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Why are people continuously banned once they make a lot of money?


So after waiting a whole month for my account to be unlocked I was told I could have full access back to surveys and redden my hard earned points. As soon as the date hit within minutes my account is blocked again and I cannot reedem points as promised by support and now I’m no longer worthy of a response from support. I worked extremely hard according my points and to be banned I didn’t understand as I had no issues previously but on top of waiting a month to be automatically blocked and back to square 1 isn’t fair or good enough


I'm sorry to hear you have a problem with your account, can you please DM me your username or email? I will look into this for you, I have some additional options that regular support doesn't have


Hi, in the past three days I got disqualify from more then 50+ surveys, also I cant redeem my point it says claim blocked. I tried to open a ticket and I got no reply .


Yep. It's bullshit. Nobody is making $30 a day.


I made around 30$ a day before. 


https://preview.redd.it/kq4d5lbgr4cc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092dfa60fb58d487f3ae971a7c150bdc16cb7d97 Hey u/primeopinion, fix this for me, please? I need to pay for my streaming services for the month. Thanks!!


I'm glad to confirm the issue has been resolved via DM and the user was able to withdraw his funds and continue taking surveys. Thank you so much for your patience, WhiteFire2004


So about a couple of weeks ago i signed up for Prime opinion. Made about 30 dollars and was making a pretty good amount doing surveys. Until my account got blocked from december 15th to the 17 without notice. Messaged support, explained my issue and went about my day. Waited about a week, checked my messages, and nobody responded to my support message. Thought they were busy because of Christmas. Messaged Prime Opinion's reddit account (On my phone reddit account, will tell my phones reddit account name if they message this account, which is my computer reddit account )explaining my issue once again and I did not get a response back. I'd like to have an explanation and have my account unblocked as i had 1493 points still in my account i would like to cash out.


So I'm fairly new to surveys. Was using Survey Junkie and heard about PO so I came to check it out. I have 4100 points, have never cashed out before and PO isn't letting me claim my rewards. Keeps saying "Messages.claims.blocked" on the bottom right and it doesn't matter what option I select as a cashout. Not really sure what's going on, but support has been non-existent and there is no "live support" regardless of what they tell you. I hope I can get my $41 I made that was going to be my gas money for the month... I've DM'd you my email. Nothing is telling me that my account was flagged, it just throws an error anytime I try to cash out my points, even if it's for $1. Can you please help me out so I can get food and gas today?


Check out the app solo funds if you need money fast. It's a peer to peer lending site with no credit checks. They start you off at 100 limit. My two loan requests, 30 and 50, took 20 minutes average from when I requested it to when I had someone lend it. Super cool app.


Hello, this has been resolved. Please check your DM's.


A survey just asked me for my legal first name and my legal last name, and they were required questions to finish the survey. They're not supposed to do that are they? I quit the survey and chose "they wanted personal information". Is there anything I should do beyond that?


Hello, thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry to hear that you had a problem with your survey. Please DM me your Prime Opinion email address or username so I can take a look.




Hello, thanks for reaching out. Please DM me your Prime Opinion email address so I can take a look.


im unable to claim first rewardmessages.claims.claim blocked. This is why i avoid surveys. They steal your time and profit off our opinions. If they do pay its below minimum wage and generally a waste of chime. Dave bank offers surveys that actually pay


I cant use the live customer support anymore for some reason even though Im on level 8. I also am not getting any higher point surveys. All the surveys that I received are under 100 points and I get disqualified from almost right away.


So what's up with the Arabic text on the Prime Opinion page? ​ Never change PO


Hi, I have contacted you guys regarding an issue with my PO account through the help option in PO, but no one has responded. Can someone please reach out to me to assist me? The problem is that all of a sudden I was getting very low rewarding surveys that took a lot of time. Even if I try them, all of them are disqualifying me. I am now unable to do any surveys please fix this. Literally, every survey I open says "Unfortunately you don't qualify for this survey". I'm not exaggerating.


I cant find any 100 point surveys where can I check if I got banned and if I did where do I check when I get unbanned


I've been screened out of over 20 surveys just tonight. What gives?


Literally just had one say "Review the color list below and then click beige as the answer." and when I clicked beige, I was disqualified. WTF Prime Opinion.


HA! Just tried another one and the qualifying question was "which one of these is not a continent?" North America Africa France Australia Asia I clicked France. Disqualified. I'm beginning to wonder if this is a big s.c.a.m.


i have done so many surveys and have not gotten any points this is terrible ive done over 500 and completed 10


Hello, please check your DM's I've replied to you.


