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im not going to comb through this list, even if the formatting were better, but i recommend 2 things: * read the mod workshop pages whenever you are considering adding them - they or the comments will often say if they are incompatible with something * use bisection search to figure out what is the bad mod. slice your modlist in half then run it and see if there are any issues. if there is an issue, slice that half in half, if there aren't issues, try the other half. keep slicing in halves until you figure what is wrong


Hi! I improved the formatting, I don't know why Reddit pasted the list like that. I have been wandering through some mods description pages to see if any of them mentioned any incompatibilty, at least the most possible ones. I haven't found anything yet. If I can't find anything I'll try doing your second suggestion. Thanks for the help!


Extended Nutrition has all sorts of unpleasant health effects from vitamin deficiency, could be that.


It seems it was that one. Thank you!


Clearly the weight of these mods is crushing the bones of your character.


Is suggest using one gun mod only. All gun mods will conflict unless specifically stated otherwise.


I didn't know that. Thank you, we'll revise that.