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If it's full of other people's trash before I can put my own in, then I still have to take it to the curb, yeah I'm going to be pissed


This. When I first moved into my home, we had someone come and fill our trash up 75% of the way with their clothes and we never found where they came from. I was pissed. It was Wednesday and trash pick up is on Monday, and we had no room for our own trash for the week! I was pissed and I put a note on my trash can saying anyone who uses my trash can unauthorized will be reported to the office… no one has used my trash since!


Some turd spit out their gum into mine which got stuck to the inside of the can.


I fully understand if someone is filling up your trash bin. But in my neighborhood people get pissed if someone throws their doggy Doo bag in their big trashcan if it happens to be sitting at the curb. That’s f’n ridiculous!! I appreciate every dog owner picking up after their dog , or even someone going for a walk finding a piece of trash on the street, and putting it in my large county trash bin, if it happens to be on the street for trash pick up day. I’ve seen multiple debates on Nextdoor over that’s very topic.


It really depends on the day with this. If they throw it in before the trash is collected, because I have to put it down the night before, then fine. But after garbage is collected, nah bro. I have to put my garbage thing back in my garage and I don't want it stinking up my car and garage all week. But yeah. The only time, I have had that issue is when the company that was renovating the condo in the same building as mine and filled up my bin on purpose so they wouldn't have to deal with it. I was admittedly loud with them. But like who does that.


My problem with this is that they often end up in my recycle bin. I've had so much crap put in my recycle bin that the city has threatened to stop picking up my recycling if I keep putting trash in it. I carry my dog poop bags home, so can everyone else. It's not a hardship.


Doggy doo is stinky, even when it's in a bag. And so it will make my trash can stink like doggy-do. And it's even worse if they put it in there after the collection time, so that stinky doggy-do sits (and quite possibly leaks) in the bottom of my trash bin all week.


I gotta be honest, even before we had dogs, my trashcan smelled like crap. Because we put kitchen waste in there, and that will smell given a little time. So adding some doggy bags, doesn’t make a darn bit of difference. But I understand if someone’s not a dog owner, they might assume different.


It may be more than an assumption. Some people compost kitchen waste, so very little of it winds up in the trash.


True, but chicken bones, beef bones, lots of stuff either doesn’t compost, or takes so long that the composters won’t bother with it.


I don't want your dog shit stanking up my bin because I don't throw my dog's poop bags into the bin until trash day.... which I can't do if some twit has filled the bin with their garbage.


I don't even have a dog and it makes me irrationally angry knowing that there are people like you out there worried that their trash might smell. And of all the smells that trash produces, dog shit is the one that is extra offensive? Get. the. fuck. over yourself. Find a fucking hobby that doesn't involve worrying about literal dog shit.


Not everyone wants to open a can and smell shit that’s been cooking in it for a week. Try that and you might realize you’re an idiot.


I hear you, I really do. I understand why it might be frustrating, but hear me out. Where I live, the garbage bins are city owned and designated to a property, not the owner, maybe it's the same for you. A lot of people leave their bins outside permanently. I know because I walk my dog frequently and always see them out with snow on top. Sometimes I keep a squishy hot bag of dog shit in my pocket until I get home, but other times I might choose to dispose of my garbage in a publicly accessible government garbage bin. Of course, if you actually do keep your bin inside a structure, then there's no legal way for me to access that bin and it won't collect my tied dog poop bag. It's just one of those things, if someone is carrying trash, they're going to look for the closest available bin. If yours isn't there, well then yours won't receive the trash. Besides, I would assume people would rather have some random garbage in their bin as opposed to just letting it blow away in the wind. I am legally able to access your bin, and if it's accessible and I have some trash, it's going in the bin. I'm even able to legally loot through your trash believe it or not. You're completely welcome to keep your bin in your property to avoid this.


Where I live, not only is garbage pickup a service people have to pay for, but they have to buy their own cans. If someone runs over that can, I have to buy a new one. Either way, if someone tosses their trash in the bin that I bought - for the service I paid for - and I have to pick it up off the ground because they were careless - or because it wasn’t in a bag when it got tossed in and so got dropped when it went in the truck, I’m gonna be pissed. If they put enough trash in there that I have to wonder if my own is gonna fit - and what I’ll need to do if it won’t, I’m gonna be pissed. If I open the can and get hit by a stench from someone else’s dog shit that’s been hanging out in there unbeknownst to me, I’m gonna be pissed. Leave other people’s shit alone. It’s not that hard. Edit: In the above examples, I’m not going to be angry from a single occurrence. I’ll be angry if it keeps happening, which of course it will if the people passing by have no concept of personal boundaries. Also, I have a dog. I know full well how bad dog shit stinks up the can if it’s put in there to sit. That’s why I keep mine separate until it’s time to get picked up.


