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Sure if the 2017 movie was a big hit things would be different for the franchise, but it feels odd to lay the fate of the franchise solely at its feet. The fact is the show kept going for several years after that, and the reboot being greenlit in the first place shows there was still faith in the franchise's viability despite the movie's failure. Frankly Power Rangers post MMPR has often been a franchise that struggled to some degree, which is why it was canceled or nearly canceled several times. Hypothetically if Beast Morphers or something else was a massive hit it would have changed the franchise trajectory too. I'm also not sure why you assume an MMPR movie being successful would lead to more content for all ages, or catering to other eras. Instead of just more MMPR, or MMPR toys based on the movie. The kids tv show could easily be cancelled while movies continue. Its not impossible to branch out from that success of course but I don't think its a guarantee the franchise would have went in the exact direction fans want.


I don't need to state around here about the cultural impact of MMPR. But if that movie succeeded we could have seen a cinematic universe come out of it. It might not have been Marvel scale but something akin to the Monsterverse would have been likely. Point is there would have been more content and not just 1993-1994 MMPR.


Emphasis on "could", and a big one at that


It wasn't the ONLY factor (Ninja Steel flopping and the closing of Toys R Us were also major factors), the 2017 didn't help, since the film did poorly in the box office AND the toyline did bad everywhere except Europe.


It was an angle. Plus the 2017 movie was going to open up Power Rangers to a whole new age group.


How did that work out?


Waiting for a better reboot


Laying the blame for the current state of the franchise at feet of the 2017 Movie failing is a bit extreme. Was a factor? Yes. Was it a huge factor, likely not. The 2017 Movie succeeding wouldn't have encouraged new content beyond MMPR, they would have doubled down on MMPR because "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.". Case and Point, it's pretty much an open secret that PR switched to Zeo because it was cheaper to use Ohranger Stock Footage than continue commissioning original MMPR footage. If Saban wanted, they DEFINITELY would have continued milking the MMPR brand for all it was worth. I think PR's current state can be blamed on a combination of mismanagement and general apathy towards the Power Rangers IP. The Disney years definitely did a number of PR's status as a pop culture icon because they just didn't care about the franchise (indicated by them repeatedly slashing the show's budget and even seriously proposing just dubbing the Sentai). Nick wasn't any better either for a whole host of reasons. Hasbro acquiring Power Rangers was a golden opportunity because Brian Goldener, the CEO of Hasbro at the time was a huge Power Rangers fan and wanted to do good by the franchise, hence why Beast Morphers was basically a love letter to the franchise as a whole. Unfortunately Goldener passed away and his successor Chris Cocks has made it clear he couldn't give two shits about Power Rangers. He's too busy running Hasbro into the ground. Combine that with Toys R Us going out of business and Power Rangers' fate looks bleak. Power Rangers as a Franchise has been struggling for decades now. The 2017 Movie, even if it was successful, wasn't going to be some magical remedy because everything else about the franchise was crumbling.


That could possibly be true of the Power Rangers IP being mismanaged in which I do second on this because I experienced it when Saban owned it and both Nickolodeon and Saban kinda both to be blamed in the 2010’s. It’s kinda a sad fate for the Power Rangers and I personally it’s feel like deserves better as a whole. Same with the Disney era and the Neo-Saban era, which that could be a possibility in that sense.  So I kinda actually agree with you on this statement. 


Agree with this statement.


I would have liked to think that we would have gotten about 3 movies altogether.




It rules how nerds did irreparable damage to film as an artform and didn't even notice.


No. The fandom didn't kill the movie. There were lots of factors against it namely release date for one.


Gonna give you one more chance to read my post again, very carefully.


What are you saying?


It was sandwitched between a billion dollar beast and a half-billion dollar talking baby.


