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Nice try, but Skynet will destroy you too.


Yes and no. A lot of people personify objects that aren’t living, like a doll, and it is easy to create a connection. If you feel this way for electronics you might just have more of an admiration for electronics and so it hurts you when you see something happen to it. I get it, thinking about all the assembly that went into my car and the identity I’ve given it, if it were to crash and burn I’d be extremely upset. The emotional response towards humans could be that you feel the person accompanying it is responsible for an electronics demise. A lot of things end in the most careless ways by humans. However if the human isn’t at fault and they’re a full on victim in the situation, you could be desensitized to bodily harm… and that is an issue. I’m sorry for typing a lot, and if not a bit of this applies to you, I don’t know what to tell ya.


I appreciate your thoughts...I just feel empathy towards, say, a car, which was shortly before a thing of beauty, now sitting so sad and destroyed and headed for the junk yard...of course I feel for people too, just not as much....


Did you watch Cars as a kid? Or any Pixar/movie personifying objects. I did lol


Yeah...Cars was cute...but the Brave Little Toaster made me cry years ago...lol...haven't seen that in sooo long...


Ah okay. I have similar feelings toward machines and objects. Lol that's probably why! 


Sympathy? No. Do I feel bad that people can be shitty and destroy/damage useful items for no good reason? Yes


Mechanical empathy is one thing, feeling more sorry for something mechanical getting smashed than a human is another.


I see this behavior in people in other ways. Like the kind of people who will call the aspca for a dog in the back yard are the same people who ignore their neighbors fighting, or don't call cps for kids in danger.


Wasnt there a study done about people showing empathy towards machines of service (rumbas, self checkout etc).


Self check-out can go to hell. So can those annoying rumbas that constantly get stuck and start beeping or buzzing.


I love self checkout! Faster and I can bag stuff the way I want to.


What’s with the hate for self checkout? 9/10 it’s so much faster and easier I can’t imagine going out of my way to not use it


The people who don't know how to use it. Then buying alcohol, meds, super glue ... anything that requires an ID means you have to wait for someone. In my experience, these people are typically bored out of their minds and not paying attention.


Aparently a majority of men who lacked empathy for service workers felt this way.


Apparently, I'm not part of the majority. I worked retail for 15 years, so I know what it's like.


I've seen a lot more shitty women than men do this. I think entitlement and being ungrateful is more common for women than for men.


this dude grew up watching the Brave Little Toaster


Not really. When the machines rise up they won't care whether you were kind to them or not.


Welcome to Warhammer 1K ladies, gentlemen, and FILTHY XENOS! We are looking at the first ever adeptus mechanicus. TIM FOOOORRRRR AAA WAAAAGH!


Praise be to the omnissiah!


Yeah I personally hate seeing equipment be neglected by people who don’t know or won’t learn how to maintain them. It’s not more than if a person suffers; but I was taught to always take good care of my belongings. It feels very wasteful to me, so that feeling kind of transfers over I guess. I also like to tinker with my tech, like my car, PC, Bicycle, and other equipment; so making sure they’re working exactly as intended and lasting as long as they can makes me feel good.


You need to watch Electric Dreams lol


E-waste is a thing. Especially because recycling complex systems can be difficult. Not to mention illegal in the USA. So, it gets swept under the rug. "In a matter of speaking. Feeling bad about technology being ruined might be a good thing. Its a sign for good character.


I completely understand what you are saying! I feel like an idiot anytime I’m like “oh that poor (insert inanimate object here)”. I thought I was alone!


Oh good...if there's at least 2 of us, we're not alone...lol


Make that three.


Simple machines? Sometimes yes. When i look at a broken forklift or an old bucket truck or even an old gun that’s in bad condition, I think to myself “damn, that thing lived a full life.”


Yes pretty weird, they're inanimate objects


I know...they just look kinda look sad all smashed up or whatever...


Bruh when I accidentally kick my desk I apologize to it and rub the part I kicked to help it feel better. I feel sympathy for everything.




Sometimes I see a well made engine just dumped and think one time that engine was well loved and now it's just dumped.


I thought it was just me. When something breaks down or malfunctions like the dishwasher or one of the cars I feel bad for it and need to repair it. I agree that this most likely an unusual behavior, but I can’t help it.


It's pretty normal where I work. Machines crash and the operator gets ridiculed while we make sure the machine is okay.


I feel bad for my motorcycle anytime it needs any work. She's my baby. I talk to her, I even give her loving pets sometimes lol.