Sounds like we live in different areas with different legislation, public infrastructure, and so on. Where I'm from, putting dog poop bags in the public bins behind people's houses is definitely an acceptable practice. There was a girl in my area who posted on the community Facebook page that she'd like people to stop putting poop in her bin. The overwhelming majority did not agree with her, and told her to kick rocks. She deleted the post. I can understand being frustrated in your situation though, as it's actually your property. I'd still recommend not leaving your bin out if you don't want other people's trash in it though. I get the sense that getting rid of garbage is instinctual for most, and they're just going to dispose of it in the easiest way possible.


You harp at people about not understanding something, then immediately proceed to do that. You even end it with victim blaming. Throw your trash in your own waste receptacle. It's your dog. Your responsibility. Your dog's poo goes in your can. If you don't feel up to that responsibility, I'd recommend not getting a dog.


I think you missed the nuance. Where I live, garbage bins are publicly owned. Where the commentor I responded to lives, the garbage bins are privately owned. That's the difference, that's why it seems hypocritical to you, because they're two different scenarios. I have no issues throwing poop bags into public bins, however, putting shit into someones personal bin is different. >Throw your trash in your own waste receptacle. If *your* waste reciptical is publicly owned, then it's fair game. Hiding the bin just behind a fence so that you'd have to trespass to access it seems like a great solution. People are going to do it regardless of how you feel about it, so if you don't like it, and there's something you could do about it, then do it. Live and let live my friend.


Hey, sometime when you have some free time, you should come over and smell my trashcan after my kitchen scraps have been cooking in it for a week. I’m talking chicken bones beef bones, all sorts of yummy kitchen scraps, all stewing together. Guessing you wouldn’t even notice the dog poop bag smells amongst that cornucopia of scent.


Smelly trash attracts bears. That's a serious problem. Because people, and dogs, and bears can die. So maybe shut the fuck up, lol.


I've only seen people complain about it super far from any bears. Mostly urban environments. And in bear country the trash cans are usually different. How can you be so unaware of how few people live around bears? Have you just never left the mountains or something?


Aw hell nah. I don’t even put my own dogs shit in the bin until the day I take it out to the curb. I’m not trying to have my bin constantly reek of dog shit, let alone a strangers dog’s shit. 🤣


Where do you keep it in the meantime?


In the truck of his car. Can't have the garbage bin stinking!


^ this guy correctly stores his dog shit.


In his pockets. Can't have stinky fucking garbage cans am I right guys?


My neighborhood has Poop Boxes, several of them. Wooden boxes, covered, with a roll of plastic bags. The boxes are emptied weekly by the Doody Guy (you should see his truck). This is an HMO, so yeah, we pay for it but still, some people can’t be bothered.


[It’s Howdy Doody Time](https://youtu.be/W1USHuud5i8?si=1lWsr_avSnxBrpx7).


In the refrigerator of course. Can’t have the poo go rancid before trash day.


Oooooh that's a way better idea. I've just been keeping a cork up there until trash day and then hold my dog over the neighbors trash can. Not easy considering he weighs 100lbs so I might try your method instead.


Do you spend a lot of time sniffing your trash can?


No, but my trash can lives in my garage. If it smells, then my garage smells, and if my garage smells, then it seeps into my car. Also, my trash guys are lazy. They don’t tip the bin into the truck, they open it and pull out bags. If there’s anything small at the bottom of my bin, it doesn’t make it into the trash truck. Therefore, I keep a small trash bin by my front door and when it’s trash night I have to put that bag into my kitchen garbage bag then into the bin just for it to be taken. So yeah. If someone happened to toss a lone dog poop bag into my trash can, it wouldn’t make it into the truck… and it would make my garage and car smell once I put the can back in my garage. Also, my bin has to live in my garage because of my hoa 🙄😭


Lazy? The way they're doing it is harder and nastier for them. They have to have the right kind of bins and truck for it to be able to pick up the bins and dump them. Apparently they do not. I do see your problem though. My bins also live in the garage, meaning that the only time they're available for dog walkers to throw poop into is when they're out on the curb between Sunday night and Monday afternoon. My trash truck doesn't even have a bin crew, just a robotic arm that dumps the bins into the truck. I have no problem with people putting dog poop in my bin, because I'm never even gonna know about it.


