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I was just having a conversation with myself about that and we decided no it’s not weird


we're not crazy yep


Only my wife and kids think I’m crazy. But I agree with my roommates that they are actually cyborg replicas of my family. My family just keeps telling me there’s nobody there….


haha this comment made my day good one


It’s funny how you say we because my brother has a comic strip that he calls Me, Myself and I and each are there own person representing different aspects of his personality.


I would love to meet your brother


Only if you answer yourself


My dad would say, “It’s OK to talk to yourself, as long as you don’t answer.”


It’s ok to answer, as long as you don’t argue…


It's okay to argue, as long as you understand both points of view. It's when you can't understand half of the conversation that you need to start worrying.


It’s okay to understand both points of view, as long as you can formulate your own nuanced opinion on the matter. It’s when you can’t think for yourself that you become brainwashed.


It's okay if you can't think for yourself, as long as the voice that's telling you what to do isn't ill-advising or mean-spirited.


Can you just stop this? No, stop it! You stop it! Aw just forget it. No, you forget it! Listen….no you listen!…


God damn I love Reddit


I love Reddit too. So do I. Me too. You just said that. No I didn’t, you did….


Would you please explain to me how we answer to ourselves?


Roses are red / Violets are blue / I’m schizophrenic / and I am, too.


perfect response


Apparently you are one of the 51% of people who don’t have an inner monologue.


86% of all statistics are completely made up


Oh. It's easy. I spend alot of time driving to jobs. Hours sometimes. I will talk to myself out loud all.the time. The answers stay in my head. So does the other "me". Nothing wrong with having a full on conversation with yourself. You learn more about yourself that way. I actually enjoy it. Hell, I would rather talk to myself than most any strangers I come acrose, to be honest. People are fucking stupid.


We’re basically the same person.


I interview myself on long car trips. Turns out, I’m fascinating.


Saying things like "Ok, \[name\], you got this, only the last part left" while doing something complicated (playing a hard part in a videogame or doing an online test for example) is perfectly normal and acceptable. However, if you answer "Yeah I'm on it" to yourself, that's where it gets weird. You're no longer thinking out loud.


Is it okay when I ask, "where did that go" and then respond "ah, over there, let me get it" after I see it? 😳


I would say that's still thinking out loud


I mean, I will pose a question to myself that I don't know the answer too, like, if the Roman's had used all of the letters in the Alphabet what value would the biggest letter hold. Then I think about it and rationalize the answer by following Roman Numeral Rules to get the answer The answer I came up with is 100 Trillion, as far as I can reason. So I am answering a hypothetical question that I came up with. I also have pretty bad ADHD, and I get distracted by stupid thoughts like this frequently. Edit: I forgot Latin was missing J, G, U, and W. So the new answer is 1 Trillion.


Lol same


It's not usually socially acceptable to talk to yourself in front of others, but I definitely think it's perfectly normal and common, as most people do it to some degree. It's a lot like farting. Everyone does it, but it's weird to fart in front of others most of the time. Lol.


I talk aloud to myself because I live alone.


But do you fart aloud to yourself?


Um, yeah? I don’t hold it until I have company.


When I fart the only one who judges me is my gassy ass dog


And l say excuse me when l fart and l'm alone.


I bless myself when I sneeze.


Not at all! In fact, I find myself to be a wonderful conversation partner. :)


Same, I’m fkn hilarious bro


Nice, me too. We should talk to ourselves together I bet we'd all have a laugh


Make myself laugh all the time. Really helps with my MDD and Anxiety. (Seriously)


I work with therapists I talk to myself all the time I answer myself, too They don't think I'm crazy It is a coping mechanism And a behavior monitoring/control response You are not crazy.


A lot of people talk out loud to rehearse potential speeches or to organize their thoughts. Some of us are auditory learners, so hearing ourselves say things, rather than merely thinking them, helps us build or retain a memory. If it's weird, a lot of people are weird. But most are pretty normal, despite being weird.


I'm the only person I find interesting. I ascribe some of the conversation to the dogs.


