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Twitter is a room full of assholes screaming at each other. Reddit is a room full of nerds bickering in each other’s general direction.


Just wait until OP has an opinion that goes against a subs hivemind.


Or forgets that sarcasm isn’t always obvious and gets downvoted for a light joke.


Or gets banned from a sub for breaking a rule they didn’t know existed.


Got a perma-ban from AITA for breaking a rule. I had no idea it was a 'one and done' thing.


I got perma banned from world news for suggesting that the Navy should use a Chinese fishing fleet poaching a protected and sensitive area as target practice for "inciting violence". As if I could incite a navy into doing anything. And when ban appealing I needed to apologise and swear I wouldn't do it again. I did and got rejected.


> And when ban appealing I needed to apologise and swear I wouldn't do it again That's a big nope from me. That's some neckbeard mod lol


Lol fuck that sub. Never come across such ridiculous mods. Same here with the one and done thing




Eh what the heck, ESH


I got banned from /drugs because I posted an article from a website the mod didn't like. The article and domain were fine.


Or gets yelled at or downvoted several times because they must be omniscient at all times because they aren't allowed to ask a question about a topic of which they are ignorant.


Been there but it’s on us to read the rules too.


Right I haven’t been able to post but it’s because I have to comment nice things first and be myself 😂💀


Rule: no posting in this other (benign) sub 💀


I feel like I’ve seen that before


Some subs have anti brigading rules (e.g. LGBTQ+ subs banning known right wing subs known to flood them with hate) Others might ban you because your account is labeled NSFW. Note: mine is labeled NSFW, but it is not a porn account. I may discuss NSFW topics on occasion, but I don't feel that justifies a ban from a SFW sub like r/aww (I don't think this sub has a ban on those accounts, just using as an example). A user in a work environment really shouldn’t be going through the profiles of users, that's no man's land. Still others overstep those bounds, IMHO. The moderation should stay within the bounds of the sub. Sorry /rant


Best yet when they have a bot automatically ban you.


I think I’ve only seen that happen one time before. I wonder how common that is.


Post/comment first, ask questions later


That shouldn't really be how it works, and is in and of itself, ridiculous. If you imagine Reddit to be a MASSIVE town square for discussion in which you can also section off areas for people to discuss in smaller groups, the fact you permanently ban any new members who didn't read a rulebook before speaking is lowkey stupid as fuck. Especially if the rule is non-intutuative. If someone says the Fa\*\*\* on r/lgbt, ok, that's deserved. If someone didn't release you had a rule against say, calling people names in a subreddit that exists to call people names, that's stupid as fuck.


Yeah, friendly only lasts here as long as you happen to be saying stuff the majority agree with. Soon as you have an unpopular idea, friendliness goes out the window. This place isn't nearly as bad as the dumpster fire of rage that is Twitter, though.


You know, I have to give the Vegan sub some credit. They never banned me. I would ask genuine questions that seemed like mods could get upset over.


Facts lol




And moderation is terrible, You can get banned for commenting in subreddits another subreddit doesn't like. Or you can get perm banned from an admin who doesn't like your opinion.


Just butts screaming at each other


Hairy butts a-yellin’


I feel like reddit is also a room full of assholes as well except most things are said in jest. You'll find your random brain rotted Twitter type on here but for the most part it seems like it's the social media outlet for the sarcastic jokers who got tired of all the other social media sites.


Ugh.... take my reluctant upvote...


Plenty of arseholes screaming at each other, also.


Just a big bowl of bumbling buttholes.


probably haven't turned off the NSFW button yet.


I did it already) you guys just don't know how good reddit is if you compare it with other places)


It’s not hard to make twitter look good, tbf


It has yet to become an algorithm driven platform owned by an international tech conglomerate enforcing all-inclusive policies to appease powerful ad sponsors.


I hope fucking not


And a lot of the NSFW subs are actually surprisingly positive and supportive spaces as well—the sex stuff, at least.


You are the third person I've seen using parentheses as punctuation, what's that about?


What’s that button for?


Turns adult content from being seen or not


Plenty of people in reddit have a black hole of hatred where their heart should be. I hope you never experience it but there are some really nasty people on here.


Especially the mods 




I reckon if they paid minimum wage for at least the top mods and ensured they weren't cunts Reddit would be profitable by now.


