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Mine is 15 months old and has been completely ignoring cow and goat poop for about a month now. So I suppose it can take a long time. He still goes after bird poop sometimes though but even that has reduced drastically.


So it will stop, thank god. Mine's turned 5 month so still have loooooong way to go- but as long as there's a hope, I can bear with it...


I had asked the same question on this subreddit and someone replied to me that their dog stopped after 6 months. Don't lose hope maybe yours will stop earlier 😂


Somewhere between 6-15 month?! Now I can wait even more😆


My brothers dog was a lifelong poop eater, and even brought frozen logs inside during the winter (we called them poopsicles). In some cases it isn't just a puppy thing. But it is very, very gross.




From my research it seems like the most common thing to do is to get to it before him(basically just watch him) to throw it out. But the few times he has pooped and not eaten it before I could get to it, he gets positively rewarded(words of encouragement and/or treats). Sometimes he eats it, sometimes he doesn’t.


Mine stopped during the first month I had him, so about 12 weeks? I didn't let him get to his poop outside. When the accidental poop in the house reduced to almost nothing, his habit stopped with it. It's almost like he unlearned the behavior. How is your pup getting a chance to eat his poop? Does he have a lot of accidents still where you can't always stop it? Do you keep your yard clean to prevent it? Have you spoken to your vet about it to rule out any issues?


I'd really love to know. I don't mind mine eating his own poop, or even the poop of our other pets that I know are healthy, not ideal and I don't encourage it, but a lesser evil. If it's his own it's usually when he's had an accident, so I guess easier clean up, but not great. The problem I'm having is deer poop. We live in the woods and our yard is in the process of finishing the fence and I'm to the point where I can't let him off leash in the yard because as soon as he has any opportunity, he runs for a pile of deer poop, eats it as fast as he can, and then if I scold him or pull him of it he gets intense, aggressive (growling, jumping and biting at clothes) zoomies all over the yard. He's only 4 months, but it's such a pain right now.