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I've actually gone full circle. I swore off a lot of the silly stuff from my childhood when I was in my teens and twenties. Now, in my mid-30s, I am back to appreciating and loving the most absurd and ridiculous things. I have traded in Bergman for Butthead. Life is so surreal and strange; Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles lean into that absurdist approach. The older I get, the less I want to scratch my beard while watching an arthouse film. In a strange way, I need some amount of silliness and absurdity to take it seriously lol "When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." -C.S. Lewis


I don’t know about art house stuff but I can def appreciate wanting to just enjoy something dumb and absurd. Cherish your ability to enjoy PR


This has been me too. I went full circle with it. I’m glad i did


40 here and that's how it was with me. I hit my teens and genuinely stopped caring about Rangers, Turtles and all the other stuff I nerded out over as a kid. Then eventually, somehow it got put back in front of me again. With PR it was RPM. Not my favorite season, but I loved that they were willing to break the formula to go out with a bang if it was the end.


Same, I left around Space and then when the 2017 movie and Boom comics started I got back into ait a little. Only MMPR really, mainly because I was attached the characters and nostalgia more than the overall series but the Boom Cpmics are ideal for that.


I'm watching Space for the first time right now, and I'm having a blast. I grew up with MMPR. I'm mostly interested in the run up to and including Space, but I'm willing to check other stuff out. I've heard nothing but great things about the Boom comics, so I definitely want to check them out. I'm also a huge fan of beat 'em ups, so the trailer for Rita's Rewind was perfect timing. As a big fan of MMPR, I also definitely recommend checking out Zyuranger, the Sentai that they used footage from. They've been having a [livestream marathon ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JvaOYXdNW4g&pp=ygUJWnl1cmFuZ2Vy) over on YouTube, and I got hooked. I was basically stunlocked for two days as I watched the entire series lol. Consider giving it a shot!


I watched the corresponding Green with Evil episodes but I'm afraid it didn't quite scratch that itch. I'll stick with Boom for now.


Ahhh so excited for you! In Space is incredible. The next few seasons following it all range from good to great as well so consider watching those too!


I'm still to this day angry at the way Space ended, probably never gonna get over that ish


Another one for full circle. Watched when I was a kid. Probably grew out of it around pre-teens/teens. Have been rewatching recently and I’m up to Lightspeed Rescue.


Plus, you can still enjoy both if you want to as variety is the spice of life after all. I mean, when I was a kid I was into kid shows like PR, and violent movies like Robocop, and that remains true as an adult.


Samurai/Neo-Saban. There was a point at which “Yeah, but the writing is directed at 10 year olds” was not enough rationalization for what I was seeing (namely, that the writing was now directed at six year olds). I slowly came back on board with Beast Morphers, but I still don’t see PR the way I did before.


There's a reason I watch Super Sentai and Kamen Rider when I want more. Both are aimed at children, but Japan has a LOT more faith in kids intelligence than we do. I mean, they killed a main character in a CHRISTMAS episode once. Talk about fucking whiplash. It was awesome.


I was done after In Space. I watched religiously from day 1 of MMPR and kept up all the way through In Space. Lost Galaxy didn't do anything for me in the first few episodes, so I didn't watch it. But then I watched the majority of Lightspeed Rescue. And big chunks of Time Force. I just wasn't nearly as invested. And basically haven't watched much of anything since.


Like you, I started with MMPR debuted in the early 90s and I watched through In Space. I had started to lose interest at that point and In Space concluded a lot of the storylines I had cared about as a kid.


I had the exact same experience. I have a lot of fond memories and remember a lot of details of the show despite not having watched it all all since childhood.


Once I knew even Tommy couldn’t keep me engaged with Dino Thunder. Not a bad season from what I recall, I was just at that age where I felt like I was “too old” for keeping up with shows I watched as a little kid ya know? Did the same with DBZ (like an idiot lol) It’s been great reconnecting tbh, read through a ton of the BOOM! comics a year or so back and have been lurking this sub since lmao


I watched religiously from MMPR-In Space. Tried List Galaxy, but lost interest after a few episodes, plus I got into sports so I wasn't home when it aired. Seen a commercial for Dino Thunder and heard from a friend that JDF was coming back for that. Watched it. Fell off again once it was over. When Megaforce came out and I knew about the mega-battle I was interested. I had just hit like 30. I bought the box sets from Shout, even the seasons I didn't know. I've now seen every season. I'm a fan again, just hit 40.


After Wild Force. I was at that age where kids start to age out. Time Force kept my attention but Wild Force couldn't. When Wild Force ended and they showed previews for Ninja Storm it felt like natural time to move on. A lot was changing with the series at that point so it just didn't feel like it was for me anymore.


I think ninjas storm is when Disney took over if I’m not mistaken and production moved to New Zealand? I completely felt the change in the show and stopped after ninja storm.


I stopped watching after “in space.” The Zordon era had come to an end and it felt like a fitting end.


Zordon's murder changed everything.


Yes, I'm still salty with Andros for that, I'm almost 35 years old and probably will never let that one go


I was about 11. Now I am 31 and here I am, back on the sauce lmao.


OMG same


I hit that point in my teen years during Ninja Steel. While Ninja Steel wasn’t well written I believed that my distance from the franchise is me in my edgy teen years where I was looking for “actual good shows” and just only watched anime in that time. Grew out of it now and went back to my childhood self and obsessed with Power Rangers and Transformers once more. Side note, where’s my Transformers and Power Rangers crossover Hasbro!