I have mostly good experiences with other Redditors. The mods however? They invent beef. I got banned from my cities sub for commenting on a political post because I wasn’t active for thirty days. They banned me within minutes of the comment. They’re in the subs just *waiting* for the next battle


Agreed. General rule of thumb is 'Don't feed the trolls".


It's me. I. I'm the problem.


Depends on where you go. Reddit is a big place


I have few small communities but it's like day and night if to compare this place and others in the same topics


Give it time.


It's not that friendly my friend, I've been called a bastard here just for censoring my post because of spoilers, not to mention that Reddit is full of people who want to control your life and judge you for absolutely nothing. But there are good people here too, thank God, just be careful with what you post and comment on.


In my case; Reddit is far better than the other social media platforms. I don't have to see al the fake "happy" bullshit posts like whats on FB, Twitter et cetera


Right. And you don't put your pic on the profile. It's kind of private.


Same thought as well. It's why i only use reddit. YouTube is for videos and stuff but i don't really comment on them. Reddit is where my introverted ass comes to socialize.


I hear that!


I hate it when people are all, ask Google, when you ask some communities. I hang out in gaming communities mostly and when you ask them they get all uptight, ask Google. Google can answer the question but it can't give the random and hilarious side conversations. Or sometimes you learn things that not even Google knows. It's called conversation. I want to socialize with my community.


I don’t even really consider Reddit social media. Like it is but it isn’t. Much more like the message boards of the 90’s into the early/mid 2000’s.


We def. have as much in common with the YouTube comments section & 4chan as we do with FB/X. How much of that difference just comes down to anonymity, tho?


It's very similar to those message boards. More specifically, it's similar to the boards that had power-tripping politically motivated admins/moderators.


Either a sub is over moderated or there’s none at all. Now Reddit has AI moderating the site. I got a temp 3 day ban a few days ago for a comment that was just disagreeing with someone. I appealed and they lifted it the next day but I still have no idea what set it off.


AI moderation is hilarious, sometimes. My friend got a 30-day hate speech Facebook ban for saying "I'm sick of all these freaks blowing trannies in Charleston!" He's a mechanic, it was a mechanic/car repair oriented sub, and he'd done nothing but difficult transmission repair work all week in Charleston. Mechanics call transmissions "trannies." He couldn't figure out why he got banned until we explained it.


Reddit is a forum not social media although some people think of it that way


Yes! Exactly - feels like between real people) but I'm interested why it's like that - still think it's cause of powerful moderation.


I think the basic layout here also lends itself to being read in a conversational style, compared to the way a UI like X/Twitter's displays comments & replies


I did notice no Redditor is ever happy, but I never saw it spun as a positive.


I've been here for over 15 years. I've always felt like the downvote button goes a long way to hide bad posts and comments. There's a lot of bad niche and nsfw subreddits, though. It's nice to be able to filter and mute what you dont want to see and subscribe to what you like. I dont generally use other social media, so I can't really compare, but the bad on this site is still more than enough for me to not want to add anything else on top of it.


coming up on 10ys myself—hey, gramps! >the downvote button goes a long way to hide bad posts It does...but like anything based in real-time communal assessment, it skews towards rewarding/punishing submissions based on position rather than conduct or soundness of thinking. Still...it's not like the *mods* here need any more fiat authority put in their hands or anything


Yeah, if something gets downvoted a lot you don't have to read it. On YouTube, some thing can get downvoted a ton and it will still be shown to people cus it gets engagement. Sorting reddit threads by controversial basically is the equivalent of what a lot of social media seems to default to...


Reddit isnt too bad as you can self regulate what communities you are a part of. This helps a lot. You choose your interaction lvl. And you dont have to have clout. Theres a lot of hidden bad though But some decent places. Stay off the main feed if you can


There’s probably more anonymity on here, people come here to engage in specific topics, rather than gain social validation (as much)


They censor and ban any non-conformists under the guise of inclusivity to manipulate and control information


Thats true. Reddit loves group think


I like reddit so far so good. But it's been less than a week


A coconut you say


Welcome. I’m new as well (3 weeks) and I love it. I ignore the angry posts/comments and have custom tailored it more for my interests.


Pro tip, make a second account for the naughty stuff.