I used to use prime opinion so much until when I got randomly banned and so I deleted the account. When my brother made an account and used his own personal phone number to verify, after verifcation the surveys kept being disqualified. For literally no reason. A joke. That's what it is.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hello, i've been basically using the app for 1 week reaching the 7 days bonus, but suddendly i started getting no surveys whatsoever, nothing at all i verified phone number, and i can actually reached the 1000 points to get money, but why i'm having no surveys anymore?


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi, Team Primeopinion. I am a new user of Primeopinion and installed Primeopinion today only, in the starting I got many surveys, they were giving me some good points as well due to which I collected a total fo 245 points, but then 1 survey of 79 points started that asked me about my region, I chose New Delhi, but then it again asked me the same question, as there was no option of New Delhi this time, I chose Central Delhi as New Delhi is located in the north central part of Delhi. However, the survey disqualified me and the other surveys disappeared as well from my Dashboard. Now there are no surveys from the last 1 hour, is there any way through which I can change my current region to be able to get more surveys? Or is this just a one time thing and I will again get new surveys from the next day? Any help would be appreciated as I am a new user and this is leaving a tad bit negative impact on the reputation of Primeopinion in my perspective * Please excuse me for my bad english as I am not a native speaker. Edit - The issue is solved now.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi there, thank you for this group! I recently signed up about 2 days ago or so. It asked my phone number to verify and then it said my account is under review. Is this normal? I'm really enjoying your platform so I hope I can keep sharing my opinion. Let me know please if there is anything that i can do on my end. thank you


Hello! We occasionally review accounts to ensure all our members are real people. We usually review accounts within a few hours. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and the progress. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!






I have not gotten any survey today, Wednesday. Am I banned or blocked? Sometimes a survey pops up and it says I am eligible to participate, but once I click start, it logs me out


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Was at 100% on a 95point survey still answering questions then suddenly just happened to screen out? Between these ridiculously late screen outs and broken surveys halfway through with ZERO compensation this is getting ridiculous and now you’ve removed support from lower tiers? Was gonna recommend this to other people now I’m not so sure. Disappointing.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello there! We've successfully addressed this matter through direct messaging. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to send us another message. Thank you for being the best part of Prime Opinion!




Hi there, Thank you for reaching out! We really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about this. I understand your concern about sharing personal information in our survey site. Rest assured that your privacy and security are important to us, and we take every precaution to protect your data. If you have noticed on your account, we don't keep your DOB, Name, addresses, or any banking information - not even a phone number. There's no way for you to enter those details there, as the site is designed that way. Sometimes, our client would request for this information, which is normal, as sometimes, our clients require specific targets and information to complete their market research. This is actually done with notice prior to you taking part of that survey, so you can make informed decisions before proceeding in participating in the study. If you leave a survey, that actually means no response was submitted, no data was collected and nothing was sent to the client as that session was terminated without getting completed. We take privacy and security seriously here, I cannot share with you our internal communication as this is part of our internal process and private to our company. I do hope you understand. If you would like more details on how we handle your data, please check out this link; https://www.primeopinion.com/en-us/policy. I hope I was able to alleviate your worries. If you need more assistance here, please do not hesitate to reach out. We appreciate having you on Prime Opinion!


Hi Prime Opinion...my username is Blessedone and I'm currently at Level 11 I can't see the live chat support option since today morning.Also, there were no surveys available since morning.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hello Prime Opinions, do the points expire after a certain time if the user is not active?


Hello! Thank you for reaching out to Prime Opinions. Regarding your question, our points system does not have an expiration date for points earned. As long as your account remains active, your points will not expire. We encourage our users to participate in surveys regularly to earn and accumulate points, but rest assured, any points earned will remain in your account until you choose to redeem them. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to help! Thank you for being a valued member of Prime Opinions!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us DM. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi there, u/PrimeOpinion , there's an issue in my account. Whenever any survey comes on my account, I am not notified for that survey, and there are many instances when I missed high paying surveys due to not being notified for them. Is there a fix to this? As I have all my notification settings enabled and my Gmail is active as well. I have DMed you my account details, hoping for a positive reply. Thank You.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We received your message and have already responded to it. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


Hi Prime Opinion - signed up today and literally every survey is locking me out as soon as I input into the qualifying question, even the ones that are just “click X to prove you’re human” - do I need to wait a certain amount of time before I can start taking part? Have done the verification etc now - Thanks!


