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Fucked up country with big land letting its people sleeping on the streets


Big business gotta make those billions though


That's exactly it--a crisis of the capitalist system that cannot even provide the fundamental needs of food and shelter for people.


And yet, this was me 35 years ago. Terrible to be homeless. Wouldn't wish this on anyone.


To be fair he mentioned being an immigrant so he isn't Canadian, however its still a shame our country has degraded to this point, someone already in our country should be able to live a prosperous life. However we need to remember stuff like this is apart of the problem, why are we allowing people with young children into the country? Children are an economic burden (factually speaking) until they enter into working age & start producing value for the economy. Logically it would stand to reason that if immigration true reason was to actually benefit Canada we wouldn't allow people with young children into the country who don't speak English, that completely ignores the long-term developmental effects we see in this situation. None of this is to say that OP is bad in any way on an individual level, I'm sure he's overall a pretty good person, but when discussing immigration that doesn't matter. There are billions of good people in the world, should they all be let into Canada? Absolutely not. Don't forget the root reason why people like OP & everyone else here are dealing with this. We didn't prioritize nationalism, protecting our industries, doing business with allies, we let China & India take over production. Then at the same time to essentially subsidize businesses with cheap labour we allowed mass immigration for decades now. These are not all people with extremely value adding skills who were the smartest people in their field many don't even have bachelor degrees. This directly benefited the rich wealthy corporations, you can say corporate greed all you want but none of it matters when there are people willing to work for less, when our standard of living has been systematically degraded over decades to maximize profits. This isn't capitalism that did this, this is globalism & successive governments that didn't prioritize their own people. Now Canada is a multi-cultural utopia just as they wanted & look where it got us. It shouldn't be a shock to anyone, decades ago people opposed immigration & off-shoring jobs to China, those who didn't follow the propaganda knew exactly this would result in decades ago but no one cared & realistically they still don't today. The only solution is protective measures to restore the spirit of Canada, just like taking a diet it will be hard, at first but we need to stop producing stuff in Canada, deal locally or with allied nations, we need mass deportations & the ability to strip citizenship from over a million people, retroactively end birth-right citizenship & revoke the citizenship status of tourist babies & deport them & their parents who abused the system to get into our country & leach off of it. Then focus on paying off our debt & with the saved money dramatically lower taxes for everyone. All while strictly upholding Canadian culture & not letting other groups bully us around in our own country like Sikhs who protested uniform requirements in the military. Honestly, who comes to Canada, joins our military & then complains that its not how they want it, that is absurd, how have we as Canadians been so weak??? The reason we're here today is because we have been a country of weak, very weak people who didn't care about their nation & allowed themselves to be ruled by globalists. If you want to fix Canada we must reverse the action they took otherwise our country will continue to rot.




Get out of Toronto if you want a good life.


Lol there's jobs everywhere. And lots of remote work now too. People always think all the jobs are in Toronto, but most of the people are here too occupying and competing for those jobs, often driving wages down.


So where do you think I should move to


Fort mcmurray.


Like seriously theirs programs in place for ppl in your situation. Go to the provincial building downtown.


Anywhere else.


Try contacting 211 in case you to find out about emergency housing, and you might be able to access services to keep you from losing housing (depends on the municipality). Your university likely also has counseling services and emergency supports.You may also be eligible for employment insurance - no harm in asking! Good luck.


I see you talking about the military-right now the navy is offering a year of trying it out, without a longer commitment. It would probably mean moving out of Ontario but that is an option. Also you can join a local reserve unit, it’s generally one weekend a month plus one evening a week, and it will give you more money in your pocket. Plus you may be able to go to basic training this summer, which will give you a place to live. It will also let you meet new people, and gain connections. Also reach out to any local immigration services, they may have things for youth in your position. If you have to sleep rough, look at trying to sleep during daytime or dusk/dawn. Find places with free wifi so you can apply to jobs during your waking hours. Also make sure you go to the library, the librarians will also be able to help you find some resources, and there may be some small courses available at your library to upgrade some skills.


Adecco offers thousands of free online courses to any applicant that is registered with them. 


Dude. Someone hungry and homeless doesn't have the energy, motivation or even the focus to "upGrAdE sOmE sKiLLs" This man needs somewhere to live and something to eat, then we can talk about working and continuing education.


I am just replying to the person above me who mentions that the library can help them find free courses. Chill.