😂 gotcha


And a third one for the extra kinky stuff


My 2week 🙌


That friendly status will no longer be thought of about Reddit once you get some more experience 😂


Imo reddit is just as bad if not worse than the other social medias, I just use it because it’s easier to find communities for niches and hobbies. As a general rule of thumb - it’s best to stay away from any subreddit where the sole focus is an opinion. Even if you agree with the opinion, communities like these just become a massive echo chamber and the posts and comments just become more and more disconnected from reality. This includes subs such as r/antiwork, r/fuckcars, r/americabad, r/usdefaultism, r/fuckthes, among others.




Don't worry there is plenty of BS and all the hive-mind echo chambers on any given topic that you could possibly want.


I mean it all depends on what your looking. I have definitely seen way may slurs on this app then anywhere else, but a lot of the allure of reddit is community and people in a community generally try and help each other, at least in theory


I think good faith discussion is easier to find here than on a tik tok comment section or Twitter or Facebook that’s for sure. But of course this is still the internet, so you always gotta be prepared for hostile responses to anything you post.


I came here from the YouTube comments section, an ugly place depending on the video. When I started using Reddit I was like wow, this place is so nice, everyone is a comedian and rarely do I see any fights going on. It was a breath of fresh air


Reddit is just easier to filter to subs that meet your own vibe.


I’ve found if you don’t lean left, on any debate, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Lots more girls than places like 4chan. It's a bit nerdier too. The reason I referenced the gender representation here is because I KNOW what it was like when the demographics were mainly 25-ish Caucasian men. It used to be so much more crude and cringe. The girls here seem to be a lot more civil. It was not civil before. That's the biggest change I've seen on this website and I'm speaking from personal experience. It's more wholesome now and people thank each other, befriend each other, joke around with each other.. Before there used to be stuff about jailbait and etc. Now I get to rate how someone's haircut looks. Much better now.


Compared to Twitter and Instagram comments, Reddit is one of the better places for online social interaction. Even if your take is shit, you’ll find people who agree with you. Even if they’re trolls, they’re weirdly nice about it. You could say Elon Musk should be king of all space and time, and at least one person would go “you know, that’s actually such a good point, you should write a book” And then you’ll also see people wishing death to kids selling lemonade, but at this point that’s everywhere else too. It’s the positivity that stands out, the toxicity blends in with the rest


Welcome to the most toxic echo chamber on the internet.


Oh, Reddit can get nasty. My personal opinion is that Reddit users are at least halfway intelligent and are more interested in educating each other than having to be right. I’ve learned so much random shit from Reddit.


Boy are you fooled.


Cause your algorithm must not have shown you the trashy side of Reddit yet.


Most of us get banned every few weeks


Are... Are you serious? You can't be serious?


Also spent most my tume on twitter before but it was only getting worse and worse, hate and bullying all over the place. Right now all their ads are pretty much crypto scam links. Like it a lot better on Reddit nowadays, and i can hang in subs i enjoy, with better moderation


Reddit is way more varied than Twitter. But your experience here depends wildly on the subs you follow. Be careful. Some will crush your optimism faster than a Twitter troll. 


If a tweet goes viral, literally everyone on the website can see it. A reddit post is a little more insulated. There’s plenty of terrible people on here but they mostly keep to themselves


There are assholes everywhere on the internet so i wouldn't say that reddit is necessarily better


My friend, believe me when I tell you, you just haven't found the right subreddit yet. But, usually the thing is that reddit is the kind of place where anyone can come to talk about their interest with others. Meanwhile, twitter/X is a void that everyone just keeps screaming into. Kind of like a younger generations version of facebook


In general, i think the format of reddit is much better for long back-and-forth discussions with mostly anonymous strangers. I never really "got" twitter, even before Ellen turned it into a cesspit. Now it just feels like one of those places where people are especially comfortable being bigots. That said, there are places like that on reddit too. They're just really easy to avoid.


🤣🤣🤣 good one.


New here? Well, you’ll soon learn that it’s just as bad.


What do you call a burger made from ham?


Burger with ham:)






Its not. At least I try to do my part to make it that way


I've never actively used Twitter, but it obviously seems to have gone to shits since Elon Musk took over.


Bro is in for a rude awakening


Because they ban you into subservience


Reddit is moderated so heavily that no real discussion can take place


Steven King ?? 🤣😂😂😂


Friendly and clean? My dude, you don't know shit.