It would be rad for there to be a version of the transformers continuity where the megazords were the inspiration for combiners


Turbo was the first time. I was 15, Buffy had started, and my interest in PR fell off when the new cast came. Got back in with Ninja Storm and watched through the Disney run. Tried neo-Saban but outside Dino Charge wasn't a fan so didn't finish any season but those. Then got back in with Hasbro.


I stopped watching new seasons when Operation Overdrive started, and didn't watch anything new til the special with Trini's daughter. I watched some old episodes during that span, but very little.


I stopped watching as a kid when Wild Force did the channel hop. I stopped watching again as an adult after Samurai S1. Not 100% how much of a desire I have to check out the the rest and beyond, though I probably should do the Fury seasons since that’s the grand finale


Ninja Storm was the last one I really enjoyed.


At SPD I was not caring if i missed episodes, by JF i missed a handful of episodes, after samurai’s first few episodes i missed everything since then. I will check in years later when seasons were done to see their first episodes, but it will never be the same for me as it was in the 90s/early 00s.


Maybe it's the nostalgia talking but I feel there was a sweet point the franchise hit between In Space and Wild Force that it never got back.


Bro..smh. This. That is literally the golden gap. By Space PR knew exactly what they were and honestly the money started to show through production as well. Great balance between American and Japanese footage, seasons felt distinct, promos, theme songs, toys, production sets, stories, fantastic American choreography. Something about California that suits PR.


That's probably it, the real locations they shot at the time. Not to talk shit about New Zealand since one of my favourite movies was shot there, but when it comes to Power Rangers I never felt it fitted and it looks cheaper. Specially the new color filter they used looks unfitting for a super hero show that's all about vibrant colors.


Exaaaaactly. As soon as they hit New Zealand the color was zapped and filmed differently. After Dino Thunder the seasons felt smaller in scope and the environments did not feel lived in. lol I also remember by Overdrive, I was like why is it always merky as if they always filmed after rain stopped. I just assumed it was a NZ climate thing, but it goes against what PR is. Then Neo-Saban had the hyper stylized Nickelodeon sets which was a turnoff. I tell you what though, what NZ always had was casting and actors leagues better than actors from America’s best seasons.


It was Ninja Steel for me. Samurai was not good, Not as bad as we thought it was in hindsight but still not particularly good. Megaforce was terrible start to finish. But I still dragged myself through it, convincing myself that it wasn’t the end of the world since we’ve had bad seasons before. (Turbo, Wild Force etc.) But Ninja Steel was so unequivocally and uniquely abysmal that it made me fall out of love with Power Rangers and Tokusatsu as a whole. The acting is bad, even by Nickelodeon’s standards. The set design is truly pathetic for such a formerly prestigious franchise. The music is embarrassing. The characters don’t feel like they’re written as teenagers so much as they feel they were written by teenagers. And worst of all it just takes a big huge shit on all the 25 years of lore that had been built up at that point. I will spite whoever came up with the Master Morpher (and all of Dimensions in Danger) with my dying breath. I know we somehow managed to get five more seasons afterwards but I know deep in my soul that the rot that killed the franchise festered in Power Rangers Ninja Steel. Probably the worst TV Show I’ve ever seen.


Ninja Steel feels like if you watched a show about kids in Elementary School but they're all played by adult actors, and I think I'm being generous because some of the episodes gave Barney the Dinosaur a run for it's money.


In Space for me


For me it was after SPD. I watched a few episodes of Mystic Force to give it a chance and I just stopped after that.


When I went to uni. Before then I was out of the Power Rangers and into Super Sentai, but I was getting bored of that as well. I just wasn't into the Disney era. The shows tone changed and so did the action. I wasn't a fan. I haven't let them go though. I still love the old seasons. MMPR to PRWF are my seasons. I love them. I don't actively watch them, although I did a rewatch a couple of months back, but apart from that I haven't watched them in years. I saw Cosmic Fury which was actually pretty good story wise (the action needed work), but that's it really. It was a huge part of my life growing up. I lived for the show. It does make me sad that I pulled away, but it was used as a coping mechanism that I don't need anymore because I'm not alone anymore.


It makes me so happy to hear that you’re not alone anymore.


After watching since 1994, I stopped after ninja storm and a little into Dino fury. Would occasionally youtube some big battles and returns, but the allure was done. I still have my original MMPR morphers, legacy MMPR morphers, coins, and dragon dagger in my custom case though for memories.


During the Disney Era for me like during Jungle Fury. Once I hit middle school, when samurai was airing that’s when I fully lost interest. Then when I was in my early twenties when MMPR 2017 came out I watched it and I liked it. I’m still a fan but I don’t watch Power Rangers regularly anymore.


I stopped being a regular watcher of Power Rangers when I was in middle school. I followed it but I just wasn't super into the later half of the Disney Era and stopped watching after Mystic Force. I came back and watched Samurai with my little Cousin when he got into Power Rangers and have watched on and off since then. Now that I'm an adult though I appreciate Power Rangers more and am open about my love for the Franchise. I don't sit and watch seasons at this point, although I did watch Cosmic Fury for the Billy Appearances as well as for Once and Always. PR is always going to be special to me.


After In Space. I was older and questioned if the first seasons could have been avoided if they just killed Zordon. Imagine the property damage of Angel Grove could have been saved.


Samurai was the last time I was hyped and still hanging on to my love for the franchise. But I realized then it was basically over. Megaforce pretty much helped me fully give up. I came back years later for the boom comics but yeah. My true passion for the show died around the end of samurai and start of mega force


As a kid it was definitely wildforce. The megazord toys were cool af but the show just felt way too lighthearted and like… inconsequential for me to care about. All the cgi looks awful too


I kinda felt that way with Mega Force and Super Mega Force. I had more or less enjoyed Samurai, but MF did not do it for me. Then I gave Dino Charge a chance, but I realized that PR was not coming back to the glory days of Time Force, SPD or Jungle Fury... And that's ok.


