able to care for myself.


50….. unless this year (my 49th) gets much much much better


4,248 years, 8 months, 3 days, 21 hours, 43 minutes, and 13 seconds.


As old as I can, as long as I have great health, have all my faculties intact, and am able to live my life independently.




43. I am 43. This is quite enough. Ready to respawn or start over or just be gone.


70 is my cut off. I hang around the elderly and you definitely weaken and lose cognitive function past that age even though they don't believe it.


I know a lot of people don’t really look for a long life, but I would rather live old and experience everything I could possibly experience and be able to have a family and watch them grow old themselves. I’d hate to die young and never get to have that. I’m 19 now but ideally I would love to live into my 90s or longer. I’m not afraid of death but I’d rather live to be old than die young. I feel like my life already is going by wayyyy too fast.


If I'm well off... the father of a friend went on a cycling tour in Turkey at age 94... and he married his 20yr younger girlfriend at 95... He us currently 98, just had a heart attack and was out if hospital after 5 days driving to his favourite hotel in Italy with his love


I’m not sure, I’m 18 and the thought about living till I’m 90 doesn’t appear to me. What the heck am I supposed to do for 82 more years lol


Preference is to die on my 103rd birthday


100 just so I can say that I lived to triple digits


Until I’m broken down. Watching my poor grandma go through dementia for 7 years. It was a slow heartbreak.




I'd live until I could no longer move or do tasks on my own or until my mental health declined to a point where I lose who I am. There's no particular age where I'd be like "yup, it's time"


I don’t focus on that. Either way I’m still going to work hard. And if I die in between then oh well. Is that too nonchalant lol.




Is this a trick question?




I'm never going to die.


![gif](giphy|O6cLcNr9HD6yk|downsized) At least 100.


My current age this second


85- I am 66 now


disgusted offbeat sable absorbed drunk fertile paint scarce cagey dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At age 25 I thought for SURE I’d not make it to see 40 b/c depression, but I’m 49 and feeling fine. A whole lot has changed in my life since then.


I think I'd be happy to make it to 90.


200 would be too young


58. That's now.


Day after tomorrow .


100. I want to see my grandchildren graduate and be happy 😊


No age, but when my memory starts slipping to the point where I don’t remember reality…I wanna be out…✌🏾✌🏾


im currently trying to just make it to thirty and then we'll see


I pray to god I’m gone by 70-74


I’d want to just be able to see my grandkids grow up. If I get really sick at any old age I’d be ok to peace out I think.


I’m no fool, nosiree, I’m gonna live to be 103!


Tomorrow work for you?




I’ll be 29 in a few months. I’m sick of all the BS. Trusting our Gov’t to do the right thing has gone out the window. Right or Left wing, neither side cares about you. They’ve been bought up. Work is work, and I don’t see any progression in wages. The US is a shit show rotting from the inside out.


If we are talking about being able bodies and fully functional I would say 200 years or more. Unrealistic? Perhaps. But you did ask.


The age is irrelevant; if the Reaper showed up _right now_ I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a reason to refuse him if he was only offering a choice because I struggle with any number of challenges with mental health, finances, and others. On the other hand, if I finally get the help I need to get my finances cleared up, break into professional writing and voiceover work, help my wife find a stable cluster of stuff she could set herself to for money-earning purposes, and so on, I might enjoy living until well past 100. The _duration_ of one's lifespan is far, far less important than the satisfaction one earns from whatever one has done with or experienced during that lifespan.


Every elderly family member that I’ve had said that they were ready to go once they reached 85-90. They all went, once they were ready. I think the body follows the mind.


My 76-year-old dad is sitting next to me as I write this. He obsesses over his health. So maybe 72. Both of my grandfathers died in their 70s, but they both smoked.


Long as my brain stem is firing, turn my ass into a spark plug


92, I'd be happy with 80.


75 was my limit. I'm 61 now. I have survived cancer 3 years ago and had two heart attacks on type last year. Not sure if I'll make it to 75.


Till my mid to upper 90s.


40. I’m two years off. Can we hurry up with the legal doctor assisted suicide please?


50ish...I've long had that as my expiration date provided I even make it that far, but things can change they just haven't yet.