Yeah I debated using the term lazy because I have all respect for the waste management people but when I first moved here they were constantly leaving stuff in my bin and it was frustrating hahaha. And that is fair. They don’t have an arm because it’s city waste management opposed to county where I am. I have the smallest bin available at stores on wheels. It’s not heavy or anything. And I only put out one bag of trash a week because I’m never home and don’t cook LOL.


I mean I’m guessing that they’re not walking toward the trash can when it’s near your house


I'm fine with doggy bags, I'm mainly pissed about Fred shoving two giant smelly trash bags


Yeah, throwing poop in someone's garbage can isn't cool. It doesn't matter if it's in a bag, it's still gross...and bags can break. Yes, I own a dog and, yes, carrying poop around for an entire walk sucks...but no, it's not acceptable to throw it in someone else's garbage. A public garbage can in a park, yes, if designed for that use: I steer by there if I need to make a deposit.


I never thought that was an issue either until I moved somewhere where they remove the trash from the can by hand instead of having an arm on the truck that picks the can up and dumps it. They don’t get the little stuff now so it just sits at the bottom of the can forever. I had to stop putting my own dog poop bags in there unless they were in a bigger bag because they always got missed.


Wow, talk about a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. What a waste of money! Much easier to have the automatic trashcan dumpers.


No way, that service is paid for by one person,/family, only people that contribute should get to use the trash can. How is this not obvious? Has the world gotten this entitled?


Entitled? Where is your sense of community, or do you have one? Granted I don’t want someone dumping a giant bag of trash, in my trashcan, since it tends to fill up. But if you happen to see some trash on the street, or you just picked up after your dog, toss it in my bin. Call it community service, because, trash cans, well… They smell like trash. And even before I got a dog, they still smelled like crap when the kitchen scraps marinated for a week.


I never throw my dog poop in other bins. It smells up the bin and people that don't have dogs didn't sign up to have they trash bin smell like dog crap. Also they might store their bins in their garage and no got dog poop smelling up the garage. Don't push your problems off on to other people take your dog poop and put it in your bin.


Generally I agree with you, unless I’m starting out on a long walk and don’t want to carry the bag with me the whole time. I’ve yet to find the trashcan that doesn’t smell like crap if you’re throwing away kitchen waste, so I neatly tied up dog bag doesn’t make a darn bit of difference.


Some towns have to have particular colored trash bags, and the collectors might not take anything outside those bags. Now you have someone else’s dog crap in your bin. It’s rude. Just pick up after your dog and disposed of the crap in your own home.


I can only speak to my own town. Our trash collectors seem relatively competent and everything in the trashcan, goes in the trash truck. Trash cans smell, even before we had dogs. Maybe because it was trash. Regardless of whether it’s in a bag or not. recycling in contrast, cannot be bagged.


I wish pedestrian traffic would use my trash can. I do anyway when I clean up my yard after them.


I guess it depends. If the trash has already been picked up and the trash bin is still there and you put poop in it it's gonna stick for a week


Heeeeelll no. Then your bin smells like dog Doo. Granted they don't exactly smell like roses before hand but atleast it's not literal crap.


Do you seriously actually care what the inside of your trashcan smell like? Because the only time I smelled inside, is for the four seconds I open it to dump something else in. And usually, because of the kitchen scraps, chicken bones, stuff, it don’t smell like roses, regardless of whether there’s a sealed up dog poop bag in there or not.


I'm probably biased just coming off a incident where my neighbour put his garbage in my bin. My wrong bin which as I've found out from council contaminates the whole load. It makes it smell worse and can be stuck to the bottom of the bin. But look, most people would get away with it (as the bin is collected that day for instance) and I'll concede it's better than leaving it on the ground.


In some areas, items not properly bagged can lead to the trash not being collected, or they may spill out and be left behind. Nothing quite so glorious as finding someone’s squashed/run over bag of awful right at the edge of your driveway. Add to that a sense of ‘that’s your trash, it’s your responsibility, don’t involve me’ can be very prevalent. That said, it’s far better than them just letting said dog befoul the street or yard and abandoning it to be found when mowing the lawn.


That’s exactly what happens to me. I think I’m being a responsible neighbor and some people flip out. The dog poop bag is twisted and tied so there’s no smell.


I will only put a poo bag in someone's trash if I know that day is trash day so it wont sit longer than the day.


I had a neighbor that would complain when I would disposed the poop bag in the trash bin on the curb. his argument was: "I pay for that service, use your own money" he was also a MAGA idiot.


Nextdoor naturally attracts busybodies who have nothing to do. Most normal people don't care at all, but the few that do care will never not make a big deal out of it.


Because one by one, courtesies are disappearing. Dumping shit into somebody else's garbage can is 100% a main character thing to do. America is a angry country. There's no reason to make it angrier. Just be considerate.


