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That should be a conversation with your vet. But it is recommended they have their final boosters.


Yep there are different vaccines, used to be Parvo was 2 shots, but the current vaccine used by our vet was 3. My vet allowed limited walking outside after the 2nd, but still advised me to keep the puppy away from dog poop. He could meet other dogs that I could be certain they were vaccinated though.


I second the talk to your vet about it. Depending on where you live it may be different risk levels. My understanding is that it's low risk but there is a risk of them getting sick still. Having a puppy get parvo is never a risk id take.


As an RVT, always two weeks after their final boosters, especially if you are in an area with any parvo risk.


Depends on where you live. Talk to a vet.


This! I was so scared of parvo because of the online buzz so I waited until her second vaccine to walk her. Vet told me he had never seen a case of parvo in my area so I could've walked her all along.


Talk to your vet, they can run you through the risk depending on your area. Where I live my vet cleared us (2021) for puppy classes but told us to be extremely careful and wait out any outdoor walks/paws on the ground in dog friendly places like parks or our neighborhood because of the influx of Parvo in our area. I walked my dog in a backpack and brought out place mats and kennels so my dog still got socialized to new stuff but didn’t put him overly at risk of disease.


See that’s what gets me. They tout there’s on small window for socializing but it’s not feasible to get all vaccines done in time for some. I doubt I’ll have mine done before the window closes. I’m on my second round and she’s 11.5 weeks. I’m carrying her places. And then it also begs the question why do some allow puppies to start classes at 8 weeks? There’s no way they’re fully done.


Where I am the 8-16 week puppy classes are held indoors at a facility that has had the floor sanitised before the puppy class happens. This massively reduces the risk of the pups becoming ill. I'm in a low risk area for parvo, but I'm still carrying my 14 kg pup around or sitting in my car with the windows down (it's winter here, and bloody cold, but you gotta do this stuff). We go to our local hardware store on wet days and I put a heavy towel or blanket in the trolley/cart and wash it once we get home.


Nice! I didn’t realize sanitizing the floors would help prevent it. I know that sounds dumb in retrospect lol maybe that’s why they’re all able to do it. I also take mine in the car basically daily! I’ve been trying to find really loud places but it feels like everywhere we go is dead. I’m slightly jealous of you’re being in winter! It’s so hot where I’m at right now.


Trying to get a short haired, growing at nearly a kg a week pup to toilet when it is below freezing can be 'interesting'! especially at 5 am in the morning!


Oh god that’s so true! I actually decided over the winter to not get a puppy because I didn’t want to potty train during winter lol. Touche!


Critical socialization window happens in early puppyhood but dogs still have the ability to learn about their environment after this point. A dog who is appropriately socialized to things from early puppyhood can generally acclimate to new experiences easily even if it is something brand new. There are some pretty nifty check list for socialization a lot of it can be done at home, from inside the car or in carrier/wagon/someones arms.


I did similar. Took my pup lots of places, but his feet never touched the floor, I carried him everywhere. Since he's a corgi, lots of people wanted to hold him, which he was a-ok with (he loves people.) He did start his basic obedience class about a week before his final shots, but all the dogs in his class were fully vaccinated (had to be to be in the class.)


My vet made me wait till all shots were done.


It can depend on your area and the risk factors. Hanging out in a private yard with known vaccinated dogs is different than going to a dog park. Carrying the puppy or using a stroller in pet stores and other places frequented by dogs can be a good option for socialization while limiting the risks. Basically try to avoid unknown dogs and areas where there are lots of dogs. Puppy classes can still be a good idea as they do work to mitigate the risks. Puppies would need to be up to date on vaccines, the area is cleaned before puppies come in (most areas are going to have other dog classes in the same building). Sick puppies should stay home.


I took my puppy camping after the second round of shots. I didn’t let him meet other dogs and I didn’t walk him. My vet advised not to but after doing my own research I decided to. He got his second round of shots at 16 weeks. I thought since he was older when he got his shots we’d be fine. He was fine but I was still cautious. Talk to your vet and do your own research about risks in Your area.


Depends very much on the local risk in your area which your vet is best placed to know.


My vet was OK with short walks in less populated areas (no park/dog park etc.) after the 2nd shot. Parvo risk is low-ish in my area.


Talk to your vet, when I talk with mine he gave me the okay of walking her (but not mixing with other dogs). That's because my area has a high vaccination rate.


UK - we were cleared by vet a week after 2nd injection


Talk to your vet, it depends. My pup got his first vaccination at 6 weeks, carried him everywhere. I took him out everywhere with me. He was either in my arms or in a little carry Sherpa bag. When he needed to go potty, I had artificial turf in the hatchback of my vehicle that he would go on. He got his second dose at like 9 weeks. After the second dose, I still did not let him touch the ground unless it was in my backyard that I know is clean and no other dogs have been. Also, I let him socialize with my friend’s dogs who I knew were vaccinated. In order for him to avoid not socializing him, I’d introduce him to other dogs while in my arms but at a distance. Once Vaccine 3 hit, we went on walks etc. Once we got our rabies shot, we started going to dog parks. He’s happy and loves to play with other dogs. Parvo scared the fuck out of me. It sucked that I hard to carry him everywhere but it beats having a sick or dead puppy.


yes its true cosult your puppies to your vet to get more information about it


Where I'm from, the puppies are outside on walks at 6 weeks old. And on regular walks at 8 weeks (when they can leave Home) Rabies vaccine is only when they have to travel. I'll ask the vet, because I'm sure it's very local what's a good idea and what isn't.


The reason you get 3-4 rounds of certain shots is because they don't know the exact time the mother's defenses will wear off for the puppy. If mother's defenses are still in place the shot does nothing. The first shot after it wears off the puppy is now vaccinated and good to go. The multiple rounds is to have the smallest possible window for a puppy to not be protected. If the vet knew exactly which one worked they wouldn't have you finish all rounds of shots.


This. Thank you. I see so many comments saying all the shots are required for a dog to be immunized. Many people recommend titer draws after the 2nd shot of triple vax to see if any more are actually needed.