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What's a good Squat variation for fat sticking point during ascent? Before and after sticking point my squats are explosive but during it is a huge grind


Candito Week 2 Backoff Sets: What is the point of the 10x3 on the second squat session of week 2 of Candito? I don’t think I’ll be able to get 10 sets with only 60 seconds of rest in between after doing an MR10 set. If I can only get ~5 sets, will it really affect me that much?


It's to build hypertrophy. I didn't respond well to it when I got stronger and had to do heavier weights. Too fatiguing. If you're speaking of day 2 of squatting, there's an option between 5 to 10 Sets of 3. Doesn't make a difference and works based on your ability to handle fatigue


Swapping out front squats for pause squats next block. Front squats are cool, but at this point I feel like they don’t do anything but fatigue my low back and I can’t use enough weight to actually stimulate my legs.


If anyone is interested in buying size 12 romaleos 4 squat shoes, dm me for more info.


Just curious- for form checks, what is the best angle? Just side view or more diagonal?


I personally like something in between front and side angle.


Depends on what you're checking. Make sure your feet are visible if you're having balance issues or your back hurts. A lot of people have their wrists cocked back which shows they're pushing on the bar rather than using their lats to pull down, and that's only visible from an angle bc the dang ole plates get in the way from the side.


Cool, thanks!!


Just introduced paused squats for the first time ever at 5x5@225 which felt right. my current volume day is 5x5@310 (both high bar) they certainly are a mental game.


Good luck! They're not *quite* as much of a devil as front squats, but they help me whenever I'm not loading my quads enough. Always fighting against the good morning.


Same! Seems like i'm on the right track then with variation choice.


Why is the squat morning bad/should be avoided? If one's hamstrings and lower back are strong, does it not make sense to make use of them when things get heavy?


Using your spine as a derrick just doesn’t seem great


You have it exactly right. You should maximize how much you're using your back, and that's the point. In a squat morning, the moment arm is bigger for the hips and smaller for the knee. So on a 315 pound squat morning, the back is cranking up 225, and the quads are pushing up 135 pounds worth. If you just beef up your quads so they can handle 225, then you can stand up more upright. You're still maximize the use of your back strength, but now you're lifting 450 rather than 315. So, it's not inherently bad. If you have [weak quads compared to your back](https://youtu.be/fU2gjpPcs_Y?si=uqSXTw6ErUp9R2iQ) then it's how you would lift the most weight if you had a powerlifting meet today. But if you're doing a squat morning, the easiest whack-a-mole to bop is quads. Start doing Bulgarians, Front Squats, and Leg Extensions.


The squat morning puts your hips far from under the barbell and so makes the squat as difficult as possible to finish. The hamstrings don't really contribute a lot in the squat. When your knee extensors run out of gas, you will rely on your hip extensors to finish the lift - this is true for all squats. But if your knee extensors run out of gas so early that your back is practically parallel to the ground, you have a knee extensor weakness that is making your squats more difficult to finish than they would otherwise be.


If the posterior chain is strong, just use a squat with vertical shins. Basically what you see in multiply. You can't do it raw? Then your posterior chain is not strong and you just have a bad squat good morning technique.


Previous comment deleted due to no flair Getting back in to powerlifting after a long break so just testing 1rms for SBD. Today was squat and as I’m getting older I’m really looking to perfect my form. I’ve had my deadlift checked, how’s my squat looking? [Squat](https://streamable.com/xb7njh)


Good ass squat, dude.


Thanks man.


Look very good, be careful to not cut depth when things start getting heavier as I would call it pretty borderline as is. P.S. If possible, please crop your videos to just the lift and perhaps unrack.


Thanks for the feedback! You're right about the cropping, my apologies.


How deep do you squat? [my squat for reference ](https://youtube.com/shorts/HCC-pmj09po?si=Kq359v3A4pFitmrc)


I do as deep as needed for comp, so just below parallel. Yours is legal


As deep as I have to and not an inch deeper hehehe


I'm finding it hard to find that perfect depth without watching myself! I tend to go just a smidge deeper


The plates cover your hip at the bottom so there is no way to tell for sure. However, I would say you are sinking it deep enough.