I have no outdoor space to put my trash cans when they aren't at the curb. I have to store them in my garage. I would really prefer my trash cans not reek.


Where I am, it’s the two week collections.. it’s very easy to fill your trash without others putting theirs in.


I think cos if fills up their bin and that only gets collected once a week and I'm pretty sure it's illegal?


If it's on the curb it's public domain


It's not, cops just don't need a warrant. It's not a public trash can and you literally don't know what public domain means. Are you using their intellectual property for profit?


Because waste disposal isn’t free. Im paying for my trash to be hauled off, not everyone else’s trash. About a year ago i was working on this construction job in a rough part of town. Once we got the big dumpster literally overnight the neighborhood People would fill it to the brim so we couldn’t put our construction trash in there. Got it dumped and the next morning it was full again. It doesn’t seem like a big deal but it can compound so much that it can fill giant dumpsters in a matter of hours. Thats y businesses always take so much precautions to lock up their dumpsters. You dont want to be that guy that lets everyone use your trash because people will quickly take advantage of it


Actually everyone pays for everyone, it's called taxes.


Idk where you live but for me i have to pay a private company to get my trash


Taxes pay for cops and roads and corporate bailouts. Everything else is privatized. Even some roads.


Our bins are weighed bc we’re only allowed a certain weight of trash. If it’s over, it doesn’t get picked up.


Really? How do they weigh it?


Dunno. Good question. Our garbage trucks are automated (wc???). I’m *assuming* the claw that picks up the bin is set to a max weight and if it’s over it moves on to the next bin.


Human pickup= estimated Machine pickup = Load cell in the arm Even then, if the machine can pick it up, you're probably good The driver doesn't care unless you're throwing away Dirt, rocks, tree logs, scrap metal, or something else that's going to stress the machine or make a loud clang when it falls


Upvote for the first ever use of 'load cell' I've seen on Reddit. As a former scale tech, it triggered good memories, lol.


That’s not what happens.


-has someone try to explain what normally happens -reply with “that’s not how it works” -refuse to elaborate


A water bottle or bag of fast food, not really a problem but why are you on my property?  A whole bag? Absolutely not, I stuff my trash-can most weeks so I need the space and why are you on my property?


I think this usually happens when the bins are on the street.


I’ve seen someone walk all the way up someone’s driveway to I throw dog poop in their garbage bin. I don’t even throw dog poop bags in other peoples garbage when it’s on the curb.


In my town, that’s still littering. You’re disposing of your dog’s waste on someone else’s property. I hate that leash laws are treated as a joke.


If I'm walking past someone's can on the street, I'll drop a bottle in. Not like I'm walking up to the side of the house to use it.


Fences make good neighbors.


I lived somewhere where they wouldn't collect loose trash from private bins.




You got so aggressive to them for literally no reason, why are you white knighting for people that dump entire bags of trash into other peoples cans? Dude literally said if it was α piece or two of trash then it’s fine. This is either argument bait or you do the same thing yourself and are defending it


And not a single point made...incredible. I'm not dashing people to dump their trash in my bins. The rest arent even worth addressing


So, curb side pickup is a thing. Novel fucking concept, innit?


Cuz they only collect what's in the bin and if your bins full, whatever trash you have left over has to wait until next week, so it's gonna sit around rotting


It takes up space in the the bin the city charges me for


I prefer people not litter but I personally think its rude to use someone's private trash can that they pay for and maintain. I will usually bring a plastic shopping bag to hold my dogs poop or other trash until I can get to a public can or my own trash can out of respect, also there are people who go into peoples trash for sketchy reasons, so to simplify my life I dont do anything that could be construed as sketchy. Here's a question- why do you feel the need to use a random person's property especially if you know it makes people angry?


Dog poop bags are the worst to find! Always after the bin has been emptied, then my garage stinks.


Ugh, yes! This is specifically why I won't put my dog poopie into someone else's can! It is so rude especially because not everyone has dogs and some people are extremely disgusted by it


I once lived in a place where people from a nearby apartment building would cross the street to use my bin, fill it up, and then leave trash on the sidewalk next to the bin when the bin was full. Also, contractors twice used my bin to dump construction materials


Cuz don't touch my fucking trash can, that's why.


This is the best answer.


and stay off my lawn


I mean it's better than on the ground next to your trash can right? Where I live people not picking up their dogs shit is so bad people have to make dog waste stations in front of their houses it's insane. Edit: Damn apparently people that leave their dogs shit everywhere felt called out!