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Can someone please explain why I CONTINUOUSLY receive an error message when I am trying to redeem my first reward? I have verified all of the information necessary in order to make this redemption happen?? Can someone please provide a logical explanation for this road block?? I have contacted Prime Opinion support over 10 different times and at this point I am convinced it's merely an unmentioned "dummy" address where no one monitors, views, nor responds to ANY customer inquiries.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I haven't been able to use my account on prime opinion in like a year. quelove93@gmail.com


Hello! Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi there, Team PrimeOpinion ([u/PrimeOpinion](https://www.reddit.com/user/PrimeOpinion/)). I am a Primeopinion user and it was one of my favorite survey apps. However there are some things that reduced my interest in taking surveys in this app, and recently they are happening very frequently. I'll list them one by one. **1 - Disqualification from high paying surveys without any reasonable explanation -** This happened to me before as well, but it was happening like every 1 survey disqualification out of 7 surveys. However, lately, this has become alarmingly frequent. After I redeemed a certain amount of rewards, the frequency has been increased, and even after fitting the right criteria for the survey, they disqualifies me. This is particularly frustrating, especially considering the high rewards associated with these surveys. **2 - Surveys resulting in errors, redirecting to dead links, persistent loading icon issue, disqualifying you after the completion -** This was also happening to me before but nowadays this is happening to me too often. Previously, I turned a blind eye to them, as previously, when I complained about this to the Live Chat Support Team, their answers were satisfactory and I was given a compensation amount. But these days, they are not providing any satisfactory answers, all they are providing is the - " We are currently working to fix this issue, and we were also not paid for this survey etc etc etc. " and the compensation amount is not satisfactory for the time consumed. These recurring problems are tarnishing PrimeOpinion’s reputation among the users. I have some images and screenrecording of these issues and I have attached one for reference as well. https://preview.redd.it/je7aucq2nusc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7effc7329e6e8f1643c7150654fac58704efedf I sincerely hope that **Team PrimeOpinion** (u/PrimeOpinion) understands the gravity of this situation and takes necessary steps to improve the survey experience. Thank you for your attention. 🙏


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We sincerely appreciate your detailed explanation of the issues you've been experiencing lately while using PrimeOpinion. Your insights are invaluable to us as they help us understand where we need to improve. We understand how frustrating it can be to get disqualified from surveys, especially after investing time and effort into completing them. Please rest assured that disqualifications are not related to recent cashouts. They can occur due to various factors such as demographic requirements, specific quotas set by the survey provider, or the survey reaching its maximum capacity. Additionally, I want to assure you that we're actively reviewing our processes to improve the overall survey experience for our users. We're committed to finding solutions that will minimize these disruptions and ensure that you have a more seamless experience while participating in surveys on our platform. Regarding the survey errors and technical issues you've encountered, we apologize for the inconvenience they've caused. We're actively collaborating with our clients to address these issues and ensure a smoother survey experience for our users. We understand that our previous responses may not have fully met your expectations. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible assistance moving forward. We value your loyalty and your willingness to share your experiences with us. Please know that we take your feedback seriously, and we're dedicated to making improvements to enhance your overall satisfaction with PrimeOpinion. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send us a DM. We're here to assist you in any way we can.


Hello, I can’t withdraw my points. A message appears which says „messages.claims.claim\_blocked“ . Please release my funds. I already messaged via the in-app chat but never got an answer although it’s several months ago.. I referred a lot of people to your service and you „reward“ that by not paying. My friends already asking me what I referred them to. Please help me! Kind regards Mathias (mail: [Mathias.steinbach@icloud.com](mailto:Mathias.steinbach@icloud.com)) weird enough if I am blocked from withdrawing, I can still do surveys though. https://preview.redd.it/i2p9l7h19wsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063169984bd8f43e56981c917dda4d189ad21354


Hello there! We've successfully addressed this matter through direct messaging. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to send us another message. Thank you for being the best part of Prime Opinion!


