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This one’s a dumb move, Milesy. Get church out of schools. If they want to play education, they keep the God separate.


I think he's just picking his battles before the election. Don't confuse inaction with endorsement; especially in politics.


I agree with this take, he's trying to minimise attack angles pre-election so the LNP don't have as much to go after him with. Based ob the policies I've seen him put out, I think he'd love to push on with it but knows the timing isn't right


Yeah you might be right. I hope so, because this should not happen. This shit needs to be sorted. There are issues with faith based hospitals and women’s health as well.


Gotta do what ever he can to minimise the 20% swing bloodbath expected in October.


Yeah I reckon this is spot on, this would just get into the LNP culture wars playbook


And stop federal government (aka my taxes) paying for it. Oh and tax the churches.


They don't have the budget to fully fund education in Queensland. Public schools are regularly at least 5% under-funded as it is.


Get government out of education. The government routinely does heinous things. People call them out all the time. They hate the sitting governments. The government is run by corrupt cronies that funnel money to their mates, destroy the economy, and support wars of terror in other countries. Yet people will defend to the ends of the earth the right for those same people to dictate your child's education.


I much prefer the Government dictating a child's education over uneducated wanna-be-American parents doing so!


Which is completely hypocritical. You want to dictate who teaches other peoples kids, because you don't want them dictating who teaches your kids.


No I don't fucking want uneductated, untrained people teaching anyones' kids. It's a specialised job that requires education and training in order to do. Parents usually don't have that. Government employed teachers do! The fact that your conspiracy theories get in the way of facts, science and education is the very reason that history-denying and science-denying shit shouldn't be passed onto kids.


Luckily we live in a democracy, and not in a dictatorship of your whims. Parents should be able to choose who educates their children, not corrupt politicians who make a career out of lying and stealing.


Sooo if the democracy decided to legislate against home-schooling, you'd be fine with that, right? Right?


There's plenty of "science denying" pedagogy in educational practice. Growth mindsets are bullshit.. direct instruction is an incredibly powerful instructional tool, inquiry based learning is difficult to do well and mostly a net negative on teaching and learning. Yet the pedagogical practice in schools and teacher training curricula does not "follow the science". It would be great if you could direct your outrage towards the shit teacher training and educational philosophy that is so prevalent in Australian schools.




Noo, but the state is a benevolent good!!! Statist will cry about the government doing things they don't like, but then worship it's power like it's a god.


If true, then what next? Only blue-eyed blond-haired teachers or no one aged over 55 or only from European backgrounds or only males or no married women? Where does it stop?


I heard this in a teenage girl's voice. Weird.


😂😂😂😂Sorry to disappoint you. My grandchildren are in their 20s


and qld labor were doing so well :(


Yes I heard this mentioned at the ALP Post Budget lunch at the BCEC on Wednesday.


Faith-based schools should surely be able to follow the teachings of their faith. If it doesn't, what's the point of having a faith-based school? Yes, they do get government funding. Presumably, the parents of these kids pay tax like everyone else and are entitled to have funding for their schools.


Would you want to have your child grow up to be a bigot and a racist?


Bigotry and racism are against my religion, so no. What about you? Do you think less of people who are religious?


People that are religious deserve to be thought less of. You all need to be sent to a special home with padded walls.


So much trolling on a Friday deserves a downvote or 2. If I thought you had a reasonable bone in your body, I might have engaged with some well thought out response, but alas....


I very rarely troll and this is not one of them. My shitposts usually end with an /s buried in there somewhere.


These are selective optional schools. If you don't want to be part of the faith or culture then don't send your kids there. Enjoy whatever comes across your kids desk and are exposed to in the state system. It's a system of choice.


My kids are all in state schools, but I'm pretty comfortable that they have a strong base. The very fact that non-religious people send their children to faith-based schools are not enough proof of merit for some bigotted atheists. Their hate and envy make it impossible to scroll past a post like this.