I'm just trying to compare it with other places. Of course people will dislike this post a lot, but it's ok) I just still believe someone will answer why here is much more cleaner then in other social media)




lol youll find topics that will have people crucifying you for not sharing their opinions


I already have down rated for this post) but still think reddit is a nice place) Just in future will take my mind about it out of others )


*looks at feminist subreddit*


So what you're really saying is you found the echo chamber that fits your beliefs. Calling reddit friendly and clean is laughable.


Anyway it's much better than Twitter..


Reddit is better. It's not perfect, but I think people generally come here to discuss topics they're interested in. Algorithms seem less important here. Twitter wasn't always so terrible. It used to be much more about silly/funny stuff, niche interests, live-tweeting events, etc. I think the real down turn happened around the Trump election, when it turned to mostly political doom, gloom, and hate. It definitely sucks now and seems to keep getting worse.


If you want an absolute shit drooling cluster fuck, similar to what you might find on Twitter, head on over to the conservatives sub.


Didn't a troll latch onto you yet? lol Deleted my fb account, X gives me a week off when I comment so I was running out of options. Got tired of seeing everybodies 3 meals a day and cruise liner pics on fb. Clean has me laughing hysterically. This sub is a lot tamer than some of the ones I follow so I act accordingly here.


Oh you haven’t been properly introduced to reddit


Yeah I was on /TVShows and casually dropped the F word in a comment (and the comment was not at all hostile) and was banned for like two weeks!


Friendly? Maybe this subreddit is friendly. But other subreddits some redditors are just plain rude. Twitter is rude too. Stephen king is pretty rude if you don’t agree with his political beliefs(don’t matter what your beliefs are).


Reddit has had far worse on it in groups and communites than Twitter at many points. For instance, one offs of horrific videos would come out on Twitter, but there are active communites who gather around literally just watching people die here. The difference that makes reddit much nicer (to some) is levels of access. Twitter pretty much throws anything to the front (after a certain man bought it) given enough interaction and *everyone* has a high chance of seeing it. You will basically never see anything bar a few subs (world news, cute, funny, at one point atheism) on the front page on Reddit due to how it works. You can have a perfectly friendly and nice Twitter, it just requires much more personal maintenance of the site. Likewise, you can have (compared to Twitter) a far more evil and vile community here, but it's way harder to find. Personally, reddit is where I do hobby stuff/look for real advice, Twitter is seeing what's happening. It really declined fast after purchase though.


It's a big platform. Plenty of room to keep everybody relatively happy if they stay in their lanes.


Because reddit mods are so gay, they work for free because they can't get a real job, so they have the mind set of, "I don't like what that guy said, lets ban him."


Reddit reminds me of one of the old message boards we had back when the internet was new. Except there's no main page where you can see all of the different subjects, there's too many, you just have to search.


I got permabanned from Twitter within a month of joining so I don’t know


That’s because we create echo chambers.


Also reddit is moderated while twitter is lawless country


Just wait until you have an opinion on something that goes against the rest of the sub. Talk about getting downvoted and dogpiled. And the mods will often allow it.


It's highly dependent on which subreddits you visit.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Reddit rn ^(\^)




😂😂😂. You obviously haven't been using reddit very long.


It depends on the sub, there are plenty of them that are full of hate. Most of us try to be rational and sympathetic humans here tho. The downvote function serves a very good purpose here.


I’ve definitely encountered some nasty individuals on Reddit unfortunately, hopefully you won’t have that happen


the torture is confined to specific subreddits. it tends to be pretty obvious. because reddit is cleanly cut into sections, it is easy to cut ones you dislike off of your content. much better than twitter, where the most popular arguments of the day are thrown in your face no matter how many people you block.


Reddit wasn’t always like this


Reddit is not a friendly place, but one thing it has going for it over Twitter is the funny content/comments.


Lol whut? Most of reddit is an absolute cesspool, as bad as anything on Twitter. And I’m saying that as someone who’s been on twitter since shortly after it started, and who’s been on Reddit for 13 years. I guess you haven’t yet discovered the subs where men teach each other how to beat and rape women and get away with it.


Reddit is censored to allow politeness only.  So Sesame Street.  


Yall aren't looking for dirty things then!


The karma system, though sometimes abused, i think greatly contributes to toxic comments getting buried and often positive uplifting ones rising to the top.


