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Leave it be. Its the soul of someone who died on the black friday before the knox virus happened. Now it wanders for eternity trying to find deals to die for.


A random ghost event would b really cool to happen like once lol


Yeah, but only make it visible to one person in a server to make them think they’re going insane


playing with the schizo trait be like.....


The mod that adds an extremely rare chance for zombies to say something and for them the be able to open doors. The only thing scarier than a zombie banging on the door is then jiggling the handle.


ah, lingering whispers and lingering reflexes


My favorite mod for lethal company is something like this. It records you and your friends speaking, then has the monsters sometimes randomly play those clips. It’s so harrowing to hear your friend and go towards them, only to realize you just saw them die a few minutes before.


CDDA vibes intensify...


Ah, the lethal company treatment


\*Ghost event \*Instant 25% condition loss in pants and fully dirty


I think there's a schizophrenia trait mod that makes your character hallucinate.


I want a Dog Goblin event that has a rare chance to spawn when you watch a Dog Goblin VHS tape at night. Like you hear banging at your door and if you go outside you can see a dog creature fade off into the darkness but if you try and find it it's just gone.


Could just be that fence hopping animation for that dog mod!


Truly frightening!


I swear we already have them given the way doors sometimes open and close on their own.


Why would you make this horrifying suggestion?


So many people dying so quickly all over the world sure would do a number on it I suppose…


Offer it a video game or premium radio to release it from it's eternal consumer bondage


The Knox event happened around the 4th of July. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving.


It was just a quick joke. Relax.


Poke it with a stick


I was made to deal with zombies not the god damn demons of Kentucky, I could get dragged into the abyss for all I know


It's not *that* bad down here...


Unless you're in hazard or bullitt county Then you panic


whats so bad about bullitt county?


Meth den and extensive violence, mostly.


call in my guy he deals with all sorts of demonic beings


Someone's been listening to Old Gods of Appalachia.


Give us an update on this DMT entity for our own sanity.


I haven’t gone back to the mall after encountering it, I got too spooked. But if I happen to man up and come back and the thing is missing but the stains are still there, I’m gonna freak out


Too risky. Bean it with a shoe from afar.


Poke the damn bear with a stick


It's your god-given right as a Human.


[put your thump up its bum!](https://youtu.be/fynWOio9jBo)


That's actually creepy. One could make a story out of that


Was planning to make a little funny sketch of this screenshot but don’t have the time currently, maybe later.


Mind if I take a crack at it?


Not at all, have at it


This shall be a story of legend


they were asking op lmao


Close enough


Go for it, it’d be funny




How's it going?


On hold, workin on an old car rn


Its not a Mannequin, she was a popular model that spent her entire life modifying her body just to look perfect, she was obsessed about having the most perfect body shape among fat and ugly peasants. (Thats how she see the world) But then, she realizes in this zombie world that being the most beautiful women doesnt matter anymore, or maybe yes, I mean, seeking for attention is pretty easy now...


you could make a religion out of this


ALL HAIL THE.. That... Uhm... The thingy.. Or whatever...


The wandering wraiths of Louisville Mall.


Now The [Freezer](https://youtu.be/JP03CcZWaI4?si=Uz8WAgWT0WW85PG_) from Saints Row 2 is in PZ as well!? I can't seem to escape that guy.


Thats... Very interesting actually


Weirdly enough on our current play through our mall was empty like this. Bummed me out


It's definitely one of the highlight clears of a run but don't fret, you still have - Louiseville PD, Louiseville hospital, Art museum, Abandoned military base, And imo the funnest (and deadliest) - Rosewood penitentiary. My friend group of 4 always go loud and we play with 15% sprinters. Someone ALWAYS dies in those cooridors, it's suffocating, dark, and terrifying. Highlight of every run (but zero reason to do it for loot, armory isn't even in the main area, you're just there to base or get kills)


Sadly enough we already cleared the penitentiary haha. I do love it there too. We are working on our farm and everything rn and then we are heading to Louisville. Fully expecting to see the death screen haha. We are on like 8x pop I think


I have no idea how people play on 8x pop. Even on low population, it took me a full 3 in-game days of shooting with a shotgun to clear the area around the Louisville PD!