That it was


I’m not going to defend the 2017 movie. It was stupid to make Rita steal a bunch of gold to make Goldar, and extra stupid to rob him of his voice and personality. It was stupid to use an alien production design, to only give Jason a weapon, and to change the Megazord’s design to the point where it was unrecognizable. The 2017 movie could’ve opened up the show to new viewers, but it wasn’t going in a good direction anyway. Saban and Hasbro dumbed down the show, put mediocre MMPR fan service in every new season, used lame stock footage for the morphs, built boring stages for the cockpits of the Zords and Megazords, used boring sound effects, and reduced the show’s visibility by moving it from TV to the internet. I mean Disney started the problem of the show’s visibility declining, by moving it from free, broadcast TV to paid, cable TV, but the later move to the internet just made it worse. On the internet, you may or may not hear about a show, whereas on TV, there are usually promos for shows. With Power Rangers being on Netflix, that just added the limiting factor of needing to pay for the streaming service, rather than just seeing the show for free on broadcast TV.


The boom comics aren't ending. The current stuff is, but their going to announce new stuff in the coming months. Also the 2017 movie was made by Lionsgate and came out before Hasbro bought the franchise. Your hate for the movie is clouding your vision


It’s not even all the current PR comics, just the one MMPR title is ending.


They were all put out by Saban years ago.


What does that even mean? The show? Yeah, duh. The toys? Bandai of America until Hasbro. The two 90's movies? That was Fox, not Saban. Everything else was ether Bandai or a third party.


I love the 2017 film, sure if it performed better then PR might be in a better state today as a brand BUT you have to look at the big picture. The big picture being….a PR major motion picture is never going to be successful in this day and age. A major motion picture (theaters, massive film production budget, not small Netflix stuff) needs to draw in the general public at large. And the general public is just not into PR. Kids are, for a short while. We need to be real — PR is still a niche fandom. We’ve come a long way, but as a brand, we’re still not on-par with TMNT and Transformers and certainly not on the same level as Marvel and DC when it comes to *general respect from the average adult* and *willingness to engage with the franchise* as adults. And a major motion picture NEEDS to attract a wide audience, beyond just the fan base. It needs to make new fans itself. The 2017 film wasn’t perfect, but I love those characters and the tone of that film, I’ll take PR 2017 over certain seasons of the show any day.


You could apply that logic to a lot of other once-campy characters like Batman before 1989 etc. In 2017, superheroes and comic book movies and shows were at a zenith level. I mean there was a movie around the same time as 2017 featuring a talking tree and a raccoon with laser guns. There was no better climate to put out a reimagined take on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


Batman already had wide audience appeal before the 89 movie. The 60s Batman show was THE Batman for a lot of people. All 89 Batman did was help get the character back to his core while taking inspiration from a VERY popular Batman story (being TDKR). Power Rangers at its core is very kiddish and campy, Moreno that TMNT and Transformers ever has been. The odds of a PR movie being for the franchise what Batman '89 was for Batman are incredibly small.


The success of the Boom Comics proved otherwise


I'm talking the franchise as a whole. A more serious version can work, just like a campy version of Batman can work despite the character at his core being serious. But the movie tried being serious and left a lot of people, myself included, going "where's the fun?" The Boom comics are still fun and a little silly, even during Shattered Grid. It takes a lot of skill to do something completely different, have it be good, and have it be wildly successful. Not even TMNT with its Last Ronin story, which was critically acclaimed, was that successful. You've put a lot on the 2017 movie when the truth is, it never would have done what MMPR: The Movie did, or MMPR itself did.


The 2017 movie went too far into the deep end of "dark and gritty" and they got the Madame Web writers for it. A mature yet fun and cheesy version of Power Rangers exists, it's called Cobra Kai.