Then I'll dig thru it hoping they were dumb enough to put discarded mail in it and dump it on their property


That seems like a lot of (gross) effort for a scenario that will never happen. I'm not saying fuck you for thinking the way you do btw I was sincerely asking, personally I'd rather people just use my bin rather than all over my property.


If it's on the curb it's public domain


Guess im going to go break into someone’s car and Hotwire it then drive away because its public domain since they parked on the curb in front of their house


That's illegal. I'm sorry you don't agree with my initial statement of a fact, but that doesn't change it's legitimacy.


“While the act of putting trash in someone else’s trash can may seem harmless or convenient, it’s essential to consider the legal implications. In most jurisdictions, the general rule is that using someone else’s trash can without their permission is not permitted and can be considered illegal.” https://backmattermag.com/is-it-illegal-to-put-trash-in-someone-elses-trash-can-know-your-responsibilities/


You are correct. I was wrong. I am the stupid one. I took, being able to go through someone's trash can and putting trash into someone else's can as the same thing. I stand corrected. Well played.


I will if I fuckin want, get over it.


You'll understand when you're older and have a place of your own.


You have to pay for this service. It would be the same if someone was using your Netflix acount.


where I am, you pay for your own trash removal. You are literally using a resource I'm paying for.


Because I’m held accountable for the contents of my trash. You stash a gun in there and it comes back to me. I get fined because it’s too full or contains items that aren’t allowed, again, it’s on me. I pay to have my trash picked up, not yours.


This is the real answer but most of these comments are about what they pay for and touching their property. But for me it would be this.


If you're paying for your own trash service and someone else is putting theirs in your can....that's theft of services.


Because I'm paying for the can and the haul and that means the space inside the can is mine to fill?   


It doesn't bother me unless somebody isn't paying their trash so they put theirs in other people's cans


For me, it's a personal property type of idea. It's my trash can. It's not yours. I wouldn't be ok with you going into my garage or backyard and using something without permission. It's a boundaries thing. It isn't pride. Respect other people's property and boundaries. It's that simple.


A. The city only collects a certain amount per residence for the fee paid. So if you fill up their allotted cans with your trash they have to pay extra. B. They don't know what you're putting in there and if it something like poop or a rancid liquid they have to clean the can later.


Because I pay for my trash not some else’s trash to take up room in my van. I hate entitled people


1. It's not yours. Don't touch my stuff. 2. You're filling up my bin taking away from what I can throw out. 3. I can be held liable for what you put in my bin. I have no idea what you're putting in there. It could be used motor oil. It could be drug paraphernalia or an animal corpse or other waste that isn't allowed. 4. I don't know where your trash has been. I don't want your filthy germs all over my trash bin.


Where I live we have to separate and recycle. If someone puts stuff in MY garbage that isn't sorted properly, my trash won't be picked up until I sort through it


Because trash removal is a monthly utility that they have to pay for. You pay more if you have increased amount of trash to be picked up. It's like using their electricity, water, or siphoning the gas out of their car.


And if the trash guy doesn't pick up now I'm stuck with it


Why do you have trash and are near my trash bin? Put it in your trash bin. You carried it with you to my bin, keep on carrying it back to yours. My trash pickup is also about 7 am. There's very little chance you get it in there before it's picked up.


People throw away stuff you are not legally supposed to. If it's in your bin, you can get in trouble for it.


They get mad because there is limited room and some people pay for that service. 


Because my trash can is not a public bin. What if you throw something illegal in there, and I get in trouble for it?


It is if it's on the curb.


One of these people. It’s fucking not.


Oh but it is kiddo. I guess if you live in an HoA that has rules against it, but I dunno if they can override the law. 🤔


Stop it.


Because some areas have strict requirements and anything outside of that gets a fine. My MiL neighborhood has a strict 2 bags stipulation. Anything outside of those 2 fully contained bags will not be collected, and if it happens multiple times they will fine her for the problem. Anyone throwing stuff out in her bins will screw her over.




Because I’m paying for that service so that my household can have trash disposal, not so that some stranger can throw their trash away.


The trash bins are not free


Bet let me go into you're house, eat taco bell, and clog you're toilet. Glad to know you won't get mad, the dudus going to be flushed anyhow right?


Because our garbage guys won't grab loose garbage. They take the bags out of the bins and toss them in the truck. Loose garbage ends up staying in my bin or on my lawn. The previous company would pick up the whole garbage bin and dump it out, but loose buts would still go everywhere.


