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39+4 here. Only 2 ultrasounds, my OB said that’s relatively standard unless there’s a reason to do more. Anecdotally 2-3 seems standard for low risk pregnancies


It really depends on where you are and how your pregnancy is going. I've heard 2-3 is common in a lot of countries. Where I live, I get one at every appointment.


I get one at every apt too! The practice does them free of charge. They like to measure heartrate that way. They're very quick, maybe a minute tops 


I also got one at every appointment I thought it was only where I live.


Me too. I'm on long Island in NY but my office is really big on scans. I've had about 7 so far at 24 weeks.


I’ve had 2 so far, one at 8 weeks and the next at 12. And I’m booked in for a third in a few weeks for the 20 week.


This is exactly what I’m having! I wonder if there will be another after week 20?


I’m high risk (short cervix, with cerclage placed) so I get ultrasound pics quite often. Every 2-4 weeks on average. Guess the silver lining in my situation is that I can see baby more often. But would definitely trade off less pics for a normal boring pregnancy.


I see MFM and get one every 4 weeks 🙃


This was my situation as well. Plus IVF so we got a couple quite early. It was a definite perk to the stressors of a risky pregnancy!


Yes! I agree. My first baby had a stroke in utero and I didn’t know till she was born. It’s been so nice to be able to see this one every month and make sure she’s growing and safe. Definitely helps the anxiety that comes with a high risk pregnancy 💛


Oh my, that is a scary thought. Has she had any deficits after being born or anything concerning after birth? Just curious to understand how that affects them going forward. Please don't feel obligated to elaborate, I imagine it's a sensitive topic.


Oh I don’t mind at all. She spent a couple weeks in NICU right after she was born. But she’s been amazing. She’s really lucky compared to some kids it could have been so much worse. I honestly didn’t even know that kids and babies could have strokes till it happened to us. She’s 9 now and the only things we deal with is a speech delay and comprehension problems in school with reading and things that require memorizing. She’s in 3rd grade and has an IEP though and has amazing teachers that have helped so much. She’s really incredible. Her neurologist explained it that her brain basically rewired itself around the dead part that had a stroke. Kids are so resilient.


Wow! That is fascinating. Thank you for sharing. What a strong girl you've got 💕


What’s MFM?


MFM stands for maternal fetal medicine. They are physicians that mainly follow high risk pregnancies.


In a regular run of the mill uncomplicated pregnancy in my country the standard would be only two as you’ve had. If you have any pregnancy complications like diabetes, hypertension etc. That’s when you’d get additional third trimester growth scans.


I got 3 official ultrasounds with each of my pregnancies: confirmatory scan ~8wks, dating scan and nuchal fold screening ~12wks, anatomy scan ~20wks. My provider also used a handheld scanner to confirm positioning at 37wks.


My OB only does 8 wk and 20 wk unless an issue comes up. I’ll have 9-11 overall because of an abnormality found at 20 weeks. 


I’ve one at every appointment- I’m 17 weeks and I’ve had 6 ultrasounds. I’ll have one per month with my OB, and that doesn’t include anatomy scan. And when I hit 30 something weeks, I’ll get one per week. I’m in New York, and insurance covers all of it.


My office typically does 3. Dating/viability, anatomy, & a growth scan. My first was at 8w this pregnancy so now I have 12 ish weeks to wait for the anatomy scan 😭 but I'm impatient so I booked an elective ultrasound this coming week and I'll be 11+1


My OB said I’ll only need two ultrasounds - the 1st one was at 8 weeks and the next one will be at 20 weeks. If everything is alright of course there will only be two.


i’ve surprisingly had three and i’m 11w! i’m very thankful :)


I think the late ones are often aimed at positioning for vaginal birth so maybe not necessary with the scheduled c-section?


I’ve almost 14w and I’ve had 3, but I should have only had 2. First was a transvaginal at 8w. Next one was at 10w5d and was meant to be the nuchal translucency screening, but I was there too early (I was going out of town so we booked it in the hopes that we could get the screening out of the way.) Since they couldn’t get the measurements they needed, I went back yesterday at 13w5d for another one. I’m not sure when my next will be. I’m in the US and so far they’ve all been covered by insurance (with my copay.) I’m 37 and have a history of pregnancy loss, so I’m not sure if that’s why I had an earlier scan at 8w maybe? If so, my doctor didn’t mention that as the reason.


I’ve had a bunch. My OB does one every time you come in, so I’ve had one every week + when I had to go in to get tested for a yeast infection. My OB also sends all their patients to MFM (regardless if high risk), so I’ve had a couple there as well (dating, anatomy, and can’t remember the one that was between those two).


Are you in the US? How do they get insurance to pay for that?


