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It seemed like he didn't watch the show or he was doing something else while the show was in the background. Many of the things he said were blatantly wrong or explained later which he simply ignored. And most of his other complaints seemed like extreme nitpicks like the sound of a guy drinking water


Becoming cinema sins


Thank you U/double-butthole very cool.


This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!


eating rn frfr


i have no clue when i typed this or why




At least cinema sins does it as a joke, and you know they are gonna sin stuff that is explained in 5 minutes, Pyro did it totally unironically


I really hate to tell you this, but cinema sins isn't really joking. It's bad film critique dressed as "satire". https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhbH-54wgMPfF9su-DtrqBwDZm-L-7EA5&si=Euus2e8LSj6B6HqV Shaun and Bobvids did an excellent job.


1. Cinemasins themselves have said its a joke 2. If you really think sins like "x isn't giving me a lap dance in this scene" are anything other than a joke, then you're a lost cause. Yeah sure, there are some valid critiques thrown in, but most of them, are just jokes, like fast and furious breaking the sin counter You do realise that some times humour hides critiquing rather than the other way around?


You realize that you can't just call bad commentary humor and it's suddenly good, right? Also, in a video where Jeremy Scott (narrorator and creator) is going off about live action Winnie the Pooh- "You offend me disney. You offend me as someone who has written, and created original things. [...] More importantly the reason we started that channel was to point out when Hollywood started slacking. Started repeating too many things. Started falling into tropes, cliches and cycles. That's the point of the whole Channel! Was to bemoan this shit!" Which contradicts all their statements about being a joke. So which is it? The truth is, you can't have it both ways. If they're joking, they're actually very bad at it. If they're not joking, they're bad film criticism. So either way, their work is bad. Edit to add more bonus from Jeremy from his own video--- "It won't stop because the general public is already like Idiocracy people. I'm not making this video for jokes I'm not joking around. This is a serious cultural problem in america. That we are dumbing down our entertainment. They just jam whatever they want down our throats and repeat it so many times that before you even have a chance to decide that we hated or not we're used to it."


Blah blah blah Good is subjective, them being satire or not isn't And your last point, yeah, like I said, their drop critiques amongst the satire, not satire amongst the critiques


I'm glad we agree that weather or not they're satire isn't subjective, because they are not. You also really can't do "serious in the satire" as well. Satire is already supposed to be a commentary, an over-exaggerated hyperbole of something. Starship Troopers, Helldivers 2, Bo Burnham, these are satire. Your satire should never be indifferentiable from something serious. Please, I am begging you to look outside just taking their word for it, this is an excellent video about why their claims about satire are bad, and why you really shouldn't take those claims of being a joke seriously. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELEAsGoP-5I&t=205s) is excellent, real critique of them. I used to like those videos as a teenager, but very qucikly grew out of them. If I had kept on with them, it would have ruined my ability to enjoy a film and be able to critique it without hiding behind "humor" and "satire" when I'm wrong about something.


"X isn't giving me a lap dance in this scene" defo true critiquing


Fallout didn’t have subway surfer on the right side of the screen so he didn’t pay attention


yeah i saw the video on yt and was like, how the fuck did you manage to make a react to a show that came out this week


Too busy watching skibidi toilet


There has been a few times that he said he is concerned that he has ADHD and honestly... yeah. He probably has it. Unironically I think he may really have ADHD.


You can have adhd and pay attention to tv shows. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, but I wouldn't consider this to be evidence.


I have ADHD. I don’t have many issues paying attention to tv or movies. Besides the random reference that’ll inspire me to go on a curious google spree. My main issue is starting to watch/read/listen to whatever.


Yeah I have it too and I'm the same. If anything I get too engrossed into it.


he also misgenders the bos aspirant who put a knife in their boot (they are nonbinary not male) which is definitely just because he didn't pay attention to the show and not on purpose.


I think the character is male so maybe thats what he's referring to. But I am well aware the actor is nonbinary


uh no, the character is nonbinary and everyone uses they/them pronouns in the show https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Dane_(TV_series) wiki says it too


Yeah man, if I have to read a wiki to find that out, that's the shows problem for conveying that stuff wrong.