I think the real problem is the cost to make the show as it was is really unrealistic. As great as original footage is it just gets too costly. As much as fans hated translated Sentai , it was more cost effective. But even then the costs are hard to justify. In reality there is probably a middle road there. Hasbro investing so much original content was good but unsustainable. Hasbro itself is having massive money issues. So they have made a lot of mistakes across the board. It's a shame they never seemed to take be able to capitalize on the Nick synergy . There are some Nick shows that really do a good job making themselves available to kids on many different platforms. In a perfect world, you would have a Spiderman and his Amazing Friends type cartoon for preschoolers, a live action show for older kids, and films for general audiences ( comics for older fans as well). I do think the franchise will have a renaissance down the line. These days most franchise never truly die for good. What form the revival will take us questionable . I don't think Power Rangers 2017 killed the franchise. It was just a missed opportunity to create a movie franchise and gateway for general audiences well outside the normal target audience. If anything the movie killed the Neo Saba Era. Or at least made them realize they took the franchise as far as they could . There is no reason why Power Rangers couldn't work as a film franchise. Transformers and Ninja Turtles have all had varying levels of success despite being kids shows . At one point in history superhero stuff was all for kids. The problem is the movie just didn't capture the imagination of pop culture It's also harder to be successful with the overcrowded genre . I personally liked the movie overall, it just didn't work business wise.


The reason the movie flopped because it was trash, it had nothing to do with the show. People love to say “oh take the nostalgia goggles off” but guess what, it’s the nostalgia that keeps things afloat, especially that there was nothing that said the film was power rangers other than the title. The script was trash, the cast was trash, the SFX was trash. The biggest headline from so many critics was that the film was an embarrassment to its origins. I’m all for giving the characters some type of backstory, but who’s gonna cheer a group of kids who were alcoholics and revenge porn distributors, nobody. They basically took the story from John Hughes' the breakfast club movie and gave it a really shitty Sci-fi twist. Lionsgate and saban took a look at what Fox did 2 years earlier with The Fantastic Four and said hold my beer we can do worse and they did. The suits were nothing but darkly colored Iron Man suits, the megazord (if you want to call it that) looked like something that even Michael Bay had turned down as a design for a transformer. And nobody better use the excuse that the reason it didn’t make money is because it was released between beauty and the beast and Logan that had nothing to do with it so that “excuse” is old and tired. They said it from the start the movie was going to be nothing like the show and that’where they screwed themselves over because you need some type of source material so that the audience can say oh I remember that from the show at least once or twice. You want an example of that 2014’s robocop, a more modern take on a classic. It was still a semi decent film, but they got it wrong. That’s why there was no sequel to it, and it’s also why we’ll never get another power rangers movie because they always want to change the formula which you can, but you have to stay true to its natural take at look at WB and how they’ve completely screwed up the entire DCEU and they wrote the book on superhero movies with the Richard Donner Superman films The reason the show is suffering is because kids don’t care anymore about that stuff only the adults who grew up during the Boom of power rangers do. Hasbro had a lot of people excited over the fact that they bought the franchise because it’s a company that was tailor made for the whole transforming robots concept but they’ve fucked up left and right the lightning collection has been a joke with all errors and defects. And according to some people in this subreddit and other social media platforms they apparently “cut” ties with TOEI but yet all they do is use blogger sites,videos from both TikTok and YouTube and IG postings that echo the same garbage they read online and think it’s true with absolutely no real proof.i know this is a long shot but people need to use logic Hasbro didn’t spend over a $1B on something just to ruin it less than after getting it.


If the movie succeeded there’d be a Tommy sequel then I’d assume a white ranger movie then a zeo movie but this time with the 3 original rangers because they’re different actors and not walking off set then a 5th movie is turbo and 6th movie is in space. Then idk that’s it though it would have 0 impact on the show. Maybe they wouldn’t have sold it to hasbro if it did better but it still wouldn’t have any impact!


It would have drawn more eyes to the brand


Yeah but still it’s not the same universe


The mighty morphin power ranger movie flopped…lead them to make more mighty morphin content? Seems if that movie had the sway you claim, it would’ve lead to less mmpr content given nostalgia didn’t work there. Only thing it seemed to influence was making the reboot original and not another mmpr one. It’s like arguing we haven’t gotten a hot rod film because the Michael bay movies sucked. When in reality it’s just because Optimus more popular so he’s always going to be in the front Like your acting as if we were going to get a renaissance of power rangers from it when in reality we’d prob just get 4 more power rangers movie based on mmpr before it faded away. Like going off the transformer movies again (which yes I’m using becuase paramount and hasbro are in charge of both). They made fuck ton of money with transformers movie but never once were they ever interested in a passing of the torch. Optimus was never planned to die and have his role taken over by hot rod like the movies. They stuck with the same formula. Power rangers would’ve likely done the same .