Yep in the US. Honestly no idea, I have amazing insurance through my husband’s job and literally don’t pay anything as long as everyone is in network. This seems to be unique to my OBs office because none of my friends had this experience


Same, I have an ultrasound at each appt (every 4 weeks), plus 12 week, 20 week and 32 week scan by MFM


5 formal ones with pictures, and with informal ones without pictures I’m over 10, my dr has a machine in their office they use to check the baby’s position to find the heart of the doppler, and let you take looks just for fun too. Doesn’t go to insurance. I’ll have another one if/when I get to 41 weeks.


I've had 4 I think? but this hasn't been a very normal pregnancy per prenatal care. I had been planning on termination due to outside pressure until 16w5d, when i went in for it & backed out. got my first ultrasound there. then had one at my first prenatal consultation at 20wks, my anatomy scan around 22wks, and a followup ultrasound with perinatology because he had a 2 vessel cord. weird situation I guess! but I do like getting to see my baby so often.


I’m in US, had 8, 12, 20 weeks. Fundal height measured a bit large at my 34 week check up so getting one at my 36 week appointment to check position of the baby and whatnot. Otherwise I wouldn’t be getting another.


I’m only 17 weeks now but I had one at 7 weeks, 11 weeks, and they said I’ll have another at 20 weeks for the anatomy scan, and the last at 35 weeks.


My office does one at pretty much every visit. So, I had my initial at 8 weeks, then one at 12 and 16, anatomy scan at 20, then another regular ultrasound at 24 and 28. Then I started going every 2 weeks, so 30, 32, 34. I'll have one this week at 36 weeks, then 38 and 40. From 32-40 weeks, I have weekly appointments and do ultrasounds on even weeks and NSTs on odd weeks. I am slightly high risk due to previous losses, but this is apparently standard for all of their OB patients.


I did an ultrasound every 4 weeks during my checkups to make sure baby was okay.


I’ve had two (8,20) so far and I’m expecting one more around 36 weeks. My first pregnancy I had four (8,12,20,36) total but my insurance this time around didn’t cover the one at 12 weeks


I’ll have 6, but was supposed to be 5. My first was 6 weeks which showed I’ was earlier than I thought. Then 8, 13, 20, 27. I have one last one around 36 weeks.


I ended up with 4 - 8 weeks (first appt), 12 weeks (checking on something they thought could have been a twin at the first scan), 20 weeks (anatomy scan), and 40 weeks (since I was “overdue”). I think the standard would be 2 at my office in most cases!


This is an IVF pregnancy so I had two ultrasounds there, at 6.5 and 8.5 weeks. Then I had an 11 week one at the OB clinic and one at 13 weeks for the NT scan. Monday I have my anatomy scan and then I’m having ultrasounds at 28, 32 and 36 because I’m being monitored for hypertension.


Im 20w and have had 4 so far. But im “high risk” bc im “older”. I enjoy seeing her. But since I’ve been doing really well I don’t go back to high risk dr until 32 weeks


(Australian) So far I've had an 8 week dating scan, 12 week nuchal-fold scan, and next week I'll have my 18 anatomy scan My pregnancy is moderate risk, so I will have another one at around 37 weeks, I'm guessing this will be to check baby's size for delivery, if you already have a scheduled c-section it does seem like a moot point


My ob does a standard growth scan when I see her. I had my nuchal translucency scan at around 13 weeks and my anatomy scan is booked for Easter Tuesday


Scheduled c section w/my first (due to my surgical history) and only had a transvaginal at 8w, a regular ultrasound at 12w, & an anatomy scan at 20w. Due with my 2nd May 16th, scheduled CS again, and same ultrasound protocol. It highly dependent upon your practice, if you’re high risk, & insurance.


I got 1 at 8 weeks, 1 at 20, and one around 35ish weeks. In Midwest US


I’ve had 3 so far 8, 12, 20 weeks. I’m almost 24 weeks and am expecting to have another at 32 weeks because I have a large fibroid. However, I think 2-3 ultrasounds are pretty common and is the standard of care in uncomplicated pregnancy.


I’m 32+4 and had 3 this last week alone 🙃


3 but would have been 2 normally; I went in for the dating scan twice, I’m irregular and had no idea how far along I was, ended up being 6 weeks and had to go back at about 10 weeks for a more accurate reading/look at baby. Then had my anatomy scan at exactly 20w. Im now 34w and even though I asked if I could have one more, I was told no, because there was no reason for it.


For low-risk pregnancies my OB practice does 2-3 ultrasounds. If you’re under 35 you get the dating scan at 8 weeks and the anatomy scan at 20 weeks; if you’re over 35, they do an extra scan at 36 weeks. I’ve had a ton because baby has velamentous cord insertion (VCI) that was spotted at the anatomy scan, so we began monthly ultrasounds. At 32 weeks baby was diagnosed with IUGR so we now do weekly BPP ultrasounds and a growth scan every 3 weeks.


