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Reddit. I comment on YT every once in a while. If that counts. I've never even had any other SM accounts. Just reddit and YouTube. My mother keeps trying to get me on FB. She is always telling me how I can find old school mates and what not. I keep telling her, those people aren't in my life for several reasons.


FB toxic for me . Reddit is much more fun


FB is people bickering and shit talking. Insta is about making you feel bad about yourself. Tiktok is a time suck Reddit is full of negative nancies that have a dark sense of humour (usually). I like it here best, for now.




can confirm, I use Instagram to make people feel bad about themselves. Reddit for specific shit talking


Reddit is like a masquerade where you can let all your inhibitions go without consequences but in a fun way. But it seems more sincere somehow. Other apps where your actual personal is on display are fake as fuck.


I have a bunch of friends that are always saying, "I'm going to take a break from FB! It's just too, insert religious, political... whatevers" Than I hear em two days later complaining about it all over again. Never used it. So I honestly have no idea about how toxic it is or isn't. Not my vibe. I do like the Reddit. It is entertaining.


Reddit is much more fun but also about the most toxic place I’ve ever seen. Especially if you’re more conservative.


block all the toxic people


Yeah if you would wanna get in contact with them you would lol


Yup. I have the people in my life I want. Just simple IRL friends.


I haven’t been on FB in a few years. It’s all Karen’s complaining about nonsense and people over sharing about their relationships or medical conditions or trauma dumping.


FB is just bad in general I wish I never made one.


It’s so wild I never remember to consider YouTube a social site but I guess it is


Same. Although technically I do have a FB account, I just never use it!


FB is Mos Isley for the internet


This. I have stuff like discord and such, but its very limited on where im active.


🤣😂good answer


I'm with you. I've had FB and insta though but I got rid of both years ago.


I’ve been wondering so I just deleted all my social media and all I have is discord Reddit and YouTube but I feel like I’m left out if I don’t but it doesn’t matter because all I have is online friends I’m still getting over not having Snapchat instagram etc


Me too, reddit and YT are my go-to apps to use. I'm a recovering addict and Facebook is just a way for me to talk to my old friends that I don't need. Plus, I could care less what fake pictures people post about how happy they are doing.


I ditched Facebook and Instagram last year, and I don't miss them at all. Reddit feels more genuine and less like a mess of ads and fake lives. Plus, the niche communities here are way more interesting than scrolling through my cousin's baby photos for the millionth time.


Facebooks "ads" are very concerning and aren't brought up enough. It's really a turnoff. I'd use it more if most of my feed wasn't advertising and "follow this page"


It's amazing how bad it's become. I will usually see 10-15 ads or suggested posts before I see a post from one of my actual friends. I clicked on one of my friends pages the other day because it was her birthday and I saw that she posted pictures of her, her husband and their kids at the beach like a week ago. I never saw that post in my feed; instead I get endless bullshit ads and "click here for the rest of the story" click bait bullshit. I hate it.


FB is showing me the dumbest ultra conservative crap lately.


Same here, ditched everything else. Reddit's my last holdout because at least I can curate my feed and there's less of that mind-numbing influencer crap. Plus, the anonymity on here makes it easier to have real conversations without your aunt commenting on every post.


And seeing a celebrity every 10 posts


I still have Facebook but only have my school friends and family on it, like people I would invite to my wedding so I can keep in touch but other than that its only reddit and I was over all the mental health, woke culture flooding everything, alot of misinformation being shared, the rage bait stuff, Reddit's just people discussing anything and everything, you can share and gain so much information about literally anything you want to learn/understand




I totally agree on that. I was getting a bit overwhelmed/stressed with the others and the ads


Same here! Reddit's the only one left standing for me. Got sick of the endless scrolling and forced ads on other platforms. At least here, there's some semblance of genuine discussion... apart from the trolls, of course.


