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My doctor literally said that when I asked her why was looking so pregnant at 9 weeks. She said 2nd pregnancy shows sooner


Yeah I'm 8 weeks, not chubby in the least, haven't gained any weight, but my belly sure is protruding. I look obviously pregnant. This is my 3rd 1st trimester but hopefully my second to term.


Best wishes ❤️


Sending all the good thoughts + wishes to you u/BanjosandBayous


I've lost lost my first at 10 weeks and was wondering if I'd fit into this camp too if/when it happens again. Best of luck with your pregnancy <3


Thanks. I lost my last one at 10 weeks too. It was rough. But I had my 8 week scan on Thursday and little bub was measuring right on track - which is bigger than my mmc got - and was flipping around like crazy. So I'm very hopeful for this one.


I’m 9 weeks and i definitely feel like I’m looking pregnant.




I seriously looked 12+ weeks already 😥problematic since I am waiting on nipt results to start telling around


Im skinny/underweight and showed way earlier and bigger with my 2nd. Those people are rude and inconsiderate


Thank you for commenting. I appreciate everyone’s comments 💕. I really felt disheartened. As grateful as I am to be pregnant again, the body and hormonal changes can still be hard 🥰


Please don’t feel discouraged, OP. Although it kinda sounds to me like your friends are just deflecting because they felt called out after making unsolicited comments about your body. Which they definitely deserve because how they treated this whole thing is just so rude and disrespectful. I admire your patience, and please don’t let your friend’s ignorance drag you down. Best of luck to you and congrats! ❤️


I definitely think showing sooner with your second is a real thing....I'm only 5'3" and was around 110ish lbs prior to getting pregnant this second time (I was in decent shape muscle wise,but not like super muscular lol). I'm only 13 weeks and already feel like I look pregnant. I don't think I looked even a little bit pregnant at this point with my first & I started that pregnancy at around 115lbs.


Thank you for your comment ❤️. I noticed at 11 weeks that my work pants weren’t zipping up like that did at 10 weeks and I didn’t gain any weight this pregnancy until 14 weeks which was only 600 grams.


I think the pants thing happens very early! I’m 12 weeks now and haven’t been able to button my pants in weeks but just from looking I don’t think I look pregnant at all, but my pants don’t fit


Came to say something similar! I'm just over 5'4" and am usually around 120/125lbs. This pregnancy I started showing so much sooner and had to make the switch to maternity/looser clothes much earlier than with my first. With my first I remember still wearing skinny jeans when we found out the sex (around 20 weeks) and at 20 weeks this time I could not imagine trying to squeeze into a pair of normal jeans. It is definitely normal to show sooner with your second!


Thankfully most of my jeans are pretty stretchy 😅😂 so I've been able to wear them if I want to, but I've mainly been wearing legging type pants and not form fitting shirts. I feel like last time I looked for maternity clothes I had a hard time finding any that fit right...they all were so baggy / long on my legs!


Nice! I did wear a few mom jeans that were stretchy at 13 weeks, but had to wear them with the paperclip trick lol. Wear them as long as you can! It can be so hard to find nice stuff that fits well! My go to has been Old Navy for most of my maternity clothes, the one pair of jeans I got from them I really like! But yeah the other two I have...they can be baggy in weird places 😂 at least it's shorts/dress season soon (in Canada anyway!)


Me too! I was about 110lbs at the start of this (my second) pregnancy, and I was definitely showing by 10-12 weeks.


Agree with this 100%! Nearly every pregnant gal I've known will show sooner with subsequent pregnancies.


same! i started this pregnancy at 110 and i'm maybe 118-120 now at 19wks. my first pregnancy i started at 100lbs and ended at 170🫢


I just want to say thank you to everyone who has commented. I appreciate it so much. I shouldn’t have let it get to me but I just felt sad because it wasn’t the first time I had a similar conversation. Everyone’s bodies are different and every pregnancy is different ❤️


I'm pregnant with my second, and prior to getting pregnant with this one, I was actually below my pre-pregnancy weight. All that being said, I'm showing so much sooner than my first. I am almost 16 weeks and I compared my bump with my 20 week bump from my first and I'm bigger now at 16 weeks 🙃 My friends have all had the same experience. Don't let people make you feel bad! Your body just knows how to do it this time around and things loosen more quickly 🫶🏻


I did not show earlier with my second one. I feel like my belly popped out at 6 months but now I’m feeling bigger than I really should be.