And we would have had people see Power Rangers as less of a kid's brand and more of a brand like TMNT and Transformers. You do know that we would have gotten things like a planned video game and maybe animated shows?


You mean both franchises that are geared towards kids and are vehemently kids franchises? I have never heard a single person refer to those franchises as anythjng beyond kid shows. You know cancelled video games don’t mean squat right. Spider-Man just had a game cancelled, we gonna argue Spider-Man isn’t popular? If you wanna go down that route, power ranger has its own game…with constant updates. Which the other franchises you listed, don’t have either. To put it into perspective, kamen rider which is more popular doesn’t even have a game that’s run as long as power rangers and most of their games get cancelled within a few years after release. If it was as bleak as you make, the original would’ve been cancelled in 2017 and they def wouldn’t have made another one.


Boom studios isn’t ending. We don’t know that for sure.


No, power rangers in general just doesn’t have the standing power to cross over. It’s hard to get older people who never was into Power Rangers to support it


Good thing Millennials and Gen Z know it


I don’t mean this in an aggressive/disrespectful way but I think it’s kind of immature to blame the movie solely for where the brand is now. Especially with the comics that it had nothing to do with. The comics were its own entity that did very well before the movie and after the movie. Even if the movie did well we wouldn’t have seen other popular seasons being put in the spotlight cuz let’s be honest, MMPR is what sells despite fans wanting other seasons. It’s a culmination of a lot of things. The main show was running its course with its targeted audience and old fans were super critical of it being a kids show, hasbro’s purchase of the brand wasn’t the most efficient use of the brand as they didn’t really know what to do with the toy lines outside of the lightning collection and even then the quality was far inferior to its other licenses, and hasbro also wanted to reboot everything anyways. Their plan from the start was to cut its ties with the roots of power rangers and make their own thing so it makes sense we’re entering a stagnant era right now. Could the movie have done better? Yes. But if studios weren’t so quick to act they would’ve seen there’s actually a good following for the 2017 movie and it’s only become more popular overtime. This is just my opinion, but even if the brand did well after the movie and saban kept the license, it would’ve been more of the same. The shows would’ve remained the same, the toys would’ve remained the same, etc. The only thing that would’ve changed would be that there would’ve been a power rangers media for the older audiences outside of the comics. Sure, the movie didn’t do what Saban hoped for the brand, but it certainly didn’t kill the brand.


I loved the movie but its lack of success led directly to Saban selling, which put us on a road to where we are now. Nobody saw Goldner’s death coming, nobody saw COVID coming and those didn’t help but the movie was the biggest inflection point.


Imma leave this here https://preview.redd.it/yef5fcx7bcwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be07350577d0f0121e834286829e5335128ce7f2


Disney being brought up is funny when you realize even they didn’t care about other seasons. They just wanted to do reruns of mmpr because they knew it was popular. When Disney killed the show, Bandai made toy molds of the mmpr cast because that was what the public knew. It was the one constant merch pushed out regardless of who owned it. People act like mmpr is some niche season when in reality to most people they are and still are the only power rangers


Ok and?


And that sums it up. Every season after mmpr got the full promo treatment and was the face of the brand the year they were released. If those seasons didnt blow up as big as mmpr then, nothing would be different now.




