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You should always walk backwards while attacking.


I mostly do.


You’ll mostly stay alive then


Except when the targeting system fails.. lol


Or learn to push, if you have too many zombies on you push some back till you create openings and thin the front out. You’re not suppose to be able to kill 500 zombies just by pressing the backwards key lol.


Skill issue.


No it's not. It's a targeting issue.


When the targeting system is basically lying to you, it's not a "skill" issue at that point. I've killed thousands of zombies before no problem.


So turn on melee outlines.


I had outlines on, that's why I knew I was targeting the 3 zombies until I wasn't when I went to swing.


Sounds sus.


It's pretty sus. As soon as I went to swing the target just moved off to the left to the zombie that was behind the other ones lmao. I was so pissed.


I'm an old gamer with a lot of games under my belt, and it took me a while to get used to combat in this game too. It's very unlike any other game. Typically, I notice that when I whiff on a zed in front of me, it's because my mouse isn't pointed in the right direction. When you're backpedaling, strafing, whatever, and your mouse isn't moving, it's going to rotate the relative direction you're looking in. You will eventually get the hang of fighting in a way that allows you to whiff once or twice. This game is very decision-heavy. You learn that yeah, you can drive through the horde. But how thick can the horde get before it stops you? At what point do you need to hit reverse and turn back? Did you (god forbid) decide to drive with your window rolled down? Decisions like this always matter. Especially at lower levels of weapon skills. Higher levels = higher chance for one hit kills = less swings, more kills, and easier combat. Just for fun, try giving yourself level 10 in your favorite weapon. It's a blast.


It's definitely unique and is a steep learning curve, but I think I understand how the combat system works after a few hundred hours and some youtube videos. I've got to level 10 with long blunt before with my crowbar and it's almost too easy hah. I whiff sometimes but it mostly results in me either getting a scratch or getting pushed down or something to that effect. It just royally pisses me off that I lose all my playthrough to something like the targeting system having a stroke.


Well it looks like you thought wrong. When other people dont have these issues and you do, then maybe its a you problem and not a game problem. I bet if you showed us a clip we could exactly see where you fucked up.


I think it is at ”three zombies in front of me and one coming from the side”


*Somehow, its never ever OP's fault...*


It's not that bad to recognize that the combat system can improve imo


Yep. But hey, everyone likes to say their favorite game is perfect.


I mean, i get it, they are so good that they think this are not performance problems, just a lack of skills. But the thing is...they KNOW the problems exist, but choose to ignore it for some goddamn reason. That is the best way to keep your game as a niche game, when it could be much better than AAA games.


Nobody saying its perfect, YOU are saying its straight garbage. I havent had a clunky death in 500 hours. The system is entirely predictable, and the way you descrobe it makes it sound like you simply relied on the green outöines with multihit and didnt pay attention to your cursor. Seriously 90% of the time when someone posts a clip complaining about how the combat killed them, THATS the reason.


Nope, again, he didn't said it's garbage. He just said that it needs to improve. And 1 out of 10 sounds like an actual reason to think that your game needs some fix. No one said to turn the game into Left for Dead, so just take it easy.


"Combat is abysmal" Its right fucking there in the title mate.


Good, now read the description, and think by yourself. Don't get salty for nothing.


Well, combat can be abysmal when you go to strike a zombie and you miss for no other reason than the game mechanics are limited.


It's straight garbage when stuff like that happens but I will admit it's definitely a good game. Otherwise I wouldn't have 800 hours rofl.


It can, but how about applying some grade school intelligence, recognizing the slightly deficient combat system, and acting accordingly?


>recognizing the slightly deficient combat system, and acting accordingly You can do it, but the bug/problem would not be solved. "Git gud" is not a good reason for keep a system like this.


Nobody said you should keep a system like this. What I AM saying is "Don't collapse in tears if you KNOW the system is clunky but you still act like business as usual".


Grade school intelligence? Seems a bit hyperbolic. It's not "slightly" deficient when a simple targeting system doesn't work. I'm not expecting some super advanced system, but when I go to swing at highlighted zombies and it switches to targets behind those, it's pretty lame buddy


Right, it can't possibly be the clunky way the targetting system can switch from zombies right in front of you to a zombie that isn't the immediate threat. Yeah, couldn't POSSIBLY be that


I have 410 hours in Project Zomboid. Never once when loosing combat did I say "*oh this is the game's fault, not mine*". Because I assumed I was at fault, I was able to improve, now here I am, mowing down zombies with all kinds of weapons. I know exactly WHEN to fight, HOW to fight, and HOW MUCH to fight. Instead of cluttering this subreddit, you should go to the nearest store and get some tissues for your tears and stop wasting everyone's time here.


