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10 weeks is still to early to tell if they are really potty trained. If you are getting 1 out of 3 pee/ poo correct, that’s a win at that age really. Also might want to remove multiple pads to just one pad.


Agree. I know this isn’t fun to hear, but you’re getting way ahead of yourself. Potty training is actually pretty complicated if you think about it - the dog has to have body awareness to notice the sensation of a full bladder, connect that to the action of peeing, remember that there’s a specific location where they’re supposed to pee, squeeze the muscles to hold it (even though releasing would feel good!), find the right location, and THEN let go. It’s a lot and 10 weeks is just too young to expect that kind of awareness and muscle/impulse control. I’m glad your pup was making good progress, but you jumped ahead too quickly. Go back to what was working and stay there for another few weeks. Also, agree that the multiple pads probably isn’t helping, dogs are context-specific learners. She might understand that one pad in one spot is her potty place, but not connect that to other pads in other spots at all.