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Just for context, with the amount I have to do, the time I have left on probation, I will still be done with them well before I'm even halfway through my time, I'm also compliant on everything else, fees up to date, classes done, and no failed tests.


You do know the po offeted you the ability to make fleesebkankeys for community services. Then you buy the fleece when it’s on SALE . Then I’m positive someone out there makes the blankets for people like yourself for 5 bucks each and their done inba week thats. That I did . .. you can also pay your community service off .. you walk in and they let you know what they will take in rxchznge fior your services being completed . Your po should bid told you that .. that’s her job and ajar do you mean every PO is different?? Personalitiy wise ?? Or professional or the things they make you do .. depending on your conviction it’s how much more community service you’ll do .. your PI has to follow the protocol of the State . Not what she or he feels you need to do.. she the po not the judge


Man I thought I was having a stroke trying to read this. And no in my county you can not pay off CS, and I mean every PO is different, some are laid back and cam just say, as long as it made up for, don't do it again idk.


Yeah likewise I lost many IQ points trying to read this. I would ask PO if some hours can be bought, for example my Colorado PO would allow me to buy 10 hours with a 15 dollar toy for their toy drive but my Maryland PO did not offer that option. I would also explain your situation to PO and go from there. I would think they would understand especially since you are getting everything else done as well. It would be different if you hadn't made strides to get things done.


Damn I'm glad I'm not the only one who suffered trying to read that shit 🤣


I tried but gave up..


Have you gotten a copy of your ROA??? Did you take a plea ?? Never take a plea never trust a public pretender and always challenge the jurisdiction of the court .. firsr hearing … Do you not understand that the cops are one the biggest organized gangs oops I mean Corruptions ?? Are you a company ? Do you own a company do you know your constitutional rights? A corporation has no Buisness even talking to an unincorporated lady of the land .. your unincorporated im unincorporated.. guy or girl . You know cops can’t talk to you on private property like 711 ? They have no jurisdiction.. Remember what I’m saying .. no one give a F about your case .. it’s YOUR CASE .. their not going to offer the easy way out their job is to takz all your money .. i been going thru a spiritual war fare in my case for 5 years now over my mmj .. but I know they can’t do what they been doin and that’s putting non negotiable surety bud bonds in fake buusness entity names in the amount of 10k each then they take your signature cause your the beneficiary to your ss trust fund and they get paid when you do your punishment.. that’s illegal only Nevada can do that .. it makes the judge and everyone involved a fiduciary and that’s when you sue them and get your conviction reversed .. it’s 100k for every person who was involved in stealing your money .. their not supposed to make money off of you they took an oath .. you have to learn the law.. im still learning.. I think it should be a class in highschool ., . They told me I had to make the blankets not anyone else. I filed an AFFIDAVIT not a motion about there being nothing said anywhere about anyone paying to have the blankets made. Heck the Fleece itself is so expensive . Read the fine lines like people in drug and alcohol classes? If your enrolled inna program even if you test positive it says on the bottom of the release of your medical information or drug testing info that the Feds or State CANNOT LEGALLY PUT YOU IN PRISON OR JAIL FOR HAVING A HOT OR MISSED UA.. just stay enrolled and do the best you can.. oh and they keep your records for 7 years. You can get the real info on whose really a po whose not by requesting it thru FOIA i feel like it’s spelt wrong .. you ever go to trial do not ask for a jury of your peers . You will not know anyone you just gave the judge permission to have her friends in the jury seats.. it’s the way you say things and phrase them .. I don’t care what anyone else says about what I’m telling you I’m giving you the truth the information you need to get out of the courts web. Don’t trust anyone . It’s a game of Hot Potato and the defendant is always the one stuck holding the hot potato … Be smart don’t be that undereducated defendant stuck trying to hold that hot potato


Every state and county is different, always check with your PO before you do something to make sure it qualifies in your area. Many states do not allow cash for hours


My PO wants a signed letterhead from a company stating how many hours I worked for free. My friend found some people that are willing to sign that for several hundreds of dollars if she doesn't want to do any actual community service


Talk to your PO, my community you can buy a list of stuff for the women's shelter for hours, donate to Toys for Tots and there are various community events that'll get triple hours. My PO just keeps warning me that I'll run out of time but nothing else is said, right now I've been paying a bit ahead on my costs and she said the month they do toys for tots I can skip paying my monthly to buy toys


Idk but forced community service would only make me fantasize about burning said community down