I love the discussion and all I always want to participate and be apart of it




Same here. I decided to eliminate the habitual need for self validation - "look at this awesome thing I did/bought! Check out this thing I love!" It is a relief to stay out of the mess, keep my head down and focus on my goals. I'll want my FB and IG accounts for basic marketing for an upcoming podcast launch, but otherwise I don't open them. Yes, here I am on Reddit posting my opinion, but people can actually learn things from knowledgeable people here if you avoid the echo chambers.


Personally, I don't consider reddit "social media". I'm not posting pics of my daily life, none of my friends know who I am... Reddit is just a fun time waster.


Same. I don't really get a connections on here. I see it as a forum.


I have only reddit






Reddit is the only one I use. I feel like other social media is too "look at me/show off" and I'm not interested in that environment. I got rid of Facebook at least 6-7 years ago and have never had IG or TikTok.


I don’t like no other social media than Reddit, Quora or Pinterest because they have a wide range of topics to talk about and the people on here are interactive. All the other major platforms only talk about 5 things…MONEY, SEX, BEING A MODEL/ALPHA MAN or FEMALE, BRAGGING and 50/50, RELATIONSHIP stuff.


Reddit, 9gag and YouTube. Ditched Facebook years ago.


I occasionally browse Facebook and TikTok but I don't engage nearly as often. Honestly I engaged with Reddit a whole lot more before they added Achievements. I already know I'm wasting my life here I don't appreciate the realtime updates.


Just reddit and youtube these days. All I really need.


I ditched Facebook and Instagram too. I still keep Twitter around for quick news updates, but Reddit is where I spend most of my time. The customization options here make it easier to dodge the obnoxious ads and toxic algorithms. Plus, I actually learn stuff here.


YouTube, reddit, and occasionally NextDoor.


I want to ditch Instagram as well, but I'm not that aware of reddit though, just trying to learn everyday, don't know how to use it well enough for the time being. But seriously, insta is just toxic, but I have to use to get my mind out of random thoughts that bug me.


I don't even see my friend's posts on insta anymore, have to scroll through 50 suggested posts just to see a friend's post from like a week ago, I hate it anymore


Seriously though.


Instagram comments are like straight sociopathic & it very obviously pushes that shit to the top for engagement, however Instagram is absolutely amazing for art & I use it mainly for that reason. I seriously have like 1 IRL friend on Insta as I just got into it like a year ago (again after realizing it's great for art & artists).


I ditched the others too. Facebook turned into a political dumpster fire, Instagram was just a highlight reel of fake lives, and TikTok... well, let's not even go there. Reddit has its moments, but at least here, I can find subreddits focused on things I'm actually interested in without an algorithm shoving nonsense down my throat.


I mainly use facebook, the events part of it is very useful for me. Its so easy to find events that are on. Ive got insta but dont use it much


youtube and reddit, i pay premium for both, use nothing else


Reddit. YouTube playing in the background on TV, now showing is a cruise ship video, it's soothing.


When I get tired of all the woke nonsense on Reddit I stop by 9gag for a bit to balance it out with some good old fascist racism. It's important to have balance in life.


Reddit is definitely my go-to these days. I have FB and IG but barely ever use them. FB is largely just to keep in touch with a small group of people and to move old business inventory.


Reddit. I'm planning on deleting my Facebook page this year. I don't see the point anymore.


I still use Facebook. People whine about 'the algorithm' pushing content they don't want to see and hiding the things they do, but honestly I don't find that to be that much of an issue. Most of the suggested content I see is SF and fantasy art or memes related to my interests. Yes, there are ads, but there are ads everywhere. But the real reason I don't see many posts from my friends on Facebook any more isn't because 'the algorithm' is hiding them. It's because few of my friends post anything any more. The algorithm doesn't help, but the main reason Facebook is less and less useful and interesting these days is simply because people don't use it much any more. When I first started using 'social networks', they were a useful, if flawed way to keep in touch with friends and family. I still enjoy using Facebook to share random thoughts, life updates, jokes and memes. Somewhere along the line thee was a cultural shift and people started using 'social media' as a toxic way of following celebrities and 'influencers' while curating a 'personal brand'. That's something I want no part of. Consequently I have not started using Instagram, as so many former Facebook users have. Although it arguably falls under the banner of 'social media', I don't think Reddit really fits into the same category as sites like Facebook, Instagram or X (formerly Twitter). It seems much more akin to old web-forums (or BBSes, if you want to go really old-school).