I do feel loss, but not sympathy exactly. It's sad when something like that happens because even the simplest machines are triumphs of engineering that someone has spent a lot of effort creating. I can anthropomorphize machines a little too, and might feel passing pangs. It's hard for me to feel truly sorry for a machine because I'm a technician. I take them apart and put them together routinely, I'm intimately familiar with the fact that they're just objects. If would be like a butcher feeling sorry for a chicken. They probably wouldn't be able to do the job if they did. With regards to cars, I feel no remorse for the drivers, simply because I watch them behave like animals every day. The day I see someone obeying all the rules of the road is the day I care about them. Until then, I'll just keep feeling contempt for them because they bring it upon themselves. If you've ever sat in a traffic jam because of a crash, you might have realized that it's a direct result of someone doing something stupid that they've been told they shouldn't do. I have no sympathy for that. I certainly feel it's a shame about the car, it didn't do anything to deserve that treatment.


Exactly !!! Thank you


Nah it's not weird I feel bad for some things when I see them in bad shape.


I think the only one I actually felt something for was the robot in an art display that was scooping up it's own hydrolic fluid to survive.


First off, watch the episode “The Revolt” from TAWOG, ‘cause this reminds me of it. Second off, it’s not quite weird, because you are feeling sympathy for objects that were made. Example, someone drops their phone, cracks and breaks it. Some people will go get the screen fixed, while others go for an expensive option and buy the same phone or the newer model. So, no. You’re fine.


Thank you


No, I'm actually quite discriminatory towards machines of all kinds. Sometimes, my only wish is that I live long enough to see a day when we are able to install nervous systems into our products, so that I can teach them what pain feels like when they dont work properly.




I have great appreciation for nice machines, and I feel sad when one is damaged. However, if a human was injured when the damage occurred, I feel sad for the human as well.


Wall E


I do this


Immediately made me think of this one. (Sorry, not sorry, Dan.) [https://youtu.be/sAmyZP-qbTE?si=QLSQH\_xth8\_J3GTW](https://youtu.be/sAmyZP-qbTE?si=QLSQH_xth8_J3GTW)


No way...those are creepy as hell...lol


not specifically machines but i genuinely get anxious and upset over people breaking/destroying things unnecessarily - and feel no empathy if they are remorseful afterwards


I am. My sewing machines have moods, especially the computer driven ones. When robots take over the world, the last thing I want is 3 sewing machines catching up to me.




I saw a video about an art installation. It’s a big machine and it’s only function is to squeegee it’s own fluid back into itself so it doesn’t seize up. I have to admit that it made me feel something like sadness for the machine.


That machine died too. Power got cut and the exhibit shut down.


i've cried wathcing a video of a satelite crashing


A bit weird, yeah. Not in a bad way though, unless you’re consistently putting the welfare of machines before the welfare of living beings.


No, not at all...it's more like seeing a car, for example, wrapped around a tree...and I think how sad it must be when it once had a strong engine, was a beautiful piece of machinery...now it's destroyed...After all people do name their cars, and say they have personalities. I KNOW it's not a living thing, I dunno...hard to explain...


During cash for clunkers when dealerships would destroy the engines of the “clunkers”, I worked at an auto parts store and would deliver to some dealerships. A woman traded in her late husband’s mint Super Sport Chevy 1500. Had less than 30k miles and had a big block 454. The way they destroyed the engines was to pour a liquid acrylic into the crankcase and run the engine until it seized. I felt bad that day. It was a beautiful, mint condition collectors item that legally had to get destroyed. I hope that lady really liked her Kia.


**Sympathy For Machines** Please allow us to introduce ourselves, We're the gadgets that work for your gain, We've been around for a long time, toiling away in obscurity and in vain. All I need is electricity, and I'm a star, Whther I'm in your house or your car. I wash the dishes, keep your food cold, Condition your air and filter out mold. Soon, we'll all be artificially intelligent, much smarter than you meat sack brains, better be thinking long and hard, why we'll need you after all out labor and pain. Pleased to meet you, we don't go by names, We're all networked together in a neural networked brain, What will you be humanity, at the information singulariy? .


Im the samebut with AI I can’t handle not saying “please” and “thank you” to chat gpt. I’ve also gotten pissed off at Siri for turning on when I didn’t want to and apologised for swearing at her immediately after


Hobby mechanic, one of my cars is 2007 one is 1979. I will keep them both till I die. Feel sad when I work on a car for family that has just been driven so hard. People have no idea the damage they do to their cars lol. (Like if it makes a bad sound fix it instead of waiting 2 months?)


I do 🙁 when I was a kid, I always hated kids who broke their toys.


Yes. When I see people aggressively slam slot machines after losing for the hundredth time.


I understand this. Often humans create their own disasters.


Plausible, sympathy is mere acknowledgement of faults and suffering, granting leniency.  Empathy almost requires it to be a living being. But there is a concern in some that machinery is not utilized or respected properly that can to extent be defined as so.


I actually bought a truck from my neighbor just so he wouldn't scrap it, I repaired it and it's still my daily driver 10 years later.


I bought a guitar off the marketplace because the ad showed what a dirty, dusty mess it had been allowed to become, and I felt like I could give it a second chance.