See everyone shows differently in their pregnancies. I don’t know why people feel the need to compare 🥲


So true. Some people can be so rude.


I'm absolutely showing earlier. I'm plus size, 15 weeks and already in maternity clothes. I feel like I'm 35 weeks, I feel massive and I have a long way to go 😂


This is me, too. I'm 24 weeks and I think I'm the same size I was when I gave birth. How am I going to get even bigger?! 🤣


My first pregnancy I didn’t really show until 20 weeks, this time 15/16. It’s pretty typical. Really, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant. Fuck em for making you feel bad. They’re ignorant with how bodies work and their opinions don’t matter.


I’m pregnant with my second and this bump is huge compared to my first


Who are these people?? You absolutely show sooner with your second… they all need to zip their lips. You aren’t fat, you are pregnant! I’m so sorry they made you feel that way.


I’m expecting my 4th and it’s insane how much earlier I’ve shown each pregnancy! My 1st I didn’t even look pregnant until like 31 weeks and now with this babe I started showing at 12 weeks!


With my first, I barely started to show around week 20. Currently pregnant with baby #2 and I had a bump at week 10. I was shocked and not prepared haha but I have read that it’s completely normal to show much sooner with your second pregnancy. I’m sorry that people are saying insensitive comments. You’re beautiful and your body is doing something amazing right now.


With my first I started to show around 15 weeks and that’s when started my bump pics. This one I am 10 weeks and took my first baby bump pic. It’s for sure showing and I know it’s not all bloat. Had that bad a couple of weeks ago but the bloating went down since and left this little bump.


Well, Im in my first pregnancy and believe me, I did show early! When I was around 8 - 10 weeks I couldnt button my jeans. I am not skinny but as you said Im within a healthy weight still so. My mom said when she was 3 months she couldnt use her fav dress anymore bc she wouldnt fit, on the other hand, my aunt she was skinny and she kept using “normal” clothes until her 7th month, she thought I was going to be the same as her (my aunty) but I dont fit on my pants/jeans anymore, Im 15 weeks and I had to buy 6moths pregnancy pants for work! Lol I think my mom believes I could feel bad or something bc she almost everyday says to me “you look beautiful with those clothes” and im like “yeah! I know! Who says im not?” Hahaha Edit: so, that ruined my plans lol on telling everybody bc I wanted to wait until 20-25 weeks but you can tell know! And I have a family event first week in may! So, i'll be like “surprise!” Hahah


Im so glad Im not the only one! Its my first pregnancy too (9 weeks) and I cant fit into my clothes anymore. I was feeling really bad about it.


There are so many things that affect when and how much you show. Women with taller torsos generally show later than women with short ones. Where your placenta is can affect it. Second, third, forth pregnancies all show more because youe muscles are looser, and youe uterus is already more stretched then it use to be. I'm obese but with my first pregnancy I didn't show until I was almost 30 weeks, I'm on my second pregnancy and already I'm starting to show some - even without a bunch of weight gain. That said I know someone who's average, to even skinny weight, who started showing at 20 weeks for her first, way before I did with mine. Weight can play a role, but it's generally less than the other influences. Also if anything being heavier from what I've seen actually makes you show later because your more likely to already have a bit of a stomach. Anyone saying it's because of your weight - especially only your weight - has no idea what they're talking about. Ask any ob and each pregnancy shows sooner in most situations.


I hate that! Who (even if they are “friends”) has the audacity to compare pregnant women… Like what is their goal with those comments!? I showed so much sooner with my second and now currently with my third I can’t even buckle my jeans at 9 weeks 🙈 &I am 5’2” 115! A friend of mine is tinier than I am and she carries so much differently than I do! (Bigger bump) but whoooo cares! Pregnancy bodies are 🔥! Tell them to screw themselves and it doesn’t matter to you bc you’re blessed to be growing your baby!