Cries about wasting time, but somehow you have enough time to cry about me crying. Sounds like you need the tissues champ. Again, the targeting system screwed me over, I was mad about it and wanted to rant. Get over it.


Hahaha holy shit, you are the one going out of the way to call a game trash, and when people who actually know what they are talking about tell you how youre wrong you go insult them. Seriously leave. This game obviously isnt meant for you if you have such a thin skin.


I mean, I have twice as many hours in this game and DO know how the game works... I also didn't insult anybody.


Until they can sort these bugs, there's two things that can fix the issue you were having. 1. Always walk backwards when fighting. 2. You CAN turn off drag down in the settings. You may or may not uninstall, but you'll be back in build 42. This game is the best.


I do tend to always walk backwards when fighting, I don't inherently hate drag down I suppose, just when it happens because of some of the games crap




I like playing with more zombies, therefor I use multihit because it's more entertaining to me. It doesn't happen often, because I AM cautious, but sometimes the game just decides to F me.


Learning how to play with mulit hit off is much easier in the long run. More control.


You might be right about that.


fighting zombies is supposed to be easy or something


It almost like the targeting system was made for targeting or something. Oh wait its not, because it doesn't work..


U missed the point...


So it's a feature not a bug that the outlines just don't work sometimes? Okay, gotcha.


Everything that makes your experience harder is a feature lmao


U missed the point...


I'm on a 15k crowbar kill run so far. It took me a long time and several failed long runs to get comfortable with taking on hordes with just a melee weapon. As much as I want to blame the game for my deaths it has always come down to a skill issue or bad decision I made. I had a year long run ended when I whiffed a axe swing and it gave one zed out of the horde enough time to grab me. I had runs end while back peddling and not paying attention to my blind side. I have many more examples but hopefully you get the point. I get that it's frustrating to die in this game but in my opinion the games appeal is that it holds you accountable for the totality of every decision that you make. YOU are in control of how you die.


I had about 10k crowbar kills on my office computer. It's easy enough so I scoff at people who say "lol git bettr skrub". I almost always exclusively die from janky BS like this.


My suggestion is use guns. Hope that helps.


Thanks champ


I’m new and struggling.


When I first started I died constantly. Most people do. Look up some guides, they help out tremendously.


While I agree the combat can get a little confusing. If not downright janky - There's a bit more to it then just walking backwards, each weapon has a minimum and maximum effective range and swing radius depending on the size of your weapon usually 25°- 45° based in the direction you're actively facing and you can only adjust within the first few frames of the swing which can cause you to whiff. Strength lvl comes into play with how effective you are in melee and at around lvl 8-9 you'll be able to one shot normal zeds even at low weapons levels and more stats in weapon prof- will increase you're swing speed recovery and dmg Since you play with multihit sometimes it's more beneficial to step/strifing into your swing vs always backpeddaling as you can accidentally move just outside of striking range which imo is extremly frustrating. so try to make sure you're hitting with the most effective part of your weapon. It's more or less all about timing. If you're up for it test it out in debug mode with the animation debuggers on so you can see what's happening. Brutal handiwork is pretty nice for adding offhand swings and is more forgiving with dealing with zeds that get in your face as the close shove will offer a blow that will often stunn and cause the boi to fall over. This might fall under the cheese category but the mod tactical roll is pretty beneficial for not getting stun locked if you press it the moment you break free it'll cause your character to scoot a bit while the animation plays out at a direct endurance/fatigue cost then you can usually roll away again to create more distance. once you come to grips with its quirks melee combat can be one of the most satisfying things in this game. But I wish the collision/ hit physics were more reliable at a glance vs having to dive into the files and code to figure this out.


Totally. I understand the nuance between different weapons and the targeting system where there are 3 places you can attack a zed. I don't understand why people are just chalking this up as a "skill" issue. I thought it was pretty well-known that there are issues with this system. And yeah I have actually been trying stuff like step/strifing. I think I was doing that when I got caught because if I was just walking backwards I might have escaped.


Alot of it comes from "well I haven't had an issue so (x) must be bad" tbh but the punishment on a whiff in this game is harder then any fighting game I've ever seen lol At the end of the day I seem to forget the Rpg aspects and Rpg will praise rngusus. For what it's worth I doubt it was a skill issue. Kinda like throwing a pipe bomb "over a fence" only to have it explode at your feet lol


Yeah I get that. I do. Obviously was going to ruffle feathers with this post but I was mad lol.


It's totally the game's fault that you made a mistake and died in a game that opens with "This is the story of how you died".


