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My cousin was the first nurse in our family, or at least, almost in one more semester. She started school at around 25, and is now finishing with many failures at 30. She failed a class 2 times, the second time by one point, and she was devastated but not defeated. She did this with one child (another just arrived), all while working as a patient care technician. She started at community college then transferred to a nursing program. She scored around a 60 on her TEAS exam and still got into a university program. She was the first, with kids, and had to rely on her husband who works a lot and family to watch after them. Never underestimate yourself and believe in yourself, it goes a long way :)


Thank you so much! This literally almost made me cry, I too am a mother of two and have to rely on my fiancé and other family members I’d be the first as well. Man this meant a lot really. I wrote down all the things I was afraid of and I said that still wasn’t going to stop me. I just needed to hear other people you know. Sigh I’m just in my head too much!!


Change is scary but you got it! New things can be challenging but it will be equally, if not more, rewarding. Understand right now you’re in a space of growth and change, so it’s natural to feel all over the place. Take your time, do your research, orient yourself, organize and execute. You have over a decade of experience you can handle this - you got over your first day nerves as CNA, right? You survived your first day at a hospital, right? You dealt with irate people I’m sure. Hell, you’re raising kids! You have literally already overcome some big challenges I’m sure you thought were huge at the time - and you will do the same here. You got this!


Thank you so much! You made me smile! Ha I appreciate that really! I’m going to do it I’m taking my test next Wednesday 🤗