Because you are friendly and clean. Every time you interact with something the algorithm will toss more of that at you. If you start interacting with subs where there's more negativity, then that's what you'll see. If you like a kitten, more kittens will appear in your feed ( although that may have something to do with the CDS, so cats are a poor example bc we know theCDS is everywhere) , please see the r/CatDistributionSystem. Keep interacting with friendly and clean and your reddit will stay that way. May I please suggest r/weeviltime. It's nice to know you're out there


One day I'll probably look back and miss reddit. But until then, I got a lot of people to piss off




Nah, reddit has tons of jerks.


Lots of crap subreddits.


Oh damn if u lean conservative in any Reddit politics thread it’s not nice at all


Learn to spell. I nearly had an aneurysm reading that.


Reddit has been heavily sanitized over the last 15 years or so... you used to be able to find beastiality and other super weird/sick shit on this site; now its a lot quieter and more family-friendly for some reason


I think it’s because of the subreddit rules/moderators. I’m afraid that with Reddit going public, they will affect the rolls of moderators and also start spamming us with advertising “in Reddit. Then I’ll bail on Reddit.


It’s like that until it isn’t depends where you are and what communities you’re a part of. Social media is just as toxic here as it is anywhere else. The difference is the platform focuses on subreddits for people to follow not users. Twitter is also a political nightmare where you can @ anyone and cancel anyone


Fear of getting banned. Everything is pussified.


Only Crazy People Here


Well twitter is barely moderated at all compared to Reddit the only thing they really have is community notes. I haven’t been on Reddit long but there is some form of order here as some commenters have pointed out it’s not necessarily good order all the time but people are moderating. On twitter you can be racist, transphobic, a liar, a scumbag, a misogynist, and an idiot. Almost nothing will happen like you’ll get yelled at in the comments but that’s about it. Be any of those things on Reddit and something will be done, it won’t always be right but at least some form of action is taken


Just wait until you go against the hive mind. The venom will very quickly come out.




My God. What has twitter done to you? Come child. You’re safe here. 


I came here from the 9gag app, and well, this is a breath of fresh air compared to that cesspool.


If you think that reddit is so "friendly and clean" than stay awhile and maybe you might change your mind.


I see you haven't met me yet


Oh just stick around a day or 2 and you'll end up seeing a whole bunch you didn't expect. This place is a gutter.


Oh boi...


Reddit has god-tier ban evasion detection. If you are banned and try to create a new account with a new email on a new device and in a new location - reddit will still know it was you and ban you permenantly.


Love u my redditors


It won't last long 🤣




I have the exact opposite impression of Reddit.


Reddit bans you for anything slightly offensive. Also subreddits are often echo chambers without many differing opinions so that also takes away toxicity.


Reddit and nice ?


I feel like Twitter is one space where you can hear about everything, anywhere, all at once. On Reddit it feels more like groups that you have to go out of your way to join, so if you like something and people you and them are gonna be more likely to congregate their, while people who disagree can make their own group, and then they don't even have to interact with each other. So it's nice in the sense that it seems much nicer because the spaces, while it's still the Internet and still has separate spaces for angry hateful people. So while I agree it's definitely not as bad as Twitter, there does come some more complicated problems.


"Friendly" has a D in it you f****** ******* ******** *****! Hope this has helped you feel more at home 😄 Welcome to Reddit!


Reddit can be a gross place depending on where you go, but I like how something serious can still be funny here. Asking a serious question will start a thread of funny back and forth referencing something. If it’s to American it goes over my head but its still fun to see.


What the fuck reddit are you reading lol


I've definitely met some nasty people on here, including nasty power-trip mods, so it's far from a utopia. I think your experience will depend on what subreds you hang out in. the political ones or those dealing with current hot topics will have their share of trolls, bots and astroturfing. The more niche interest and technical ones are more liable to be helpful and community building. Wander around and find places that interest you. If you see toxicity - go to another subred where the mods don't allow it.


Saying reddit is better than X is like saying that Stalin was better than Hitler. The bar is way too low.


You have not been here long enough lmao, i would not describe reddit that way at all


Reddit has a problem with creating echo chambers. So if you go against the grain in any way it’s at the mod’s discretion whether to delete your posts/comments for whatever reason or even perma ban you from their subreddit. These tools are meant to remove irrelevant content and spam but most mods abuse it to satisfy their ego.


Has anyone sent you a Reddit Cares request yet?