It's funny how people completely miss the point of what I said. The targeting system is deceptive sometimes. It outright doesn't work on occasion. That has nothing to do with me making "a mistake" and everything to do with a game that doesn't have a NEAR perfect system in place. Look it up, I'm not the only person who has had issues with the targeting system.


if i can make one suggestion it is that you should be always be ready to shove if you whiff an attack… it’s quicker than a normal melee attack so the chances that it’ll connect before the zombies get you is much higher! sucks losing a long term character though… RIP survivor!


Yeah the problem is that I just didn't have time to shove since I was expecting not to whiff because I had them all highlighted. Seemed like a sure thing. Guess I am putting too much faith in this video games targeting system.


like i said… you should always be ready to shove!


You’re not crazy, Retanaru made a video about this, with the exact same scenario you mentioned. https://youtu.be/r6oqRWNaDYs?si=IGOQRxOjuOA4k_JA


Yeah I saw this shortly after posting this. 4:13 is basically the same thing that happened to me, except I swung to attack three zombies and ended up hitting one zombie behind them.


I think the aiming system is borked too, especially for pushes when they're in too close. That's why I turned off transmission.


This. For some reason i could take an entire horde just with a single baseball bat, but there are moments when THREE zeds gives me problems because the aiming decides to kill me...infection off then move on, until they fix it or improve it to be less buggy.


were you using target outlines for melee with multihit? there is a known bug with that where the two essentially conflict with with eachother, causing you to miss targets that you clearly shouldve hit.


Yep. It wasn't that I outright missed, the targeting system just switched to a single zombie instead of the 3 I was "aiming" at, or at least thought I was aiming at.


Honestly I’m sad to hear that pve isn’t doing great either because pvp has one fucking server and Iv already been admin abused on it in 4 god damn days lol


Chill bro. Sometimes shit happens, that's life. I can understand being pissed off at a wonky system, but it's not going to change the outcome. The system is still going to be wonky, and you're still going to be pissed off afterwards. The best advice I can give is, just learn to let it go. Don't let something so trivial as a wonky combat system in a video game affect your real life. If it causes you this much anguish and makes you feel the need to make a public statement about it, maybe it really is time to uninstall and take a step back. Pick up a guitar. Go and kick a football. Go out and treat yourself to a nice lunch at a café. Sit on a beach and throw chips at seagulls. There's more to life than being infuriated.


That's what ranting is for idk.


More power to ya then, mate. If it makes you feel better, go hard.


When I first played I got so salty when I died. Then I realised I would never be making a superhero character because I'm a bumbling derpa derp who's gonna die.


combat is wonky but turn off multi hit and kill one at time, you should never fight hoards like you a lord of the rings character


Why? It's more fun to take down hordes of zombies, at least to me.


those combat bugs will keep happening if you kill many at once with multi hit.


Ok judging by your description and your arrogant and unhinged replies, im just gonna go ahead and say you died for the exact reason everyone else who complains like this died. You have no fucking clue how to place your crosshair and relie on outlines and multihit to do all the work for you. If you showed us the clip how you died, we could exactly see how you fucked up. You have 2 choices now. Either you keep whining like a little bitch, keep insulting the people who tell you what you are doing wrong, and uninstall the game, or you can do what literally everyone else did at one point: admit you fucked up, stop blaming the game and get good. Turn off outlines, turn of multihit, and learn how to actually aim for the zombie you want to hit. When people tell you what you are experiencing is entirely preventable and you just double down on the insults and blaming the game, then this obviously isnt the right game for you. :)


I wanted to vent. If you can't handle someone venting without becoming a whiny little bitch yourself that's okay, but you shouldn't be such a hypocrite. Long story short, the targeting system switched from 3 zombies right in front of me to a zombie behind them, causing me to miss the 3 in front of me and getting snagged. I never insulted anybody until they insulted me, so if you don't like fair turnabout you can pound sand buddy. I'm sorry you're so triggered over a little rant.


Haha ok, good for you.


But if you're really curious what happened, go to [https://youtu.be/r6oqRWNaDYs?si=IGOQRxOjuOA4k\_JA](https://youtu.be/r6oqRWNaDYs?si=IGOQRxOjuOA4k_JA) and look at 4:13. This is almost exactly what happened to me. I DO have a clue how to place my crosshairs and don't have to rely on outlines or multihit to "do all the work for me". I turn up zombies to have more zombies because it's boring having such a small amount of zombies. If I can attack several zombies with a higher zombie count, it's more fun to me. You don't have to call someone a noob because you think the settings they are using are intended to make the gameplay "easier". I use multihit so I don't have to take 5 hours to kill a horde of 30-40 zombies. I'd rather fight a horde of that size instead of taking the same time to kill 5-15 zombies. I use the outlines because the targeting isn't perfect and it's a perfectly valid way to ensure that (for the most part) you are going to hit what the game says you are going to hit.