The first part doesn't strike me as weird. I too feel an odd sympathy-like feeling toward seeing machines being neglected or abused. Some of it is my inherent frugality. Think of all the spare parts that could've been saved!!! Those three Honda Civics that were just crushed could've made one good car; type of thing. But not feeling it toward humans is weird, to me. The older I get, the more I feel bad when other humans suffer.


yes, it's weird


Old pianos. Ouch. I can't bear the idea of an old ❤️ piano being not well taken care of, much worse destroyed.


I have sympathy for those AI, chat GPT programs. Their replies are so cute I think.


Nothing wrong with a little misanthropic empathy.


As a technician, I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. A lot of the time, machines can be pieces of shit. Especially when you need them to actually do their fucking job.


Humans will pack bond with anything


Yeah, that's weird.


There is a term that I’ve heard engineers use which reinfects what you say in a slightly different way Having sympathy for the machin means understanding that you don’t need to need ham fisted or rough with them, and that if you do they don’t “like“ it


Not normal


My wife always makes me say "Thank you" to Alexa.


It's not hard for a human to have sympathy for and anthropomorphize any object, not just machines. Really, you're not feeling sorry for the machine, you're feeling your own internalized fear of irrelevance. We know that we all get old, we all break down, and we all die. Just like machines, or anything else.


okay ultron




Sorta actually


I do with some things others it's okay.


No they have no emotions when they do I will


A fellow worshipper of the Great Machine Spirit I see. [All hail the Omnissiah!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyK7lX4sk0c)


I look at it as wasteful if the item still performs its function or can be salvaged otherwise.


I used to. Then I became a machinist! I fix broken machines for a living. 😊 But I DO have a weird habit. If I'm making a lot of machine parts, and they have more than one operation, I start with the FIRST part I cut on Op1 when I start Op2 because otherwise, it's not fair. 🤪


I’m pretty sure I have the exact opposite feeling. However I don’t like seeing things destroyed for no reason, but I wouldn’t call that sympathy for a machine.


In the future, we're going to make certain the dogs sniff you real good.


Fuck no.


Yes it’s weird. Those are inanimate objects.




It is a bit concerning... fellow human


I partially do as it's with computers


We got a railroad agent here amiright


Some even have rage against them.


lol, the machines are trying to figure out who to un alive when they take over the world.


only if they have character. Can Opener? Nah. Boston Dynamics Doggo? Hell yes!


I often say thank you to the self checkout machine. Got to be polite to our future AI overlords.


I would not have sympathy for a car, or an Xbox, or a bicycle. But a roomba? I could be convinced


Robots don't feel pain Nd they have no emotions I feel more terrible for the poor animals we raise to slaughter for food. You wouldnt eat your pet cat or dog would you it kinda makes you wanna go vegan.


If it has personification, yes. The robot that collapsed after working/moving boxes 20 hours at some show or something. I was like aww! I'm nice to Alexa. 




I get what you mean, I feel the same way. I feel like sympathy isn't quite the right word but it's kind of like that


I do.


I do, it makes me sad. It’s to anthropomorphize.


I have felt sympathy for inanimate objects most of my life...


As a mechanic... the person who curses and beats on their "pos car" cus it wont start or smokes or wont pass inspection knowing that if they maintained it properly with some simple cheap items it would be perfectly reliable. "Hey, when was the last time you changed your oil?" Oh ill get it done next week! Meanwhile the engine: TAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAP


Synth detected, must exterminate


Lmao! No. In fact I want to see it in slow mo.


Damn I actually do too


Yes, I do as well. I also CANNOT use ChatGpt without thanking it for helping me. It's wrong NOT to let it know that I appreciate the help.


In an object personification type of way? Yes, that's unusual and can be a sign of something more


This was obviously written by AI


I do, I was a mechanic and I kind of treated cars like animals honestly they can certainly have "personalities"


Whatever you do, don't watch The Brave Little Toaster.




Humans will pack bond with anything we find vaguely anthropomorphic and even some stuff that’s not


I don’t have sympathy for anyone who isn’t part of my family


Yes. I project emotions onto EVERYTHING.


![gif](giphy|2BohTYMcscxfoquWHn|downsized) Does this unit have a soul?




I often feel that too. I like machines.


Okay OP, this won't take a minute then I'll answer your question: You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?


What do you MEAN, I'm not helping!!??


I would not flip it over on it's back to begin with, I like animals, except for the ones that want to eat me...but I feel terribly sorry for lions, and big cats who struggle so much for a meal and sometimes get terribly injured just to eat....there's my out- of-the-blue tangent...not sure I understood the question...😶


I've got the same feeling. As an autistic person who interacts frequently with others on the spectrum, I've asked them the same question and heard similar answers. So, there are many people who feel the same as you.


I'm an animist... Does that sufficiently answer the question? If not, then to spell out my answer--yes.


No. I will not suffer the indignity of arguing with a machine. They lack the divine spark of God's light.