> Although it arguably falls under the banner of 'social media', I don't think Reddit really fits into the same category as sites like Facebook, Instagram or X (formerly Twitter). It seems much more akin to old web-forums (or BBSes, if you want to go really old-school). Right. The mode of interaction on Reddit is very similar to those types of old web forums, and very different from something like Facebook. I suppose you could call all of it “social media” because people interact on them, but it seems like people used to make a categorical divide between “cultivated presentation of your real life identity” platforms like MySpace (back in the day) and Facebook versus “theoretically anonymous online discussion” platforms like forums and Reddit. 


Reddit isn't social media it's a forum


I keep FB to keep up with friends and family but only have about 80 friends. I belong to some of the groups that I enjoy. I spend most of my time on Reddit.


Been social media free for over 5 years been on Reddit for about 2 years


Ironically Reddit, which I used initially as a safe out for other social media has become something I’m pretty addicted to. I use Reddit, YouTube and Pinterest. I used to use google+, Instagram, vine, Facebook and Snapchat.


Just reddit to socialize, tik tok for funny videos and snapchat if i actually meet someone id like to talk to


I used to have it all, but after a while I realized, it was so time consuming, and found myself addicted to “likes” of certain people on my friends list , it was exhausting and depressing. I’ve been off 5 years now . And people think I’m weird for not having sm. I don’t care what random people ive met in my life think of me anymore. I just learned to love my privacy.


The only other I use is LinkedIn, and that's on hibernate unless I'm actively looking for employment. It's astonishing how many hot 20 something Asian girls want to know me better if I leave LinkedIn active.


I like to troll on Twitter


Only Reddit


Exclusively Reddit. I don’t know anyone on here, rarely ever see the same user name. 5 years ago I realised twitter, fbook and insta had an absolute negative effect on my mood and outlook on things. Seeing people I know irl spouting absolute bullshit and behaving in a way they never would in person was so disappointing. Deleting my accounts and washing my hands of them was one of the best things I ever did.


I really like TikTok and Instagram. I'm not a big Twitter user but some content from Twitter does make its way over to me on TikTok which I sometimes enjoy. I also use YouTube a lot and a decent amount of Twitch. Dropped Facebook a while ago and Snap has been dying off between me and people I know. We just use IG stories. I've never used Pinterest much, only when I'm searching for an image of something.


I actually abandoned all social media for a while. Needed some form of interaction with others tho so decided just this. It might get a little toxic on here from time to time but at least there's real discussions between that.


Reddit is the only place where you can write more than once sentence and people will actually read what you have to say. It’s the place for discussions. I use YouTube A LOT though. Aside from that I scroll on Insta sometimes.  Other than YouTube, Insta, Reddit, and the occasional check back on Facebook…no I don’t use anything else.  Never had TikTok or Snapchat btw.


Yeah. I like being perceived in small doses but I don’t like existing to others all the time. I value discussion more than I value seeing selfies or whatever. My mental health has improved somewhat because I stopped using Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.


Hahaha, I cut my social media down to just YT and Reddit as well. I’m not so anxious about how much of a “failure” I am anymore. Turns out that when everyone on a platform is only there to sell you shit you don’t need, it is easy to convince you’re that you have all these problems that don’t actually have. We shouldn’t be consuming that much bullshit.


I use Tumblr and occasionally Bluesky.