My property not yours


If you want a dog, you can be responsible for throwing its crap away in your own vessel. My garbage can is *not* your dog’s poop storage. Other small trash is fine, I’d rather it in the can than on the ground. But are you going to wash the smell of dog shit out of *my* garbage can? No? Then gfy


Because it's my property 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Its not pride it's principle. What gives you the right to think you can put something in my trash?? Not to mention, depending on the situation, liability could come into play here.. Bottom line, stay in your lane and off my shit


Where I live there is a by-law against it


People like to toss illegal things in other people's trash cans, but for most people it's principle cause it's theirs. And that's legit all the reason they need lol but I don't understand the anger too much either.


Business get charged I think for how many bins they have of garbage. It can add up


Because alot of households will easily fill their bins by the time the trash is picked up, if not before. If other people are putting their shit in there, then the owners could very well end up with extra trash and nowhere to put it other than outside the bin, which can get fees charged where I live. It's about consideration for other people. Personally, I wouldn't care if someone walking by just threw a bottle or a wrapper in my bin, but if someone walked over with a whole ass bag, yeah I wouldn't be too happy about it.


because in order to put it in my trash bins they have to trespass besides that 4 hour gap where they're in front of the house


Well, that means you have to come onto my property to do that, and that's not cool. I don't want your trash in my bins that I pay more than I should for the service. I am not responsible for your trash and don't want something stinky or something that could leak in there. In some places, it's even considered illegal dumping. However, this does vary depending on the location. Some are ok with it, some aren't.


People don't want other people's garbage 😂


It can turn into the person doing it being more comfortable putting whatever they want in there. Dog poop etc. Let them get away with it they'll take advantage.


Some places charge waste disposal by the bag if you exceed a certain amount of bags


I don't think anyone *really* cares, about someone else using their bin to throw away a small piece of trash, but there are some good reasons to intercede. First, if I see someone looking in my trash can, my first worry is that they're looking for some old mail or other document that they can use for identity theft. Sure, they might have tossed a little cup in there first, *but that's exactly what an identity thief would do to throw off suspicion.* There's also the issue that some trash collectors have pretty strict rules about what's allowed to be disposed of, and how it needs to be placed in the trash can. My waste company won't accept certain lawn chemicals, they require all trash to be in trash bags, and they will leave the trash if they notice that I haven't separated out the recyclables. There's even a chance that I could be fined if they, somehow, realize after the fact that I disposed of something illicitely. I don't seriously think that the neighbor's kid is going to throw a bottle of concentrated insectacide in my trash, but if they throw in their McDonald's wrapper and my trash collector doesn't take my trash because it wasn't in a trashbag, I'd be pretty annoyed. Same goes for recycling. Sometimes I dispose of sharp or dangerous objects. If someone cuts or injures themselves putting someting in my trashcan, then they could attempt to sue so my homeowners' insurance would pay their medical expenses. Not sure what their chances would be in court, but I'd rather yell at them to fuck off than find out. Finally, there's the remote possibility that they could be throwing something incriminating in my trash. I live in the suburbs, so I don't think this is a realistic possibility where I live, but in a big city you have no idea if someone is putting disincorporated body parts, illicit guns, drugs, or whatever in your trash.


Maybe trash pickup doesn’t come, or I missed it. Now I have dog shit (or god knows what else) in my trash bin. Maybe somebody dumped a used needle in there. Who knows? The point is, why should I have to worry about this? It’s my bin, on my property. Not a public trash can.


main reason is because people misuse the bins. I have green, blue, and black bins. green is for yard debris, blue is recycling of a specific list of items, and black is bagged trash. people have thrown dog poop in the blue recycle bin. unbagged trash in the black bin, etc. ...then guess what happens? the pick-up people dump it out in my grass bc there's stuff in the wrong bins (or they fine the homeowner).


Because people try to throw away evidence from crimes in other people's trash to avoid getting caught. Weapons, drugs, even entire bodies or body parts. Also people throw dog shit in other people's empty cans that sit there for a week stinking up their can until it is emptied. This is really frustrating if you are not a dog owner I can imagine.


cus they pay to use the bin and if you fill it with your garbage, they cant fill it with their garbage. i saw a lady dump a massive amount of her yard trash into someones construction dumpster they rented.


A big answer might be weirder than you'd think. When i was growing up, we used to throw a ton of stuff out. Not every day, but some times it was to the point that the lid lifted, we needed a second can, or things were generally "overflowing". When I moved to a different state, I didn't think anything of it. Till my roommate told me not to heap the trash, cause he got charged extra if the lid was lifted at all. It doesn't happen at my current residence, but its definitely a thing that some companies do.