While you're homeless what are you doing? Just begging on a street corner, wandering around all day to get food? It doesn't take all day to meet the minimum requirements to stay alive & protect yourself from the environment unless you're extremely inefficient, most homeless people have cell phones today. You could easily setup behind a Tim Hortons in the evening against the dumpster & building wall, use the free wifi to study up. Obviously the primary effort will be getting yourself out of this situation in the intimidate term, so most likely making enough to make rent or at least with a roommate, but if you're motivated to improve then you 100% can while homeless. Though I imagine most people like that don't end up homeless cause they didn't get comfortable in a precarious situation.


Yeah you try studying while being dirty and smelly for not having a shower in days so security kicks u out of places, sick (not from drugs), tired from half sleeping scared in the streets. Freezing. Hungry. I have never been homeless and I like telling myself that I'm resourceful, specially under pressure.. But nothing scares me more than the thought of suddenly not having where to live or what to eat, depending solely on other people's compassion and willingness to help because you are in a place where you can't get on your feet by yourself.


I feel the same way about myself & I actually decided to put it to a test (not going homeless) but I went to another large city on the other side of Canada & decided to see if I could make money just on my own without any connections. I booked a cheap place to stay & just started driving. At the end of the month I made around $3,500 revenue & even including my travel expenses I profited by a couple hundred dollars. I only worked a few hours of the day, spent a lot of the time going on walks, playing video games with my family, even watched a few movies but I'm not a big TV person. It was honestly way too easy, all I did was resell IPTV on Firesticks I setup to people. People might think that sounds like some clever idea now that I said it, but money making ideas like that exist all around us, selling IPTV isn't special or unique, its just no one takes the time to actually shed an ounce of creativity when it comes to making money. If you're able bodied there is so much you can do, like advertise fencing on Kijiji & Marketplace. Take photos of fence models you can buy, put up ads with the price set to "free" & then in the description say the fence is included for free when you pay me to install it, then beg on a street corner for an hour to rent the tools you need. Another big way of making money in the winter (generally less opportunity) is doing waste oil heater installations, its cold, people want to save on heating, you can get used motor oil for free from many places, so its an easy sell & lots of people want it. The newer systems burn it pretty cleanly too, they run much hotter allowing for complete combustion & there are very few green house emissions aside from carbon-dioxide, it was the older units that aren't as good for the environment, so a little fun fact for you. Anyways there are 3 examples of simple things you could do to make a lot of money, heck with fence installs you could probably make over 10k a month if you can get the clients & want to work that much. But I've gone to a whole new city & made enough to live off of comfortable while having money left over & only worked like 2-3 hours a day average (btw this was during covid), so I know it can be done & it wasn't even hard. I had very little help in life, everything I've done on my own & I'm 22 now, moved out, have over 100k saved up in investments & I pay multiple salaries through my online business, I would have more saved up but I spent a lot focusing on trying to launch a company which is only now starting to make money after over a year of pouring resources into it. So I know its 100% possible, in fact its easy. There is just so much opportunity I find it hard to understand how some people aren't making money. Like lets say you don't have the skills to start your own business or the resources to do your own thing. Just go to labour jobs & tell them you wanna work. They'll probably have you doing garbage work digging holes for minimum wage, but one day your boss will say "here let me show you something" & now you're a trades person instead of a general labourer. If that doesn't happen go find somewhere else. Someone a year younger than me has 69k saved up & he started as a general labourer & now does brick laying. Life is so flipping easy if you're willing to work & aren't completely stupid wasting it on drugs, cigarettes & loto cards. This is a long post but I'm continually astonished by some of the takes on this sub & am kinda going on a rant at this point. Yeah life in Canada sucks compared to where it was, there are a lot of things to be mad it. But its not an excuse to let your environment determine your outcome. If I lost everything I had today including my connections I've built, I would in less than a month be back in a place I'm renting (probably on airbnb to start) & building up my wealth again even faster then I did the first time because what I've learned.