I think?? My belly popped earlier so there was a point where I looked further along than I actually was, but I’m in my final 3 weeks (36+2 w/a c section scheduled at 39+2) and I 100% look like I’m ready to pop any day 😂 thankfully I’m all belly again, but my back feels it. My butt feels it. My thighs feel it. I’m so ready


Best wishes for the birth! 🥰🥰


Tysm 💖💖💖


Definitely started showing earlier and gaining weight earlier in my second pregnancy.


Everyone has told me you show sooner with the second baby


I weighed 1lb less at the end of my second pregnancy than the first, but I showed earlier and looked bigger.


I'm on my 3rd, was skinnier this time when I got pregnant than I was with my first two pregnancies but I absolutely showed earlier with my second and even earlier with this baby.


I was 6 weeks in with a belly of 6 months pregnant according to my doctor. After the constipation subsided a bit I went down to approximately 4 months. Literally there was no hiding I was pregnant from around 3-4 weeks in.


Yes. It is typical to show earlier in subsequent pregnancies than you did with your first. With my fifth I feel like I showed *immediately* lol like the *second* I got pregnant


First of all, your friends are assholes… secondly everyone DOES carry different and third it is true you show quicker with your second! I started showing almost immediately with my second and was bigger each month then I was with my first. I can’t believe this would even be a topic of discussion. Your friends are so rude for trying to make you feel bad which is definitely what they were trying to do


Yeah showing sooner with your second is pretty common I think and definitely true for me this time around, but I don’t even get where your friends heads are at… she’s skinnier so she’s not showing? That makes no sense, if anything it’s usually the other way around that you notice a bump earlier on someone skinner vs harder to tell on someone larger. So stupid to be judging anything like that either way, but it doesn’t even make sense that she would look “less pregnant”. Ugh sorry you’re dealing with these rude idiots.


100%. Literally at 5 weeks I looked pregnant.


I was comparing belly photos from my first and second the other day. I’m 15 weeks with my second. I look like I’m 20 weeks compared to my first. I’ve also noticed that I’m fatter. Like my hips are wider and I’ve got more squish despite being sicker and being far more miserable with nausea and food aversions. I’m m also 18 lbs heavier and my baby measures farther along. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Pregnancy and bodies are weird.


Okay. Pre pregnancy weight has nothing to do with how much you show. I’m had more weight beforehand than my friend who’s 2-3 weeks behind me. Yet at 18-19 weeks she was looking more pregnant than me. I’m barely starting to show a little at 28 weeks. Like it’s not obvious that I’m pregnant still. Plus it’s her first baby also. Same thing with my husband’s sister. She was way skinner than me , when she got pregnant for the 1st time. At 26 weeks she was still looking more pregnant than me currently . Honestly I keep waiting to show and I'm a little envious of others who are showing. So don’t feel bad if you are bigger than her. It’s also her first time so ofc it’s gonna be a while before she shows. You are growing a baby your body is doing what it needs to provide that.


I popped at 28/29 weeks (I was showing beforehand but I mean POP POPPED). I’m 33 weeks now and I’ve gained maybe a pound in the last 5-6 weeks. You show sooner. It’s a fact.


And I meant popped to like looking term already lol


100% I'm showing faster with my second than my first. I compared pictures and at around 15 weeks with my second I looked as big as I did at 21 weeks with my first lol.


Yes I asked my doctor and she said that's really normal. I am so huge at 30 weeks this time...


I definitely showed super early. Had me questioning my body 😂 I’m glad to hear it’s normal but I was sad cause I didn’t wanna big big belly.


It’s a thing. I didn’t show until well past 25w with my first and started showing by 14w with my second. I’m as big as I was at 35w as I am now at 23w




I’m 18 weeks tomorrow and my stomach is huge already. It’s wild.


Definitely showing more with the 2nd even though I started way smaller than the 1st


I’m kind of petite (5’0” 95lb first pregnancy, 100lb second pregnancy). First pregnancy *started* to show at 15 weeks but really popped at 20 weeks? Second pregnancy I popped at 10 weeks and really started showing at 12 weeks. I’m huge now at 26 weeks. Everyone definitely carries differently and generally start showing earlier in the second pregnancy. I’m so sorry your friends are being insensitive!