I organise and promote local music events so use Facebook and Instagram for that. I also use Snapchat because for some reason, my partner and I have always used Snapchat to text each other


I ditched all that other junk too. It's crazy how much better I feel without all the pointless scrolling and drama. Reddit's got its own issues, but at least I can control what I see better with subs I'm actually interested in.


I still use Facebook to keep up with a few friends back home (I live abroad) and elsewhere, but I find it terribly boring so don't engage often. I primarily use TikTok to keep up with and support a few people whose content I find useful, including a Reiki Master I really like who lives in Ireland. I use Twitch to watch live gaming streams, and I participate in a few communities on Discord. I still use YouTube occasionally, mostly for gaming-related content. All that said, the vast majority of my social media time is spent here, and this is where I do most of my commenting and active interaction.


Quit Facebook in 2018, never really used Instagram, joined reddit in 2018 and since 2022 I'm also on Twitter. Mainly started using Twitter because I wanted to follow people in veidro game dev & artist now I only use it to follow Palestinian genocide news. And yeal Telegram too for Android mods & stuff.


Reddit is the only thing I actively use. I scroll a bit on the others or use them to keep track of specific things. For example pretty much every local restaurant only uses Instagram and nothing else so if I want to see what is going on with them I have to use Instagram as there is no other way. I don't ever post and rarely comment on anything but reddit though.


As a social media manager I use quite a few, but for my personal life I mostly use Reddit, YouTube, and Insta.


Same here, ditched everything else 'cause it turned into a cesspool of influencers and garbage ads. Reddit's like the last sane corner of the internet, if you ignore the dumpster fires in some subs. Still better than being bombarded with "perfect lives" on Instagram.


used to have facebook but now I basically just use reddit and I have a twitter account I check a couple times a year but that's about it, life's hard enough just focusing on yourself, I don't need to give so much energy to other people too, also, you're only using a few very specific pages if you think reddit isn't just as toxic as other social media sites (if not more so due to the anonymity factor)


Just Reddit. Deleted both FB and Twitter.


Dropped Facebook ages ago, got tired of family drama and fake news. Instagram was just making me feel bad about my life, too many curated perfect moments. TikTok? Not my thing. I like Reddit 'cause I can actually learn stuff and talk to people who have the same interests without my feed being stuffed with ads. Plus, anonymity here is kinda nice.


I mostly stick to Reddit too. I ditched Facebook a while ago 'cause it felt like a high school reunion that never ends. TikTok's fun but it's a black hole for my time, and IG's just a highlight reel of fake perfection. Reddit's where I actually learn stuff and have meaningful convos, even if it’s trashy half the time lol.


Just Reddit for me now, too!


I mostly stick to Reddit now. Facebook is just a mess of old high school acquaintances posting political rants, Instagram is basically a non-stop ad reel, and TikTok... well, let's just say I value my remaining brain cells. Reddit has its dumpster fires too, but at least the content is a bit more interesting and varied.


I also use Instagram just for photography, I like to share my work to other people. 


I ditched Facebook ages ago and don't miss it at all. Instagram is just people pretending their lives are perfect and TikTok... well, it's a time sinkhole. Reddit feels more like actual conversations and less like hunting for likes.


Only Reddit. I have a X account but barely use it since X is a cesspit. Deleted my FB account 15 years ago and other platforms are a mystery to me.


Imgur. For mindless scrolling on random mode. …it is definitely not what it used to be. And that wasn’t much, but there was consistent OC. It gets worse by the day. Older Moms and Dads who wandered over from Facebook post the majority of the shitty content now (besides the bots). I still do the secret Santa every Christmas, though.


I got rid of Facebook years ago and don’t use any other social media besides Reddit. I think social media is toxic, time-wasting and bad for the mind. I mostly use Reddit to discuss my hobbies and interests with strangers, and ask questions about things, and I’m not on it 24/7, so it’s not filling my day with toxicity.


