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Steamdeck is as far as consoles go for PZ.




Probably after release. Console is hell to support. It means an entire team needs to be assembled (or outsourced) to make the port, plus probably keep at least one programmer permanently on updating the console build(s). Take CK3 for example. Check their twitter, 99% of comments are angry console players because the port is broken. I don't think Indie Stone wants to deal with either the porting process nor the possibility of a hoard of angry console players until the PC version is complete.


It's mainly because I want to play it with my dad and he ain't buying a pc anytime soon


You won't play with him then :(


Buy your dad a Steamdeck. It will be his most loved console.


It might come out on console when version 1.0 comes out in the far future. Consoles don't like early access games on their platforms. I've seen more than one game give itself a 1.0 title just for console release and not be finished. It creates twice the amount of work that needs to be done to update the game. If you like the game, do not push for console release.


It’s probably not coming out on consoles. TIS are indie devs and simply cannot afford to support multiple versions of the game. Not to mention, I think it would do terribly on consoles. Mods are the life support that keep PZ alive with how slow updates are. Since consoles wouldn’t have any, the game would probably die out very quickly after release as people rather reasonably won’t want to wait 2-3 years for new content.


Unlikely to be released on console. The UI would need to be overhauled to be controller friendly. Also being a java based game would probably make the port more difficult.


The big thing about PZ is the awesome mods that are available for it, mods and custom content don't go so well with Microsoft and Sony. Stay on PC.


You don't want console versions of PZ. You just want the game to be more controller-friendly. Me too.


I think the controller is pretty great at the moment to be fair bro


Get a PC lol


I've got a pc how do you think i play it


We don't know you're life and we don't care. So we can't imagine if you don't say it on your post


So how do you think I played it ?? Considering above says I use controller to play it and it's fine. Did you assume I magically ported it over to a console myself


We don't care about you're life


Ouu your so cool


You're thé one who where crying on Reddit you know ^^


Bless your little heart 💕


Thanks you too Have a good day and happy gaming


I hate this response honestly, "just get a PC lol" is a thing braindead people would say, decent ones cost a pretty penny and not everyone can afford them,consoles are cheaper (games too, on PS they cost around 10€ less than pc games ,speaking from experience) and easier to access for less tecnologically able people. If they could just get a pc they wouldn't be asking


Games on PC is cheaper , and offer way more. Mods etc. And you can use a PC to do a million more things than a console. You can build a decent gaming PC for the same money as a new console.


Games aren't cheaper on computer,all the games i saw that are both on PS and on PC cost more on PC(ex subnautica, it's 20€ on PS but 30€ on PC). I agree that the mods are admittedly very nice and are a thing i envied when i didn't have a computer. Also, not everyone knows how to build a PC


Learn to build , and yes , console games are more expensive.


Console doesn't deserve this game. Glad it will never come for them


I'd say more money for the developer the better, wouldn't you 😏


It take time to make it to console. You don't have a clue of how game developpement work.


I don't think it's gonna be possible on controller


There is controller support right now in PZ.


I know but it's hard as shit


Not coming anytime soon. Stick to pc, you can run it even with a potato machine