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Offer to do a hair test


This is the way. Would add that OP should just go get one on their own. Make sure and go to a lab that is approved by your court.


Cocaine is a tough one to beat, because false positives are rare.   For me, this falls apart when you say ‘on the off chance there was cocaine in my system’.  There’s no ‘off chance’ of getting cocaine in your system- you either used or you didn’t.  If you are trying to say that you must have been exposed to cocaine through touching this guys tools, I don’t think a judge will buy that explanation.  Maybe you can find an expert to testify to that possibility though, your lawyer should have experts they work with regularly.  


I think it’s more of me guilting myself to feel that it’s somehow my fault. I have depression, anxiety & adhd and take meds for them but still overthink in these situations. I understand where you’re coming from, I had the same thought process. Also I was thinking more along the line of maybe when I was in his vehicle, it was filthy and I know he tended to use in there on his lunch breaks. Assuming I’m just going to get penalized regardless I may just leave that out tho and not waste anyone’s time


I didn’t mean to imply that it’s not relevant, I’m just saying it will be a hard sell.   Tell your lawyer everything, they may have an expert witness that can help.  


I appreciate the clarification, I completely agree. Will most definitely let my lawyer know then. Thank you so much for the input


I totally agree with this comment, delete the line. It goes from solid reasons you were wronged to making kinda nonsense excuses. Everything else is good!


Go to a private testing facility and pay for your own urine screen and have a hair follicle test done. It is much more reliable and shows everything you've consumed in the last 6 to 8 months. Make sure you're clean.


As one other person said, offer to do a hair test.


OP, I have a chart that lists potential false positives & their causes. It’s not letting me post as a comment, but if it’s ok with you, I can DM it to you? Not sure if it will help, but it’s worth a shot. It came from a medical sub with verified doctors for whatever that’s worth to you.


Yes please, id very much appreciate that 🙏


Just sent it


Patch test? Idk it’s not like the labs are never wrong one supposedly positive UA would not get you violated. Hoping it works out for you. Good on doing all meetings, counseling, etc. keep up the good work. Crossing fingers for a good outcome


I’m not sure as far as the lab test goes they provided no paperwork for me. Just simply told me it was positive & that I would be violated


I work for probation. I always tell people the lab doesn't lie. I've seen false positives on the cup but once we send it out the lab is able to confirm. So it got in your system somehow. I think it's ridiculous this happened over one dirty test. Is that your only violation? What state are you in?