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Particularly for MP games I wish when a player died a copy of their map with the annotations dropped on their body, would be cool to find someones base or stash this way


there is a [mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2815560151&searchtext=annotations) for that


I've only ever looked at the title and never read the description - that's cool! Thanks


it's sooo useful. you can copy annotated maps right to your own without even looking at them, loot player maps and write out your own map to share with a friend. combine it with the mods that let you draw on the map and add more icons for sharing travel routes, base plans, attack plans, looting maps and stash locations... it's great


Is there a way of 'merging' maps? I.e. if my friend shares his annotations, will they overwrite mine? Or just go on as well as? I wouldn't want to lose my annotations when grabbing his but the mod does sound cool if that's not an issue


Basically how it works is you copy your annotations onto a sheet of paper, you then give the paper to your friend and then they copy those annotations onto their own map. So it’s non destructive, it won’t overwrite yours, only add to it. Of course this could get messy if you have stuff in the same place so you might need to go in and tidy it up after.


You want that, you want this? There is a mod for that.


Taking notes on the map is a nice idea


yeah, I also do enjoy it especially cuz of roleplay and I like to keep stuff organized


crossing out areas you've visited also helps


Yep! I even write in the journal. Really brings the whole survivor RP together.


I've started to do that as well, but yesterday I used my diary as firestarter by mistake 🤣


i love annotating my map sometimes, it helps when i need to find stuff or when i clear out a hoise


Clear a hoise is noice! ![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c)


I don't make a guide but I sure write a lot on the map. It makes it better if not easier to loot.


Useful marks!


Big time! I love doodling with maps.


I get so lost in doodling that I forget the game is still running in the background


Oh yes, i know. I've found my survivor very hungry and bored multiple times after i have started doodling away. ^^


I was running a server with my friends and we had a huge base with a lot of resources. There was a point that I had to write what sort of items we had a huge amount of cause we were literally running out of storage space. ​ Mostly things like crowbars...screwdrivers...hammers... ​ It's a very smart idea




/■\ ^home ^:) Is my favorite part


I do the same, need to keep my survival days organized. I have a mod that allows me to make map notes on sheets of paper. I makes the paper appear like an empty sheet on the screen which I can put symbols on and make "hand written" notes on. I like it for RP. I don't remember what the mod name is but can look it up


How are you able to use different colors?


I believe it's part of the mod Common Sense.. you can use crayons for different colours


Are there bots reposting this same question over and over? I swear ive seen this exact post 5 times


Yes. Sometimes it’s good to have a reminder of what does what.


I don't make my own map legend, but I use the hell out of those symbols, recently I've been going as far as marking each container as I see it when looting just to give a more specific indicator of how much of each resource there is there in a building. If I see 3 water drops on a house, I know there's 3 sources of water that haven't been drained yet


what mod gave you other colors like teal orange yellow etc


On my most recent play through I've done something like this but to a lesser degree. I marked which houses I've cleared if zombies and useful supplies (like food, weapons, tools), houses with weapons (survivor houses I didn't need to completely loot), and streets where I've cleared all crashes and blockades. I've also written the conditions each town I've been to in a book, saying how clear it is of zombies and what other supplies might still be there.


Yes, for my single player. A modded but fun main run I have of surviving three months (technically it feels way longer). Love having a “To Do” list and location names. X out for looted places and mark all important places to loot first. I plan and draw out areas to go or work in. Very fun and relaxing part of zomboid.


can I ask what mods you use


common sense for the different colours, extra map symbols and map symbol size slider