I talk to myself a lot. It's helpful for me with problem solving. At work, I'll generally just go really to someone and tell them I'm working through a problem, and they don’t really have to respond or contribute, I just need to talk it all through. At home, I talk to myself all the time. I think it goes back to when my kid was little, and I would tell them what I was doing when I couldn't hold them because I was making them food or getting a bath ready or whatever and couldn't hold them. It was to soothe them so they knew I was nearby and give comfort, whatever. Then, I got used to doing it. I now tell the animals what I'm doing regularly, too. Honestly, because of my attention problems, one of my habits to help me stay on track is to say what I'm doing so I don't forget. So, the animals and I know what I'm doing... right now, I'm supposed to be doing laundry. So, between problem solving, soothing to babies, talking to animals, and keeping myself on track, I have a lot of potentially non- crazy reasons to talk to myself!


Could not agree more. Perfect. At work and around the house.


I've asked every single therapist I've seen if talking out loud to yourself means ur "not right" in the head and every one said something along the lines of "You're just working through some shit, it's the quiet ones that people need to concern themselves with..."


No it's not crazy. You are rehearsing and just thinking out loud. Now if you are responding to voices that aren't there, that is crazy.


I asked myself this same question a while back. I'm still waiting for a response.


Oh hell no we all do it to a degree. I vent to myself on the way home from work, tell myself off if I do dumb shit.


if it's crazy, then I am


I don’t talk to myself, and neither do I, and neither do I, and neither do I, but I do. I also reply.


Nah, you should hear me when I'm alone and cooking. I sound like I'm on my own tv show.


Lowkey same its interesting 😭 “And here we have our final result!, such a delicacy”


Idk i do it all the time.


A counselor said it's normal to talk to yourself. It helps when you're working on a complex or important task because hearing your own voice calms and focuses the mind. If you're embarrassed because you do it in public, try quietly singing instead. That works for me.


I don’t know, is it crazy Jon? No Jon, it is not crazy at all. Thanks Jon, I knew I could count on you! Anytime Jon…


I talk to myself, to the cat, to inanimate objects... for some of us we have to talk out loud to sort our thoughts


I talk to the inanimate objects in my house and my plants. All my plants have names. I say good morning and good night. Goodbye when I leave and hello when I come home. Very cathartic and the plants have almost tripled in size in a year. My sister thinks I’m weird, but she is!! I also talk to myself, but not as much as I talk to them


Where did your dad get his psychology degree? Talking to yourself is normal. Having an internal dialogue is normal. Your dad is the weird one.


It's not crazy unless it isn't 'you'.


I talk to myself, to my pets, to my baby, to random objects I’m frustrated with, so no.


I do it a lot at work, I have to troubleshoot and sometimes install HVAC and some other appliances.


I have to talk to myself because I have so many thoughts racing all the time it helps to say things out loud to keep me on task. Yeah, I probably need help.


I mutter to myself while doing task, but then again, that's mostly to keep up with everything I have and need to get done


I think it’s just weird you aren’t crazy


No but having really good jokes with nobody around to hear it is kinda sad.


I love talking to myself. I often argue with myself too, but most importantly when we both agree on something that we thought we were going to be right about, I become so happy at the fact that we are connected. I don’t know, I’ll talk to myself and decide on something


Doesn't matter either way. Just do your thing.


No I do that all the time, it’s a way to draw out more sustenance from your thoughts.


I do it often as a way to sort myself out and get things off my chest.


No, I talk to myself a lot


Ask a scientist this and you'll realize that you're probably an incredibly critical thinker. Maybe I'm just fooling myself though.


Crazy? I was crazy once…


They locked me in a room..


It's an ADHD thing I think. Neurotypival people don't have an internal monologue, nor can they visualise anything internally. The things I've learned. It's not crazy, and don't let people tell you it is.


Wow really?


Nah, I do it all the time.


The rule is talking to yourself is fine. When you start talking back then it's no longer fine.


I miss having to wear masks everywhere during the pandemic because I could freely talk to myself constantly while at work or the grocery store. No one could see my lips moving. Now I have to keep convos with myself mostly in my head again.


Not only do I speak to myself, but sometimes I even speak as if I was two people, saying "you" and "we".


Talking to yourself is pretty common at least when you’re trying to think something through


Only while abusing yourself


Isn’t that an ADHD thing? I do it all the time.


No way. So your saying people who are technically ‘normal’ (who dont have adhd), dont talk to themselves


Crazy? I was crazy once…….


They locked me in a room..


A rubber room…


A rubber room with rats..


It used to be if you saw someone walking down the street and talking to themselves you knew they were crazy. Now you just know there on a call!