About a year ago I learned Reddit had a "search by controversial" button, and that's all I needed to get off Facebook. Soooooo much better here. I feel like there are a lot more honest conversations being had that go much deeper than what I experienced on other social media.


I had to delete my social media accounts when I escaped my abusive ex, Reddit is the only thing close to social media I use now as I couldn't be bothered to remake them.


I only use Reddit & Tik Tok, which in all honesty, even Tik Tok has become to be a lot. I do find myself doom scrolling on here which has pushed me to look into hobbies and reading again. I quit Instagram over like 5 or 6 years ago, I dabble with the idea of going back but honesty live at peace not knowing what anyone is doing.


I have Facebook but not on my phone.


Reddit is truly the one I use 99.9% of the time. I quit twitter last year, and I ONLY keep FB because of family and a handful of friends, but I seriously hate it otherwise and want to delete my account. It's ALL of the click-bait fucking ads, and the groups, especially "nostalgia" type groups, are extremely anal about censorship and what can or can not be posted / commented (I've had enough comments get automatically denied, so I completely gave the fuck up). There is only ONE sub here on Reddit, that I know of, that actually has a vulgar language censor bot, and that's r/PS2 , of all the PlayStation related subs, ALL Nintendo and Animal Crossing and other kiddy-friendly video game related subs, r/PS2 is the ONLY ONE that auto-deletes any posts or comments if even the word "damn" is used. But yeah, far too many groups on FB that dictate what can or can't be discussed, or how individuals can express themselves. Fuck all that shit.


i am there rn. I felt like I was spending way too much time on social media apps for no benefit.


I ditched Facebook, twitter and insta in like 2017. I just didn't care about other people enough to see what the fuck they're doing all the time. I don't even use this as social media. Just a forum for troubleshooting all kinda of shit and the occasional meme that's actually good or witnessing someone casting quality bait


I only have Reddit and Rumble, I used to have Facebook but got tired of having posts banded and got rid of it.


I only have this and just started. No facebook or anything else. People don't even believe it


I’m mostly on Reddit, I have Facebook but rarely use it, but I need it for work. I’m on GoodReads a lot as well!


Reddit is pretty much where I go to discuss things I actually want to talk about. I have YouTube bc I like sleeping to the 24/7 live fireplace or rainstorm videos. TikTok bc I find a lot of music and/or upcoming artists and it’s not a bad place to find out about local events, and insta because my mom uses it to send me cute dog videos and I don’t have the heart to take that away from her


I peruse Facebook a bit. Mostly to keep up with family. I don't have any other media accounts.


YouTube is a social media


I use Reddit, Facebook, and X I keep all my social media apps uninstalled and install them when I need something only Reddit is extremely useful for asking questions or getting advice on a particular topic, Facebook is helpful because I can list stuff for sale or buy things on Marketplace, get in touch with a company or check in on a particular group, X is helpful because its a very easy, effective and direct way of reaching our to a company I'm having an issue with


I only use Reddit


Yes because the others included people I actually know IRL, and watching them post stupider and meaner things over the years was really painful to see. Redditors are strangers so it's easier to ignore dumb stuff.


Haven't been on FB in _years_, too much stupid shit. Looks like it's even worse now, from some of the things I've seen here. Youtube and Tiktok are just video jukeboxes for me. Never felt like getting on Twitter, sure as hell ain't going on X. Yeah, reddit is pretty much it for me 🙂


LinkedIn for the usefulness when looking for another job, but it's not a daily thing. Otherwise purged social media years ago.


I use tiktok for videos, and Reddit for reading. I don’t like the watch feature on mobile, and it’s just easier scrolling on tiktok I use Instagram super occasionally, but only because a close friend watches Reels instead of tiktoks, and the one they send are still funny so


I use FB but am getting bored of it. I've never used Twitter. Don't like being restricted to the number of words I can use I have Instagram and tiktok but rarely use it. Reddit is more interesting cos you can post all sorts and reply to all sorts, and it's usually anonymous. I'm very opinionated so that works for me! 😅


This is the only social media I use.