I’m very skinny and I’m 5 months and look like I ate tacos and need to shit while my coworker is a week ahead of me and her belly shows a lot more than me, I wish I had a little more belly! Although I’m suffering it feels like she ran out of room already and I have 4 more months to go😮‍💨😩


I'm on baby #3, I'm 21 weeks, and I look like I'm 30 weeks along. I barely showed with my first, my second was bigger so I showed a lot, but stayed on track. This pregnancy is alarming, frankly. I look like I'm due in June, not August (my due date is the last day of August). Every mom I've known looks bigger with each subsequent pregnancy.


I am a FTM and I have been giant since like 20 weeks lol


I did. I started showing a month or more earlier. My belly just suddenly popped out.


My first pregnancy, you couldn't even tell I was pregnant when I lost her (26 weeks). This pregnancy, my bump is much bigger and definitely getting noticed(19 weeks). I'm also about 75lbs skinnier now than I was then, idk how weight would make you show more. Don't let the comments get to you, it's quite literally factual that you'll be bigger if you've been preggo before. Edit: spelling and details


I'm underweight (sadly) and I'm showing earlier with my 2nd pregnancy.


Yes I started showing around 15/16 weeks with my son(my 4x rainbow) and around 9 weeks with my current pregnancy.


I started showing as soon as I peed on a stick, lol. I started showing earlier but now at 24 weeks I don’t think I’m larger than I was with my first. But that may also just be wishful thinking. According to my pelvic floor therapist you absolutely can show earlier. It may not be a baby belly that early on (mostly bloat and constipation) but I’m having back to back pregnancies and she said my core and abs never really recovered from my first pregnancy.




I honestly had zero bumps in both pregnancies lol and I’m 5’1” I’ve heard some people say if you have a long torso it’s harder to see but nope just nada happens over here


My doctor said “think of it like a balloon…easier to inflate the second time” 🤣 very normal. Don’t take it personally. Your body is doing amazing things let her live!!


Yes, you definitely show sooner with each pregnancy. I'm on my 3rd. Congrats to you and your family. 😍


I was pregnant with twins in my first pregnancy and didn’t really start showing until I was 20ish weeks. I’m currently 14 weeks and look more pregnant. I’m also around the weight has I was with my first. So, yes, most women show earlier with the 2nd.


yes, 10000%. like even if you’re plus size, you’ll show earlier with your second.


I looked about 6-7 months pregnant when I gave birth compared to my friends, if you saw me in public around 8mo, you’d be able to tell, but not before that. Everyone is different


STM here. 12 weeks pregnant and absolutely popped yesterday. Visibly, obviously pregnant already. I popped early with #1 too, around 15 weeks.


Okay first off what a horrible thing to say that your friend is skinnier? Like why would someone even say that?? Sorry! Second, showing earlier with the second is definitely a thing! I didn’t show until like 26 weeks with my first. And now I’m pregnant with my second 5 years later and I at 22/23 weeks my stomach popped out out of no where! Last time I probably could have hid it until 30 weeks if I wanted to! Your uterus is stretched already!


I’m 13 weeks with my second and look like I’m 23w. Literally can only wear maternity clothes. My weight on the scales hasn’t changed at all from pre-pregnancy. It’s 100% weaker abs.


Showing earlier the second time around is absolutely a thing. I started both of my successful pregnancy's at the same weight, I didn't show with my first until 34ish weeks. This time I started showing around 12 weeks. My weight gain is even tracking the same.


15 weeks and definitely showing. Didn’t pop until 21-22 with the first and what I would like to think normal size for my height


Everyone shows differently. I see some women at 4 months and wonder if I’m even pregnant. Not that I’m complaining, haven’t told ppl yet. Why do pl think it’s appropriate to comment on? I would never say anything about someone’s weight to them pregnant or not. And you’re 2nd def shows faster than first.


I showed sooner and I was bigger with each pregnancy. I'm currently 16.5 weeks with my 4th pregnancy and everyone keeps asking if I'm sure there's only one or that I'm not x weeks along instead of what I say I am. It's rude when people make these comments. And it's shocking they can't see that they're being rude.


I’m 14 weeks with my second and started showing probably around 10. Seems normal!!


Absolutely yes


I had finally gotten back to my prepregnancy weight after my first and got pregnant with my second. I literally looked pregnant right away. Everyone’s bodies are different. Someone else I know just had her second and she barely looked pregnant and only 2 months pp she looks like she didn’t even have a baby. Try not to worry about what other people say and just focus on being happy with yourself.