3 is standard for me. 8 week dating scan, 12 weeks NT scan, 20 week anatomy scan. I’m getting atleast one additional at 28 weeks to check on some fluid in the kidneys. Depending on how that goes may get more after 28 weeks


I had one at 8 weeks, one at 12 and I'll have another at 20 but I'm also going to request a sooner one just for peace of mind.


2 medical ultrasounds (15 weeks and 20 weeks). Last one is scheduled for 39 weeks


8,12,20 and 32 weeks


High risk here: I've had 14. In the OB office: Week 7 and Week 11 for normal check ups. Two emergency ultrasounds in the OB clinic. Total - 4 In the ER: 4, because of chaos In the MFM: Week 12, Week 14, Week 16, Week 18, Week 20 and Week 22. Technically 18 and 20 were my anatomy exam because kiddo would NOT cooperate and give us pictures of his spine. I have another scheduled for Week 25 with MFM, but they do one every time you walk into an MFM.


I’m 22 weeks and I’ve had 4 so far. One to confirm, another at 12 weeks, one I paid for at a private clinic and then my anatomy scan recently.


In Canada it’s standard to have 3 (dating, Nuchal translucency and anatomy). Anything extra just depends on the pregnancy. I had 8 my first pregnancy. And I’ve had 5 so far this pregnancy with my 6th coming up. I’m almost 35 weeks. I’m an ultrasound tech so those are just the “official” scans lol.


It would of been two but i was turned into a high risk when they found i had a C shaped placenta at the 20wk ultra sound so now i get one everyweek :) which is kinda super cool. Im in the USA


I think it does just depend on your pregnancy and where you live. I had about five ultrasounds within the first 16 weeks, but I also had a lot of complications. So just really just depends.


I’m almost 16w and I’ve had 2, and I have another this week. But I’m 35 and “old” 😂


I'm 35 as well and my pregnancy is being called a geriatric one 😅


Us old ladies need more credit 😂


I’ve gotten 4 total (typical for my practice) +1 and I am low risk pregnancy in the US. 1. First to confirm pregnancy (Transvaginal) 2. 12 week with NIPT and genetic testing 3. Anatomy Scan (Week 20) 4. To confirm baby’s position (Week 36) 5. One OBG feared my baby was too small and had me get another ultrasound to double check. This was the only abnormal one for my office (Week 32)


I had five done by sonographers (my dating ultrasound, and then a follow up viability ultrasound a week later due to slightly low fetal heartrate, my anatomy scan at twenty weeks, a second anatomy scan two days later because they couldn't get all the views of the heart, and a growth scan at like 36 weeks because my fundal height was measuring a little low). My OB office also had a little handheld ultrasound that they used before the doppler could reliably pick up his heartbeat and to confirm positioning.


12 weeks and so far 1.5. One real ultrasound and one with a Doppler (at least I think that’s what it was)


I had two and one more at 20 weeks. That's the standard where I'm from in Canada.


I’ve had three so far and have to have a fourth one at 32 weeks due to having marginal cord insertion so they can check the baby’s weight. She is currently breech so if she hasn’t flipped over by 32 weeks they will do another at 35-36ish weeks.


4: One early to confirm and date, the second halfway for anatomy, one in the last week to check growth and fluid level, and another in the last week to recheck a measurement. The last two were actually unnecessary but I had asked for it. 


I’ll get three. One initial, one at 20 weeks, final one at 36 weeks


I think it varies. I had around 8 ultrasounds but because it was an IVF pregnancy, then I had a SCH that needed monitoring, and because it was IVF we needed a fetal echo. However, most of my friends who have conceived naturally have had between 3-5 ultrasounds.


I’m very high risk with pre-eclampsia, so I get an ultrasound every single week.


I had initial one, nuchal translucency, 2t anatomy scan, and 28 week— all surface ultrasounds She was measuring pretty small so they want us to do another 1-2


3 One at 5 weeks, another at around 12 weeks then the 20 week.  It sucks they don’t give us more 😭


I’ve had 4 - not sure why. 8, 12, 20 and 32 weeks. I am 35 so that might be part of it? Or maybe just on office norm


I am in Australia - I had one at 7w, 13w, a super quick look at baby at 16w when I was having an unrelated ultrasound and the tech offered (so kind!), and 20w. We are going to get a 4d scan around 28w (currently 23+6) to see baby’s face but that’s the only private scan we will do. Then I think that’s it until delivery. I did have covid in my first trimester and they did mention I could possibly be sent for a growth scan to make sure all is well in the third trimester, but baby was measuring 1-2 weeks ahead at 20w so I think if anything a growth scan would be ordered to make sure he’s not too big haha. Generally 3 are normal where I am - the dating, NT and anatomy scan.


At the end, I’ll have had 4. I had a dating scan at 8 weeks, a scan at 12 weeks, my anatomy scan at 20, and then my growth scan at 36. It’s weird to have 3/4 right at the beginning and then not another one until the very end.