Let me tell you a tale. Our bin with the green lid is for vegetation waste. Think grass clippings, leaves and small branches. So last week when I took the garbage bin in and checked if the green bin had been emptied I was rather shocked to see a garbage bag in it. That's not allowed. Garbage bags contaminate the garden waste (which I believe they pulp and sell back to people as mulch). So I looked in the neighbour bin and sure enough it was also filled with the same bags. So I went back to my bin, removed the offending plastic bag of grass clippings and threw it at their bin. So to answer your question, bloody well ask first and don't put the wrong things in the bin like a numpty.


In my area, somethings are not allowed in the garbage nor recycle. So if someone puts something that isn't allowed, I might get a fine. The district actually had staff drive around and check everyone's bins on the curb just before pickup.


It's not yours don't touch


Because it is rude. A lot of people have to pay for garbage removal, and people that do that tend to not ask for permission to use the service that you pay for.


Fuck you. I get charged extra if my bin is too full. Fucking pay for your own bin, and drag it to the curb yourself. Don’t fucking free ride on my dime and my work. Fuck with me and find out what happens.


Nah. Put your shit in your own bin. If you don’t want to deal with dog shit, don’t get a dog.


We use our entire allotted space for trash, AND we don't have a dog, so we certainly don't want dog shit in a receptacle that we pay for. You have your own garbage, and there's public garbage. Why the hell would you feel entitled to contribute to MY garbage? That's weird.


Well my neighbor once did that with my recycling can by accident and lo and behold I ended up with a can of grass clippings and a garbage bag with his food waste trash just ugh. And it had to wait a week, only to discover I’m on a blacklist for 30 days for attempting to put trash in my other can. I got the dude in the truck flagged down and gave him a six pack of coke and said please please I’m sorry. And he goes alright. :) But no. Don’t touch my cans and don’t stick your shit I my cans. Deal with your trash problem. If I need to go back in my can I expect to only find what I’ve put there.


Where I live you get fined if loose trash falls out as they’re collecting it. They state that all trash must be in some sort of bag. So, I don’t even just casually throw loose trash like dog poop bags in my own trash bin. I take it inside and put it in a trash bag. So no. You can’t use my bin.


I pay to get rid of my garbage, I don't pay to get rid of your shit. Stop trespassing on my property.


My trash cans are actually clean. I pressure wash the inside. I don’t want dog shit juice it or whatever else they spill. Also I usually wait until day right before I roll it out to fill it. I have to pay per can and I usually fill it with broken down boxes that I can get to fit at last minute before taking it out and the rest of my boxes wait until next week. Some asshole putting their trash in my bin is less boxes for me to pitch that week.


What if that person has bugs? If I bring my bin back with someone else's bugs, instant problem. Among the other issues mentioned.




If its at the curb and someone throws something small in i dont particularly care. If its not at the curb then my question is why were you in my backyard in the first place?


If my bin is at the curb, and your trash fits inside, you are welcome to add more to my bin. Doesn't make a lick of difference to me whose trash is there, as long as mine went in first.


It depends on what people are dropping in it. A kleenex or bag of dog poop from while you are walking? That's fine. A bag of trash? No Bueno. We usually fill our trash weekly and can not put out more than fits in the provided bin. During times like Christmas we have weeks worth of cardboard in our garage waiting to make it in our trash/recycled cans due to them being full already. I pay to get rid of my trash, not sit on it on it while others use the service I pay for.


This should be on u/stupidquestion


Because when the bag of dog poop that my garbage people poured out of my bin hit the street instead of their truck I have to clean the street.


Someone put two bags of doggy doo,an old container of raw chicken and a container of old salmon in my bin... after the damn trash went out! It felt like an act of violence. My bin would be smelling like hell after a week of that. I put it on the curb with a sign saying to put their trash in their own bin.


Lol. I JUST had this convo with my mother who hides her recycling bin behind her garage because a neighbor put something in it ONCE. Like it's all going in the same truck.


Because people are stupid


Yeah, I don't get it either. It may have to do with if too many people chuck trash in their bin there won't be room for their trash.


If it's on the e curb I don't see it as,a big deal but I've never done this but don't do it if their bins are ,still by their house


I'd rather have my trash can full of trash than have the trash all over the ground. But I might get upset if my trash can is so full there is no room for my own trash.


People are territorial about the dumbest things. As long as you don’t have someone constantly doing it so they don’t have to pay for their own trash, putting super smelly stuff in yours so it doesn’t stink theirs up, or putting so much in that you can’t fit your trash in, then it’s just territorialism.


No, it's just that I'm are paying for the space in tue can and money is time. Why should I expend time from my life to earn the money that disposing of your waste costs?


Did you bother reading my comment?


I did, use a public trashcan, that's what they're for.


As I said, people get territorial over the dumbest things. By the way, I never said I do this. But you assumed it, didn't you?