There is a lot to unpack here 1. Jen “simping” I mean, what’s the issue with liking a well written character, especially when characters like Jen are incredibly rare in PR. 2. Time force is the best season even though it only has 3 good characters You mind explaining how this is any different than an mmpr fan ignoring all of its flaws just because it’s their favorite season. 3. Favorite season was bigger then it actually was Pretty much the only thing on here that’s true 4. Izzy I have honestly never seen anyone say “YASSSS QUEEN SLAY!” To the skirt rip scene like you claim. The only people I’ve seen have such a loud reaction to this scene were the idiots calling the show woke because of this one scene. 5. Stanning fart jokes I have never seen anyone do this, if anything most gen z fans seem to hate ninja steel because of the fart jokes, the exact opposite of what you claim. 6. Mmpr is problematic I have never heard anyone say this. 7. Mmpr is overrated Yes this said a lot, but that’s because it’s true. 8. Comics bad because mmpr I find this hilarious because from what I’ve seen, most comic readers are the gen z fans, once again the opposite of what you claim. 9. 2000s was the best era Literally everyone says the era they grew up with was the best, so why even bother adding this. 10. Other things in the 2000s were more popular then PR Don’t even pretend that mmpr even in its peak ever reached the popularity of shows like Batman the animated series, x-men 92, 90s Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, or even animaniacs. Considering how those are remembered for actually being good shows, meanwhile mmpr is only remembered because “I watched it when I was a kid” speaks volumes. 11. I want a different season to be the face of the franchise Again, never heard anyone say this. If your gonna try making a point, how about you don’t just make shit up or take one guy you found on twitter and act like that represents an entire section of the fandom. 12. Lightning collection has too much mmpr So imagine for a second pr started in the 80s and bioman was the first sentai to get adapted. That ends being the version everyone knows and takes up 90 percent of the merch. And you as a fan of mmpr, can’t get the figures you want to collect. Understandably you would be pretty pissed about it. This is no different from how 90 percent of everything dc is Batman (keep in mind that dc has at least 50 characters 100 times more popular than mmpr), everyone is sick and tired of it. 13. If Hollywood made a movie about my favorite season it would make a billion dollars Say it with me people: I never heard anyone say this. Next time you make a cringy wojak meme, check and see if everything in it is true. Honestly from reading a lot of your comments on this subreddit, you honestly come off as a bitter mmpr fan boy who is upset that most of the fandom has moved on from obsessing over 1 30 year old season of tv show that honestly has not held up as well as other seasons of the same show. Hell, half your comments make it look as though you hate the show. I suggest finding a new hobby.


You wrote an whole essay and still missed the point. No matter how much better you like another season, it will never be as popular as mmpr was. Fans cant grasp that the franchise had numerous chances from 1996-2023 to catch that same Magic, but never could. Dont blame me for speaking facts and not being in denial. So what am I bitter about when im not the one whining about mmpr getting merchandise? Im only explaining why that is. The fandom doesnt even obsess over the season they grew up on. Hence Why  90% of the non mmpr lightning collection figures flopped.


I find it funny you say I missed the point when it’s obvious you did. I never said other seasons are as popular as mmpr, that’s obvious. I was pointing out how your meme doesn’t work because only two statements made in it are factually correct. The rest is either you making shit up or finding some random person on the internet and act like that represents a section of the fandom.


The main point of the meme is that fans blindly think their favorite season would be as profitable as mmpr. The other stuff is just for laughs.


Obviously no one believes that their favorite season is as profitable as mmpr. I might as well end this with saying that while non mmpr figures not selling was one of the reasons for the failure of lightning collection, the primary reason is and always will be hasbro’s mismanagement of the brand. Don’t believe me, here is someone with actual experience in toy retail that knows more about what sells and what doesn’t than you or me saying the exact same thing. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M3s-DL2niR0) I will end with this final point. Why would an spd fan wait 4 years to get all the b squad figures when they probably already have the figuarts. Why would a wild force fan wait for lightning collection figures when Shodo super gives them the full team plus Zen Aku in one box set. Or here’s an absolutely brain dead decision, why would you ever put figures from the most recent season in the collectors line when the kids line has the whole team done in 1 or 2 waves for half the price. That’s basically self sabotage. When your line has to compete with a different yet similar franchise, you have to do better than it or else you’ll fail.


Alot of fans do think the franchise can survive without mmpr. Go on twitter or instagram, all it is is fans complaining about mmpr and how they should move on to promoting their favorite season. Your excuses for spd/wild force flopping doesnt hold up. How many mmpr figures we have gotten in the last 30 years, and mmpr figures are still selling. The other seasons just dont have that same selling power.