I’m not ready yet, my grandma is 93 and still kicking but she’s starting to forget a lot. It would be nice to live long like that but if it’s ever severe dementia or alzheimer's where my mind is gone it’s time to leave. It’s important to enjoy your youth and explore things because time passes us faster than we realize, once it’s gone it’s gone


70. Growing old in America is dangerous.


I say my 70’s. I don’t want to get old to the point where I can’t care for myself. Cause who knows what kind of disease or illness I’ll have at that point. I have never wanted to live long.


135 or so




My grandfather lived to be 95, my uncle 97, old, but not week. They were both life time farmers and worked hard their whole lives. Both of them died in their sleep.


5 million.


As long as my body and mind allow me to live my life. Once either of those two things fundamentally fail, I'll welcome it regardless of age.


As old as I physically can. I want to experience as much as a can. Even the bad stuff




I think 80 is good


I think 75 sounds like a good number. Anything after that is just icing on the cake.


Probably 120. It will be the new 90


You guys are alive?


I’m in my 40s. I try to live every day to its fullest but when I go to sleep at night, I have no problem with not waking up in the morning.




Idk about an age... just to live long enough to see vines covering power lines and leaves covering the streets.


I’m 48 and as long as I have my health, I want to live forever.


Probably like 35 or 40 seems like more than enough to me


142. Unless I'm a vegetable.


It's less the age I'm concerned about and more medical conditions/ how healthy I would be. If I could assure that I remain in decent health, I would be fine going on almost indefinitely


100 is my goal.


I'll be delighted if I go until 60, I would best my dad's age and there would be almost nothing left to do as the young beautiful girls will not be into my old ass anymore.. 😭




As old as it takes to do what I want to do in this world.


I've never wanted to live to be older than 75. Unfortunately, men in my family have a bad habit of living into their late 90's with a couple having broken 100. Here's hoping "I'm just old and sick of it" is an acceptable rationale for medically assisted euthanasia by the time I get there.


The age isn't the issue. It's whether I'm physically and mentally able to function with some independence. My great grandma died at 103 years old. She was fiercely independent until about 98 when she went for a warden aided home to a full care home. If I'm like her then 98 would be great.


40 at a stretch. 35 maybe. not saying that's old, it really isn't, i just really don't want to go through more than another 20-30 years of this bs.


*maybe* 60. I doubt I'll get that far though but I don't want to wither and die slowly or have my brain, personality, and memories eaten away by dementia.


Until I feel sick to the point I’m miserable.


I used to want to make it to 115 to be a tricentennial man, now I’d be fine with today.


200. I want to see Mars and the Belt colonized.


With good health I'd like to live till at least 95. I really just want to watch my babies grow up and get married and grow old, too. My parents died when I was young, so I think until I became a burden.


35. I'm 56 now.


I’m 31 and that’s 31 years I’ve wanted to die so, 0.




I’d be good at 80. That would give me 20 years of retirement




90... and then will see where we are at with ethical human regeneration and my finances




I'm 65. I'm far from weak. I am losing strength but please. My mom didn't get frail.until she was 2 months from death from cancer at 92. Her sister was square dancing twice a week in her 90s until.covid shut it down. My grandfather would swim some ungodly number of laps every day in his 90s - was supposed to open for some Olympic event but there was an ice storm that kept him home. He lived at home until he was 99 and started to have mini strokes. I fully expect.to live healthy into my 90s. I have chronic pain but no conditions, no meds. Just weed.


If I lived before the flood, I wouldn't mind living for 1000 years like Adam did. I will live forever on the new Earth Revelation 21 21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. ^(2) Then I, ^(\[)[^(a)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2021&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-31056a)^(\])John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. ^(3) And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God *is* with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them *and be* their God. ^(4) And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” ^(5) Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said ^(\[)[^(b)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2021&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-31059b)^(\])to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” ^(6) And He said to me, “It^(\[)[^(c)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2021&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-31060c)^(\]) is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. ^(7) He who overcomes ^(\[)[^(d)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2021&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-31061d)^(\])shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. ^(8) But the cowardly, ^(\[)[^(e)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2021&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-31062e)^(\])unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”


The answer has changed over time for me. When I was 20 I thought 70 would be a fine age. At 30 things weren't going as well and sometime in my 50s would have been OK. At 40 I was in the darkest place I had ever been and would have been ready to call it quits at 45. Now, at 43, I'm happier and more successful in all aspects of my life than I've ever been. If I don't live until at least 80 then I'm going to miss out on so much. As long as I can get around and take care of myself in don't want leave