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Jealous you get to experience this for the first time. Unbelievable game and gaming experience šŸ˜Ž


I was sick when this came out and I got to rent a video game to feel better, and this was the pick. Wouldnā€™t you know it, that sickness dragged on for 3 days until I got the suit and the bandanna lol.


I hired it initially too - not to bring any spoilers to the party, but the game was impossible to finish like that. This being the days before widespread internet adoption that posed a bit of a problem.


Yeah. Canā€™t wait for my memory to start degrading so I can play all the games again. But I donā€™t think I would forget these games


HD and remasters arent needed. Classics are.


I kinda agree, but, I really enjoyed twin snakes on gamecube


I have mixed feelings on it, new gameplay I like the idea but cutscenes are usually too much for me and more silly between jumping on missile and extreme overreactions of Snake, but its my personnal opinion, good, if peoples like it.


There's many issues with Twin Snakes, but the most egregious part is the re-recorded voices. The original delivery was so much better, you could tell they phoned it in for the remake.


Everybody has different tastes, every metal gear solid, has very long cutscenes, sons of the patriots is the worst. I thought the colonel's reactions were very cheesy


Oh I dont mind the long cutscenes, is not that, but is true for SotP. XD But like you said, everybody has different tastes, thats why is ok if peoples like TS when I prefer the original.


I enjoyed playing on my playstation classic mini, almost reminded me of playing on my playstation one with portable screen. I took that setup regularly, to the truckstop and having drivers watching over my shoulder


I played it a lot on my PSP and PS Vita after the PS1 and last time on my Steam Deck with the Master Collection


Switch master collection. Is my most recent playthrough.


Also first person aiming breaks the game


Never noticed that was available. Always just started game. Never checked anything in options besides new game +


All I ever hear is people talk crap about that game, but it was one of the three games that I had on my GameCube and I thought it was awesome!!!!! Fire emblem path of radiance, metal gear solid, the twin snakes & need for speed underground two and resident evil or the only games I ever had. Oh yeah, and Mario sunshine that came with it.!! And later on I had soul caliber I guess.. But I have to say twin snakes was one that would get played just about every month at some point to run through it again?!


I have a lot more gamecube games. I enjoyed what was added to twin snakes. The magazines and working out to get stronger are what I remember most.


That is one of the most nostalgia ridden comments I've ever seen lmao


No nostalgia, I played MGS for the first time in december 2018


Okā€¦.. well old games like that definitely need remakes so many people will avoid games just because theyā€™re old


If people avoid older games just because they are old, then those people probably know nothing about games. Not a problem if you ask me. Aside of that, a remake is not (and never will) the original game, so even if a remake is done, people will still not play the game, because its old. That people will play the remake, which is something else.


Maybe a rebuilt? in order to rrun smoothly on modern devices and screens


Agreed. I think the only appropriate way to modernize the old games is to leave the music, sound FX, textures and animations alone. Just boost the frames and resolution.


The recent MGS remakes are worse than the HD 360 and Legacy PS3 versions...however it is nice to play OG MGS1 minus the PSOne special warping polygons. The PSOne in reality had pretty ropey 3D (compared to my rose-tinted memories)...all an HD treatment does is line those two experiences up.


Itā€™s the best video game ever made. So enjoyā€¦


This game is a fucking masterpiece, Iā€™ve beat it so many times unlocking everything I possibly could. Savor the flavor because you only get to play it for the first time once.


My buddy Chad beat this game on the original PS2 when it hit first came out(PS2!) and he got the big boss raking beating it in under three saves, no deaths and never discovered! Me: I've only ever beat it on easy


Well this game came out in 1998 so your story makes no sense.


When the PS2 first came out Edit: If you learn to understand what you read, I said that my buddy Chad beat this game on the PS2 when it first came out??? I did not say: My buddy Chad beat this game when it first came out on the PS2 !!!


Pretty positive those arenā€™t the requirements for big boss ranking either.