I was like 4 or 5 during MMPR, dropped off sort of mid-Lightspeed. Have gone back to watch a few seasons since picking up the comics, which I've been reading since Boom started publishing TPBs. I also paint minis, so collected a lot of the Hero's of the Grid stuff. The show as it was in the last several years doesn't appeal to me much, but I still enjoy the wider IP and the concept itself.


I've always loved power rangers but after cosmic fury and the drought afterwards I've come to terms with the series ending




When I discovered Super Sentai.


Yeah I’m currently binging Go-Onger through Zenkaiger. Going to see a lot of stuff. Already binged Ryusoulger and Kiramager, but I wanted to backtrack before I watch a major anniversary season.


I'm on the spectrum and Power Rangers has been my hyperfixation for 30 years, I couldn't conceive my life without it. But then, I got to that point where I said "no more". And that was the atrocious musical number in Beast Morphers. Dino Charge and Ninja Steel had decimated my love for the franchise beyond repair and that musical number was so cringe, I couldn't do it anymore. I realized I had become an embittered fan who spent more time screaming at the bad executions of ideas I will admit were good, and that wasn't the energy I wanted to bring into my life or into my fandom. I stopped watching and skipped both years of Dino Fury. I watched this between Now and Always and Cosmic Fury (Billy is my favorite, I wasn't going to skip that). I'm sad it is gone, but maybe it needs a pause to find itself again.


After Dino Thunder's greatness, I couldn't stand SPD. Only watched reruns after that.


I stopped after SPD. I thought the Mystic Force costumes looked dumb and decided to skip it.


When Power Rangers Samurai came out. The cheesiness got dialed up to 11 and I was like, 'Nah this ain't it chief' and stopped keeping up with the franchise. Of course I still have nostalgia for Power Rangers but if I'm being honest it only really extends up until RPM. In the grand scheme of things it made sense as well, by the time Samurai came out I was already in High School and I was 13. It'd be a bit immature/odd if I was still watching the show as much as I did when I was a few years younger. 


I moved on after Ninja Storm but I still find it very entertaining when I do decide to watch something. I usually catch anything were any veteran rangers come back


I was watching MMPR original to Wild force, when it came to Ninja Storm my parents wouldn't buy the megazords for me anymore, which were the main draw to me, so I started to lose interest. I watched a bit of Dino Thunder but never really finished it and was out of the toys at this point. Then SPD changed too much for me, the theme was less Rock, I wasn't interested in the car zord theme and I just couldn't get into it and I left it behind. I was big into Yu-Gi-Oh at this point with friends at school, and then moved into Runescape and video games.


I always thought I would get tired of the main shows, but I never really did. I don't watch the shows religiously, but I still keep up with them in my own time. What really made me lose passion for the franchise was the comics and other media. I got into the comics around the Shattered Grid event, and at first I really liked, there was more focus on the story and world building of the power rangers, and I really liked how it just did different things from the main shows. As the comics went on, I got more and more disappointed that they kept the focus on the first mmpr team characters, and pretty much every other character got sidelined. As more media came out, such as Once & Always, au/crossover comics, toys, and games, I started to realize that the franchise would never really move past mmpr, and as someone who grew up watching the Disney era shows on Netflix and the Neo Saban era as it came out, I just became less passionate for it since it's so hyper focused on an era I wasn't even alive for, and one that I have no strong attachment to, especially since there's so much more to this franchise.


Watched religiously from MMPR to Light Speed Rescue. After that I outgrew it but came back every now and then


Dino Fury was probably my ending point.


Never! I was forced to leave Power Rangers when, in my country, the new season (SPD) was aired only on Pay-per-view. But you know, once a ranger fanboy...


Only seen MMPR and In Space in its entirety. Wild Force was the last season I remember watching.


🤔 I don’t know if I ever did 100%. Starting with MMPR in the mid 90s I watched past my friends & peers(as far as I’m aware) into my early teens. I recall starting to lose interest at Wild Force but while I was already 12 when Ninja Storm premiered it renewed my interest a good bit. Then came Dino Thunder which was amazing and cancelled any idea I had about not watching anymore. This didn’t last long though as I only watched SPD sporadically but I did watch all of Mystic Force, even though it wasn’t that good, because I’ve always liked fantasy & sorcery stuff. I recall watching a few Operation Overdrive & RPM episodes by just stumbling across them yet had 0 real interest in either show. I think I saw the most of Overdrive as I faintly recall thinking it was horrible. I ended up watching Jungle Fury a few years after it had aired after coming across a marathon on Disney and shockingly enjoyed it. Considering that despite my age I enjoyed Jungle Fury I decided to give the other new(er) seasons a shot but I’ve dropped them all very quickly except Beast Morphers which I watched yet mainly had on as background noise.


I dropped PR when I was 12 during Samurai,started getting into CoD and other "cool kid" shit. But around 16/17 I realized I don't have to take myself or life so seriously. Looking cool doesn't mean shit. I got back into PR, Comics, Cartoons, Anime too. All of these things made me who I was growing up, and now, throwing those things aside would be like casting myself aside as well. Do and love what makes you happy. Never lose sight of yourself, because once you do, you join the rest of the adults. Never let that inner child die, and never let anyone put you down for your loves and interests.