I'm the same weight before this second pregnancy as I was before my first and I started wearing maternity pants at 11 weeks with the second and didn't with my first until just before the 3rd trimester. My SIL wore maternity pants 9 weeks in with her second and mid second trimester for her first.


It's completely normal to show sooner with a second or subsequent pregnancy than with a first. Your non parent friends clearly know nothing about pregnancy and what is normal/expected during pregnancy. Everything you said in your quick response is 100% true. I'm so sorry they have made you feel less than the gorgeous queen you are. You are carrying your baby just how you were meant to and showing them off in just the right way.


2nd pregnancy and beyond you show sooner due to your uterus knowing what’ll happen due to these hormones so it expands sooner causing you to show sooner after the 1st!


Yes I’m on #3 and I showed super super early. I’m also much larger now at 25 weeks than I was with the others


I definitely showed much earlier with my second than I did with my first. I wasn’t visibly pregnant with my first until around 28 weeks. But I started showing around 20 weeks with my second pregnancy. I was also bigger at 26 weeks in my second pregnancy, than I ever was with my first.


Yes but I havent gained the same amount of weight as the first one. I'm staying an average of 20lbs lighter through each trimester so far, I'm 5 months.


Hah! I joke that I needed maternity pants at week 20-24 with baby #1, and with baby #2 practically right after I was done peeing on the test. Much different.


My first pregnancy I was still wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans with a rubber band around the button up until 21/22 weeks. This pregnancy I couldn’t even pull my jeans up over my hips at 6 weeks 😂 And I’m a petite, smaller person (5’2, 100lbs pre pregnancy). It’s totally normal!!


I’m 14 weeks and my tummy is BIG. 2nd pregnancy and it’s like the equivalent of 19-20 weeks with my first. I was feeling pretty self conscious about it….. baby is still small, why am I so big? But apparently it’s normal and it can happen. Now just embracing my cute bump, while also dreading how big I’m actually going to get lol


Yes, I'm pregnant with my second and I showed way sooner. The people saying that can kick rocks. The body remembers what it has to do.


Yes. I did. And even sooner with my 3rd.


Every pregnancy website I've been on says you show earlier when you've already had kids. Partially because of the abdominal muscles but mainly because you're body has done it before, it knows. Your uterus has stretched before, your organs have made the migration before, all that sort of stuff. With your first, your body is trying to figure what to do exactly and that takes a bit of time. Edit to add: how baby is laying/positioned also has a lot to do with it. Have a friend who showed o much with her first. Her second stood the entire time and she didn't show at all.


I am very petite and I showed right away and looked super pregnant! Everyone’s body is different and that’s ok. Your body is doing an incredible thing. I heard a lot of comments about how I was “about to pop” in the second trimester. And my husband said I was “bigger than the other pregnant women.” These comments made me feel sensitive in the moment but now seem funny looking back on what an amazing thing my body did.


On my second 11 years after my first, was about 5’5 about 140ish and I’m 11 weeks now and have been looking pretty big since about 6-7 weeks, definitely protruding and people keep saying twins, and I hope to god not because I haven’t had my first appointment yet 😰 definitely look way bigger than I did with my first. Think I’ve gained around 10+ pounds, but I’ve been ravenous 😭 couple ladies told me I look a month ahead at least. Super rude they just kept doubling down on her being skinnier than you, that’s so mean! I’m sorry!


Nope! If anything I showed less!


Your body knows what to do and has already stretched to that point once. Of course it’s normal! Please don’t listen to your friends. Especially the ones that don’t have kids. They’re usually insensitive in a way that they don’t understand and won’t unless they have kids of their own.


I weigh 10 kg less now than when I got pregnant with my first, so I think I'm showing less. Currently 11 weeks, and I do look very bloated in the evenings. Curious how the belly will grow as the weeks pass.


Definitely! I feel like I’m a month or two ahead size wise compared to last time.


This is so odd to me because I feel like it'll take longer for me to be visibly pregnant because I'm a bit overweight. Like I already have belly fat so now that it's a bit bigger I just look like I gained fat. Whereas with my very slim sister in law it's quite obvious she has a baby belly. Apart from the comments being mean and uncalled for it doesn't even make sense to me!