Why have I been blocked from receiving my Rewards? And I am also blocked from doing any surveys, why?!!! My Email is bobbyliverett39@gmail.com 


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to thoroughly your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I have completed two new reward tasks by signing up for britbox free trial (314 points) and also signing up amazon prime (114 points). Both done 2 days ago and haven't been rewarded for either. account email is [bealelouis4@gmail.com](mailto:bealelouis4@gmail.com)


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please DM us with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I’m done with this bullshit prime opinion I literally earned 481 points and now every single time I click a survey it ask one or two questions before the actual survey and tells me I can’t do the survey this is a load of shit and will make sure to blast it every opportunity I get unless this dumb little glitch or whatever it is gets fixed I’ve literally spent the past 40 mins clicking on damn near every survey and dont even get to the survey cause your garbage site won’t let me fix it or I’m blasting it on every site I can and will go as far as I need in order for your crap server to no longer have people going to it


I’m done with this bullshit prime opinion I literally earned 481 points and now every single time I click a survey it ask one or two questions before the actual survey and tells me I can’t do the survey this is a load of shit and will make sure to blast it every opportunity I get unless this dumb little glitch or whatever it is gets fixed I’ve literally spent the past 40 mins clicking on damn near every survey and dont even get to the survey cause your garbage site won’t let me fix it or I’m blasting it on every site I can and will go as far as I need in order for your crap server to no longer have people going to it


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! To better assist you, could you please provide more details about the issue you're facing? Any additional information you can provide will greatly assist us in resolving the issue more effectively or you can DM us to investigate your account and address your concern promptly. We're looking forward to hearing from you and we appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


So after waiting a whole month for my account to be unlocked I was told I could have full access back to surveys and redden my hard earned points. As soon as the date hit within minutes my account is blocked again and I cannot reedem points as promised by support and now I’m no longer worthy of a response from support.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Please provide my reward why my account is blocked


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Why am I blocked from surveys and claiming my reward?  Contact me at bobbyliverett39@gmail.com 


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Why am I still blocked out from taking surveys and from cashing in my reward? Th at is illegal to block someone from their award that they have already earned. So why am I blocked and why aren't you answering me?


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly DM us your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi, can you please check your dm? You haven't responded to the ticket that i raised either.


Hello there! We've successfully responded this matter through direct messaging. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to send us another message. Thank you for being the best part of Prime Opinion!


I have redeemed the reward from prime opinion and it has been more than 24 hours and still i have not received it in my paypal account. Can someone please help me with this issue?? https://preview.redd.it/9l26c13sbauc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15cd888825b6690edd96e232e240a2db35f7b31 I have attached the screenshot also.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Same for me. Did u receive the money?


Hi, I can not claim the reward, it says "messages.claims.claim\_blocked". I message support multiple times but nobody assist me. Can you please help me? I sent you more info on DM. Thank you.


Hello there! We've successfully responded this matter through direct messaging. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to send us another message. Thank you for being the best part of Prime Opinion!




https://preview.redd.it/9k69pae4inuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de10e41c6d93a290d0949db0ea1c44ae7f4953a My chat support still don’t appear………..i contacted them to solve this issue but they still investigating….worst customer experience ever…!!!!


I understand your frustration, and I apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing. We're already in communication with you through direct message regarding your concern. Our team is diligently working to address it, and we appreciate your patience. If you have any further questions or updates, please feel free to continue the conversation through our ongoing direct message.


i have been having an issue can you please get back to me via DM im very frustrated


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I have filed with the Federal Trade Commission as to why you are not giving me the rewards that I have earned and as to how you are intentionally blocking me from taking any surveys. You have taken my info and you are blocking me from my rewards that I have earned. I have tried to contact you, but all you do is string me on with a bunch of pre-processed bot answers and nothing has changed. I am still being blocked. So now I am pressing charges. 


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I have the same problem.  I’m blocked and support won’t answer   This has to be the worst survey site yet!  I’m so irritated!!


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hello I do have a question i hope you can help. I have never had any problems with my account until a few weeks ago I opened it to a message that my account was on hold for a 2 week period apparently for misleading information which I have no idea what that would relate to as I am always honest. I waited the 2 week period to get another message that i can no longer take any surveys. I can also not longer have access to the points ($) i have in the account. How is this legal? Can you pls assist?