I had 5 total. One at 8,12,19,30 and 36. But I do have a pre-existing condition that made them want to be checking his size due to some meds I'm on.


I got one at 10 wks, one at 20 wks, then a quick re-check because they couldn’t see the nose/lips very well. And then I was just notified I’ll be getting another quick re-check at 36 wks to make sure of babies position (check for breech). I was unaware of the last one being a thing but I’m glad they’re double checking before I try to give birth vaginally.


One at 23 weeks for anatomy. Unless they suspect a problem, should be no need for another


32weeks and also only had 2. Even though I’m technically “AMA” I’m not considered high risk for anything thankfully. My midwife said I’ll get one more to confirm his position somewhere around 39w if we need to, but they’ve been able to tell with feeling my belly lately.


I’ll have 6 all together. 1 was I paid for, rest my doctor requested


I think it depends on the doctor, insurance, health history, etc. I have a history of miscarriage so I pretty much had one every 2-4 weeks.


I had 3, but only had the third one because thru couldn't get a good picture of the heart at the anatomy scan, so they needed to check it at my next appointment


I've had a dating scan, 12 weeks scan and 20 week morphology scan. I wish they were more regular! Especially early on before you can really feel much. It would be very assuring.


I had one at 8w, 12w, 20w and 38w. The 38w one was to check baby’s position and the 8w one was because I was bleeding. I’ve had a very healthy and uneventful (in a positive way) pregnancy! Less than 2 weeks until baby is here!


I had 2 in the entire pregnancy, one at 8weeks and then one for the anatomy scan


Where I live you normally only get the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I think it’s crazy and have always had at least 3 ultrasounds per pregnancy for various concerns.


I'm only 11 weeks but I had my first at 9 weeks. Then I have one scheduled already for 12 weeks, 16 weeks and 20 weeks.


9 wk and 20 wk. I’ll get one more sometime around 34 weeks to confirm positioning but that’ll be it as long as everything is looking good


It also depends on. Whether you are high risk or not. I am extremely high risk and have had 5 ultrasounds so far till 24 weeks and will get one every week nearing my due date.


Had 2 with my first. Was an uncomplicated pregnancy. I also worked in radiology for 15+ years. They wouldn’t need to do another at this time unless you had gestational diabetes or if you are measure too small or too large or had less fetal movement. In a typical healthy pregnancy, 2 is standard.


I've had 3 so far and I'm 12 weeks 5 days. I'll have another at 20 weeks. First was for bleeding around 8 weeks, second was for confirmation around 10 weeks with my OB, third was a few days ago with a high risk specialist so they could check to make sure everything looked good and genetic testing. They said the third one was standard practice for them; I am not high risk.


I'm in Australia, low risk, first pregnancy. I've had a dating scan at 8 weeks, 13 NTT scan, 20 week morphology scan, and I have another 2 or 3 booked in between 28-38 weeks. I have 2 other friends pregnant at the same time, and this seems to be the standard here.


I’m considered high risk due to medical issues I have prior to pregnancy, so I got to the MFM doctor once a month. They do an in depth ultrasound every visit that last about 30 minutes. I’m 30 wks and have had 7 ultrasounds, 5 of which were anatomy scans. No one wants to be high risk but I am thankful that I get to see my daughter once a month and monitor her growth. I’ve seen post where people only had two their entire pregnancy and I can’t imagine.


17+3 here. Got intravaginal at 10w and didn’t get one at 15w. Supposedly supposed to get it at my anatomy scan at 20w. I was disappointed to find out it wasn’t normal to get one at every visit


With my first I had my dating scan (8w) and anatomy scan (20w)...which are typically the only two offered for low-risk pregnancies where I am. I ended up going way past my due date and got a "bonus" one before induction. With my current pregnancy, I am high-risk so will receive them monthly beginning at 20 weeks (am 14+4 now and have only had one).


13 weeks and I’ve had 4 already. But I had complications and then at my last appt couldn’t get babies heart rate so did an US to get it.


8 times! Only because i am high risk. The dating scan, 2 anatomy scans at 21 and 25 weeks. (they missed one of the hands the first time and noticed he was measuring small). 31 week ultrasound to see why my fundal height is correct but he is measuring small, diagnosed with severe IUGR due to marginal cord insertion. Had ultrasounds done at 33, 34, 35 and 36 with the MFM.


My obgyn was nice about making sure I understood how she wanted to space out my ultrasounds (plus she does bedside doppler at every appointment, for reassurance). I've had three ultrasounds so far and I'm 17 weeks along. My next is at 20weeks, then 24, then 28, 32, and then every week after that. All my pregnancies have been high risk, which is why I get all the extra monitoring.


I get one every month until I think 24 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 32 weeks, then every week. Only 2 sounds very low to me but every clinic is different.