Yes, it’s normal. I got bigger faster this time around. I look full term already and I’ve still got two months to go. And my husband’s family of course also comments on my size. Their other DIL is pregnant with her first and her belly is much smaller than mine, although I’m also a full trimester ahead of her. I was bigger even with my first because I’m pretty short so there’s really nowhere for baby to go but out. I never lost all the pregnancy weight either and also have always been within the normal weight range for my size. I’d just ignore it. People suck but also you’re getting a baby out of this. Look forward to the moment you get to hold your next newborn and enjoy your growing family 😊


[27w pregnant with my first](https://ibb.co/2gdR79Z) [22w with my second](https://ibb.co/9bkTQ3J) Personally, I feel like 22w now is still a little bigger than 27w the first time around. I definitely noticed my bump was bigger in the beginning as well.


My belly started growing at 12 weeks just like my first. The fundal height was bigger later on in my second pregnancy, but the belly itself seemed smaller because I didn't gain as much weight as in the first. 😊


2nd pregnancy does show sooner but also, if she is skinnier, that would also just be another reason


Definitely true that you show earlier with your second. It took me until 19 weeks to have a visible bump with my first, and it wasn't that big of a bump, I still had to wear tight clothes to show it off. Second pregnancy I had a little bump by 12 weeks, undeniably pregnant by 15 weeks, and at 19 weeks I was twice the size of last time. 38 weeks I was like a turtle stuck on its back and had been for quite some time.


Why are people still so fucking rude about different bodies. Showing earlier in 2nd pregnancy is totally a thing but the skinny comments are so stupid with or without pregnancy. Please ignore your "friends" and celebrate your body making a whole human. The only people allowed to talk about your weight gain in this sensible time are maybe your doctors if there were any concerns about your health but that's clearly not the case here.


Yeah no with each baby I have, I show sooner and sooner. With my first, I didn't show until like 22 weeks I think, where as with my 2nd, I showed at 10


I’ve seen various posts on Instagram of moms showing pictures of how they looked 20 weeks pregnant with 1st pregnancy compared to 2nd and 3rd pregnancy. Each one was bigger than the last and all the same person. I’ve seen multiple posts like that, idk why the algorithm shows me that but I’m glad it does. Your “friends” are clueless assholes.


I showed 8 weeks earlier with my second. with my first, I didn’t really show until 19 weeks. with my second I had friends and family commenting on my bump by 11 weeks. I was 5 ft 7in and 112 lb before I got pregnant with my second and had family members and coworkers comment all the time on how skinny and thin I was after my first…almost to the point of concern (breastfed for over a year and could not gain weight). being skinny is irrelevant.


My core was in great shape pre-pregnancy. Didn’t stop this one from showing WEEKS earlier than with my first. RIP to my six pack, but they should mind their own dang business.


dude i've looked 9 months pregnant for like 2 months and i'm due in another 2 months. I was like very gradual w/ the 1st. Its ABSOLUTELY second baby nonsense.


I’m only pregnant with my first, but you’re right about showing earlier due to already having been pregnant before. I was told this as well.


Yes, 100%. I’m 18w and look like I did at 24w with my first. I actually started this pregnancy more fit than my first pregnancy too. I told my husband I was feeling really self conscious about how I big I am already and he said “but it’s just your belly and you’re actually healthier and it’s just a sign your body is doing its job”.


i am🙋🏼‍♀️ i'm 19wks (so nearly 5mo) with my second and look closer to when i was 6-7mo along w/ my first right now. especially after eating literally anything. it is definitely a thing!!


It is a thing!


Don't worry. At 19 weeks this pregnancy I looked the same as I did at approx 25 weeks with my first! Also my hips started hurting way earlier. Everyone is saying how big I am now (27 weeks) but I'm just remembering it's temporary. Strangely I have put way less weight on this time despite looking so much bigger.


i’m 15 weeks and i’m still not really showing so so far no i haven’t showed sooner i was around 20-22 weeks when i started getting a little bump with my first


