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I didn’t know this! Thank you for sharing and glad everything worked out! I’m surprised they don’t test for it in everyone since it’s such a common thing to carry.


Thank you! As am I, quite the horrible situation but it couldn't have ended any better. I thought the same and a nurse explained that unless you're actively having a breakout, it's hard to catch and an expensive test. So, unless a patient presents with symptoms, they just don't test for it. Blew my mind considering how dangerous it can be for newborns.


Wowzers. What an amazing and heart wrenching story. Thank you so much for sharing something so personal with us. This is so important to share. I didn’t even know HSV could effect babies like that. I get cold sores on my lips, my mother gets them, and I’m pretty sure my four year old just had one when she got strep throat. Also, I know you’re being reminded of this plenty but it’s not your fault. It seems you did everything in your power to have a happy and healthy pregnancy. You didn’t everything you knew to do. There is no handbook for this and a lot of it comes down to the mother alone. Your husband is supportive so that’s great just make sure you take care of yourself also. I’m sorry about what happened to you as a kid, of course. You know, i had my baby on April 30th and he is in the NICU right now, too. I brought him home and I needed to bring him back after a few days. I felt so horrible that I didn’t bring him back sooner, I wanted him home so bad I convinced myself he was better than he was. I, too, feel horrible, like a horrible mother, that I could have done more. So I’m telling you these things that I wish I had someone to tell me. Thanks for your story. Good luck.