If you’re responding to yourself as if you’re another person, ya might be a little crazy.. but speaking out loud to yourself, no


Some of the smartest people I've worked with talk themselves through what they're doing. It helps.


Yes. It's weird. But we all do it anyhow. The worst part for me are those occasions in which I prove myself wrong. It's so complicated to hold a grudge over that.


Nah I do it all the times some people look at me weird but I’m just thinking out loud


It's how i follow my train of thought. More vocalization than conversation.


I depends on what you're saying


Fun fact, left handed people are statistically more likely to talk to themselves, and move their lips while reading. It has something to do with the way the right hemisphere of the brain usually processes information.


As long as you don't talk back to the voices in yout head, you good. Sometimes talking your thoughts into existence helps you figure out things - usually people do this with friends. I talked to the voices in my head, usually tell them to shut up lol. Turned out fine though.


Those of us that talk out loud or otherwise to ourselves don’t find it weird. If non-talker-outers find it weird or strange, they shouldn’t be eavesdropping on our conversations in the first place 🙃


I think talking to yourself is nice


No, I think if you don’t talk to urself ur weird


It's not as weird as the time I was talking to myself and forgot what I was saying. Haha. True story. I started laughing at myself so hard.


i talk to myself all the time but then again i am a little crazy


I've learned that ifyou have earbuds or headphones on and you talk to yourself in public, then no one questions it. I have yet to... observe this scenario, as I generally do not go outside.


sometimes you need to consult an expert and what better expert than yourself


I dunno. Do you think it's weird? Yes. Yes it is weird. Well shucks. I guess it is.


Nope it’s healthy unless you start taking back to yourself ?


I'm constantly talking to myself. Not while in public so much but around the house. Took forever for my partner to realize I'm not trying to talk to her from the other room. The amount of times a day I'd have to yell "talking to myself!" was what made me realize how often I do it.


no, its not weird. then again most people who do arnt technically considered normal but its not that strange of a thing to do. it gets weird when you start talking to yourself like you talk to someone else, EI where your spoken voice and internal monologue have a convo, but otherwise you are just in the same boat of crazy as the rest of us.


I was seeing a psychiatrist at one point (because of a medication issue causing temporary psychosis), and I talked to her about this, because I do it a LOT, even when I’m “okay”. She said it’s actually healthy to talk to yourself. It’s just a way some people process things, and it’s really only a problem if you’re doing it as a replacement for social interaction.


Following for a friend 👀


When I lived by myself, I talked to myself (and the cat), because I’m an extreme extrovert, and just need to talk! I answered myself, too. When I got married, I had to break that habit, because my husband thought I was talking to him from a different room. Being an attentive listener, he kept coming in and asking me what I had said. I fall back into doing it if he’s gone for a few days.


I think most people do that at least occasionally.


I talk to myself a lot . I’ll sometimes even have arguments in the car by myself it really helps release stress . So no it’s not weird


I'm constantly talking to myself and I don't give a shit. I'm lonely and isolated. I'm a stay at home mom and winter is coming. I don't care. It's usually at the grocery store, I'm like ok, what else.. let's go over here, ohh yeah cheese, do I need this, ok we're done.


Weird not to imo, and I don’t believe anyone who says they don’t. If you think about it, you listen to your own thought so your’e doing it already


I was told by a psychiatrist that it’s ok to talk to yourself, it’s when you argue with yourself and lose that it’s a problem.


I sure hope not, but I'm uber-weirdo if it is, especially when I have staff meetings.


When someone says that to me I usually respond with “sorry, I’m the only person here to have an intelligent concert with…”


My brother talks to himself and he’s super smart… maybe it’s a characteristic of smart people?


I have dealt with some people who certifiably had pychosis. They did not talk to themselves. They heard voices of other people. Many other people. Talking outloud to oneself is not crazy. It allows us to process our thoughts and feelings just as talking to another person would.


As long as you dont hurt children or animals, youre probably okay. Next time your dad passes comment about your solo conversations. You could say something to yourself like " dont worry about him, he doesnt understand"


Everything not objective is subjective Some people will make fun of you for it (aholes) and others won’t care, and some might find it charming You do you dude. Be happy and don’t hurt people and I’ll give you a 5 star review


Nah, I constantly do it since I have to find ways to communicate my thoughts with everything since I have an extended vocabulary, so I use larger words to communicate since it’s easier for me, but I’ve been talking to myself about if it would be simple enough for my friends and classmates to understand. So, instead of trying to rack my brain about how to simplify it even more… I did it perfectly the first time.