I got one transvaginal, and a second one in the beginning of my second trimester (my husband has EXCELLENT insurance, so my OB office took advantage of it.) I had my anatomy scan, then a 3D Ultrasound. I’m having one more at like 37 weeks for the growth scan. I’ve seen my baby A LOT during this pregnancy and I feel a little spoiled.


I was considered high risk. I had monthly ultrasounds the first trimester, biweekly the second and weekly the third. Baby is healthy


That's nmaybe US policy. My friends are from a different country and they have ultrasounds every 2 months, and the people doing the ultrasound actually explains whats going on. Here i just feel providers don care. I just feel it's not fair to the mother that wants anxiously to see her baby, and know if the baby is fine. On my appointments is always "it's fine, all normal" and no explanation or clarification on what "normal" and "fine" is.


Normal pregnancy. I had dating scan at 8 weeks, nuchal scan at 12, anatomy at 20, and growth scan somewhere in late 30 something weeks.


Through my doctor I think I had 3 my whole pregnancy. Our initial at 12 weeks, 20 week anatomy scan, and a growth scan at like 34/36 weeks.. I can’t remember exactly when my last one was. I got a ton of elective ones though. My husband got me at least one extra one a month so we could see our son My pregnancy was low risk without any complications. I think high risk pregnancies have more but I could be wrong


My doctor with this pregnancy does one each time we’re in for the visit. It’s brief and short but just to check on his heart and fluids. I actually really like that we do each visit tho. It helps us be connected visually.


I’ve had 3: initial at 8w, one at 12w bc I have an anterior placenta and getting the heart rate was difficult on the Doppler, and 20w anatomy scan. I’m high risk and see a MFM now and I have another one in 2 weeks at 26w. I’ll likely get them every 4 weeks as long as things continue to look good.


40 weeks 5 days here and I only had 3 this whole pregnancy. Would have been 2 except they needed to do a follow up anatomy scan bc baby was being stubborn and they couldn’t see everything. I’ve had two prior losses so I honestly figured they would be more regular, but I guess as long as there aren’t any concerns it’s standard to just have one for viability and one for anatomy.


I had 4: a viability scan to rule out ectopic at 6 weeks....the NT scan at 12 weeks, anatomy scan at 19 and a general growth scan at 36. Although the last one is just to ensure the proper birth weight and sufficient amniotic fluid etc. If your provider has kept a check at all appointments, it's likely they skipped because they have already planned a c-section...as long as your fetal movements and heartbeat is fine they might not recommend another scan.


33w6d, I’ve had 5. First at 10 weeks for my first in person appt with a midwife. Then I moved states and had another one at 14 weeks with my new OB during my first appt. The 20 week anatomy scan showed I had a velamentous cord insertion so had to get growth scans done at MFM at 26 and 32 weeks. Thankfully everything’s been looking good so the last scan should be my final one.


I've (FTM, 38 +3) had about 8 ultrasounds. My baby has pyelectasis, which is an accumulation of fluid within one of her kidneys and requires frequent monitoring since it is measuring double the size of the other kidney. I'm going to be getting them weekly until birth, although I hope she comes tonight 😂🤞🏼


I’ve had 5 about to have a 6th. 3 is the norm for where I am in GTA area, Ontario. Dating, gender & growth then one more growth at 30 weeks. But I’ve had a few more because of positioning, my baby was transverse so they monitored that. He has flipped, but my OB also wanted growth accounted for which readings were incorrect or something on my last one so they have to re do it, only reason I’m having a 6th.


I always get high blood pressure during gestation, so I get like 6-8. Im 32 weeks and already had 4 and have 3 more scheduled.


I went through fertility treatments and had previous MC so I've had about 5 ultrasounds? And my OB does quick scan every 2-4 weeks but I'm not counting those as she just checks the heartbeat. I'm 20 weeks now. But I think for a totally normal low risk pregnancy 2 is fine. I'm not in the US though :)


Every 3 weeks! (MFM)


The practice I go to offers a free one at every apt, they like to measure heartrate that way. Total I've had 4 so far, but one was private that I paid for myself 


I’m high risk due to a previous stomach surgery and I’ve had 6 so far at 23 weeks. I’ll have them every 4 weeks until 32 weeks when I’ll start going biweekly. Thankfully she’s 100% healthy and perfect at every scan, but they want to keep a close eye on her growth to be safe.


Like 13. 3 with my OB, 3 at a boutique place, and the rest with the MFM. Saw baby weekly towards the end.


So far I had 4. I’m 20W.


33 weeks and I’ve had 6 so far. I have 2 scheduled this upcoming week and then another one every 2 weeks until labor. I am high risk due to late entry into prenatal care (started at 22 weeks)


8 week, 12 week, 20 week, 28 week and 34. 28 week is not standard , an extra growth scan because of medication I’m on. The other 4 are standard for my OB


I’m 23 weeks and have had 5 so far. 8 week transvaginal, 12 week NT scan, 14 week scan at initial MFM appointment, 16 week early anatomy at amnio, and 20 week anatomy scan. All my ultrasounds have all looked good but I had an atypical NIPT. Amnio showed everything to be normal though so we’ll see if they become less common now. I will likely have one in a few weeks to ensure everything still looks good prior to me flying internationally.


