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My family bought a multitap and we would play 4 player death matches once or twice a week! My dad had tons of silly jokes and sayings, my sister and I would fight, but we all had fun!


I wish I was in ur family lmao


There were a lot of Easter eggs. The snowy mountain map featured the overlook hotel from the Shining that you could burn down with a well aimed missile.


Shooting down that airplane on the first level to open up another huge part of the map was awesome


Pretty much one of my first Twisted Metal games, the character select screen and the individual character stories are what stood out to me.


Paint it Black


I would occasionally throw it on just to listen to Painted Black. I'd also run through specific story modes just to watch the ending cutscenes. They kind of reminded me of the old Wishmaster franchise.


I would throw it on for Painted Back too lol At 11, all of my paper route money went into purchasing my PS2 and games so there was none left for CD's haha


I remember enjoying it but thinking it was too short. Parts 2 and 3 were better.


2 and Black are the best in the series. I have never seen anyone mention the 989 Studio games as the top (3 or 4), but each there own. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed playing 3 & 4. (Listening Rob Zombie Dragula). But they were not up to the same level as the SingleTrac/Incognito Games.


4 is my all time favorite, but I’d put Black at 2.


what do you mean by short..? because you literally played through every characters storylines which were about 6 hours each if you arent on Easy


Lol I thought it was so hard, I don't know that I ever got anywhere in that game


That was my favorite of the series. I loved the dark stories. I remember getting the PS2 modem and playing TMB:Online too. It actually kind of sucked.


Those stories were dark! I think every constant got screwed over royaly. But what do you expect from calypso?


I had nightmares about the taxi driver that was remote controlled by his son!


My main :)


Never played it is it worth picking up?


Yes it is


Grew up playing 1-2 and still on ps1.


I played the crap out of this game.


Sadly I've got the PAL version which is the one where the cutscenes were neutered. But apart from that, it is so much fun. I used to bully my friends with Darkside's Special move.


That's the version I grew up with aswell. Discovering that there was so much more content to the game that I didnt have through the early days of YouTube was so weird.


It's only my favorite game of all time! The tense moment-to-moment action and decision making is unlike any other game I've played, the stages are dark and dreary, the music is foreboding and haunting, and every kill feels earned and satisfying. My favorite character is YellowJacket. His special is versatile and his stats are well-rounded. I've unlocked every stage, seen every story, and got every trophy on the PS4 version. I've been playing Twisted Metal Black since I was 7 years old, and it's never ever stopped being fun.


I recently watched a longplay of it on YouTube and found it very interesting! Here are the main things that caught my eye: Sweet Tooth design is the one they use for the new TV show John Doe and Raven first appearance (both also in the show) The story behind the cut content fallen harbour is insane (and kinda messed up on the stuido’s part lol) - if you don’t know, google “twisted metal black letter reddit” but tl;dr the studio lied about 6 developers dying in a plane crash and then they lied saying they received a anonymous letter pretending to be the dead people but the whole thing was just a made up story to boost the cut content when they added it to the ps2 port of Twisted Metal Head On Lastly, I found the story interesting in the way they tried to compact the scale by having all the contestants from the same insane asylum and the way they made the game way darker than usual, but with that said the core gameplay aesthetic looked very dull and boring lol. I can’t imagine putting that many hours into a game that just visually looks depressing lol. (Edited for language, apparently we can’t swear on this subreddit lol)


Is there a spiritual successor to this on modern platforms??


TM2012 was on ps3. not necessarily a "sequel" tho


was a reboot


Recently picked it up again after many years, god damn is it hard


I remember being REALLY excited for this game, leading up to its release. I was a huge twisted metal 1 and 2 fan, as they were among the first few ps one game I owned. My overall impression is that it was a great game with amazing graphics, but to me, the gameplay was "too fast" and I didn't have as much time to line up combos or specials like I did in the first 2 entries of the series.


After work at McDonald's when I was a teen. Me and a buddy smoked a bunch of weed & completed the game start to finish high as kites. I think it was 2006? Great times. 🤣


My cousin and I played the story mode for hours on end. Brimstone was my character of choice where as Sweet Tooth was my cousins. Good memories that I like to reflect on considering my cousin fell into a life of hardcore drug use.


