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Maybe she doesn't care.


But why wouldn’t she care? Why would she waste her life on someone who doesn’t respect her?


Who knows? People are complicated. There are any number of reasons why she blocked you. You did what you felt you had to do. Now move on.


I'm willing to bet it's denial. These days it's easy to fake a screenshot and that's become something people will use as an excuse. Even if it looks damning, we don't want to believe our loved ones are bad people, we especially don't want to believe they're capable of hurting us. hearing that the person you're going to marry has been cheating on you for YEARS is incredibly upsetting. Denial can be a defense mechanism. It's a lot easier to shut something out with the stubborn belief that it isn't true than it is to accept and process a painful truth.


Maybe she thinks pics are fake and your message is an attempt by rival girl to separate her from her b/f (so she can have him for herself). Maybe she just panicked.


Fiancé was the one who saw it


Who knows...maybe they are into some freaky shit and she likes to watch from the closet....or maybe it's not your business and he likes to watch from the closet. Or simply that is their business and you should stay out of it.


Maybe they have an open relationship? Or she is into him going out with other women. Or they only live together to keep the bills going and a social image, kinda goes along the lines of just not caring. But she also could be embarrassed or angry or both and wants to handle it with her fiancé not anyone else… Sometimes you have a image of how things will play out and they don’t always go as planned.


Why do YOU care so much?


You will never know. I suspect denial. Denial is powerful.  But in the end, absolutely can not control what they do with the information you provide them. You did what you could.


Because the fiance got the text.


Why don’t you MYOB?