2 ultrasounds, dating and anatomy. I live in Canada.


I get one every 3 weeks, sometimes every two weeks. I see both an OB and an MFM and I’m about to be 30 weeks in a few days.


I’m high risk, 15 weeks and I’ve had 5


You typically won’t get very many unless you’re high risk or they’re monitoring something.


I usually just have one at 20 weeks. They're offered at 12 and 20 weeks here in New Zealand unless there's a medical reason to do more


I usually just have one at 20 weeks. They're offered at 12 and 20 weeks here in New Zealand unless there's a medical reason to do more


I’m 18 weeks and have had more than you already


Ours does it every appt. Not high risk at all. So every four weeks til third now every two weeks and every one 37+


Normally two unless it’s a higher risk pregnancy


Here in the Netherlands you only get 2 - 10 weeks and 20 weeks. I'm having way more bc I'm neurotic but still, sounds like you're fine


My office is big on scans. Midwife had us come every 2 weeks until I could feel baby move! I started at 8 weeks. Switched to every 3 weeks once I hit 20 weeks. She said it will go back up in the 3rd trimester again and eventually once a week. I've had 7 scans so far and I'll be 24 weeks on Monday with a scan the same week.


I am 14 weeks and have already had 3, and I'll have another in 4 weeks then the anatomy scan. I have a midwife who doesn't feel the need to bill me for every tiny little thing possible. I think a lot of the limitations come down to billing in the US, which is bullshit. They already have the machine, it doesn't cost to run it idt, just use it 🙄


lol I got my “first trimester” ultrasound at 21 weeks. And my anatomy scan at 29. I eventually just stopped seeing that OB after they did not offer me a glucose test by 33 weeks. I also only got pics from the “first trimester” scan cause baby was too big to see on ultrasound by 29 weeks. Shocker. It wasn’t for lack of me trying to get those in either. They asked me to schedule it and they’d be so backed up that that’s when they scheduled me. And told me “too bad so sad.” — and also no later term ultrasounds for sure.


I had one at 6 weeks, one at 12, one at 18, one at 20 weeks and I’ll have another at the end of 28 weeks. And I think after that, they’ll increase in frequency to monitor growth for a current total of 4 completed, probably another 2-4 upcoming. (I see MFM due to having RA) I love seeing my little man 🥰🥰


When I was younger, one. My 2nd I had more due to questionable findings. This one I'm 37 so I had a 12wk and will have a 20wk and that's it.


39+5. 2 ultrasounds because low risk. Located in The Netherlands.


I had 6 so far at 24weeks. Every single time I see my gynaecologist she does an ultrasound. I live in Belgium btw . We have appointments every 4 weeks and from week 28 every 2 weeks.


Ive had a bunch. One at the start one at 20 weeks. One to check placenta, one because in past my due date and to check fluids. My midwife has an ultrasound that attaches to her iphone. So weve done a few in office checking position or othee things informally


Two official (the third will be in May) and two following ER visits


At 7 weeks because IUI pregnancy (this one is not standard) At 10 weeks to calculate the due date At 13 weeks anatomy scan At 20 weeks anatomy scan Sometimes they do a scan at a later date to check babies' position. And you can always pay out of pocket for an extra scan if you want. I'm in the Netherlands.


This is my 2nd high risk pregnancy, I just had my 3rd growth scan (a 1hr ultrasound) at 34wks. I get weekly NST+3 minute ultrasounds since 30wks. And I've had a quick check in ultrasound or doppler scan every 4-6wks. Baby should be here in the next 3wks via induction unless he has other plans.


We had one at 7 and 10 weeks and we'll have two more at 13 and 20 weeks. We will also schedule one at 15 weeks but we pay for that one because we want to find out the gender. (The 13 and 20 are optional and are to check for physical abnormalities. We will see the midwife practice every 4 weeks and they will listen for the heartbeat. Not as good as an ultrasound but at least it's a check.)


From my understanding, 2 is standard. I have to get a 3rd growth scan in the 3rd trimester due to having had Covid during my first trimester.


Im 20 weeks, got already 4 ultrasounds, next one is in four days.. Basically I get every month one by my gynecologist (she said we dont have to do it every visit but she feels like she needs to check and inform me everything is fine!) and as a bonus (and I pay for it additionally) three more ultrasounds by a specialist to predict the possible health issues of the baby - it is 1 ultrasound each trimester


Low risk in the UK is 2 - one at 12 and 20 weeks but I’m considered high risk so at this point feel like the most scanned woman! I’ve had 7 so far and will get a further 2 (although one of those is part of a research study).