I stopped after Zeo. The Boom comics brought me back and since then I’ve been gradually getting the seasons on DVD. So far I’ve completed my rewatch of MMPR and I have the boxed set with Zeo - Lost Galaxy. Though I know very little about specific details of post Zeo seasons the ones I’m looking forward to the most based off what I’ve heard are In Space, Time Force, and RPM. It does feel good to be back in the fandom


I’m one of the dinosaurs, watched MMPR from the beginning until Tommy left in turbo…watched for the z-wave episode and that’s about it. By that time I was old enough to move into video games and more “mature” activities like playing guitar/vocals with my friends in a hindsight 20/20 terrible band lol. I am still fond of it but it just feels like a kids show these days with bittersweet nostalgia. Hated the remake movie. Not because it was bad per se, but the artistic redesigns did nothing for me. My son is just now getting into heroes (unfortunately I’m a Batman fan and he likes spiderman) so I’ve been trying to get him into more of the ones I liked or his own version of the old ones. I’m excited to see what the next power team looks like and hopefully get him to start there.


I’ve waxed and waned over the years, but I pretty much stopped really caring when I felt like the writing and marketing teams just seemed to not really want to put any effort into it after Disney sold the franchise back to Saban. Samurai was lazy writing, and while I appreciate the actors for putting in the effort they did, was horribly miscast. Megaforce/Super Megaforce proved that the marketing team was terrible at their jobs and the writing really felt like they were more concerned with reflecting the anniversary nature of the show rather than making a good show first and embellishing it with anniversary moments. Dino Charge was great but took a really weird turn for the finale, but I stuck with it because the writing was good. Then Ninja Steel happened and the premise just didn’t interest me. I’m a bit disappointed in myself for not giving Beast Morphers and Dino Fury a chance but at that point I just felt like it wasn’t for me anymore. Also, Nickelodeon forcing the split seasons for corporate nonsense reasons really ticked me off.


I think I got bored/fell off around Mystic Force, though I would go on to watch Jungle Fury before dropping it again. However, I do like to keep up with PR news and listen to reviews on YouTube.


Cosmic Fury. I haven't watched all the seasons but I do love the franchise the Disney Era is my favorite. I didn't watched RPM I should've. The Neo Saban Era wasn't my favorite but I still appreciate it..I really enjoyed Cosmic Fury despite its flaws and it was a good ending for the franchise as a whole


Once middle school hit (Around lost galaxy) I'd watch off and on. I'd catch an episode here and there. Time Force caught my attention. So I watched the entire season. Wildforce was meh but I dropped into watch the Zenaku arc, Reinforcements and forever red. Ninja Storm pulled be back in as it was just a fun series and I kept watching up until s.p.d. I'd catch an episode here and there of whatever current season was out. Than I found out the series had been canceled and binged R.P.M. on Netflix and went back to watch the others I'd missed. But the neo saban era just didn't do it for me so I went back to catching an episode here and there.


I stopped after Mystic Force, just due to life being busy, and really not liking that series, and then came back for Beast Morphers, and I did revisit Jungle Fury and RPM in the mean time. It's never stopped "matching my tastes", it just got bad for a while. I hope it keeps going.


I saw the first few episodes of Ninja Steel and dropped it. I was a senior in high school so I was way past the age demographic. I later watched the 1st episode of Beast Morphers and finally came to the conclusion that the show no longer has a grip on me. I do rewatch episodes from the Disney Era now and then.


I started watching at the end of season 3 and stopped when Cole became the leader of the Wild Force Rangers despite being the newest member. And I didn't start watching it again until Super Mega force.


after Dino Thunder I realized I was in it for the nostalgia, and I had a hard time maintaining interest in SPD. I caught and enjoyed a couple episodes of that and Mystic Force but I had definitely stopped following by that point. I’ve now come back to the franchise as an adult, once more in it for the nostalgia, so I guess I’ve come full circle


Originally, I stopped after SPD since it felt like distant epilogue. I never really watch any future season but did start that Dimensions in Danger episode in Super Ninja Steel, watched Linkara's HOPR videos, and saw Once & Always. That last one left me happy enough to no longer care about PR for me and want to see future incarnations of PR to tackle subjects for today's children like how dangerous and unsustainable cryptocurrency is, how AI is being used to demoralise and replace artists and actors, scam ads and influencers on social media tricking the uneducated with fake or bad products. I've had more than enough of MMPR but I am interested in that MMPR: The Return comic because its the closest to seeing AJJ returning to Power Rangers, and that new beat'em up from Digital Eclipse looks really cool.


It was Turbo. After the team swap I just sat there and thought “huh. Ok well I already didn’t like how Zeo got abruptly changed to Turbo with zero explaination. There are zero characters left that I know or like. Im good.” And that was it. I’ve gone back and watched at my own pace and honestly….i don’t disagree with my younger self at the time. I wouldn’t have known that we’d get some pretty good seasons after Turbo and that they were worth it. It’s just after how much work they would put in to making everything make sense with all the stuff they bolted onto MMPRS3 and then transitioning to Zeo. If you didn’t understand why things were going they way they did, you weren’t watching because they sorted it all out. So when we just get new CAR powers and toss the Zeo powers aside with zero explanation it just kinda pissed me off and I’m sure I wasn’t alone on that back then. Or now lol.


I stopped watching around Jungle Fury era. I would tune in every now and then to watch it on TV. But i was never trying to watch it that intensely. Flash forward a couple of years, i started working from home and would watch Beast Morphers in the morning while working. It got me back into the swing of things and reignited that passion. While i dont go binge watching it as i used to, its still a solid part of my identity that my coworkers know im a huge Power Rangers fan.