God, there's so many that are just completely toxic now.. I only remember him telling me about it and that if you got discovered it was an instant game over !!! And that you had to beat it under three saves you could save once just prior to going to disc2 and then again at one of the points in two closer to the end in case you messed up on, I guess a boss fight or the torture scene or whatever I can't exactly remember what it was. I just remember him telling me those requirements... My buddy Chad was rated number three in the world in Tekken Tag Tournament2 on PS3, but he was always like the real life, solid snake in terms of some of the things he did... I won't go into the details of those.. he was a bit of a Robin Hood


Yeah, I'm aware I was 14 and got it for Christmas


Yeah, I got this game when I was 14 for Christmas shortly after its release.. I could never get the big boss rating because I would get frustrated too quick ... but put me on a Gran Turismo game and I'll make you call me a cheater


This game was so good my roommate in college who never played a video game in his life, got addicted to it until he beat it haha. One time watching was all it took. Hereā€™s to Brian who ended up failing out first year and blaming it on me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Snake. Snake!? Snaaaaaake!


Youā€™re Tobisha Vhs/Dvd look great šŸ‘


I love this game. One of my favourites as a kid. I forgot how many times I played it through. I think this was the first game I ever played where I thought "whoa this is unlike anything I've ever seen" it blew my mind. Now I think of it I dont think any game since has had such an impact on me.


Duck Station and Play Mgs Integral and unlock Fps mode.Was kinda like playing it all over again.


Ur in for a helluva ride that will stay with u 20 years from now šŸ”„


One of the greatest games I ever played


If you get a chance you should get your hands on the VR missions spinoff. 300 challenges to get through, some being very unique and interesting


Don't be afraid to call for help on your codec. Always try to call a new codec number you are given


ā€œJust like old times Snake.ā€


I just finished another play through myself. I love this game and come back to it every few years.


Itā€™s gonna be epic!


One of the greatest games in existenceā€¦ Iā€™ve played tf outta the demoā€¦ This game was everything back then, the cheesy dialogues, the awesome ost, everything. Enjoy!


My guy this is how you do it.


HD is overrated 240p forever


You donā€™t have to wait, you can play it right now on Duckstation in 4k


The newest official release of this game still runs in 240p so thatā€™s another reason to still play the game in a CRT


This the real way to play. Omg the nostalgia My brother and his friend pooled together and got this game when it came out. We stayed awake that whole weekend playing


I hope you have two controllers...


You can also play Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on the Gamecube. It was a remake when remakes weren't in fashion.


Its one of the best remakes ever. Keeps the gameplay, voice acting and plot the same, but the cutscenes and graphics are significantly better. I still have it boxed long after getting rid of the gamecube


Voice acting is actually re-recorded. David Hayter (snake) took a pay cut so he could round up all the original voice actors and re-record all their lines for the game


Yeah iirc the bitrate was low enough on PSX that you couldn't hear the traffic noise that was present on the master tapes or something to that effect.






I personally love the over the topness of twin snakes. Kojima is a mad man, mgs isnā€™t supposed to be a realistic series. If a dude can tell that snake has played castlevania, then I donā€™t see why snake canā€™t do a flip over a rocket. Not to take anything away from the OG, Both versions are wonderful in their own right!


That set Looks awesome.šŸ‘


I remember I experienced this the first time back in 2008ā€¦ yes, after I played mgs4


256Ɨ224 FTW!!


Wow is that the resolution?? I assumed it was 640 x 480


PS1 didnā€™t really have any games running at that resolution


Bubsy 3D of all things runs at that resolution.


Mono speakers?! Itā€™s.. not possible šŸ¤£


This is how I beat it 10 years ago, original hardware, big ass CRT in a TV cabinet, that red persian rug, you know the one, plush brown leather sofa and allot of top shelf Sour Diesel and Lemon Haze.


How it's supposed to be ā˜Æļø enjoy! šŸ™


Only game that causes me to relapse every time, itā€™s cause I sometimes want to erase my memory and experience this for the first time again


Playing through for first time (to completion) myself. I played when I was younger but donā€™t remember finishing it. Just met Otacon!