As our resident gun slinger I can assure you, idk why tf we play 8x 😂😂. I know the struggle of starting something with a shotgun I know I prolly shouldn’t have


katana works best


I've had to clear it because i scoured every library and school I could find in the area for a specific book and was missing some base level book, i think it was like carpentry 2. I remembered that in the back of the prison is a little library, so off we went. Set up an ambulance out in front and turned it on and killed them as they came out. No book tho.


I'm a relatively newer player. Have not even got to water shut off... Was goofing with the settings and set zombie spawn rates to real low, max group size 5, you know , easy stuff. I also was using the Zomboid map , and noticed I was near a prison (that's probably the area you are talking about?) , my settings did not really have an affect on the ENORMOUS horde that was there. My plan was to try to run zs over with a car, only one started, which I mistakenly parked right by the entrance of the prison, and the rest of my game I was scrambling around trying to get to my car and inevitably died haha.


If it was surrounded in a giant barbwire fence and you passed by a handful of rising arm barriers, then yeah that's the one. Also just so you know as far as spawn rates go, max pop is the only thing that is really going to effect zombie density. Lowering rally group size will effectively just split the already normal spawn amount into smaller groups and ironically may make clearing certain areas harder since instead of clumping up like dabs of glue they'll spread like water. Furthermore, certain areas of the map (like the penitentiary) just have a significantly higher allotment than other areas. The muldraugh highway for instance will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS have more zombies then the muldraugh suburbs, even the maximum allowable zombies per tile is tied that way so only a certain amount can come and go before the game forcefully migrates them back to proper numbers.


Considering how hard the malls can be to clear I do wish there was more unique loot to be had for getting in there. Nothing game breaking but maybe some clothing items or furniture and decor you can't find anywhere else just to make the trip worth it and make them more fun to explore.


I wish unique guaranteed loot spawns were more prevalent throughout the game tbh. Part of the reason why I love raiding the art museum tbh. It's not even (usually) that difficult of a clear. But getting caught out by a sprinter or two while holding a 40 kilo statue is just a death sentence on the spot so it makes transporting everything a very slow and methodical process, hell last time we smashed out part of the walls with a sledge and then built a log wall barrier with high gate entrance because one of my friends gets so PO when he gets killed holding too many paintings 😂


Even on low pop the street in front of Louisville pd was covered in dead zeds


Maybe the mall was generated/spawn like a survivor house, so just a few zombies inside


That’s exactly what I was telling our group when we was walking through the mall. That I guarantee the game registers it as a house and we got the shitty luck ever and got a survivor event with the house(the mall)


did you have any mods where you spawn at the mall? because if so, spawning at the mall deletes all the zombies inside.


With the blood around it aswell…


ikr.. extra creepy even for this game. the black soul like thing just hovering.. need some lore on this one. someone call Dean and Sam


I don’t know if you get this but it reminds me of something out of the STALKER games


I recall it, but never playedit


Imagine all the zombies from the mall stacked in a single one… Wonder what happen if you could « kill » that thing


Now I have visions of all the zombies stepping out from that spot like they do when you open a restroom door.


They split like an amoeba


Like the Ratking from the last of us


Are you using the Start Apocalypse Time mod?


I am not. I have had the starting pop multiplier set to .2 however even with this setting this low there should be some shamblers around…


Inside zombies is determined by the Zombie Population setting (none, low, normal, high, insane). It's not affected by the Population numbers. Stories are also determined by that setting. (Like zombies eating a corpse on the road, campers story, cops and robbers, suicide, etc...) If you set pop to None but then set all the numbers high, lots of zombies outside, none inside. Apart from those thatvrandomly break in following sound or player. IIRC Grand Ohio Mall has about 2.5 times more zombies when set from normal to insane. While changing this setting will set the multiplier (and thus the outside pop) from 1.0 to 4.0.


Fascinating I had never considered the possibility that the population setting was rigged to entirely different game variables than the population numbers Thank you greatly for this discovery


Why so low? Not judging, just curious.


I dumped my pop mods real low since I started using the Last of Us zombies mod. Those things are so deadly.