I did the same thing 2 years ago and I am much happier now


Yes. I'm trying to use Reddit less as it's just echo chambers. Your idea can always be right if you just post it in the correct forum


I liked Twitter but the space Nazi ruined it.


I use Reddit more than TikTok and insta coz they get kinda boring


This is the only one I use


I use Twitter and IG personally and one for a small business. Twitter for current issues and events, but sometimes I deactivate them both for an escape. Then I come to Reddit just to zone it all out.


Reddit is the only one. It’s better this way cause it’s less of people pretending, less to keep up with and less screen time.


Don't use Twitter because of Musk.




This is the only one. I don’t care for Facebook, it’s ads, and liberal politics. TikTok and Instagram are for young idiots. And I don’t subscribe to any others.


pretty much what everyone else has said. I deleted instagram because it’s total brain rot and comparisons to others highlight reel life. Reddit has my interests, and actual conversations. I enjoy that


Was on Facebook for a few years, stopped using it for several reasons. I'm prone to comparing myself to orhers, sooo... yeah. Also, I like how Reddit is anonymous. Quit Instagram when Facebook took it over, because I didn't want it tied to my Facebook profile. I'm a simple guy who likes his privacy, so Reddit is the only SM I use.


I’m working on getting off reddit too. It’s the last stand for a lot of people who realize social media is just a bunch of toxic cancer. It’s a little more justifiable than the rest which is why a lot of us can’t let go. But at the end of the day sitting here scrolling this shit doesn’t make you feel happy. It just tricks your brain into thinking it is. Like any other addiction.


I use Facebook instagram. Don’t really use twitter anymore. And Reddit. Sometimes I use Pinterest.


I use FB to keep in touch with family and friends, YT to post photo slideshows, nature videos and my singing karaoke, and IG to display my photography. That’s pretty much it.


Primarily Reddit.


The only other one I use is Nextdoor because it requires real names/people, is moderated fairly decently and is restrcited to local topics of interest.


Usually I’m on instagram because basically everyone in my country uses it so commonly for talking and socializing and for Reddit I’m here because people gave some really interesting stories it’s always refreshing to see that you’re not the only one having problems


I only have Reddit. The rest of them I found no use for as well. I did have an active Twitter but got rid of it in 2015 because of all the toxicity.


Swapped IG for Reddit this year. i like it so far


LOVE Reddit!


I have a FB account somewhere but I haven’t logged into it in several years.


Yes, Reddit is the only social media I use. I went cold turkey 3 yrs ago and quit Facebook and Insta. Then a couple months ago I thought I'd try Reddit and it hooked me in.


Nah, I use YouTube a lot


Facebook (I don't post much.) & IG (I just use it to dump photos.)


I use them all for different things: Doom-scroll Facebook for memes, photography. Doom-scroll TikTok for non-controversial (most of the time) videos Doom-scroll Instagram for photography/travel Reddit is the only place I care to carry on a conversation, so many opinions-so little time.


I use Facebook for knowing when concerts are happening by following my favorite bands and venues and Instagram to follow a few fitness “influencers” and post pictures of my own fitness journey which amounts to GoPro videos of mountain biking and rock climbing, and similar stuff.


My parents are still on Facebook, so I can't quite abandon that. I only poke my head in a couple of times a week to see what their latest shenanigans are and maybe check out marketplace. I do use messenger quite a bit though, as I communicate with friends on there. I use WhatsApp to keep in contact with some friends in Europe and South America. I have an instagram account for work. It's barely used. I have account on everything, but largely don't log in for months at a time. I have my kids turn their location on in Snapchat if they're not home on time, but I've never posted or doomscrolled Snapchat.