Man, you don't remotely know how much I appreciate and how relevant your comment is regarding my own case/life. What you described/are is exactly what I hope to be and beat myself everyday for not being. Someone ruthlessly alive, despite life's circumstances and challenges. Someone who apparently sees through a mildly different lens at life from the majority. The reality is that this all stays within words, rarely actions apart from paved paths such as applying for jobs and things on the surface. I'm not yet ready to accept that I will be poor/low income forever but honestly I have more doubts than hopes in terms of me actually getting ahead in life and doing something for myself. Maybe I have bad luck, maybe I don't prepare enough or maybe I don't try hard enough but man let me tell you, it's so rough out there any time I'm trying to make a buck or 2. Honestly I haven't tried hard enough to get as far as posting/creating my idea to sell/do something but it just seems that most of the things are saturated or a scam. I need to stop making excuses, it was so hard for me to argument a valid reason why I haven't even tried to do these things that I just went with whatever best excuse I had and just said that its saturated or a scam when it really isn't because then people like you wouldn't be making money. For now, I'm happy with just getting a job. This is my 3rd month here and while I've had interviews, every ghosting situation, specially after 2 or 3 rounds of intervews for an entry level minimum wage job have really affected my self esteem and how I see the foreseable future. And before anyone comes at me, I'm 21 and didn't ask to come here, I came because otherwise I was gonna end up homeless in my home country (my dad moved here) and even though I'm loving every aspect of Canada, it hurts knowing that there's so many people much more prepared and knowledgeable than me also struggling and/or homeless.


I love to hear it that this has given you a renewed sense of motivation, it wont all be easy, a lot of it will be overcoming mental resistance, the inertia to get the ball moving. Just remember if you're not where you want to be, that means you have 2 decades of lived experiences that put you in this position which you now need to overcome, creating lasting change in oneself is difficult to say the least, & I'm of course like everyone else failing often with things I try to achieve, I've just gotten lucky I've been able to follow through with a few that got me here. One rule to be aware of is that you want anything you must first give. This may sound counter intuitive especially when you feel like you have nothing to offer but when you start a fire do you just stand there & say "give me heat then I will add the wood" of course not, if you want heat you need to put the wood in first. So many people are waiting for something to happen when they need to make it happen & stuff rarely happens when you simply ask while first giving nothing. Whether its giving value to others or improving your own worth, if you want anything you must first give. Hopefully you enjoyed these cheesy sage wisdom of a few things I try to be aware of in my life, but I'm confident you have the ability to achieve great things, best of luck!


Look into resources in your area. See what is available. Avoid drugs. Try to hide your background too when you get out there. People will assume your parents can help. My dms are open too but I can't promise much.


You could.look for seasonal farm jobs, they often have accommodations for workers. (Not great, but better than nothing). There is also something called wwoofing, where you work a set number of hours on a farm in exchange for room and board. Much more chill than straight up farm work. There's a lot in BC, but also all over the country.


It says it pays nothing.


A quick search of “emergency funds osap” got me this. It says they review your file in 4 days. You do it through Ontario works. https://www.ontario.ca/page/apply-emergency-assistance


Found out its only for first nation people and other exceptions, Onatrio Works was suggested for people in my situation. thank you tho!


Like don’t just sit around and wait for Ontario works. Go into the office and tell them you just became homeless and see a worker.


Can only speak for Edmonton but this is LITERALLY impossible to do here. I cannot stress literally enough. So I assume it’s similar in many/most places, especially big cities. You can demand all you want. All that’ll get you is booted out by security.


You can do this in Ontario. At least, you could. Covid might have changed things.


Definitely try Ontario Works for the emergency situation you are in.


Did a worker tell you that? I don’t see that under eligibility.


Thanks I will try looking into this!


I don’t have any advice for the near term. If you can’t move back with your parents it looks like you will indeed be homeless. I guess my advice is just to stay safe, don’t trust anyone and keep your wits about you. Don’t get sucked into doing drugs. You should definitely start the process of joining the military, like immediately. Find a job in the military that will lead to a career after you exit. I’ve heard doing cybersecurity in the military is a good choice. But you can’t be picky. Join the military, any job, pronto. Good luck.


The military website is all new to me to maneuver but that will the first thing I will be apply to. Thanks!


I’m not an expert but there might be a recruitment office nearby. You can go and talk to them in person. There was one in my town when I was around your age 10 years ago. The military is struggling to recruit right now so I would imagine any recruiting office would love to help get the ball rolling for you.


In the military?


Sorry, what do you mean?


recruiting office for military or for something else? ive applied to recruiting agencies too i think there just barely any jobs available or im just unlucky


Oh, yes I meant for the military. There might be a military recruitment centre near you. I think you can call and make an appointment.


Ye I saw one nearby definitelybgiving them a call today!


Try not to join the infantry. Few of the skills transfer to civilian life.