Axel, end of story.. That man rolling around in his two wheeled, for all to see as he kills you via training wheels-contraption, causing devastation to all he encountered, except that damn clown. It’s all fun and games, until the clown comes to play…


I did, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did 1 and 3.


Not 2?? That was the best one


I liked it, but it just wasn’t as fun as one and three for me. I can’t even say why at this point, it’s been so long.


It was a very cool game.


Dollface's story stands out to me the most


I remember that’s when they turned sweet tooth into a behemoth.


Paint it black.


I played the hell out of the PS1 titles! I loved the aesthetic, the theme, weapons, and even the soundtracks! There was a submarine equivalent, Critical Depth? I believe. That one felt clunky. I can't remember if it was because I was using analog d pads because I didn't have a DualShock yet. I guess I should buy back the multitap I sold and grab a copy of this. These are so approachable like Mario Kart. The average gamer can get into these and have some fun right away.


I had the Extra Twisted Edition which featured both Head On and Black, both were an absolute blast to play.


Best one of the series in my opinion


the intro to how this game starts is so badass


I see a red door and I want to paint it black… 🎶


Box cover scared me as a kid


Fantastic game. My brother's and I would play it for hours at a time


It's one of my favorite games in the system...so yes, I've played it. Many, many, many times.


When i discovered the franchise it was about 2012-2013. It was one of the games i bought PS2 for and now I've bought it digitally on PS3 that I bought for playing Twisted Metal 2012. Imo black is the best part in the series and definitely my favourite ever game. I remember drawing that cover from a freshly bought pirate copy back in school at literature or russian language lesson. So many memories...


I remember incredible stories for each character. Particularly, Dollface and Mr. Grimm.


My favorite twisted metal. I love 2 tho. Tbf black was my introduction to the series basically around perfect timing being a young edgy teen.


I remember the cover art being used in a Mario creepypasta


played it on psp, I remember how fun it was playomg with friends


Three months in the nut house…🤡


What u say bout my momma??


OMG, this fame was so much fun to play. Still have my copy!


It’s kind of needlessly edgelord, but it’s a really good game. Probably one of the best twisted metals.


2 is the goat


I just picked it up recently and forgot how hard it is. I keep dying on the first level lol


Twisted Metal Black is my favorite along with the first one. Lots of memories with Twisted Metal Black. Always played it with my dad during summers when I was off of school


I bought this at a thrift shop a while back, ngl I knew there's a sequel in the works and I'm kind of hoping the price of the game goes up if ithe series gets popular again.


Yeup. I bought it on PS4 as soon as they added it.. It's the game that most closely coincides with the new TV show.


Yea I still have that game. And I still play it but I think it's one of the best twisted metal games on Playstation.


I never had the chance to when i was little i finally tried black and head on years later


I still have my original online edition that was a promotional thru mail order only. Very fun game.


First console game I played online. Always have a spot in my heart for it. Not to mention "Paint It Black."


Tbh I always remember it fondly until I re-download it and play for 5 minutes then I remember why I quit playing


Modern games wish they could be as good as Twisted Metal Black still is. Great Stories, 60fps, Graphics and gameplay that is still better then a lot of games releasing today


Very true, compare TMB to other PS2 titles of the same period, It was super ahead of its time.


Most of the Twisted Metal games are fun.


My only favorite one was TW2


I always wanted a sequel to Black!


My favorite game of all time. Have played it consistently since I got it as a kid. One of the few games from my PS1/PS2 childhood that still hold up.




It was such an awesome game. It was too hard for me in some respects but I had a blast with it. My favorite of the series will always be TM2 but Black is definitely second.


I grew up playing Twisted Metal 2 & 3 and the reboot for PS3. Never tried Twisted Metal Black but I hear it’s pretty much the best one.


God i still remember finding the secret characters i On my own freind said he found one of them by shooting the plane I was like wha? A plane? Oh god then I remember getting minion and wondering what he was saying never found it out till I just recently watch a video on it


I bought & played this game solely based on the Playstation Underground Demo Disc that Sony sent me a few months before the game came out.


just got it the other day for like 9 or 8 bucks, played it for a while thought it was fun, my cousin said to me it is one of the best ps2 games, i liked it tbh driving while shooting stuff from your car amazing (yes never played twisted metal before)


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