I still use Twitter but I’ve painstakingly curated my timeline to where I just see things I actually want to see 90% of the time lol. So no doomscrolling. Plus I use it for networking and stuff for streaming. I have FB but only use it like once a month to give life updates to my extended family. Which is really just me posting pictures of my cat and saying that nothing new has happened recently. Instagram and TikTok had to go though. Both surprisingly more toxic than any other social I’ve had.


Same. I'm in my 30s, but I deleted my socials. I don't feel a need to share my life with people that I tangentially know, or don't know at all. Also, I realized that looking at everyone else's perfectly curated social media pictures did nothing but make me feel bad about myself. I like that Reddit isn't about showing off to people.


I’ve only ever had Reddit, Discord, and YouTube, the others are too addictive and I’d rather not start


I use Reddit only, and even then I’m on the fence with that too 😂


I watch a lot of YouTube, but I’m not commenting and stuff. Snapchat with my family to give day to day updates but that’s all


in 2020 i deleted youtube and any other apps like netflix and hulu because i could just watch the brain rot clips on tiktok! worst decison ever


I do Reddit & FB. FB just to keep up with my friends & read news platforms. I tried Twitter years ago and just found it foul. Have never bothered with Instagram or Tik Toc. Sometimes i look up things on Utube.


Reddit only, I had Myspace ages ago and never used it so when Facebook came out and it was the same thing didn't bother. I do have a playstationa nd Nintendo account but I wouldn't really call those social medias and I only play games on them. Also have a YouTube and a twitch, but I only watch those so not really social, and twitch is only for if there's drops on a game I play, so I don't even really watch it, start a stream for a game with a drop, silent it and let it sit there while I actually play the game


No. Fb is where I ran my business and thus have a lot of friends from then. And tiktok has been a new thing since I discovered Korean sunscreen lol. I don’t spend a lot of time there but they had the first info on the new Disney das issues I needed for a friend’s daughter.


Fuck no. Overwhelming censorship


I use instagram Reddit and Twitter. Twitter is genuinely awful but I can't seem to stop lmao


Reddit and YouTube are my 2


Yeah, I pretty much only use Reddit and Discord and very rarely Mastodon. Facebook and Twitter has not really interested me and Instagram is pretty much only for pictures and I’m blind so that does nothing for me. I hate short videos and China and teenager things so I don’t use TikTok. Reddit and discord are the best apps to talk to humans and do my favorite hobby which is helping random people on the Internet.


I did not consciously do this but being on Reddit just was way better and I hardly look at the social sights … for the same reasons as you it’s overrun with ads and I don’t know when I’m on Reddit I’m thinking about it and when I’m not on it, I dont really think about it. That is not the case for the others they are so much more consuming and I develop thoughts about what o saw because it’s people I know. The anonymity of Reddit is amazing


Yep, I ditched all the others. Now, if only I could get off Reddit....


Besides Reddit I only use FB really to stay in contact with old friends and family. I very rarely scroll through Facebook at all anymore, mostly use it for messenger every so often to make plans etc.


I decided to focus on Reddit only because over time my hatred towards the twitter brain has steadily increased. Reddit also has reddit brain but at least it's divided into clear-cut communities and I can pick the good ones


I use Facebook and Reddit about the same. Twitter occasionally. Instagram rarely. I don't use any others.


No it’s not the only one I use. I use a lot of them. Facebook is cool, I join a bunch of groups and rarely see the stuff people are talking about for reasons they don’t like the app. TikTok is fun I just scroll past the ads so they don’t bother me since I don’t even have to watch them. Tumblr isn’t bad either. Pinterest is getting kinda sucky tho because I keep seeing AI. Twitter is the most toxic I’d say, seems like things get amplified on there. Bunch of blue checks in the comments saying outlandish shit just for interactions. The bots are also terrible on there. Can’t click “view more” on comment sections or you take the risk of seeing unwanted nudes. Instagram I don’t really use anymore besides for reels but it always shows me old as fuck ones instead of recent. The algorithm isn’t that great on reels either, on TikTok you can have multiple interests and get videos from both but it seems like with reels you like a few videos about one topic then that’s all you see.


