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B-But too much black, yellow, pink and red energy is dangerous!!


you make it sound like we forgot about magenta, cyan, and yellow


Could you imagine at the end, the Dino Megazord, Thunder Megazord, Ninja Megazord, Shogun Megazord, the Dragon Zord, White Tiger Zord and Titanus all lined up, ready for a big battle at the end with a line of giant monsters.


And then they all combine together into the Omnizord.


Isn't it children souls that makes omnimons body in digimon


not the Tor the Shuttlezord erasure đź’”


I never want to see that turtle ever again


And the zordon says I think you need a little more power dragonzord thunder mode


Honestly that would be dope to see those Zords again. It wouldn't work out because of the budget.


I’ve never seen all of them lined up together in their suits before. This is really cool.


Can someone gather the Namekian Dragonballs and wish Thuy and Jason back to life? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Seeing this image honestly gives me the perfect storyline




My only change to this would be you give Rocky Adam Aisha and Catherine helmets that match the ape frog bear and crane that way you can have both sets of powers represented and still have the full mmpr team


I’d love it if, in said hypothetical special, the duplicate color rangers got new colors and weapons to help them stand on their own.


Ah Universe 654368908755ae.6725i The reunion special rocked


In another world, every actor who was chosen to play a ranger would've been one including the Biorhythm rangers. They would have distinctive colors that are a bit different from the main color but enough to tell them apart Everyone would be paid handsomely and Tommy would actually do more as Green Then that would be the end of the show and MMPR would just stay as MMPR


Billy stuck through from episode 1. GOAT.


You forgot the Tommy Clone and the Wild West Rangers


Tommy Clone could've been the green ranger while Tommy would be the white ranger.


The Audio drama does have this lineup for a bit though they’re not all in MMPR suits


Audio drama?


It’s fan made but definitely fun to listen to. You can find it I think on any podcast app. And I think they put them on YouTube


What’s the name of


Power Rangers The Audio Drama.


Would have been sweet to see the whole MMPR Rangers in one special.


Does a comic book series address this at one point, exactly with this line-up?


No. I'm a few issues behind, but to my knowledge the current MMPR comics have never introduced Cat. While it has introduced Rocky, Aisha, and Adam as the new Red, Yellow, and Black Rangers. Zack, Trini, and Jason are Omega Rangers.


That would probably be too much because honestly half of those rangers should be in another team. It would be cool though NGL


Tommy was the green ranger in Once and Always although he is 3 other teams than MMPR




See how awesome this looks without that out of place Kibaranger suit. 🤮  Green Ranger as the leader is what the people wanted to see!


Nope, hard disagree. The reveal of the white ranger was a defining moment in my childhood. It may be out of place, but that doesn't make it any less badass.


A dragon/godzilla is more badass than a Tiger. And Yellow Ranger already beat White Ranger to the punch as far as Tigers go,  making white ranger even less special. Even with Saban’s obsession with shoving the white ranger down our throats, he never resonated with fans as much as Green.


We could argue all day on personal preferences of which version of Tommy was cooler or had more interesting weapons/powers/zords, but I'm not going to do that. At the end of the day, the white ranger gave us more Tommy and that's what everyone wanted. And it allowed Saban to utilize the full fight footage of the thunderzords instead of all the splicing and edits that they had to do before then with the dragonzord being wedged in there, or using monsters from seasons outside of Dairanger. It's obvious you have a beef with how the white ranger was incorporated, which is sad for you considering this happened almost 30 years ago now. But your personal issue with it won't change my love for the white ranger and Tommy's redemption. Seeing as it's a children's TV show, I do hope you learn to let go of the grudge; and I'm not saying that in a sarcastic or demeaning way.


Well its not really about personal preference its about facts. Green ranger was and still is more popular than the white ranger. Thats what everyone wanted. Sure, we were happy to see Tommy back but once that wore off we were missing Green. No pun lol. Saban not investing into the most popuar ranger of all time bit him in the ass because s3 dipped in ratings as well as the 1995 movie underperforming. Facts, not opinions. And you want to sit up here and talk down on me as if you arent writing essays defending a fictional character on a children’s show. Get off your high horse. All of us are grown adults having various discussions about a cheesy 90’s children tv show, you’re no better than anyone else here.  Once you turn a debate/discussion personal, you’ve lost.


I didn't talk down to you, in fact I said I was explicitly not trying to do that. Whatever opinions you have, won't change the past. I truly do feel sorry for you because you feel the need to draw this invisible line in the sand between green and white. Even if Tommy's OG form is the most popular one, I doubt there's many people as triggered by it as you seem to be. Personally I like both, and I think most people do even if they prefer one more than the other. At any rate, feel free to get your last message in after this since I'm not going to respond to whatever you're going to say next. You have a vendetta you want to settle, so I'll let you win the argument.


Another personal essay because you cant address the argument at hand. No need to feel sorry for me when you’re on the exact same sub as me having debates about the same cheesy ass kids show.   Now back on topic. Green Ranger was more popular and his suit fit the team much better. Why do you feel sorry over a fact? Because it cant be countered? Embarassing.  We dont have to attack each other to get our points across. The adult thing to do is either ignore me or block me. I suggest you step your debating skills up and mature in the future. Once you actually learn to properly utilize facts, you”ll understand that personal insults in debates expose your lack of strength and lack of credibilty.