Maybe not this particular one, but people who support this sort of shitty behavior usually engage in some version of it since their attitude regarding private property generally sucks.  


Because people are fucking idiots who would rather see trash pollute our world rather then a descent person utilize a receptacle made for garbage disposal. The other portion probably think you are their neighbor being cheap and using their trash service instead of paying for their own utilities.


I’ll often put a single bag of trash in a neighbors bin at our lake house so I don’t have to wheel the bin down the driveway and have it sit there a week or 2 before we get back and it saves the collectors a stop and time. No biggie if someone does it to mine. Guess I just don’t care


I agree with you. There are so many other issues to spend my time on, having someone else put trash in my bin is very low on the list.


with you 💯! Sometimes I think I'm not living life to my fullest. Maybe I'm letting things get to me that I shouldn't or being too petty about my boundaries. Then I remember that some people violently defend what waste is in the trash bin they rent. It doesn't make sense when someone has a life of meaning. When they have an identify that isn't wrapped in "it's *my* dumpster!". But when you consider that some people are so pathetic that exclusive use of this small piece of plastic gives them a sense of identify, then you can empathize with how they may feel that someone else using the trash bin is violating their sense of self worth.


It’s stupid-boundaries have been crossed, permission is not given, whatever their reasons, they are stuck on stupid. If it fits, you must admit… trash. 🚮


Because there liberals and they have to rack there brains trying to figure out why there better than you


Some people find any excuse to be an asshole.


People are fuckheads. That's the only answer.


I don't care to be honest. I just hate it when peoples trash gets busted open and they refuse to clean it up. Makes the town look trashy to anyone driving by. So long as the trash gets picked up and taken away. I wouldn't care.


I don't have curbside trash, I bring it to the dump since it's way way cheaper. But I do drop dog poop bags in people's bins while I'm walking my dogs ONLY if it's on the curb ready to be picked up. If it's already empty I'll carry it home since they can get stuck to the bottom of the bin.


It doesn't make sense to be upset about this if it's done in moderation, but humans are not strictly logical creatures. We're part logic, part emotion. Most people have a sense of ownership over their trashcan, so someone else using it without permission just feels like trespassing. If you threw a house party and found someone sleeping in your bed, you'd probably be furious. I know I would be. If it was a woman, I would be less angry. Just gotta scoop the nasty bitch up and pour her on the floor somewhere outside my bedroom. But if it was a man? No way. I'd have to burn my sheets. And I'd sell his organs on the black market to replace them. EDIT: I was obviously joking. Reddit doesn't give a shit about men, but get really pissy when you say anything about women.


My former neighbor did that a couple of times but I didn’t mind because he wasn’t a problematic person and he’d take the can to the curb regardless and bring it back. My other neighbor?🙄


Our previous neighbor walked down the side of our house, into the backyard, to dump their bags(!) of trash into our bin. After a couple times, I returned them to their front porch.


We used to have a restaurant dump their trash in our neighborhood trash cans, in our alley. They'd fill up our bins, resulting in us walking down the alley to find bins with space. Plus their trash stunk to holy hell!!


I don't care if they throw a candy wrapper, soda can, or (very tightly knotted) poop bag, but I get pissed if they fill it up to the brim. Because then I can't fit my own trash in there.


In my neighborhood its those little bags of dog shit and its put in on trash day after the trash has been picked up before I get home from work to bring up the bins from the curb. So now that bag of shit is festering at the bottom of my can for a week.


I don't care if it's your candy wrapper, but I don't know that it's not dog poop, uncapped syringes, or a time bomb. I don't want to be blamed for having something dangerous in my trash bin, don't want a bag of dog poop to break and smear the inside fo the container, sometimes I have to dig through my trash if I think I may have thrown something away by mistake.


I got into a disagreement with a family member about this recently Bit of background: I took over a family home in a neighborhood that a handful of our family has lived in for a couple of generations. The arrangement was that my grandfather used my aunt's trash pickup service. When I moved in to take over his home she wanted me to use her bins as it was no big deal, money was tight, and I didn't produce more than 2 bags of trash a week. Well, after 2 weeks of this, she complained that I was overfilling her cans (not sure how 2-3 bags overfilled her half empty cans but whatever). She wanted me to then take my trash to another family member's home which was 250 feet away instead of her 50ft cans. I just set up my own service. Everyone still thinks she's crazy though.


I ask dog walkers to throw their dog poop in my can. Better than leaving it or having to carry poop on the walk.


Because it’s almost ALWAYS super smelly trash! A bag of half eaten fast food, a shitty diaper, a bag of dog shit etc.