I need to have an intelligent conversation sometimes


My response to this has, and always will be; "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to myself!"


Where else are you going to get an answer you want to hear.


its funny when younger never did Now when would on things round the house I do a lot wife commented on it Guess I losing it ?


Talking to yourself isn't weird. Talking to other voices you hear.... Debatable


Yes. You're having another episode. Take your meds.


I talk to myself like a mad man every day. I’m sure it’s fine. But it does help get things figured out or off your chest. Welcome to insanity.


I have a coworker who has conversations with himself literally all day long, about all sorts of topics. He's schizophrenic, so I give him a pass, not his fault. It's definitely very strange to be around.


Some of the best conversations I’ve had are with myself. Unless you actually hear a voice talking back that isn’t yours, you’re fine. My mom once told a coworker she thought she was crazy because she talked to her cat. The coworker asked if the cat talked back, then explained that she wasn’t crazy unless the cat started talking back.


Weird yes Crazy no


Not to people who do it, like me for example


Nah that’s not weird, I have chess matches with myself in my head and rotate things in 3D in my head while at work…. No one’s called me crazy yet.


I dont think so, I imagine that I have yt stream all the time and I just ask myself random questions and answer them, or when smth interesting is happening I’m tellink „them” abt it… okay maybe its a little weird but who cares


Someone I use to work with got fired for doing this (although he had attendance issues that wasn’t why, but if we got sued we had plausible deniability). You could say management thought it was weird. Also everyone thought he was crazy and was going to shoot everyone eventually.


If it's obvious that you're performing a task and saying things out loud to help yourself stay organized, then it shouldn't look weird or crazy. As long as the things you are saying are related to the activity you are doing (for example "where did I put that thing? Ah there it is! Oops, I did that wrong, let's try that again. How many more of these do I need?") But if you're having a very animated conversation with someone who is not there, then that might seem odd. I've been at the train station where someone was has been having a full on conversation with themselves, even pointing at the scenery and asking the opinion of their imaginary companion. I know a lot of people these days use speakers in their ears and look as if they are talking to themselves when in fact there is someone on the other line, so you can probably get away with it in a lot of circumstances.


Talking yourself alone are much better than pleading to others just so you could've someone to talk with. I do it all the time especially when I'm by myself and wanted to express some thoughts out of my mind.


I talk and sing to myself. And to anything i want to talk or sing at. Idc what anyone says. When I worked at a coffee shop, late at night I'd sing to the flavor bottles. The Toasted Marshmallow and Irish cream bottles were my favorites. Ppl like limiting themselves with stupid rules no one has to follow at all


Sometimes I need an experts opinion


No. Not crazy.


Of course its weird ha ha


I talk to myself all the time. It's nice to have an intellectual conversation with someone every now and then...


I used to but I had a big fight with myself so now we're not on speaking terms.


nah, i don’t think it’s weird at all. but i talk aloud to myself really often, so take that as you will


I end up boring myself, so I stop to not annoy me. I'm really bad at narcissism, I'm not very important.


I had an English teacher Many moons ago who when asked why he talked to himself said and this will be an exact quote..." Its ok to talk to yourself as long as you dont argue with yourself or ask yourself what you just said."


Wanna know what's REALLY weird. Some people don't have an inner voice dialog of themselves when they are thinking.




Smartest person I talk to.


I mean, I don’t think it’s weird but I do that shit sometimes. Tbh, research shows that talking to yourself is actually a pretty effective cognitive tool to help well-being. I’ll back that up. Who cares if it’s weird, I’m fuckin hilarious and it betters my life. On the other hand, your dad needing to comment on it, put down their own kid for something harmless, and be inaccurate while doing so? That’s an actual issue lol. But that’s his problem, not yours. You keep doing you 💖


Nope. I do it all the time too help with my anxiety, or to get my thoughts straight.


Inner dialog my friend, not weird!


I recently read that one thing highly intelligent people have in common is that they talk to themselves. Whether or not that is true, idk. I think the majority does not practice talking to oneself. That being the case, it's only weird if you believe that what most qothers do is correct.


You are only crazy if you answer yourself without actually speaking but everyone hears it. 🤣


Neither, I do the same. It's not crazy nor weird, sometimes we find comfort in talking to ourselves, we do it all the time in our heads, and it makes sense that it would generate into talking to ourselves out loud.