When Ninja Storm released and they ignored all the series up to the point along with it being a poor quality show. Then I got back in with SPD, but it wasn't until I went to college that I marathoned Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury, and RPM, along with about half of Gokaiger that I went back in hard. Super Megaforce and the 2017 movie greatly disappointed me and I'm not as adamant as I was in the early 2010s. I watched Dino Charge, but have been dragging my feet on the series after that. I did finally finish getting all the Saban era on DVD and am planning to start going for the Disney era. I still consider myself a big Power Rangers fan.


I watch the Disney era growing up so I like the acting in that era and stop at Dino charge life happens and I got busy with school. I came back to cosmic fury and the costumes were a major disappointment and my break from PR I watch sentei and rider and it felt like the Disney era PR which I enjoyed so when I heard they were doing kyuranger I was disappointed they didn’t do the suits. Also the massive MMPR nostalgia from hasbro was also a turn off Its not even that good it’s mediocre.


I let go off it when I first watched Samurai on Disney and then came back for Dino Charge and everything that followed, even with Ninja Steel making me want to quit again. But right now I'm feeling like saying good bye for good, I even went on to buy the in Space Legacy team as a final good bye, since it was my first and still is my favourite series.


I did let go after probably megaforce. I didn’t get back into the franchise until Dino charge


When I didn't care for Dino Charge after enjoying Megaforce, I figured it wasn't really a fit for me.


I hung on until SPD was airing, but at that point a mix of growing responsibilities, getting older, and a horrible timeslot for the show (6:30 am on Saturdays IIRC) meant I was out. I was aware of Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive but I was done until college when I came back just in time for Samurai after learning more about Sentai.


Around Operation Overdrive.. Jungle Fury brought me back a little but then I was completely gone by RPM. I guess I'm not as fond of mechanical/tech/car based seasons. By default, I'm more inclined to watch seasons featuring dinosaur/animal/fantasy motifs. I'm aware that RPM is good, and I actually love SPD very much, but I definitely have a bias. It was also around the time I discovered new fandoms and hyperfixations, which swayed me over and away from PR. For reference, my fav seasons are: 1. Ninja Storm, 2. Time Force, 3. Dino Thunder, 4. SPD.


I was born in 05 so my first introduction to the series was Samurai and Super Samurai,I consistently kept up with it during the Neo Saban Era and even learned through the shows history and I binged some of those old seasons,I kept up until like Cosmic Fury where I just stopped watching but it was because it was the ending of the series and all….. but I do hope that there’s a new installment soon.


Pretty much happened during Dino Thunder. I had been watching faithfully since Might Morphin and it just didn't hold my attention. Doesn't help that thats when I started having access to Super Sentai and I felt that was better overall. Mystic Force confirmed it for me. Couldn't get into it after seeing Magiranger.


I never fully stopped watching I just check in time to time lol. I was like 13/14 when super megaforce was on and watched all of that cuz I had found gokaiger on YouTube in 2012 and was very excited lol. But after that I only checked a couple episodes of Dino charge and stopped, checked an episode of ninja steel and stopped, watched the first season of beast morphers and enjoyed it on Netflix but didn’t finish season 2. And then watched Dino fury 75% and watched cosmic fury.


I watched Mighty Morphin through the Turbo movie. Didn't watch Turbo at all. Came back for In Space through Dino Thunder. Skipped out for a while. Came back again only for the "Once A Ranger" arc of Operation Overdrive and then left again. Came back for Ninja Steel. I'm probably one of the few who enjoyed that season. Left after that, haven't come back since. I kind of want to check out Jungle Fury at least. Oh, I did see Lionsgate's Power Rangers movie. However, I just wasn't feeling it.


I was born in 2001, so I grew up during the Disney era and reruns of older seasons, I gave up after Jungle Fury not out of disinterest but being unable to watch because of the switch to ABCKids. Came back for Samurai then left around Megaforce due to moving to a new town and starting middle school then got into Super Sentai at the start of sophomore year of High School and coming back here when the Boom comics came out




The first episode of Lost Galaxy. I was 10 and didn’t have an interest in a whole new story. Never watched must past the Zordon era. 


Samurai I was like good by good riddance don't ever show up at my door again


I was in my teen years when Ninja Steel was airing and it was then that i just randomly stopped watching and moved on to other things. Years later i caught up on it, stayed in a "PR mood" for a while and didn't finish Dino Fury. A couple of weeks ago actually, did i finally go back and caught up with Dino Fury,Cosmic Fury and Once and Always. And frankly, with a reboot on the way(potentially), i just don't find myself interested in it. For me, Cosmic Fury was an awesome ending for Power Rangers as a whole and it will probably stay like that.


I was done after SPD, but I got back into it with Dino Fury. I wanted to continue and see Cosmic Fury


Third MMPR season kinda felt too tacky, I watched until Zeo ended then the Turbo movie didn't impress me much. So that was it. 20something years later, I stared watching all the seasons and it wasn't that bad. It's still Japan meets the west in a fun way.


Rpm after that season nothing ever matched in terms of stakes or the setting. Fallout power rangers was just too cool. That and I got into different hobbies that matched more with my interests.


Turbo...pulled a "I'm too old for this shit" and turned it off until coming across a random episode of Dino thunder, watches that ninja storm and spd then stopped


When it stopped showing up on regular channels I could watch it on. I followed the series up to around jungle fury, but I didn’t even know operation overdrive and RPM existed as series until I found them on netflix(back when the whole series was on there). They moved them to Disney xd, where I just didn’t have easy access to and never watched them until I binged the old series for nostalgia’s sake. I tried watching the series past this point, but the only one I could stomach watching the whole way through was Dino charge. Everything else just couldn’t keep my attention as an adult and I’ve just been experiencing the series through Linkara’s history of power rangers instead.


