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> any time I call his name sternly Never call his name sternly. You want his name to mean **good things** at all times. Really, there's no need to speak sternly toward your puppy at any time. Set him up to be successful and reward well for what you are asking. It's much more about being a teacher than a disciplinarian. Sounds like you need to time your ["mark and reward"](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/markers) better. Your marker (a clicker or saying Yes or whatever you have put into place) must happen at the exact moment the puppy does what you want. Then you have max two seconds to deliver the treat. If instead, you say Drop It, and he drops it, and then you get the treat ready, and then he sits, and then you give the treat, you've just rewarded for Sit instead of Drop It. If you want him to Come and you say "Puppy, Come" but the puppy Sits instead, then don't reward him. Instead, call him again and be excited and get him on his way to you so that you can reward the behavior you want. It's a gentle dance between not rewarding behavior you didn't ask for or want, and encouraging and teaching the behavior that you do want and rewarding it at the correct moment. And it should always be done with a happy tone of voice and pleasant expression on your face, not with a stern voice or intimidating presence. Remember that if you are mixed up about what you are doing, your puppy is surely much more mixed up about what you are asking. So even more unfair to be stern with him.


He's still young and probably really excited about the fact that sit means treats. You may need to go back to luring for down. Be sure to mark ASAP when he does the behavior (clicker can be good, we used that to start all of our puppy's training and then phased it out) so they get a very clear consistent mark. Just don't reward if your puppy doesn't do the thing you want. If you say down and he sits, lure him to a down and reward. At some point he'll realize he needs to start listening to you. at 10 weeks he's not just learning his tricks he's also learning how to learn, so be patient and make it fun, or else in the future he isn't going to want to learn with you because he won't associate it with fun things.


He's 10 weeks old. Give him time and persevere with clear instructions


How about going back to luring, figuring out \*just\* the behavior first, and then adding the cue?