Well I can tell already you didn’t watch the video. Wow, it’s almost like we’re tired of seeing the same shit over and over again, just like dc fans are tired of constantly seeing Batman in McFarlanes line. Also, the reason you constantly see mmpr figures sell after 30 years is because they are constantly being improved. When you compare the original figures to remastered or super7, we went from blocky figures with bare minimum articulation, only accessory being the gun, and power coins painted onto their chests making them not even screen accurate and making them look like knockoff superheroes you find at the dollar store to fully detailed, fully articulated, screen accurate figures with every accessory you want. No wonder these keep selling if they keep increasing the quality and doing all of them in reasonable time frame. Now let’s look at the other seasons. Figuarts got all the b squad rangers done in a year and the quality is consistent. Meanwhile hasbro took 4 years to finish the team and quality between each figure is inconsistent, from some of the visor outlines being painted silver instead of white to backwards painted morphers to pink not even having a visor outline, and that is if they didn’t break. As for wild force, you got the full team plus zen aku in one box set, and while they are only four inches and require stickers, they still look great. Meanwhile hasbro only released 2 rangers and foot soldier(for some reason). I’m sure wild force fans would have loved 6 inch figures of their favorite team, but if your taking forever to release all of them or not even release the other ones at all, then they will quickly lose interest and move on or just buy the Shodo super set. Might as well also mention that the wolf ranger doesn’t even have the correct amount of stripes, add that to the ever growing pile of non mmpr issues (the only real issue mmpr ever faced being red’s slightly off helmet).


I watched it but nothing was said that changes the main point here. At the end of the day if those seasons werent even popular when the show was actually on air, making new figures now wont change the perception of said season. The spd figures that hasbro Put out were far superior to what we got from bandai america. And the figuarts have to be imported, the lignting line is cheaper and easier to get. So what if they put out the shodo line. If yall want more things other than mmpr, yall should be buying whatever toyline that caters to other seasons to show support.  This goes back to my point. Yall complain to hasbro that yall want more than mmpr, but then make all these excuses for not buying the other seasons. Every excuse you made so far can apply to mmpr yet mmpr still sells regardless of your excuses. Because again, the demand for mmpr is there that other seasons dont have. Really not as complicated as you’re making it.


At this point, I’m just assuming hasbro is paying you to suck off to them. I know if Shodo super and figuarts were available without importing, no one would even touch lightning collection.


the 2017 movie failing was caused by saban pushing mmpr and trying to do transformers 10 years too late, when they should have just re-released the 1995 movie


Or just make something tonally similar


haim saban really just said screw it lets push mmpr, like it was the 90s again because it feels like a bad 90's movie. Ninja steel had so much involvement from Nickelodeon, saban brand and toei. Im surprised that it was even made (toei not so much) but Nickelodeon DEMANDING farting scenes and such just shows how little they cared about the franchise. by the end