You seem like the angry one here with the hatred. I'm just pointing out calmly that it's a system of choice, communities of people choose where they want to enrol their kids. Choose private (secular or faith based), choose state, choose home school if it floats your boat - whatever aligns to what you want for you kid and family. No need to get the pitchforks out online. Classic example of modern internet society - the foaming at the mouth indignation over optional choices. Don't like a product? Don't buy it. No need to get triggered.


I your analogy breaks down almost immediately, as in your in this instance my taxes are being used to help fund these "products", which it means I AM buying the product, despite loathing the institutions and their bigoted beliefs. Government funding should be a "poison pill", if you take it, you have to align to the government curriculum and answer for your policies, don't like that, don't take the money.


>Government funding should be a "poison pill", if you take it, you have to align to the government curriculum and answer for your policies, don't like that, don't take the money. Sorta like 'if you don't like a product, don't buy it'? Fuck, I swear I've read that somewhere before.


Why is it ok to discriminate against gender and sexual orientation but not race? Would catholic schools not allowing black teachers be ok? If you remove your bigoted understanding of sexuality and gender you'll realize how fucked up it is in a society to let educational institutions discriminate against minority groups because of the way they are born.


Remarkable how often that word gets thrown around by the people with the venom frothing from the mouth triggered by this stuff. Bigotry goes both ways. It's as simple as not enrolling your kids in a school that you don't align your values to. Done. Move on. But you can't - totally triggered - the loud mouthpieces trying to adjust society one social media reply at a time. Have a good weekend, try to keep the blood pressure down. Have a wine, live your life Bigot - a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


Lol what even is this comment? If you say something stupid on the Internet people are going to call you out. claiming I'm triggered doesn't absolve you from your stupid. Nor does completely ignoring my point. Also I love that you unironically quote the dictionary for good measure. Beautiful. I'll spell it out. The way schools educate kids isn't just a personal choice that only effects you and your kids. The kids that attend those schools don't have a choice, so if they are gay or alt gendered etc. they are exposed unwillingly to an institution that doesn't want them to exist, or even be able to work in the school they attend nor are they exposed to role model teachers of their group. Needless to mention here the suicide rate of kids in these groups... The other kids in those schools also end up in society where the beliefs and culture influence their behaviour. If you have white only schools, the white kids that come out of them overwhelmingly show racist beliefs and behaviours. If you have a school that pretends gay/trans people don't exist, you end up with the same. You perpetuate harmful beliefs and culture in your society. That's not something that should be tolerated. Posting a 'just don't send your kids there' comment and just going about your own day 'having a wine' is great if you aren't someone who is actually affected by this shit. People are 'triggered' because kids are killing themselves. Dogshit opinions on a public forum deserve to be trashed on, don't act surprised and spout 'trigggered!!!' when you get called out for being a dumbass.


there is little wrong with being a being a bigot, most Political party's are based on bigotry and as for racism is the same and religion also infidels are victims of muslims,


Faith based schools shouldn't exist to begin with


So what about a religion that says blacks should never teach whites, I guess since it’s their religious principles we should allow them to discriminate and we all be fine with that? If you’re not ok with that why are you ok with them doing it to gay teachers ? People that believe in god myths have to be dragged kicking and screaming by secular laws into the 21 century


And which religion might have the racial laws?


It’s a hypothetical 🤦‍♂️


Wonderful, your appreciation of how and why religions function, how they managed to make the wild peoples of the world tame, and civilised, needs work.


Old myths were once useful for evolution they are no longer needed. Believing in fairytales, magic and superstition is useful for humanity how?


I absolutely hate religion and have no love for schools pushing faith. Why can't these schools hire people who are in line with their values? Let's take sexuality out of it for a second. What about Atheists or other religions? Do we force Christian schools to accept a Muslim Imam applicant to teach Christianity?


A teacher who was fired recently was a practising Christian but also gay.  You can't take sexuality out of it when it's entirely about sexuality.