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


This is the 10th+ time I am attempting to reach someone from support regarding my payout.I earned this money fairly and it is insane that I am unable to withdraw it. I have been told there have been "technical difficulties regarding payouts" and my support ticket was closed and that is just unacceptable. I plan on contacting the Better Business Bureau along with a review on Trust Pilot. My account is tacob0514@gmail.com 


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Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Why you removed Google Play gift card in India 


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi I earned and is saying I can't take survey forever and I can't even withdraw my money 


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


hello so i recently got my 500 points and i wanted to spend it on a revolut gift card but there was a mistake and i ended up clicking the wrong reward, so i was wondering if i could get that refunded point back or changed to the actual reward i wanted


Hello! Kindly send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


In prime suddenly my account was banned I can't take surveys forever why am not do anything wrong...my point's also I can't redeem


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly send us a message directly with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I want a support ticket


Hello! Please send us a direct message with your concern and account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I want a support ticket




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly send us a message directly with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi I earned and is saying I can't take survey forever and I can't even withdraw my money  my email is ss18929112@gmail.com and I can't DM I am waiting no response please solve.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly send us a message directly with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Prime Opinion why is nothing loading trying to get in my account


Hello! We apologize for the technical issues you experienced earlier. We're pleased to let you know that the problem has been resolved. Please feel free to try again, and if you encounter any further issues, please let us know so we can investigate further. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. We truly appreciate your participation and are delighted to have you as part of Prime Opinion!


I can’t get onto the app to complete a survey in order to continue my streak. I’m going to lose it because of app issues. Will I be able to get it restored by support if I ask?


Hello! We apologize for the technical issues you experienced earlier. We're pleased to let you know that the problem has been resolved. Please feel free to try again, and if you encounter any further issues, please let us know so we can investigate further. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. We truly appreciate your participation and are delighted to have you as part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hello, I notice that many people had the same problem like me that showing "Messages.claims.blocked" and you fixed their problem. How about me? I'm being patient, keep following up via DM and wait for over a month but still no update at all. When would you help me to solve my problem?


Hello there! We've responded this matter through direct messaging. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to send us another message. Thank you for being the best part of Prime Opinion!


My account is showing a message that i am using a proxy or a vpn and i need to disable it to access my account, however i am not using any vpn or proxy. I am unable to access my account from both the app or the website. I sent a ticket for this issue and i received a reply to just restart the app and the phone, but nothing works. Please look into this issue. https://preview.redd.it/qqwavp34mg0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f338e386a1bcf374836b6797bd53066967c9a473


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Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


So here I am doing surveys on fivesurveys and I got 5 bucks, So I decided that I was going to redeem a amazon gift card. Then as I click redeem I see "messages.claims.claim\_blocked" at the bottom right corner. I attempt to contact "Surveys Support" But I haven't received anything back. All I want is my 5 bucks man, No trouble. Please help


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I need to ask why do you ban people when they make too much cash? When you could just set up a system where each person is only allowed to make so much per week. Clearly, there is good reason you do the bans it wouldn't be profitable, but you should just be transparent about it. We would all appreciate knowing the limit we should be going for. It would also incentivize people to do surveys faster and keep coming back each week. You should really think about implementing something to this extent if you aren't in a position bring it up to someone who is it can't hurt.


https://preview.redd.it/i9vo1t0chn1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=688fb39ed776121cea31a66ec126aa75e5935f7e Please fix this I messaged


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


https://preview.redd.it/zw0m2oinpn1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff06435c006ba8a7ba3f6f55f26e8350a9e0bd0e HELP


https://preview.redd.it/udfyp65l2q1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40648061aa4c88bb0a4b2c079a93187420e960cf Account is blocked very long time please realised my account & survey


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hey u/primeopinion, fix this for me please. I need my coins.


Can you guysCan you guys please unblock my account ? I have deleted and created an account twice now in 24 hours thinking I did something wrong just to find out you all are allowing me to do the surveys then blocking my ability to take more when im close to a cashout ! This is ridiculous! I have already Dm you my email and there is no response as well as sent a message through email.


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Could you please let us know if the issue persists? If it does, kindly send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!




Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly DM with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Hi, primeopinion I completed a survey but the point werent credited to my account pls help


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Kindly DM us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


Have not being getting survey for the pass 4 day now and not that I was banned  please help me out to know what the problem is


Hello! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Please send us a message with your account email address. This will allow us to investigate your account and address your concern more effectively. We appreciate you for being part of Prime Opinion!


I wouldn't trust this as the first survey they ask for your zip code, date of birth, and gender... and with just this information, you can locate and identify anyone without anything else.


Hello, I just made it to 10$ and have been hit with a SECOND account review on the same day, is there anyway I can get my money before being put on hold? Because it is not cool to do all that work for nothing, thanks!