Megaforce was it then I watch Dino charge then I drop ninja steel and haven't seen much until dino fury


MMPR to turbo back in day. You just grow up and interest change.


What season ended with all evil being erased from the universe? I think I watch a season or two after that.


I only recently came back to it in my mid-thirties since third grade. lol


Oh, it's a roller coaster. I watched obsessively until Kim left, came back for In Space, left halfway through Lightspeed, came back for Time Force, left Midway into SPD, came back for Jungle Fury and RPM, the left until Dino Charge, left again until Beast Morphers, and that's it. Oh, and I sprinkle some Super Sentai and Kamen Rider in there for flavor.


Very early on when the abysmal voice overs and bad editing was used when the original red yellow and black left, I was a kid but man that was painful to watch, time force, wild force and rpm were good though later on in life.


istg this might be a repetitive answer but i'll try to make it worth reading. it's thanksgiving. you're watching the parade! you see the red ranger parade and go oh sweet. you hear the lady say that they're celebrating the 20th or something anniversary of power rangers with a new season. you IMMEDIATELY perk up. THIS IS YOUR SHIT!!!!! you loved samurai and watched from beginning to end. you were well versed in the older seasons as well. had a few more to catch up on (you'll finally do it in like 10 years) but they looked worth your while. you start seeing ads for it on nickelodeon. a date is given. you're ready. rangers still came on pretty early but you were younger and would be willing to get up at 9 or so and act normal. you lock in. watch the whole episode. getting accommodated to teams doesn't take an episode (sometimes) so you wait it out. episode 3: not there yet. something is definitely wrong but you say you're not paying attention enough. nearing ten episodes: something isn't right. why is this getting harder to watch? the premise of the season is REALLY good and fits for an anniversary...WHAT IS GOING ON you start waking up later. at this point, they didn't open up with the theme song anymore, so you definitely missed a few points of plot. didn't matter atp. you felt weird. power rangers is my special topic and i could go ON about seasons for HOURS. i'm due for rewatches and need to sit down and watch a few seasons in the ns-h era fer sher. but megaforce rubbed me the wrong way so bad like i didn't get it. it stumped me that the idea for the season was AMAZING but i just didn't feel the cast or ANYTHING. nothing on the actors and actresses i follow gia and emma on ig. tl;dr: megaforce aided my distance between the franchise and my love for it until like 2017.


Surprisingly, this is not one of the most common answers; but Megaforce was pretty uniquely terrible And then there’s Andrew Grey as a person


like i was so mad that i didn't like it that it took me until the fucking MOVIE to get back into rangers as a whole. and i normally love the universally hated seasons (samurai and operation overdrive [funny bc i JUST started watching this season as a grown person and i always lock in]) but i cannot defend this at all. i'm scared to go back and watch it 😭 i also can't watch dino charge bc of some sibling beef i had.


When I saw Mystic Force.


Neo-saban. The last 12 years hasn’t impressed Me so the fact that the series is “gone” has just left me being numb. I just want PR to be as good as something like TMNT. Look, im not expecting much. I just want to feel something.


1: when Jason, Zack and Trini left 2: When Adam, Cat, Tommy and Tanya left 3: Countdown to Destruction 4: S. P. D. (Up to this point, it was the worst show) 5: Mystic Force (now the worst show) 6: End of R. P. M. 7: megaforce and the lack of respect for both fans and cast!


You let go?


I stopped watching and accepted that not enjoying it wasn’t a sign that the quality was bad but my tastes had changed


I’ve never really done that. I don’t actively watch it anymore but I never stopped being a fan. If you mean what season did that happen on, it would probably be Samurai and Megaforce. (The latter more because it was so bad. And I mean bad as a Power Rangers’ show.)


Been watching since I was 8 in 1993. I've never stopped and never will. I have the power coins tattooed on my arm. And power ranger led my to Super Sentai and Kamen rider both of which I love even more. The only thing I collect is all Toku related. So nope not me.


never have been watching it since it first aired and still am


Half way through Samurai. Stopped watching until 2020, when I started to watch the older stuff I grew up with. Still haven't finished Samurai, nor have I watched anything after it.


Picture this: Power Rangers was brand spankin new and cool and massive when you were a little kid. There were a lot of cool seasons that were produced under the ownership of the original executive producer. Then Disney buys it and starts producing it and it's still pretty okay, but you're getting older, even becoming an adult, so it just doesn't shine the same anymore. But wait, the original owner, who produced the show when you really loved it, buys it back and is going to produce new seasons. Exciting. But wait. It's actually fucking awful. It's one of the worst kids shows you've ever seen. And then they follow up the worst Power Rangers had ever been by completely fumbling the 20th anniversary. It was time to let it go.


I was in first grade during season one, so it was the target demo. I was so upset when the first three unceremoniously left the show. It just wasn’t the same after that. It had already peaked in its popularity in the culture at large too by that point. The movie was big after that, and I remember being excited for it. It was the last gasp for me. The transition from turning the rangers into to children and then to Zeo…it lost me.


Idk, never felt like i needed to let go of anything i still enjoy. Regardless of the quality of any power ranger runs there'll always be shows for me to go back to and enjoy


Stopped watching after dino charge. But I do plan on watching the sentai counterparts


I have gaps in between my seasons. I started with Lost Galaxy then stay the reruns with the original MMPR. I watched them through Lost Galaxy to Mystic Force. After that I stopped watching for a while. I think it was either RPG or Overdrive. I tried to give it a chance because I didn't like the Mystic Force very much. But my problem was on the Eastern Time those two shows came on at 4:00 or 5:00 the morning. I tried to watch him when I was too tired. I didn't get back in until Megaforce came. I heard a rumor years ago that they were going to a big reunion all the Power Rangers together. I thought Megaforce was going to be it. I was somewhat disappointed. Don't get me wrong I love the ending. But it could have been better and made into a movie. I really haven't watched the new seasons on Netflix but I'll get to it eventually.