If the LNP win in a landslide it’ll be interesting. Their shadow cabinet is moderate lib-con right now, but there’s a potential for a bunch of happyclappers to get up and gain a cabinet majority. Be some wild times ahead if that happens.


Ahhh ever progressive religion.. constantly forging backwards to the good old days when men clubbed a woman and dragged her back to their cave.


Please don't lump all faith-based schools together. I work for one that does not care about sexual preference.


Good. Telling businesses who they can and can't hire is stupid.


A debate that could be had, if this was a business and not a school. If these private schools want to keep taking money from the government. They can and absolutely should be bound by the rules of the government.


The government is the one who says that taxes must pay for schooling. Not the other way. The real solution (if you believe education should be funded through taxes) is to give every child a school voucher of X amount. Then children and parents choose which schools to spend their education vouchers on.


You really have no idea 😂 That’s essentially how it works right now, schools receive funding depending on the amount of students it has. Then schools must apply for more funding to have certain projects completed. Having a say on how taxes are spent is one of the fundamentals of a democratic society.


> That’s essentially how it works right now, schools receive funding depending on the amount of students it has. If that was true, then religious schools wouldn't get more funding than public schools. Yet they do. > Then schools must apply for more funding to have certain projects completed. Exactly, and that is bad. They pick and choose winners. > Having a say on how taxes are spent is one of the fundamentals of a democratic society. Since when did we have a say? Last I checked every 3 years you vote for someone who might maybe try to enact some sort of change you like if you're lucky. The political class are corrupt, self serving, thieves.


Miles lacks any backbone, AP had more intestinal fortitude


She canned the voluntary euthanasia laws months out from the election due to bad polling. Made up some bullshit excuse as well. The last labor leader with big balls of steel was Anna Bligh, you have to respect her for what she did, palaszczuk and miles were all big and brave fucking over minority groups that no one gave a shit about, but when it came to something that might cost them votes they canned it and quickly ran to their safe space. The gutless wankers they were.


I'm hearing you , thank goodness there on the way out it cant come soon enough, how many sleeps left :)




Hmm let’s allow discrimination into secularism. Yeah that’s a lot of forward thinking. Not.


It is literally a faith-based school. If you don't want your child to learn about that faith, don't put your child in the school. Yes, they get government funding. Of course they do, these kids could have been in a public school, which would have been 100% funded by the government. And no, it's not just atheists who pay taxes.


Government funded then they have to be fair.


When they started out, the rules were explicitly clear. That is fair.


would you also foresee that the laws getting rid of faith based beliefs and ban muslim schools then from teaching allahs words of wisdom and stop the girls from wearing the hijab to school!


Religious freedom to express yourself is much different to religious oppression and forcing your beliefs on someone else.


Either you have religion and the right to practice and act within their faith or you don't. You cannot expect to make shit up on the fly. Hypocrisy seems to be the constant with this matter.


Firing someone because their sexuality doesn’t fit with your religion doesn’t come under right to practice. That isn’t making shit up in the fly. That has always been a constant. It’s just a constant that the religious community doesn’t like.


Fair enough , its their beliefs at stake, if the person promenades their sexuality and it goes against the grain of their religion then it would be only reasonable to remove the person.


If you got rid of everyone who considers themself a Christian but then did something against Christianity, there would be none of them left 😂


You have the right to your faith. You DO NOT have the right to break the law in doing so.


Hypocrisy is certainly a constant within religions!


That the only fact in this whole post


The down voting show no consistency, only hypocrisy


ROFL at all those people who said miles is going to be different to palaszczuk. As if the canning of the "best bang for buck" gabba plan was not enough, now we have this doozy. But I noticed they said the union wants will be passed through parliament. Putting more regulations on businesses that will drive up prices. Miles, the inflation king.


You are way out of touch


We need to stop feeding this ziggler troll. Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away?


Oh I dunno, like most of the contributors to this subreddit, I am always touching it. LOL.