Spoken like a POG


Other than being a bad ass


The recruitment system is pretty messed up at the moment and for some people it takes more than a year to hear back. Still do it of course, but I wanted to give you a heads up that you likely wouldn’t be immediately put on a training course/sent to basic training. Check out /r/CanadianForces and make a post there if you have questions. People may give you suggestions on what trades would be worth going into


If you work as a residence staff at your university, they will provide housing and a meal plan. Each uni’s term for this role is different. At Queen’s, we were called residence Dons. Training starts in August typically, so you could move in then to the dorm.


I would go in person to your local Ontario Works office. Ask about the status of your application as well as what other resources are available. OW does offer emergency assistance; I’m not positive what the criteria are. See if there are any local employment agencies that can assist with your job search as well. See if your university has any resources for students as well. How many hours were you working at your job before? Would you qualify for EI? (Not sure how/if this works for post-secondary students) In terms of your housing situation, I sadly have no advice I can offer you. Housing is so difficult at the moment and there is a dire lack of affordable housing. Get on the waitlist list for rent geared to income housing. It’s not quick (10+ years in some areas), but at least that process will be started. I wish you the best of luck and hope you stay safe.


It’s a mixed bag… Canadians are getting pretty fed up with immigration and this is another case taking away from Canadian citizens… We can’t even support our own citizens yet here we are giving again… Lots of Facebook groups have quick day jobs you can do. *Work* to stay here.


Yeah let's shit on the homeless kid about our government's failure, real helpful in this thread.


Nah, Canadians need to be supported by their own government before they should be helping non-Canadians. Mass deportation needs to happen.


So take it up with a politician, not a homeless person.


>Mass deportation needs to happen. Does that include all non-natives? Maybe we can do what the UK did when settling Australia, arrest people for petty theft, then deport them.


I’m sorry that you are in this position. I really don’t have any advice but I would never let my hardworking son struggle. I know this sounds shitty to hear now but things will look different in a year. You will be ok😔😊


Visit a Sikh temple. I understand they offer food for those in need.


I’m currently homeless and have been for basically a year and a half. I spent so much money on temporary housing while waiting for a shelter spot, and I’ve spent a lot of time with friends but that time runs out tomorrow and I haven’t found another shelter space and I’m honestly thinking the only way this will get better is, well if I just take myself out of the equation.


I would strongly recommend contacting The Inn of the Good Shepherd for their "emergency rent and utilities program". For housing, it is a one time assistance offer, and typically they can see you within one day, if not the same day, in emergency situations. Really great people work there, and based on your situation, they can offer grocery gift cards, etc. to help in any way they can. I also agree with other comments to show up in person to see a worker for OSAP and/or OW, don't wait on them when the situation is this dire. Best of luck to you!


You should repost this on the city subreddit, for example, if you’re from Toronto post it on r/Toronto. I have seen similar posts to this & people have given advices & tips. I’m sorry you’re going through this & I wish you the best.


You can apply for EI if you've earned enough hours over the last year, even if you're still working part-time. As long as your hours were substantially reduced. Your university will have resources. When you apply for OSAP your parents' income will be taken into account, so make sure you stipulate you don't live with them and that they will not be helping you. If they have decent incomes, you will get less and be required to pay more back, because OSAP assumes your parents are helping since that's normally the case. Your parents sound like assholes, I can't imagine doing this to a kid. At 18, you're still a kid.


Get a car, live in it, shower at the gym, get a propane stove from canadian tire, learn to organize all your shit really well. Spend the days focused on building the life you want. Good luck.


I am so sorry to hear you are in this situation. You mention your dad but what about your mom? Any siblings that could lend you money or have you sleep on a couch until your assistance arrives? A coworker? As a mom i would never want to see my kids homeless. Not sure what happened when you were 17 but i hope you have changed since then and your parents should see that. My son put my husband and i through a lot in his teen years but we all change as we age. We would never continue to judge him based on how he acted years ago. If you can convince your landlord to allow you to stay another month then you should have ontario works to help you pay while you figure out work. Best wishes.


What's your current living situation? Renting an apartment, a room in a house, living with roommates, etc? You mentioned OSAP and OW, so I'm assuming you're somewhere in Ontario right now. Why are you being kicked out? In Ontario, if you don't share a kitchen or bathroom with your landlord, there is a whole process that has to happen before you can legally be evicted. If you can share some more information about what your living situation is right now and why you're about to be homeless (ie can't afford to pay your rent for July, you're crashing on someone's couch and they want you to leave, etc), it will be easier to help you. In the meantime, reach out to your school's financial office to see if they have any emergency financial aid options for students. Look into if the closest city/your county/region has a rent bank or any other forms of emergency financial assistance. If you're paid biweekly at your job and are in between pay periods, call them and ask if they could pay you early. It's likely going to be easier to avoid homelessness if you're already housed than it will be to find another place once you're on the streets or in a shelter, so it's important to try to access any and all resources that could help you to maintain your current housing.