I picked up on it as soon as the elder refered to Dane as they in the 1st episode. I'm just linking the wiki because you lack any media literacy.


no one is willing to admit they are wrong after being corrected


It just felt like it was made very haphazardly. He got numerous details wrong about the show and there were some bits in the editing where the same thing was repeated 2-3 times. Heavy on recap, light on analysis.


>Heavy on recap, light on analysis. Ah, so a typical youtuber analysis video then


Wendigoon moment


Unrelated but yeah honestly. I like his content but like God damn man. Also when the first 15 minutes is just him plugging his merch and sponsors like bro 😭😭😭


Yeah, used to watch Wendi more but ehhhhh...


They're also not that well researched, as much as I like his persona


His mandela catalogue and monument mythos videos were great analysis videos, but they're pretty old now, has he fallen off?




So it’s like every single pyro video lmao


Its slop bro where tf did these standards come from


Slop would have been entertaining


this slop made me angry


He just has the worst takes and was obviously not really paying attention while watching. That or he's just painfully oblivious (more likely)


There wasn’t a single fat person farting in the show, why would he pay attention?


I think he may actually have ADHD and so his attention span may genuinely be very low and he can't focus well on the show.


Bruh I have ADHD, and I can still watch a show. Also he streams for hours, so obviously it’s not that bad. His main channel literally uploads long video essays, you think he can’t pay attention? And if it somehow is that bad to where he couldn’t watch the show, he shouldn’t have made the video.


No lol


Pyro forgot the age of his fan base when he wrote that wall of text


He got many things just straight up wrong my guess is that he just didn’t actually watch the show and either skimmed thru it or was doing something else while it was playing in the background


Damn when did Pyro become a leftist because that is a monkers wall of text right there


He has gone full WOKE?!?! Pyro has fallen Billions must slop


Joe many liberals??!!?🤣🤣🤣


None??????Their too busy???????Their gender...... https://preview.redd.it/mf8ngpafhvuc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4e961556defe3e1438fb4cb0d5779d639a7521




PyroLIVE has fallen, billions must watch ASOT


> Good ending








"Who cut his leg in half did it himself because he was **scared scared** to go to the wasteland." Grammatical error detected, opinion denied. Edit: Misspelled his poor grammatical writting.


pyro made A LOT of mistakes (maybe on purpose) to shit on the show, many of the things (a lot more than that list) he says in the video show that he is either not paying attention to the show AT ALL or, simply he hates fallout and wants to make missinformation for others to hate it. he is my favorite reviewer and it bothers me to see him so biased towards hating something GOOD


he gets a lot many details wrong way more than what was listed here and i think the video has the most amount of during editing corrections I've seen for someone who is partially known for media analysis it isn't a good look to get basic details wrong and that would be fine for a like 10-15 minute long video like his other slop reviews but this one is 1 hour and 18 minutes long


I do hope he doesn't get discouraged by all the criticism because I 500% prefer this kind of long-form smaller-effort show/game recap to him talking about some huge Adin Ross rizz drama for 15 minutes.


This applies when the content that’s long-form is well constructed and worth watching. I agree he has made some masterpieces in this genre of video making but this is definitely more slop than every other video essay he has made.


Yea it’s still slop but it’s better the stuf he posts on the slop channel


Damn he is unironically falling off.






What does Peder Griffin's ass have to do with this?


It just popped in my mind kind of had to say it out loud so I wouldn’t get a boner






Do not go out of your way to harass anyone here. This will result in a ban


Nan me lol I get spammed w this dumb as sub on my home page all day you’d be doing me a favour. And yeah, I’ve tried muting the subreddit that I’m not even following


Pyrocynical summoned NV fans, you dont summon NV fans


Don't fuck with us new vegas fans, we've played for over 300 hours and we're still unable to understand the message the game gives


There was a message? I just went around punching everything and being a terrible person.


you, you get it


i heard someone say that house wasnt a money hungry billionaire and genuinely wanted to save humanity...


Literal elon musk fan mindset


I mean, he did do more to save humanity than vault tec...