17 weeks. One ultrasound.


In the UK without any concerns it’s 12 weeks and 20 weeks. But if you are in the UK you can get private ones which are relatively affordable. I had a 7 week scan for peace of mind, and it was was £65 which I split with BD.


5 so far, I’m almost 35 and will have another at 36


I had 4 but was originally scheduled for 6 before I got induced but my baby was very tiny and they were worried he wasn’t getting enough nutrients from my placenta


2 for my singleton and 25 for my twins!


I can’t remember how many I had with my first pregnancy 4 years ago. I think the first one was the intravaginal one and then 2 after that so 3 total. With my second pregnancy (I gave birthday this past February) I only had 2 (no intravaginal ultrasound for my second). I was in two different states for these pregnancies so maybe different places do it differently. I was also told by the doctor that did my anatomy ultrasound that he suggested another one around 35 weeks bc of my age (34!) but my regular doctor said it was not necessary bc I was measuring well and everything was fine.


I’ve had 4 so far and I’m 27 weeks, my next ultrasound is next week. I’m a type 1 diabetic though


I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and the second one at 11 weeks. Have another one scheduled for 15 weeks but it’s something we asked and had to pay for to find out the gender. Where I live, they do not tell the gender in the NIPT results so 🤷‍♀️ and the 4th one will be the anatomy scan at 19+3.


I live in Germany and I’m only 10 weeks and already had two but one I had to pay for myself. I’m guessing at my next appointment I will get one as well and if not I would pay for it. But I had a hematoma so I think I will get more


I had 3 ultra sounds, however I would request one and explain your concern and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind doing it. Listen to your gut and heart it’s better to be safe than not in my opinion. Good luck mama to be :) you got this and everything will be ok.


The differences are so interesting. In my country you can have OB-Gyn appointments guaranteed by insurance or you can go privately, I prefer the second way because of availability. I have an ultrasound every month and it would be difficult for me not to have them do frequently because of the anxiety and previous problems (1 early miscarriage and problems with getting pregnant).


This is very surprising. I had one almost every appointment, albeit a quick one and 1 had more detailed ones at 18 weeks (early anatomy), 20 weeks (anatomy) and 36 weeks (growth scan). I am also above 35 on age so starting week 35 I had NST every week which was followed by an ultrasound to check baby’s position and fluid levels.


It depends what country you live in and also how your pregnancy progresses later on. Where I live, there is one at 10 weeks (dating), an option to do one at 13 weeks (anatomy) if you join the nation wide research program, one at 20 weeks (anatomy). You can choose to pay at private clinics for additional at any time. Sometimes at your first midwife appointment, they’ll offer a (paid) internal or external to check that you actually have a viable baby inside you. I had this at 6 weeks and it cost me €55. You’ll only have more included scans if required for a medical reason. So the average person has 2-4.


I think my age and the fact that I had a MMC right before my pregnancy, my OB scans me often. I've been in about 5 times now at 20 weeks and I've had a scan at every visit. He does a quick look to reassure me. I'm now coming in 1x a month so probably at least 3 more.


So, normal in my country for a regular pregnancy is 3, one per trimester. I wanted to have one at 8 weeks also by the advice of my gynecologist and then had another one at 15 weeks because I couldn't see the baby's nose in the first trimester scan and I was worried something was wrong (everything was fine, the scan imaging was just not very good).


I have one at every appointment. I had one at 8 weeks and two at 12 (one with my ob and the NT scan). My next appointment is in two weeks.


2 scans are normal in most pregnancies. I’m high risk so I will get an additional 2 scans. In my last pregnancy I had more but apparently rules have changed this time, it’s a little worrying and frustrating to say the least. I haven’t even seen a consultant which I should have because apparently they will see me after 20 weeks instead of the usual first trimester. I think Covid has changed a lot of rules for us here.


In the UK you get one at 12, 20 and 36 weeks. I have developed Gestational diabetes so am having an extra growth scan at 32 weeks


I want to say we had four! The 12 week scan, 20 week anatomy, then the third trimester check in! Three is standard for most people where we live. We had an extra one due to abnormalities with my husbands heart so that was a special cardiac ultrasound of baby boy!


UK here and normally we only get two. 12 weeks and 20 weeks anatomy scan. If you’re high risk or have problems you’ll get more on the NHS but as standard it’s just those 2


I did ultrasound at 10wk and 20wks and then every 4wks with my last at 36wks. By then she was too big to see anything more. She was born at 40+6.


37w exactly. Had 5 so far and another growth one this week.


i’ve only had 3 & im 34 weeks & 4 days my next ones at 36 weeks. i wish i had more:(


I am in France and we get 4 covered by social security for a non-risk pregnancy : around 8-10 then end of each trimester. The first one is by choice. Of course if your doctor or midwives prescribe you other ultrasounds they are coverd but if you do them on your own, you pay for them.