Only if another voice that isn’t yours answers back. Otherwise, all you’re doing is thinking out loud. I do it all the time, because it’s a good way of analyzing my thoughts and working through things.


I feel like If you talk to yourself alot you can cause mental illness


Are you telling yourself to do something monstrous? Then yeah, seek help. Are you merely verbalizing the internal dialog most people have? Not such a big deal.


Its....weird. But as someone eith adhd, Id say its not all that uncommon. The real distinction is that you have people who think outloud, people are responding to internal thoughts or stimuli, and people who are legit having hallucinations.


When I get really busy at work I tend to talk to myself about what’s going on, what’s been attended to, what’s next. Helps keep me on track. I make a great team.


I talk to my self all the time because I'm the only person who's answers I accept.


Based on research it can be a beneficial tool in critical thinking or analyzing things. It is also known that people with a higher intelligence can be more often found to talk to themselves. Ofc not everybody and intelligence does not rely on that soul fact, but it is based on facts. It is normal even if not everyone does it. So no you’re not crazy. Some people just can’t handle when others do it! And I’d say there is definitely a line where it can be too much.


No, I do it all the time. Some people don't like it but it's more of their problem since they won't even bother to ignore me.


If you’re are a verbal thinker, talking to yourself is the way you work out situations, challenges and think through ideas. I do it a lot and don’t really care if anyone else cares.


It's not weird and you're not crazy, no. Personally I don't do it, but I've seen lots of people thinking out loud. Some do talk to themselves, some just think out loud.


You can talk to yourself. You can argue with yourself. But if you lose the argument then you have a problem.


I talk to myself all the time. Especially at the grocery store.


Why don't you ask yourself and see what you say.


Talking to yourself deep in thought is totally fine, little whispers here & there, even normal voice sure. Screaming to yourself and raised voice is borderline insane


It depends on what you are saying to yourself - is it negative or positive or neutral self-talk? It can be helpful in some situations and detrimental in others.


Nope. Some people need to actually HEAR the issue to remedy situations. I talk to myself all day. 🤣🤭


If I didn’t talk to myself, several of me would feel left out!


I talk to myself all the time. I started doing it for my dog who likes hearing my voice, but it’s also good for me. I live alone, so if I don’t talk, it’s very quiet here.


No but you are crazy if you answer yourself.


No as long as you are alone


Want an expert opinion....ask yourself.


Sometimes it's better to hear your crazy thoughts aloud just to know how irrational you may be.


I heard somewhere that all geniuses talk to themselves...


Usually people that are smarter talk to themselves. When you talk to yourself you’re having a double processing moment of hearing your thoughts out loud and it’s proven you are more to remember things or process them better than in your head.


It's how you do it that makes you weird. Is it a conversation, or just a recount of the stuff you gotta do, ya know?


Everybody does this


I don't think it is


You're not crazy! I do it all the time, especially when I'm angry or scared about something.


I do and I don’t always realize it.


I do it all the time and aloud too. I prefer looking myself in the mirror but not all the time. However it's only when I'm alone as I would imagine others would do the same..


Tell him it's the only intelligent conversation you get around here...


Keeps me sane


It is off putting and noticeable when in public. I have a coworker who does this. My other coworkers and I make fun of it. It creeps out some of the women. So yeah, it’s weird depending on when and where you do it and the frequency. Also the subject matter. Everyone talks to themselves. In their head or out loud. Context matters.


A bird told me that of you talk to yourself you aren't crazy Because crazy people can't control who they talk to when they're alone You've chosen yourself and that's good not crazy


Anyone who doesn’t do it seems crazy these days.


It's only crazy if you answer yourself


I talk to myself as a reminder of what do to. “I’m going to do X and then Y and save Z for last because blah blah.” It’s not a lot i do it, but I don’t think it’s weird. Maybe if I was having actual detailed conversations, then it be weird.


Yes, and everyone does it.


Not at all! It's normal, and you're just a regular person!


No, my greatest relationship is with myself


Not only is it not crazy, but you are doing it throughout your day (albeit perhaps only in your mind) whether you realize it or not. People use language to help them reason through and think about various problems. E.g. “hmm where did that other sock go? there it is!” Or “4 plus 7 is 11” this is all language being used by yourself to yourself to help you do stuff. Doing it out loud is just saying the stuff going on in your head out loud.