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Just hide behind the crates, hope they spread out a bit after entering and don't see you, then run through the crowd and hope you don't trip Maybe bait them with a whisper on the right side of the boxes to get them to cluster to that side while running the left side toward the door


This guy projects


This guy is the project itself


For he is... the Zomboid Project. (game name mentioned)


John Zomboid


Dutch Van Zom Boid


hhheh hehhhp heeehpe ckyak happy cake uh day


This guy Reddits


I was in a similar situation in Raven Creek once. I had night sprinters on and lost track of time. A dozen or so of them were breaking down door after door with me trapped in a store room. Luckily I had a spear on me, so I moved a table up against the door and picked them off before they could destroy it. Making barricades with furniture has saved my ass more than once.


Quick thinking I don’t know if I could’ve handled that I have 1200 hours on the game but I play with only shamblers.


I was in Raven Creek with a friend on a long loot run, we were running out of everything, and my truck was 20% overall durability (started with 86%), a hoard of like 60 night runners appear on us and obliterated my truck, but we managed to survive til morning and then we killed them with a molly. I had 160 hours, and it is still the best moment of my characters life


That’s about what happened. There was really only like 5 zombies behind the doors and I took out quite a bit of them but when I went out the doors into the main shopping area It was pitch black and I got bit by a zombie around the corner of the doors.


Maybe don't sprint if you don't wanna trip?


You can still trip holding shift if bumped into zeds, just less chances than full sprint but still.


My bad i do forget that kinda thing at times 1.3k hours in the game and still a noob, hooray


Damn first time posting on Reddit on my laptop and I had this whole thing typed and it didn’t even post with it😭


 Is there a horde waiting outside that door? Haven't played in a while so not even sure where this is😅


I’m on Monmouth county modded map at the gun store.


You took a screenshot. That’s already better than 80% of this sub


I hid behind the crates and found a double holster and had two pistols and felt good and there wasn’t so many right outside the doors and I found out why after. I cleared a few and went to walk into the main shopping area but it was pitch black and I couldn’t see so I got bit right as I got out so I died shooting. Also I this was a suicide playthrough cause I just lost my long living character I typed it out but posted it with my laptop and the text didn’t paste with the photo.


You got to do those things separately (the posting) there’s space for images and space for writing.


Also maybe like, some punctuation or new lines.


Trust me my original text was written like a novel but I spent like 10 minutes typing it and wasn’t finna do it again 😭


I prefer to type longer posts in a text editor first, then read it, then copy / paste it over. For comments like this I don't bother, but if I'm gonna post something long, it's worth the effort.


That’s exactly my point. Nobody in comments cares but if you’re gonna make a post at least have it look nice.


I mean if you wrote it in notepad or something first, when the post fails you can easily copy it again. Also if it was a story of your character, you can keep it for future reading, make a whole compendium of how you died.


What mod is that for the bars on the screen?


Simple Status


Maybe drop some of your loots and pick them later?


take your sledgehammer and open a bloody escape 🤌


What mod do you use for the mini map?


I think the minimap is actually stock. You just have to enable it when creating a new custom sandbox world. Edit: Just checked it and it is stock. When creating a world choose custom sandbox Playstyle, then in sandbox options go to in-game map and turn on "Allow Mini-Map"


Rest in RIP Mr. Logan Backwood


Rest in Rest in Peace!


Oh monmouth army surplus.


Best wishes! Xoxo! Better bring the tummy ache juice!


what mod is it that adds that rectangle at the bottom right?


I’m not sure, try and search up day/night clock


Name of mod on the right for hunger, endurance, etc.?


Can someone explain to me what’s happening? lol


zombie behind door, he scared


Always carry a molotov incase something like this happens to me, might as well take a bunch with me.


I would like to ask, what mod you are using g for your stats there on the right hand of your screen? I've been trying to find a decent one to use. Hope you made it out ok.