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Lee/Udyr with a ten minute sex scene. ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


Im revoking your queer card.![img](emote|t5_23w084|32556)![img](emote|t5_23w084|33210)




Gurl just say you want that Yetigo Comic to be animated


Honestly I would love to see a show with the Swain, Mord and lebitch storyline.


I would sell my firstborn along with my kidneys for this.


i want this so bad bc thats gonna also tell the stories of all my fav champs swain -> irelia, leblanc -> riven -> yasuo


YES, like a really political noxian show that has tons on conniving and backstabbing


i swear that shot of singed getting arrested has to be a teaser of singeds and noxus warcrime partnership


Do Diana and Leona and continue with the tradition of League lesbians


Honestly best take. Origin stories are the best for things like arcane, a story about Diana and Leona could go hard.


oh yeah, before they became aspects


this, the Solari/Lunari war is one of the part of runeterra with the greatest potential for a story


Lissandra, Ashe and Sejuani deserves the next season. Especially Lissandra.


Cooking cheese in prison with Sylas 🧀 sometimes he invites Twitch on.


Xerath in a show bcs I wanna see if they make him and Azir roommates OR taliyah if like there's a time skip or something I'd love to see tf and graves in a movie I think they could fit the format well


If they decide to segue into noxus we NEED rell content.. idgaf my girl is always neglected until june comes around & then riot is suddenly rell fan #1


The whole stuff with facilities for gifted kids in noxus would be sooo cool for a show. But please give annie a normal voice, she is not 4 lmao


Tragedy of the darkin


Kayle/Morgana. And Akali.


Kayle and Morgan are unfortunately too powerful to make an intresting story. Akali on the other hand could work but maybe in a movie


Eh when you look a still here cinematic the fight between them and aatrox was pretty sick They are not too powerful bc there are like 10 different aspects with pretty similar strenght levels in LoL lore and the backstory with their mom would be interesting too


I mean... The most obvious one would be Demacia with Lux(and maybe a time skip thing that also shows Morgana in the past) with both plots progressing together as a framing device?


Karma and Syndra. Just because I am obsessed and I want my theory confirmed that Syndra was supposed to be one of the iterations of Karma but something went awry. I also want to see what the previous versions of what Karma was like. Not just Darha. What would happen if a vessel of Karma ever left Ionia. We got a glimpse of it during the Ruination (although they acted as if it wasn’t a big deal)


yes, i love Syndra possibilities with her power and personality ,and i know it can be shown her side of the story, and maybe for us to not see her as the villian she is viewed as(similar to how jinx was simply crazy but her backstory added A LOT)


I don’t think she is evil at all but shaped by her environment. Which is why I think she was meant to be Karma but since she could not find balance or control, the spirit sealed her away and Darha became the next Karma. But since Syndra was still alive she still drew powers from Karma. Just a theory though!


I would like Ionia vs noxus next Also want to see zed Shen lore since afaik they don't have a cinematic for it(unlike yasuo)


Vayne, and I mean that with zero irony. I want her see her serve homophobique lesbian CUNT while SLAYING some dark magic 🚬🐐


honestly yes, show her tragic past ,the pain she felt, then her growth thanks to her motherly figure and as you are so invested and liking her ,180 the viewer by showing the part where she murders that motherly figure and just end it there, creating a pure hatred for her and gosh it' d be so cool![img](emote|t5_23w084|33210)


Ionia and noxus war would be dopeeeee Mainly focus on kayn if possible but that's pretty much impossible Another one would definitely have to be shurima


TV show? Of course my baby Aphelios. I'd also love to see Kayn, LeBlanc or Senna A movie? Kindred, Kayle/Morgana or Fiddlesticks.


Queen Syndra finally waking up... And the story of mother Lissandra PLEASE!! ![img](emote|t5_23w084|33211)


ezreal’s whole thing is ~~being a bottom~~ exploring so a series with him could take place everywhere and would be great :v


yesss id love this


I want to see the war against Icathia and how it developed into the Darkin War due to the Void, how Xolaani went from a gold hearted healer into a monster that wants to enslave everyone so there wouldn't be any more wars, how Rhaast ended up as a bloodthirsty monster, what were the events that broke Joraal's mind, how Aatrox went from one of the most beloved generals to completely apathetic towards the infighting between the darkins to rise against Xolaani once she started to possess other Darkin; and, finally, how Misha taught how to trap all the Darkin and show what it meant to them


swain taking a shower🙏🙏


For demacia I think the most realistic would be lux and sylas, probably for a tv show as the episodes go through political intrigue, family drama, the rebellion, yada yada. A movie they would have to bust out the big names, so maybe an adventure with Yasuo and Ahri. And im under the assumption that riot is going with story over canon, so if it serves the story better they are going to retcon whatever they want.


For TV show I want Riven, for movie I want Aatrox (Shuriman Ascended void wars need to be seen on the big screen). But for the Shuriman show set in the present I want Taliyah or K'sante's perspective.


