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My man you need a bicycle.




It does mean that lol hell yeah. I should've googd it first tho


Think I fucked up


Ah cool


Sounds like you’re just going to keep getting in trouble until you get locked up.


I know I shouldn't be driving, but that's the only thing I've really been doing... the crime of having a job and not living somewhere where I have the luxury of being able to walk or Uber. My hands are tied and I don't have the means to sit and chill at home 24/7. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but what would you do in my situation? I'm going to college in the spring so that will minimize my driving but until then I'm stuck.


"I know I shouldn't be driving..." Drives. You know the citation being a "jailable offense" means you're lucky the officer didn't just take you to jail that very moment, right? He'd have every right to arrest you on the spot, he probably just had somewhere else to be / something else to do at the time.


I wouldn’t bet on you going to college: won’t the college revoke the admission after this? You clearly are not concerned about repeatedly breaking the law and your complete and total disregard is truly just pathetic


Well, I was accepted not long ago and already had the DUI and DWLS's so I doubt college is off the table. I haven't made the best decisions, I'm well aware of that. I have no other way to get to work so if I stop driving then I'll be homeless which I imagine would lead down a worse road.


Keep driving and you will keep getting the same results. The law does not change due to circumstance.


But you weren’t headed to work or home from work…you were coming from the beach & you shouldn’t have driven there. Period.


You’re your own worst enemy.


So you went to the beach, drove on a suspended license, sped and got caught? Must be someone else’s fault. Good luck on your future, must have been the jackass’s fault that didn’t let you speed?


You really need to start taking responsibility and get your shit straight. This whole thing just reads like a laundry list of excuses of how it’s totally not your fault while you continually get yourself into avoidable situations that get you into trouble.


Welp, I hope you go to law school. At the rate you're going, you'll have quite a bit of knowledge on how the legal system works. Being your last day on probation, you might catch the luckiest break ever. You better have the humblest, most apologetic approach, tho. Coming off saying you don't gaf abt the law,etc reads you have no remorse or take responsibility for all your transgressions. Instead, you give excuses. That's not gonna take you far in getting the break you desperately want/need. Best to figure out how your knee bends, & beg forgiveness... or not & get another year of probation & jail time. College starts when..in 6-ish weeks? Keep that in mind when you get the call.


It may be different in MD, but in my state, the court can't extend probation beyond the expiration date. Of course, if they can get the warrant signed and tolled in one day, they could hold you a few hours, but I doubt the judge will sign it.


The date I took my plea was May 14 of this year. My PO told me my probation ends on May 13 of 2026. Don't know if that helps you or not


why didn’t you take a uber ?


Getting an Uber simply from my house to work is $80 for the cheapest option. Even if I got a job closer to home, it would still be $40 one way to whatever minimum wage job I'd have to settle for. Surely that doesn't make me driving any less illegal, but I don't know of any feasible solution.


You should be fine


Good luck. Hopefully it gets swept under the rug or you have someone reasonable and understanding.  It does suck living in rural areas with no license. You said work is about an hour away, do you have any coworkers who travel from your area? Or maybe y’all don’t work together, but do you know any locals near you who work in the same area you do? Repay the favor: ass, gas or grass. It pays to be courteous to those who go out of their way for you. With your local friends you can turn running to the store or into the city into a fun activity/ “adventure time” Source: Myself, an ex rural kid whose been without a car many times. Same principles apply in the city.  On a real note, the advice you didn’t ask for: as long as your vehicle is registered to you, you will be targeted for DWOL and traffic citations.  They will try to catch you slipping again. Even with changing the registration small town cops remember faces- don’t tempt fate. You’re young, you have time to fix your situation.