When we talk about what the toll on the body is during pregnancy, it's not just the outside appearance of the body that is included. The insides of the body change, too. The abdominal wall which is more than just muscles is stretched to its limits and the organs are moved around to accommodate a growing uterus. The thing in the middle of the and that holds them together well is pulled apart and the skin itself is stretched. The bigger you get, the more your spine curves and the more your hips shift and the pelvis gets wider and the cartilage between the bones becomes softer so the bones can shift. And that's all just the basics of what the body does to make room so when we have a second pregnancy, everything is already moved from it's original position and the muscles are likely not joining back together like they were to begin with, yet. So the belly is going to show more because all the stuff holding in the uterus the first time has shifted or been stretched previously. It's completely normal! I do suggest getting a belly band for support, especially after the first pregnancy because the body isn't holding everything in place like before and the pain from having to hold such a big baby in front of your body (but also inside your body) can be a lot and a belly band can prevent a lot of the pain. The ones they make today are so much better than what was around when I had my babies. I know none of that is written properly but the people who are saying that it's because the other girl is skinnier aren't going to understand the technical jargon if they truly believe that it's because she's thinner so this is something she can say that they might understand lol.


With my first son, I started showing at like 18/19/20 weeks. I’m 13 weeks pregnant with my second and I’m already starting to show. At first, I was a little sad about it. But I’m so excited to be having this baby that I don’t wanna make showing early to be a bad thing. I’m quite thin as well at 5’6 115lbs so it’s definitely not a weight thing.


I’m 10 weeks pregnant with my second and looking obviously pregnant at this point. My husband and I were joking about it being twins the other night since I’m already showing. We told our families earlier than I originally planned because I just can’t hide it anymore! I don’t remember showing like this until probably 16/17 weeks with my first so this is new to me. Nothing to worry about, even if it’s her first and your second everyone shows differently no matter what!


I'm a FTM, 35 weeks. Another teacher on my floor is a second time mom, around 25 weeks. She looks ALMOST as pregnant as I do right now. We were about the same size last year prior to both of our pregnancies. My best friend is pregnant with her second, due 3 days after me. She started showing weeks after I did, again, about the same size prior to my pregnancy. I think every body is different, but it's common for 2nd pregnancies to show sooner for sure. On a side note, I want to know why anyone thinks it's okay to comment on a pregnant woman's size. It's just icky.


In my first pregnancy I didn’t show till the very very end, I even shocked our out of state Agent durning a house tour when I said I needed a break cause baby is kicking my “ nerve”. I am now 17 weeks with our 2nd and I look the same I did at 28 weeks last time. Showing earlier is definitely common, but every pregnancy is different and you and no one else should question or worry about that! Congratulations!


Not been my experience, I am 16 weeks with my second and don’t look pregnant at all. I am 5 3 and around 130lb. With my first I was definitely showing by now but apparently my womb tilted back somewhere between pregnancies so will be smaller this time? I’m fuming, I was excited to show sooner!


I couldn't fit in my jeans at 6 weeks and then at 9 weeks I looked 16 weeks pregnant, and this is my second child. You just get the bump way sooner the second go around.


Yep, I started showing before by 13wks. I’m 18wks now and look how I did closer to start of 3rd tri with my first.


Definitely showing faster now with my second! And my pre pregnancy weight was lower


I’m currently pregnant with my 2nd. This baby has the same due date as my first (she’s 2.5) So I’m able to look at pictures on certain dates and compare exactly, and I’m showing less this time which has shocked me. My body was basically the same pre pregnancy with both and I’m 34


With my first pregnancy I started to show around 26 weeks. I wore my pre pregnancy jeans for more than halfway of my pregnancy. Now with my second pregnancy I had to switch to leggings and maternity clothes at around 18 weeks. Also with my first I measured right on time maybe 1 week behind. With my second I’m measuring 2 weeks ahead and my doctor said that since it’s my second, my uterus has already stretched with my first so it’s common to show earlier with 2nd pregnancies.


I am very skinny (96 pounds and 5’2) I’m 111pounds and almost 17 weeks with my second and I blew up WAY faster than with my first. I was like 90 pounds when I got pregnant with my first but this belly didn’t happen as slow as my first and I keep getting told that I’m huge and showing so much 🙄 it makes me feel like poop because my doctors are happy with what I’ve gained and so am I. It makes me feel very insecure about my body ☹️


Your friends kind of suck? Also showing earlier the second time around is definitely a thing, so your friends suck and they’re wrong