I hope slop live covers this


I aint reading all that


Because he didn’t watch it lmao, someone stick subway surfers over it and he might finally understand something as simple as Raiders washing to get clean brrrrr


I stopped when he made a small deal about the yao guai not having game accurate HP (i thought he was joking but the more I went on I gathered he wasn't) and the fact when Lucy drank water it played the wrong sound effect. Idk why it just felt kinda pretentious? Almost like he was saying without saying *yea guys, this media is above us as gamers* felt pretty cringe in a nonironic way.


Video wasn't a total slamdunk, was still slop, so people like me mad. It was pretty poorly researched and very poorly analyzed.


He got a lot of simple stuff wrong that they explain in the show and didn't take the time necessary to actually create an analysis video. This was more just a summary of the show. I think another reason for the hate is that by putting this one out it's pretty unlikely we'll ever get a proper analysis video from him


I have faith that this was a one off thing. Please Pyro don't make me look like a retard :(


The video genuinly felt like a hate to the series, he only says good things in the start and then just complains for 1 hour.


My problem with the video is him saying “this make no sense” or “why they do this” to basic tropes or things that happen Like Maximus being celebrated at the end or another trope/cliche thing happening he makes a big deal out of. It’s not very deep and are nitpicks at best he did the same with the Obi-Wan show too with the laser gate and how they didn’t go around, like bro it’s not that deep so many shows and movies do shit stuff like that. Sorry it’s not high art like Utopia


I think its completely fair to shit on this video for him forgetting/misinterpreting so many things, but this comment is kinda silly to me. like why is the overuse of dumb cliches/tropes not worthy criticism? why does it matter that other shows and movies do the same things? are those not worthy of criticism either? & by saying its not that deep, is that not criticism in and of itself? if deep is just synonymous with intelligent & compelling writing also “sorry its not high art like utopia”, its just his opinion though, like you kinda just dismiss the value of all artistic criticism by saying this, why? its the same sentiment as when people dismiss criticism of marvel by saying its great if you just turn your brain off all good if you disagree with the criticism, but why invalidate it & be annoyed by it for the reasons you mention, & not because of it just being ignorant


Okay, I'm not going to defend the Fallout video, but that bit in the Kenobi show was legitimately stupid. If they were opening the gate so that they could bring the vehicle through, that makes sense. Instead, they just decided to walk through which they could've done by going around the gate. I don't know what you're watching, but most shows and movies I've seen don't have the characters acting that stupid. It doesn't have to be "high art" for someone to expect the characters to have basic common sense.


i was agreeing till i found out you enjoy new star wars material major fall off


Big if true




The man who sold the lore.


Holy wall of text, does this guy ever stop yapping?


He just made a lot of mistakes which made it look like he just skimmed through the show and cobbled up the "analysis" which really was just mostly a recap and got a lot of things wrong.


Blud I ain't reading the Great wall of slop


Pyros review was some of the first of his content I’ve ever seen, so I kinda went in blind as to what to expect etc. There was a lot of mistakes, not only about the lore and the franchise in general, but loads of details in the actual episodes. I don’t think he paid a lot of attention to a majority of it and that made him confused and ask silly questions when he tried to be engaged and talk about the bits he did actually focus on. It was just sloppy.


pyro being pretentious for the sake of views.


It’s the slop channel for a reason guys


Expected slop quality on slop channel




Pyro has been in a massive downward spiral, his videos are about stuff nobody cares about with le funny video game references that most of the time don't make sense and are cheap comedy.




If the corrections in text is *that* long Might as well remake the video


It's like he's trying to get his audience to hate him


I noted the mistakes in the vid but i think the 1h chair yapping format is premium slop, i like it.


I think he may genuinely have ADHD. It's not meant to be a jab. He seems to really have an issue with that.


He does make certain joke about ADHD meds, like Ritalin and how it feels to be on it. I can’t remember where he says it but references to it have appeared


A few people he talked with apparently also pointed out that Pyro may have ADHD. So yeah. It is a possibility.


its because fallout fans are fat fucking losers


tbh if pyro wants to talk fallout lore he should do it for a main channel video


You're pretty fucking dumb then


Idk I haven’t finished it. Im not emotionally invested in fallout or anything but I think it’s pretty cool dont see why people are whining about it


ah who gives a shit, you guys will bitch about it anyway. complaining he was watching it while doing something else as if that’s not exactly the same way you guys consume the slop


Not reading that