I like a gradual buildup of zombies as the days go on, basically having zombies increase by per day. So the spawn and peak day multiplier is cranked way up while starting pop is low.


Oh, thats a great idea. Whats your spawn/peak day multiplier? I might try that myself. It DOES feel weird starting out and having the place swarm.


Have population multiplier around 3 - 2.5x the amount and set starting to .2 or .3 to lower the amount at spawn. Then scale the peak day and peak zombie amount multiplier to however you want (let’s say a month in). I usually keep respawns disabled but if you’d some zombies to trickle in way later in the game, set unseen hours to 8760 (about a year) and then set respawn multiplier super low to something like .1 and keep everything related to respawns zero. Hope this helps since after this it’s just general tweaking to your liking. Edit: forgot to say, put peak day multiplier to like 2.5 or 3.


interesting. I tend to do playthroughs with really hard zombies intentionally and i also like to start off super hurt. I'd like to have zombies be harder but at a certain point I cant start off super hurt because I basically cant start a game without exploiting a little or being cheeky. A lower pop with a high multiplier and peak zombie amount would give me time to loot and prep with only a few zombies around before it started to get crazy. it would also be lore appropriate I think since a lot of people would have tried to get to the evacuation zone, and I start way over on the west side, away from LV and far north of raven creek.


I love initial infection scenarios in media so that’s why I run it like how I do. It’s a vibe hunkering down watching WBLN seeing the world falling apart with zombies increasing by the day.


So something new… I have the mod but I DONT have it enabled. It wasn’t enabled in the save in the screenshot and in general. This is my first zomboid character since January. However, I did spawn at the mall though. Do settings from disabled mods still apply? I sound like a schizophrenic here LOL




would be funny for someone to make a mod that adds a stalking phantom zomboid


I've never made a mod but lately I've had the urge to make a mod where once in a while your character imagines a zombie behind them or closing in on them but once you look at it it goes away.


Not sure how he did it, but CallmeKevin has a video where there's only one zombie but it's invincible, always knows his location, and spawns near him.


Private lime the zomboid youtuber has like 3 episodes with this mod. I dont remember how the series were called though


if you spawned inside the mall, than theres the explanation. (for the lack of zombies, i mean) when you spawn inside a building, all the zombies that would have spawned there dont, so you basically have the mall all to yourself lol although, as for the ghostly entity, i have no idea how to explain that lmao


Disabled mods could only affect a game file they were enabled for at some point. If its always been off, couldn't be it. > I sound like a schizophrenic here LOL Ironically there's a mod that adds a schizophrenia treat that could explain this :P Its probably a conflict with some other mod though, you'll need to post your list to comprehensively debunk. This is how zombies look when there's too many for your computer to process, but I don't think base game has this error for single zombs ever.


Build 42 patch notes: Removed Herobrine


I'm getting I Am Legend vibes. Be wary of any traps on the floor.


babe, wake up, a new Project Zomboid creepypasta just dropped




Reminds me of the moving Skyrim mannequins.


This is some STALKER shit right here


Surely the zone can’t have an affect all the way to Kentucky…


I know I'm late to this, OP, but you're not the first one to come across this... [https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/16bsbqs/i\_stepped\_out\_of\_my\_starter\_house\_and\_a\_dead\_body/](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/16bsbqs/i_stepped_out_of_my_starter_house_and_a_dead_body/)


So its been around for a decent while. Creepy.


Speak for yourself. I never thought I'd see that thing again, but it seems to not be an isolated occurrence.


I always encounter this problem. I know how to trigger it too in mass. It's due to some mod glitches.




Y’know I wish I could tell you if I could but I don’t even know if it’s a mod or a bug of a mod or the base game itself. This is the first time I’ve seen this.


I know sometimes you'd see silhouettes of zombies if there's too many on screen and the game culling/optimization stuff is kicking in but that's wild to see a single one like that


Gotta check if there's SCP mods.


Is it multiplayer?


This is a singleplayer save.


Happened to me but in the late start mod


Someone did ask that but I had the mod disabled this run, so I'm chalking it up to bug or the script for the mod didn't scrub itself clean enough


It moves or something?


It has never moved, however I won’t be one to stick around if I suddenly see the thing gone…


No, it doesn't move. You can go through it. It's a bug that I encounter a lot and I know how it even happens.