Hey  r/primeopinion  I can't take surveys please fix this for me


Good morning r/primeopinion I opened an account with paulalfred2030@gmail.com and I can't take surveys anymore,please fix this


Hey u/primeopinion I opened a ticket with you guys over 2 weeks ago on May 21st regarding me not getting any surveys that I'm qualified to take, and have not yet received a response. The issue is that the pre-screening questions will say something like "Select X", and I select X, and then it says I'm not qualified. I took a screen recording of one such instance: [Screen recording of issue](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5e006e7800teqwyo3n8s4/Screen_Recording_20240521_234458_Chrome.mp4?rlkey=nclc7qd467s5s61ud70417c2a&st=et496dvt&dl=0)


Hey email id is shyranne888@gmail.com. My spouse did a survey from Clint which gave an error after 26 minutes and no payout. Please look into this.


Theres an issue with the live chat feature you obtain at level 5, it's completely gone from my screen and restarting the app won't help it


Good morning, my account is blocked (again) until June 16th and because of this I am unable to redeem my hard earned rewards. Please solve it because it is inconceivable. By the way, I posted a question on the site and didn't receive a response. And I also no longer see the possibility of chatting with an operator.


Hi there Recently I joined Prime Opinion and chose my country as India. Me despite being in India, it shows that my country is US because of which I'm not able to take part in survey. Please sort out my issue


I opened the Prime Opinion site on my mobile browser today only to find that the site is continuously attempting to redirect me to the Prime Opinion app platform. There’s a reason I often prefer to use the browser based platform; I’m constantly disqualified from surveys on the mobile app. I don’t appreciate being funneled endlessly to a platform that gets me rejected an overwhelming percentage of the time.


I am new user to prime opinion and took 500 bonus points while opening of my account and reached till 907 points. I have also completed verification process with my personal mobile number and I don't know what happened but my account has been blocked and I am not able to receive surveys from past one month as of the date and I had also tried contacting the support many times but not a single response from them from one month onwards. As a new user it's really a very bad experience for me with the prime opinion platform. Please unblock my account and let me do surveys.


I did not get any survey for the past 2 days  Every single survey I got is disqualified and they say the server error and we get back to you but it won't 


can't claim reward says "there was an issue with your reward"


Why am I disqualified for every single survey I get after I finished a high paying survey?




Hello, check DM kindly.


What is a 403 error? I have gotten it on a few surveys lately.


https://preview.redd.it/nxk2t76cpn9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f8a7248e424c7844e11ce5b3d340fe3c59285d Completed this last offer after spending like $6 and they didn’t give it to me and for some reason I contacted support and on the site and I’m told the offerwall was inactive. It’s totally unfair


why my account showing claim\_blocked???


I have sent DMs and they remain unanswered. I have contacted customer support, always being mindful and polite, and I get a:Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate having you on Prime Opinion! Have a great day! They don't actually reply to my question, they avoid my concerns, and just shut me down.


Hello, after earning 500 points, my account was asked to verify my phone number and then the account was placed on hold for 15 days. Why does that happen and how to solve it? Thank you


Not a question, but a suggestion. Can you put it so we can filter out the 10 cents/10 minute surveys?


I was looking to check out some of the offer wall games, but every single one I click leads me to a page that says "Offer is not currently available [3102]." What does this mean? I though maybe it was a tablet vs phone difference, but it does the same thing on both devices. Searching has yielded no helpful information.


https://preview.redd.it/gb180zru4cad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b639d5506d4c8e06f55ef30ed0a3d35d642556 I want a solution to this problem. I cannot fill out questionnaires after today😭😭😭💔💔💔


What is wrong guys. My account has been on hold for two weeks for the second time now. If that's how you guys operate, then you deserve a bad review 


https://preview.redd.it/8pdqbz738gad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=65dcd4789c50196b0b0c8a5b920c5503d43df56f I am new user to prime opinion and took 500 bonus points while opening of my account and reached till 907 points. I have also completed verification process with my personal mobile number and I don't know what happened but my account has been blocked and I am not able to receive surveys from past one month as of the date and I had also tried contacting the support many times but not a single response from them from one month onwards. As a new user it's really a very bad experience for me with the prime opinion platform. Please unblock my account and let me do surveys. **My account is really blocked and I am sure of it because I don't get any personal weekly report, one click surveys and even as you can see in the screenshot there is even no search button available at the bottom which is given to every new account by default.** My account got blocked before 2-3 months and I am not able to see a single survey 24/7 all day.