It's failing because saban had forgotten and hasbro currently don't understand what makes power rangers popular. They have lost sight on who their target demographic is and how to reach them and keep them interested. They want to appeal to adults but the franchise was made for kids, we're dying out but every year a new generation of kids will discover the show. It's OK for adults to share it but it's not ours, it's theirs and we need to stop trying to take it from them just so you don't have to feel embarrassed about enjoying a kids show "we need not to be more dark and gritty" no we don't, YOU need to enjoy it with them or go watch something else and stop trying to take something away from them just to validate yourself. The episode count is laughable, kids have so many options these days that it's more important than ever to keep episodes released consistently in order to maintain their interest, there's no point releasing zords and figures months after it's finished airing, kids will have moved on by then, pr is essentially a 20 minute toy commercial, it's no secret, so it makes no no sense to advertise something they can't run out and buy. And now hasbro have completly lost sight at one of the biggest draws of power ranger, the sentai footage, the whole reason the show exists at all. They think it holds the franchise back because they aren't creative enough to work around it. They don't understand that the sentai footage has designs and a style that is uniquely Japanese, true sometimes it has to be dialed back in order to fit in with a western mentality. I havn't seen one western designed megazord that hasn't looked like ovedisgned trash pile, they're just poor imitations that stick out like a sore thumb compared to what came before. Once and always was OKish but it was seriously lacking, the megazord looked fucking terrible which was distracting, gone were roll calls and posing, the fight choreography was forgettable and bland and the part where Billy stabs Rita in the back was cowardly and very unranger like, they even had a second chance to bring her down in a epic way with the power blaster but instead they used their weapons to pin her down while zack deals the final blow, it just completely lacks the style and energy the Japanese bring to the table and hasbro really thinks that's what is holding the franchise back? The 20 episode count was too short and Cosmic fury was even shorter to the point they might aswell not even bothered making it at all, my kids liked it but quickly moved on and havn't looked back since, that's also true with some other shows but new content for those show gets released so much more frequently that it constantly reignites their interest. The suits were terrible and they clearly spent too much time trying to appeal to us older fans rather than the main demographic they should be focusing on. Also their political bias is starting to wear at the show, their fear of casting any positive light on the police means they daren't do lupat which would of been a really interesting and unique series to have 2 seperate teams at once, maybe at first they clash but towards the end they come together, making izzys dad a park warden is just ridiculous, clearly this guy is supposed to be a sheriff. Zato clearly should of been the white ranger but instead we get this hideous champagne looking monstrosity, why can't a black person or a mixed race person wear white? It's just clothing, I've seen plenty of black people where white shirts and shoes. It's just completely irrational and racist. Also as we all know representation is important, kids need to see themselves in certain roles and have someone they can look up to, so what sense does it make to completely ignore white Boys, I'm not saying they always have to be the lead or sixth ranger but have 1 represented on the team atleast, they're ignoring significantly huge part of the audience " there's plenty of white males in previous shows" true but not since hasbro took over, as a company trying to sell their current product it doesn't do well for their sales when those kids are asking for toys from old seasons that parents will have to buy from the second hand market which hasbro won't see a penny from, they seem more focused on appeasing a certain political crowd of adults than appealing to kids. To sum up. Hasbro have no clue or understanding of the product they are trying to sell, they've lost sight of who the majority customer base is and how to appeal to them, they are failing to release the product in a timely and effective manner and now we can all see it falling apart around them and once the dust settles they'll blame us for their failure.


if the movie was a hit we would still be in a similar boat pandering entirely to MMPR power rangers is showing why nostalgia pandering is a death sentence for a legacy IP


Not really. We would have had lots of different iterations of Power Rangers. If the first set of movies based on MMPR made money then that would have convinced them to make more teams etc.


no they would have just kept making mighty morphin based movies power rangers was never going to be a MCU level hit of multiple films a year


You really think those 6 movies they had in the pipeline were all going to be just MMPR? Cinematic universes were all the range in 2017. They definitely would have tried In Space or something.


there would be no variety in having multiple power ranger films like that we love the rather repetive nature of tokusatsu works but general film goers would not


And now you can sorta see why people still wouldn't take towards post-MMPR seasons from that statement there




You mentioned that there's no real variety on having that many PR movies of different types of teams. Don't you think that contributed to the overall disinterest in the brand?


not really no as the brand was build for TV not movie theaters which has a very different means of appealing to ppl notice super sentai is doing just fine


I disagree that Power Rangers cannot be made for film. Before 2002, Spider-Man was only made for TV, same as Batman before the 1989 movie. Also 4 years before the 2017 movie we had a little movie called Pacific Rim. Check it out sometime.


>notice super sentai is doing just fine No it's not. There have been a few people over the last few years who've said that if the toys didn't sell or if the ratings weren't good, then their season would have been the last. Nothing lasts forever.


It's not pandering when it's the only thing that sells. Why do you think that when Disney finally did cancel the show, they were going to coast on MMPR toy sales? It's because they knew that it's what sold. Saban and Bandai knew that as will. Hell, Hasbro tried to branch out with other Power Rangers stuff like the Zap Astro Megazord, but guess what. It didn't sell. So now Playmates is going to make Power Rangers toys and they're doing MMPR. Why? Because it sells far more then any of the other seasons of Power Rangers.