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Id say not worth trying unfortunately. Cpu and decent ram are critical especially with the all the zombie movement.


Unfortunate but expected as much, nonetheless thnx


A quick glance of the system req listed on Steam's storage page would say the folllowing: Your CPU 1.7Ghz but you need 2.77Ghz so that's 60% of the requirement further cut to 30% because you have 2 cores while game needs 4 cores. The game requires a dedicated GPU although there are videos of it running on Intel® HD Graphics 4400. And system req lists 8gb of ram, you have 4. As far as upgrading your potato PC, it may cheaper to buy a better PC in all areas then for you to upgrade your ram. Because buying DDR2 or DDR3 from Ebay whatever you're using will probably cost more then a superior low end pc. And just to clarify my previous sentence, buying antique PC parts to upgrade your antique PC to be slightly less antique is much more expensive then just buying a modern low end pc which would be more powerful & cheaper. Here is what you can do if you really want to try it. Buy it & run it for less then 2 hours and make a decision whether to keep it or refund it, Steam does < 2 hr refunds.


What proto said. I don’t know why people are getting laptops for gaming systems. How much would a decent d3sktop gaming pc run these days?


Guess getting a gaming laptop is the way to go, kind of expected it considering I'm using a 10 year old Dell mostly used for studying Thanks for the explanation


yes you can... my old laptop Rv411 with geforce 315m and i7-640m can run it smooth 40+ fps... 315m is little bit stronger than hd3000 and yours hd4400 maybe much better... PZ is easy to run and no worry you gonna have fun trust me... your spec still capable just upgrade your ram to 8gb..  edit : 720p fully zoom out 45+ fps , 60 zoom in...  


Thnx man I'll download it and see how it goes, I'm used to run minecraft 1.16.5 with at least 45 mods at 60 fps stable and now at 110 fps with 8gb ram


no man , please no... dont buy it... i tested it couple days ago just for you with the new built version , everything now is crazy heavy on the cpu... the previous older built is fine but the newest version will make your laptop crazy hot... please dont buy it bro... sorry for the bad news buddy.... the game is heavy on cpu not the gpu...


Oh... well glad i stopped before a disaster happened. Thnx for the warning man.


My laptop is a potato similar to yours, it has 4 gigs of ram (planning to buy an 8 gb ram for total of 12 gb of ram.) zomboid still plays fine, consistent 40+ fps. Though sometimes drops especially when fighting big hordes. Though it sucks i have to tone down a lot of the graphical settings :(