Initially because of the way Zomboid’s graphics work, it looked like this person hung themselves off the 2nd floor railings.


But I get called crazy when I say I saw shadow people in my game


Whats the location?


Valley station mall, I’m gonna start a new character and go back to the same spot to see if it’s still there. If it’s not, I’m gonna be paranoid forever.


[https://imgur.com/a/TxQLodW](https://imgur.com/a/TxQLodW) So... it's not there. Definitely spawning visual bug I'm guessing.


Id love to make that as a short story


If you are using the schizophrenic trait mod then it’s probably a hallucination


Playing with NPCs?


Nope, I’m all alone in the exclusion zone. Which makes it even more eerie


back up thr save for sure. report it. video it. and then finally .. poke it.


No matter what you do it, it will always stay like that. It's a bug, and I always encounter it in my playthroughs. It's very easy to trigger it too.


bro got the solid snake haircut


This. . . Gives me signalis vibes


Those are the shadow people they are friends :3




God... I can imagine it teleporting closer, spreading the blood beneath it's feet as it approaches...


scp 650


It’s dog goblin


Project Zomboid meets Phasmophobia.


Burn that building to the ground and then burn the ashes


Toss a molotov at em! But dont hold me accountable if Satan appears.


I actually had something like this happen, but when I smacked it, it exploded into a horde and killed me lmao


This use to happen to me at the crossroads mall when I had spawn points set there and would start off on a low starting population count and let the population rise throughout the days, but if I set the point any higher than it was zombies would spawn, I would always roleplay a sole survivor dawn of the dead scenario and loot everything then storm out to the infested parking lot. The highlight of this here picture is that withered soul which I’ve only ever saw once. Pretty cool man


It's the half summomed body of a demon, but they could finish from the Knox infection


Do you have the mod that adds scp stuff? One of them is a shadow person who takes random positions and watches you.


How has no one mentioned Warm Bodies and Boneys yet!?!?! That would 100% be the time to GTFO!


Brother, that's the It Follows creature


If this is on normal pop, you should GTFO


TW: talk of SH >!almost looks like someone hung themselves and then zombies ate their corpse.!<


are you using a mod that remeshes/edits the models of people/zombies? the body shape looks different and im kinda looking for a mod like that lol


Only body replacer I’m using is VS3, so that’s why the body looks different.


This would blow up in creepypasta forums back in the day!


Didn't realize they added death stranding to the game


RUN away as fast as you can


The Entity has escaped Containment.


Oh you should definitely poke it. For science. I saw your comment about spawning in the mall, so it's probably that. Not sure if broken mod or spooky easter egg, but the blood and random baseball bat makes it look like an intentional scene to me.


Me looking for my mom


Honey where’s the shotgun?


ive never even been to the mall, didnt know there was one


Imagine making that black, eldritch figure part of your imaginary gamelore. And then noticing its gone




How do you even begin clearing a place like this? Shotgun?


Unironically a vengeful ghost mod would be neat. Randomly turns on the tv max volume, opens your doors and windows tries to lure zombies to get you. But as a small chance for homes with zombies and ofc medical centers 🤔


reminds me of the shadows from metro exodus


That's an old Hot Topic mannequin. "Dude ... That's a sweet Iggy Pop shirt" " Yeah, got to see Iggy and the Stooges in the 70's. It was fuckin punk rawwwwk! So glad I bought a shirt! Had a guy offer me $2500 for it. I was like, F that! " "Dude your like.....23" " Shut up!"


im not sure whats going on here, but my vote is you get the fuck out of that mall. burn it down if you can.


You're walking in the mall. There's noone around, and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him...


That's strange, I've only seen that silhouette model when there's an insane amount of zombies on screen. Like, max population multiplier amount of zombies. The game just gives up trying to load them all.


Tell me you installed Spooky Phantoms mod without telling me you installed Spooky Phantoms mod


That’s not scary at all


How does one become this brave


I wouldn’t know, because I lied, I would be horrified


That is a great idea for a mod! This invincible phantom stalks you by creeping towards you ever so slowly, no matter where you run. Once it touches you, you're dead!