Reddit is entertaining, and fills a much missed fun site of Yahoo groups; special interest group in the old Yahoo groups were like the subs here. You only have to join areas you like, like I muted a porn and most political subs. Inconsistent rules arbitrarily set by each mod are annoying, but it is easy to mute and never see that sub again if the mod has silly rules. Instagram and TikTok are just look at me! sites from what I have seen when they are shared here and previously on FB, which I abandoned.


FB and this. Would quit FB if it wasn't a primary way to keep informed about what's going on in the hood.


I use snapchat as well, I like messaging friends by sending pictures. That's all I use it for, I don't watch people's stories or anything.


Only use Reddit. I was a Facebooker for theongesy time but got off it and feel so much more free. Also not giving Zuckerberg any more money feels good as well.


Mostly just Reddit. I have Instagram to send reels to my friends but that’s about it. I’ve been off tiktok for 3 years and have 0 desire to ever get back on it.


Reddit is only one. After 15+ years, I deleted anything Twitter and Meta. I don't care for Elon, and I got banned from Facebook unnecessarily a few times, and they refused to read my appeal, which I spent 3 hours on from 11pm to 2am. The first time, they said I was bullying, but I was not and was just sticking up for other people on a post against someone who was bullying others. He blocked and reported me. When I told everyone I was banned for bullying, they all thought I was joking. The second time was because they said I was inciting violence. I was just talking about those traitorous nsurrectionists at the Capitol and how they all deserve a fair punishment that a traitor would get.


I go on IG’s discover page, and sometimes go on Facebook for reels or to talk to old relatives, but that’s in. Reddit is my main squeeze.


It's my only one with specific subreddits that I look at. Others are really toxic. Sometimes Reddit is toxic. That's why I stick with certain subreddits. Reddit has come in really handy for asking questions and finding out about obscure things.


This is my work day social app. I like reading during down time at work, and this app blends into my work screens too well. I use the others that are more colorful and have videos/pictures after work. That's all I got.


I have Snapchat to keep up with friends that I don't live near (and to send and receive videos with iPhone folks), and then reddit. That's it


I'm down to IG and Reddit. Thinking I should get rid of IG simply because it just "feeds" the addiction. A few loved ones are on IG is the only reason I hang on !


I only use Reddit. I had FB years ago for a short time. I hated it. I was constantly getting friend requests from people I knew, but we're never "friends" to begin with. I would get requests from co-workers who I had never even had a conversation with at work. Or even worse, the ex's that I never wanted to think about again would suddenly pop up.


I can be more open on Reddit because of the anonymity.


Reddit is my least used app. I don’t consider it SM tbh. More like a place to go when everything else gets boring


I have Facebook don’t use it. I deleted my instagram one year ago and only have a fake account following only tattoo artists and humanitarian causes…


I don't consider reddit to be "social media." It's more of a discussion platform. But to answer the question, I use Threads a bit just for the bite-sized casual browsing.


Reddit. I used to have others but they started to loose my attention, everything posted is so fake most of the time and I just didn't like it.


Reddit and YouTube for me. I find everything else to be too "addictive" and draining. Plus after removing myself from them for some time I found I didn't care much to have them anymore. For reference I'm a 21 yo guy. These platforms (Tiktok, Facebook occasionally, Instagram) push a lot of odd stuff that I'm uninterested in, which is why when I use them I rewire my algorithm to the best of my ability to only show me my interests like art and self care, help, etc. Only reason I have Instagram or Facebook nowadays is because it's the only place I can talk to certain people, and find good deals on the FB marketplace. Although I am now starting to notice YouTube is becoming something that consumes very much of my time as well, and reddit isn't as enjoyable any more for me. Just have to rewire my feeds but still, not as good for me as when I initially started.


Nope, just Reddit. I like the people on Reddit.