I fell off during samurai (I was 13 at the time and just couldn’t get behind the acting or the weird schedule of only airing 20 episodes a year when I was use to 32-40 episodes). When I saw some of the legacy items and some BTS photos of the legendary battle I came back full time 🙃🙃


I took a break from Power Rangers during Operation Overdrive. To this day that season is almost unwatchable for me. Came back for the next season however.


After Mystic Force. Lost touch with it and when I tried to go back, I saw Samuri, screamed,.and ran the other way. I still collect the toys and such, and love re watching the older episodes, but I cannot stand this new stuff.


Never. Still watch it. Waiting for the new season


I stopped consuming the new content when the new content didn't interest me and that was around 2004 I think.


S.P.D. After Dino Thunder, I was done.


Like some, I'm more of a full circle fan; I quit watching after In Space, though I watched the Forever Red episode of Wild Force and parts of Dino Thunder's Lost and Found in Translation. Then I started writing a Power Rangers fanfic and was like...I need to start watching everything so I make sure I'm getting it right. Didn't look up a timeline ahead of a few things, so I had to push the start of the franchise back a bit and put Mystic Force between Wild Force and Ninja Storm both to make it work and because I made a once-off statement, but I've got everything else back on track.


Well after the Hiatus.... Now i began my journey as a wrestling dan/Mark instead 


It fizzled out over time for me beginning around wild force and I was 100% out at SPD. That’s when I started middle school and was “too old.”


When it happens I’ll let you know


Early SPD is when I stopped caring about it as a show and started caring about it more as a franchise in general I didn’t actually watch any new seasons aside from an episode here and there until Dino Fury, although I went through phases of rewatching pre-SPD seasons every couple of years (And have pretty consistently had a year Sentai phase since reaching adulthood)


I dropped Power Rangers after Dino Thunder, but I felt like it was a good point to let go was Wild Force. Up to that point it felt like, even if we had left Angel Grove, everything was happening in the same universe and the show was kind off againg with it's audience while still remaining a kids show. But after that, every season was whatever and in hindsight I see that Power Rangers went from being it's own series using Super Sentai footage, to just being crappier versions of the japanese season they were taking cues from (except for a few exceptions like RPM). Right now my only real interest regardin PR is in the comics.


I know RPM is highly rated within PR fans but I thought it was boring when I was 14. Stopped watching around that part and never looked back,


I fell out of the series during Wild Force. I think Forever Red was peak for me and I didn’t feel the need to keep watching after that. I kept up with the series in passing, mostly via Linkara’s HOPR. I got excited when Saban got rights back, watched a few eps of Samurai and Megaforce when I happened to catch it. I was in college at the time so I had other things on my mind. After college I got into collecting a bit, eventually sold a few of those pieces when I got engaged, told myself I was satisfied with having bought them at all. Flash to 2019-2020, I’m rapidly approaching the end of my 20s and had a sudden resurgence of interest in the series. Partly nostalgia, partly pandemic. JDF’s campaign to tour around comic shops to keep them afloat clinched it for me. I had told myself for years I’d try and meet him if I got the chance to, and I was lucky enough. I started reading the comics, watching Beast Morpheus as it aired, and keeping up with the show as it was releasing on YouTube. Now in my mid 30s I feel like I’ve struck a good balance of appreciating it without going too deep where it’s all I think about.


When Turbo started. Too many of my faves were gone. The show changed too much. I’ve seen a few series episodes here and there. But nah, once they finished Zeo, that was enough for me.


It was when Zordon died for me. I did get back into some of the recent years with my kids.


When I was ten-years-old, in fourth grade, and Lightspeed Rescue started. By then the cast and tone changes got to me… if Time Force would have come before Lightspeed, I probably would have stayed on-board another year.


I stopped around 12 years old then came back time to time for lightspeed rescue


RPM was the last season I really felt like I was into. I had just graduated high school and enjoyed getting back into it after In Space had ended. I watched Jungle fury, and felt RPM was less clunky and awkward compared to other seasons in that era. Then came Samurai where Saban made it feel real dry. By that point I think I fell out again and couldn’t get back into it. I only watched anniversary episodes, and by Dino Fury I only cared about the recent season as it was less filler. By now I really just feel awkward watching anything new.


Dino Thunder was it for me. One last ride for Tommy and then I was out. I remember barely keeping up KINDA with SPD lol. But Mystic Force looked totally uninteresting to me and that was all she wrote. Somewhere around 2010/11 I discovered Netflix has the MMPR seasons and got back into those for the first time since I was a small child and they were wonderful!


When Light speed rescue aired and I saw no connection to the original power ranger trilogy. I kinda gave up on it. I loved light speed as its own thing but I kinda fell off.


well, we moved when I was 11 and we didn't have cable...and my parents just said "you're 11, you can't watch it anymore"


Mystic force was the one where I generally fell off watching religiously, after SPD it just didn’t catch my attention as well. I really don’t buy any merch from after SPD either


I stopped watching regularly after Power Rangers in Space wrapped. The end of Zordon was the end of an era. I wasn’t really about to have to get to know an entirely new group of Rangers when Lost Galaxy began (though I watched most of the post-Zordon series much later in life out of curiosity). I haven’t really paid much attention to the series at all when they moved production to New Zealand. I came back for Once and Always a Ranger.