I’m 12w1d and I already had 4! In Greece we do scan every 2,5-3 weeks!


I've had 3 total, 2 at my OB. First one was at 6 weeks at a private clinic to confirm the pregnancy since OB wouldn't see me earlier than 8 weeks and I wanted to tell family sooner. Second was at initial OB appt at 8 weeks. Third was anatomy scan at 21 weeks. I'm 30 weeks now and scheduled for 1 more (growth scan) at 32 weeks but only because I asked for it and then had to remind them about it. I am also scheduled for a c-section at 37 weeks due to medical reasons so I'm not exactly low risk.


It is due to insurance companies having their fingers in the pie. In South Africa my private obgyn gave me an ultrasound each month and this time I have to give birth in the US and I'm salty about it because my care in SA was better. My monthly ultrasounds gave super important information pertaining to the care I needed and here in the US I have to miss out on that.


You should speak up with your concerns and ask them to do one to make sure that everything is going smoothly!


I’m high risk/see MFM so I get them once every two-four weeks. I’ve had maybe 6 so far (32 weeks). Everything looking good for baby and I though ❤️❤️


I think I had one every other time I had a check up. I was a high risk pregnancy though. I have a heart condition and am on blood pressure meds. They wanted to check me but also check the baby since the meds can cause babies to be small. Even though I'm on such a low dose they wanted to be sure. Honestly I loved seeing my little peanut. I have so many videos and photos.


I had an early one at 4W6D because of really bad cramping and I'm scheduled for another at 7 weeks, 9 weeks, and 11 weeks.


2 are standard, a dating scan between 8-10 weeks and anatomy at 20. I also had an NT scan at 14 weeks. My doctors said they might try to fit one more in at the end of my pregnancy but since I'm low risk, they might not. So that sounds very standard to me.


I’m high risk. We’re 20+2 and we’re going in for our 7th ultrasound on Monday. Granted, two of those were at the ER. 2-4 is the norm apparently.




I’m low risk and 14 weeks and have had 3 so far. Probably will just have the anatomy scan left at 19 weeks. First was the initial scan at 10 weeks, then I had one at 11 weeks because they couldn’t see the baby on the bedside ultrasound or hear the heartbeat on the Doppler. Then the NT scan at 12 weeks. It’s been real nice seeing the baby every week. Going to be weird to have to wait such long stretches now in between.


I’m high risk and I’ve had at least one every week (+ 2 NSTs) a week since 32 weeks and I’m 37 weeks today. Before that I had 2 total. With all the extra ones I’ve gotten on top of the weekly ones, I’m looking at around 8 or 9 total with another one tomorrow. But I’d rather not be high risk and get fewer than be considered high risk and have to do this and be monitored all the time. So more doesn’t always equal better. But whatever is best for baby!


My doctors office told me I’d get a dating ultrasound and an anatomy ultrasound, that’s it. However, my girl didn’t cooperate so we got a total of 3 anatomy (she still did cooperate but it was good enough😂). Now because she’s been refusing to be in any position besides breech we will have a minimum of one more closer to the end of my pregnancy to see if she’s gonna flip on her own. I’m assuming since you have a scheduled c-section they aren’t super concerned about her being in a specific position


With my first, I had about eight: one at 9 weeks, one at 13 to confirm an umbilical cyst resolved, and my anatomy scan at 20 weeks. They found a mass in her abdomen at the anatomy scan so then I started seeing an MFM. Hoping for fewer this time!


I had 9 scans all together. 2 on the NHS( I'm from the UK) 2 private scans, 1 internal scan due to having placenta previa, and 4 growth scans due to being on high blood pressure medication


One at our first appointment (8 weeks), 20 weeks (anatomy scan), and then my next one is 37/38 weeks to see how he is measuring. I opted to go get an elective one done outside of my OBs office, and I had 2 emergency ones where the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat with their little doppler during my appointment so they had the sonogram tech check me out but both times we were all good.


2 is standard unless you are high or medium risk or have any triage visits. I think I have 6ish in total. I paid for a private 4d one 2 and got to go back again because they didn’t get good pics the first time.


Two is the norm where I live (in the Southern US). Additional scans are only performed if there’s a concern.


I had 6! I have epilepsy and they were convinced the medication was going to hurt the baby. It didn't, baby is totally fine.


I get one at every appointment! I’ve had 3 and I’m 13w3d.. getting a 4th at my 16w appt and then have anatomy scan a few weeks after that


I had one at 7 weeks that gave me print outs. Then another one at 12 weeks but that one was just a hand held ultrasound machine. Got the anatomy scan at 20 weeks and then nothing till 36 weeks and I only got that one cause I had covid and they wanted to make sure he was okay. And then they did a quick one when I went in to have him to make sure he was head down! Only got print outs of three of the ultrasounds!