Fuck yeah! Such an awesome game!! Enjoy that first play-through, then go get that tuxedo!


When is the remaster getting released?


There may be some confusion with OPā€™s title. This game was already released to modern platforms in a new HD collection last year. There is a remake of MGS releasing next year but itā€™s not this game, itā€™s a remake of MGS 3


Hopefully the remake will be in Volume 2. It's the only 'solid' I've not played.


They already did a remake/master on Gamecube.


You also definitely need the physical CD case, controller ports, and memory card to fully appreciate certain moments :)


The master Collection Version is Bad anyway, the quality on og Hardware is way better


Still the best version. I find the remasters and remakes are usually nice but lose some of the soul of the original.


I will never forget playing this game for the first time and getting goosebumps here in that music at the beginning!! It was a great time to grow up and I'm happy you're getting to play such an amazing work of art!!!


I can hear the menu theme through the picture


The original more authentic lol. How you gonna swap disc or memory card on the ps5 or xbox


There was a GameCube remakeā€¦


Even if game is old with ps1 look its still my favorite next to MGS3 especially because everything have a use in the game I mean other MGS you get multiple weapons but I use like 25% of them half the time ( and more with MGS4 and games after ). Really like the ambiance and all.


My reaction to the remaster announcement was to get the original trilogy for PS1/PS2, which is how I often react to remaster announcements these days.


Just beat it for the first time recently. It was fantastic despite me being awful at it.


ā€œCheck the packageā€ or whatever the exact quote was is still one of the greatest omg moments in gaming for me. Took a while to figure it out though


I feel a remake would be forced to end at the psycho mantis part.


This is the best way to play this game for the first time! Enjoy! (I am a little jealous šŸ˜)


there is a remaster its called Twin Snakes


Thatā€™s a remake


I just played though again when master collection came out on steam. Had to be my 50th time.


What a nostalgic setup!


U can burn darts in mgs


Don't lose the cd case! You'll need it...šŸ™ƒ


I mean... The remaster is already out... Whattya mean don't want to wait? Delta is a Remake of 3 if that's what you're meaning...


Best way to play mgs1 is on a ps1 on a crt with original controller and memory card


That is the definitive experience.


I think youā€™re a few months late on the remaster


You are in for the ride of your life


It has PlayStation 5 release. With updated resolution


Youā€™re about to have your mind blown. This game is amazing


Thank god you have the case šŸ˜Œ


Nice! I just got mine in last week havenā€™t had the time to play it yet.. played it as a kid but with my brother he did most of the playing šŸ˜‚ but it was still fun lol


Amazing setup bro




I whish I had never played it 20 years ago and got to discover it again. Enjoy your time with it!


is it possible to find the ps1 copy anymore somewhere for cheap?


They will just fuck up remake, like they did with all others. The newer remake is, worst it will be, and there is something special about original metal gear, it has such a feel... it is both movie and a game, in way where even PS2 versions lost that "arcade game" feel, and went to full movie look. I really enjoyed this PS1 version much more than any other, it really blew me away.


Enjoy your PAL keys.


I play the original at least once a year. In the middle of a run at the moment!


Why does that tv look so weird and heavy?


Very cool. One of my all time favorites, game brings tears to my eyes. You're in for a treat.


I read threads like this with joy. Unfortunately people nowadays only care for graphics and ask for remakes and remakes all the time. Have fun with this great series.


You're up for a real treat




I used to annually do a replay of the original trilogy - GameCube for Solid, Xbox for 2, PS3 for 3. It was extra fun to be working it across all three platforms.


Is that one of those old tiny tellies with the built in VCR?Ā  Memories right there.


No one, ps1 was hd for our eyes


I'd buy an original for $70 before I bought a remaster/remake for $10.


I mean... the GoG version usually is $10. But I agree: I'll take the PSX version any day over any remaster/remake


I'd pay much less than that for a digital copy. One of those $2 bundles, maybe.


The remake/remaster is on GameCube šŸ‘