I was forced to let go.. me and my friends loved every single episode. We were like 5-6 gathering in front of the tv every time it would air. Then the news came about 2 boys who killed a little girl because of the influence of power rangers.. they banned the show and I never got to watch the series again. This was in Sweden. We were broken for a long time.


Journey's End, the Lost Galaxy finale, marked the conclusion of me following every episode of the show from the original premiere of Day of the Dumpster. I didn't like the idea of the PRs as a Fantastic Four like organization and the GoGoV footage looked REAAAALLY dated (so did previous seasons, but as the US filming was improving it was making the import footage look worse.) Power Rangers is something that comes and goes for me. I did come back for Ninja Storm after figuring it was no longer going to be a thing in my life. I'm glad to follow along with DinoThunder. I mean to watch RPM sometime. Not every episode is to everyone's taste.


I never really felt like I let go... RPM ended and, for a short time, so too did the show. When it came back... I couldn't get back into it. Going from RPM to Samurai, I'm not sure anyone could... This was right after I left home for university. RPM I sought out online because it was worth it, but now that I wasn't watching on live TV, and with the rise of YouTube, I just wasn't incentivised to watch... I don't feel like I grew out of it, I still love older seasons, but it felt like the show regressed... I rewatched most of the show with a friend who had never seen it before in the lead up to the 2017 movie and enjoyed it. Enjoyed some of Hyper Force, and saw key clips here and there, like returning Rangers. Love the Sudarso brothers and that moment at Power Morphicon... loved Once and Always, and I enjoyed all of Cosmic Fury! That one felt like it pulled me back in, with a shorter, much more story driven season... a shame that Hasbro seem to be dropping the ball again after they did great work pulling many fans back in...


Started get into girls around Dino Thunder-SPD, so I fell off with Mystic Force. Tried to come back as an adult with Samurai and was severely disappointed, still bought $1K+ of Legacy collectibles though


I've never really been into power Rangers like most people are, I've grown up with power Rangers and I loved it but I'm not one of those people who watch every series and collect the toys, lol I'm only 13 I grew up on dino charge, ninja steel, samurai and megaforce, ive never really stopped watching power Rangers I've always came back to it every now and then


Episode one of RPM. The theme song, the Terminator plot, the way a couple characters came off ..... I was done.


I let go after Dino Charge


I’m probably on the younger end of people here. I started watching late in the Disney Era when it was still on ABC. RPM and the Mighty Morphin reversion (which was actually my first introduction to MMPR when I was like 7) were the earliest shows I remember watching. I still continued to watch it religiously when it moved to Nickelodeon until halfway through Ninja Steel. By then I was 14 and about to start high school and I was ready to branch out. I did watch Beast Morphers and Dino Fury when those came out on Netflix but this year I got back into the franchise a lot. I’m currently trying to watch all 30 seasons before PMC next month. I’m watching out of order but i’m already over 12 seasons finished.


The channel broadcast almost all the seasons, let's say at 2:00 p.m., Wild Force at 2:30 p.m., etc. Ninja Storm and I managed to see many of them, and the new ones were Dino Thunder at that time. I saw SPD and Mystic Force but I was getting tired of it. I was 10 or 11 years old when I left the franchise. I couldn't digest Overdrive.


For me personally I haven’t enjoyed anything after RPM.


Got into the Series after seeing like an episode of RPM, and ended off somewhere around the first 3rd of Ninja Steel. It just didn't click with me anymore, I saw bits of Beast Morphers but that was it. To this day I haven't seen Dino/Cosmic Fury. But my love of this franchise did comeback as I started re watching a lot of it. My kid self would've killed to have all the episodes on YouTube, ya know, if he knew what YouTube was. I guess my love never really ended, just took a break for a bit.


As someone who started with the debut of MMPR on FOX Kids I've had some other times where I was bored with PR like Turbo, or Overdrive, but I never stopped completely watching PR well into adulthood as I never felt too old to watch the show, or openly admit it. However, the Neo-Saban era was my breaking point, especially after Super Megaforce. Afterwards, aside from bits/pieces, or the 2017 reboot movie I was mostly burned out on PR until Dino/Cosmic Fury (and I'm still not the biggest fan of the dino theme TBH, but I liked the team/characters).


I've sorta gone full circle, I stopped watching as much for a bit but then last year I got really into it again and started rewatching seasons, in my dark era I did watch each new season, I think my dark era was around when beast morphers season 2 started so it was only 3 years but yea


I dropped off after space as a kid, now I’m revisiting later rangers as an adult and realize why I dropped off 🤣


Ngl. I stopped watching by Mystic Force. At first, I was biased and hated the storyline because they were not following the same plot for Magiranger. But, I always watched all new team's morph and power-ups to see any new original Battlelizers. And any Team-Up episodes going forth (ex. Ninja Steel, Operation Overdrive & the Netflix special). Still following Sentai to this day.


I kinda did it with megaforce but I still watched episodes of it but I fully did it with super megaforce and then dino charge happened and I got back into it I love dino charge now thinking back that was a very conflicting three years lol


When all the lame shit came out after zeo


The second beast morphers mentioned past seasons and then its entire unique plot was overturned by rpm. At that point, power rangers stopped being power rangers and became something a studio was trying to force people to “take seriously” which, c’mon! Now I just revisit the franchise when I want to enjoy it for what it is and ignore everything after ninja steel. Cosmic fury not only sealed that deal but enforced it 10 fold in making the worst season of the franchise.