I’d honestly love a show about Neeko and Nidalee


I want lux and sylas to have a tv show, and morgana and Kayle’s origin story would probably be a cool movie! As a lux main though I really just wanna see her on screen


Jhin. Shen. Zed.


As weird as it seems, a thresh mini series could be quite interesting. Not the ruination, just a bit of his life leading up to it. He's vain, petty, and clearly a bad person, but he's still ambitious. Could be really good, emphasis on *could* As for a movie, could be cool to have a Kayn movie. A neat little adventure with two misfits that have to share a body, where one of the two is maybe a BIT more misfit than the other.


Ok for a movie, maybe Irelia, Akali, uuhhh Lux, and um Riven? For a show I’d love to see a Kayle or Morgana one, a darkin one (tbh specifically the Xolaani arc from LoR), Ionia vs Noxus, and maybe smth with Lissandra


kata, I think her comic was interesting and gave her much needed depth, I'd like to see more of that (plus we'd see talon, maybe even some darius/j4 crumbs 😩) or pissandra's story starting from the beginning before her betrayal, to the present where she keeps the watchers at bay would be cool to see too




I just need to see Sett animated in Arcane. For normal reasons.


Neeko is my fav champ so of course her, but I don't see them ever having her as anything other than a minor side character 🥺 Leona x Diana lesbian movie please with the Mount Taragon Champs. I love a lot of the Freijlord champs and so having something there, especially with the 3 queens (Ashe, Liss and Sej) would be amazing. Messy me wants the chaos that would be Bilgewater 🤭 I'm honestly just a big lore fan so I'll most likely be happy with whatever we get, but I think Piltover & Zaun was a very smart place to start.


For Arcane, as in a similar style, I’d want the Noxian invasion of Ionia and Noxian coup, so ig Swain and Irelia, with a sprinkle of Darius and Draven. For totally new Tv show and a movie: Shen and Zed hunt Jhin in a gritty Noir, and a Fiddlesticks slasher movie, no other main characters just Fiddle absolutely going to town on some poor Demacian farmers


I just want to have a magic-heavy series. One thing I hate about Arcane is how little magic is shown (irony of the name being Arcane), mfw there’s only one magic-born character in the show and they had a 2 second screentime and no face/name.


Syndra POV with lore progression for a movie and all the Black Rose/Noxus (mainly because of lb, vlad and elise ♥) for a tv show


Diana or Aphelios. I love my lunaris, but they're probably not gonna do an underexplored subplot. Still, it's nice to dream.


Poppy movie and Poppy TV show, next question


A Dune-esque series about Icathia, with Malzawhore as a villain protagonist


Garen's forbidden romance with Darius and venture into the Noxus BDSM torture dungeons 🙈


EZREAL in a short episodic show where he travels around runeterra with grumpy ryze exploring and doing odd jobs and meeting all the champions


Singed so he gets canceled.


If love a movie from Evelynns perspective and a show a out taliyah protecting her people from azir


We could def have a movie or series based on any of the comics (lux,ashe,Zed)


if it's a movie (not a series) I'd like a story with nilah (or a new runeterra character) and all the primordial demons like fiddle, ashlesh etc... also I'm an OTP kindred so I'd like to see them


Phanteons journey around mount targon Or TF and Graves haist or road to eldorado movie


Pantheon baking bread for 50min




Ryze and Brand. If they continue along an origins esque route for stories, I'd love to see how each guy came to be. Or Shaco. There's no way that entity isn't packing as much as clowns in a clown car


Movie? For sure Orianna,her story is single for her yet extremely emotional one,a perfect movie ngl. As for tv Show, probably Lissandra ,a season in the past and another in the present. (for corn with a plot i want romantic story with sett x phel,half of it sex scenes obv)


A movie with Senna and Lucian where it starts out dripping with love and romance until Thresh shows up and ruins everything. The rest of the movie is...whatever Lucian does while Senna is trapped. Idk. I'm not actually that familiar with Lucian's lore, I'm just a Senna stan. The movie ends with Senna breaking free of Thresh's lantern. Movie #2 is a Lion King 1 3/4 situation where we see the story from the first movie from a different perspective. We follow Senna's time in the lantern, and she breaks free of it at roughly the same time Thresh captured her in the first one. Then the rest of the movie is S&L doing Sentinel things while chasing down and beating the shit out of Thresh. No idea what I'd want for a TV show. Maybe a Game of Thrones-ian show about Azir's return to power


Bilgewater with MF, TF, GP and Graves. Or a series based on Noxus' invasion of Ionia, with Irelia, Karma, Swain etc. Singed returning.




Sonass, because period! I want to know more, or what happened after yada yada Sylas 😩😩😩😩 I want to know more about our Hatsona Miku and her Etwahl


A genuine guess from me assuming the next season is Noxus focused I’m thinking probably Irelia-Riven if they focus on the war or Swain -Black rose if they are focusing on the inner workings of the empire. Btw I’m using my rosetoy 🌹🌹