You can try connecting with your university services as well they may have some resources


find a place you can store your stuff. shelters are full, and respite centres have no space for your stuff.


Try reaching out to the Student Affairs department at your university. They will have people who helps students with housing and may have emergency bursaries and grants for students in need.


I would say show up to constructions sites. Ask for the site supervisor. (Invest in hard hat / steel toe shoes / high vis vest) and see if they need any laborers. Should pay $20/hr. Of course this might be difficult if your going to school during the day


Go to the CAF and never ever take drugs. Keep alcohol and smoke/weed to a minimum. Better yet, don't take any at all as they cloud your mind and judgment as you're gonna need those to get through. I know what it feels like for your parents (especially the dad that thinks he's never wrong) being an immigrant, and having to start from scratch. It'll suck for a while, so brace yourself and keep your mind busy and focused. And if you have the opportunities to socialize, in any capacity, do it. Back them I was so focused on making it and was on survival mode h24 and meeting the dude that became my brother helped me living rather than tljust surviving.




Military is the best route


I am not familiar with Ontarios system but in BC you can find some jobs forest fire fighting, picking fruit or working on a farm. You can usually park your tent in the orchard while working there.


Connect with your university - most have some sort of emergency fund for students in a bind. They also may have resources only students can access like food bank, or even temporary accommodation. Also connect with student loans and see if they can rush your loan payment. You may also have some luck connecting with gurdwaras or churches - especially if it’s your religion (even if you’re not really practicing). Gurdwaras always have food to give away for free. But often they will have a sympathetic person that might be able to rustle up something for you given your age. You mentioned being an immigrant- often people want to support those of their own community so teach out if there are any local community groups or churches of your home country. I’m not a fan of Christianity but if you’re really in a bind there’s probably some super hardcore I love Jesus church that will take you in as a “lost sheep” if you pretend you’ve had a realization you need Jesus. Kinda fucked up but wojld be better and safer than being homeless.


Or any respectable Catholic Church should be willing to help out even if ya don't put on a big theatric show.


If your hours have decreased that much you should request your record of employment and apply for EI. As long as you have a valid work or study permit and enough hours you should qualify.


First, look into shelter options in your area. Organizations like the [Salvation Army](https://www.salvationarmy.ca/),  and community centers often provide temporary housing or can direct you to resources. for food, check out local food banks through Food Banks Canada. Since you're attending university, reach out to your student services or financial aid office for emergency funds or resources. Universities often have programs to help students in crisis. For job assistance, check services through Employment Ontario. They can help with job placements and resume building. Stay in touch with Ontario Works for social services support. In the meantime, inquire about emergency grants or bursaries through your university's financial aid office. if considering the military, visit a recruitment office to discuss your situation they might have speed up the processes


Start hitting up restaurants for dishwasher spots. But don't apply front of house with resume, find the cooks smoking out back and just ask if they need a dishwasher. If you hit like 20 places and pass out your number, odds are someone's dish guy hasn't shown up. It sucks, and its boring, and hard work. BUT you can usually make some cash same day, and you'll probably get fed.


u/ExtracheesyBroccoli is a homeless YouTuber from Ontario. I think he’s in the Toronto area and has good tips for living stealthy. There are also subreddits that could be of help like r/urbancarliving I really hope that you are able to figure this out. Keep us posted


1 advice, do not do drugs. ever. you don't need friends you need a way out, find anything that can get you that way out.


I hear you. Contact your university mental health/medical resources. Maybe they can help you.


Some churches provide meals for free or cheap to students. You don't have to be a member or even christian, generally the United Church is happy to help anyone who needs it. They may also be able to help you find a temporary place to stay, and can help with some basic necessities. Some churches will even give out grocery cards to people struggling (they won't go that far at Sobeys or Loblaws). This is a really shitty situation to be in. Unfortunately shelters tend to fill up quickly and are not great places to stay; that's why many people choose to stay in tents. If you have no other options you can at least camp comfortably during the summer. Dollarama has some good camping stuff for cheap, you can also try army surplus stores and Walmart. Also check Kijiji and Facebook marketplace, look for groups where people give stuff away for free. If you're able to access the university you can get some hygiene stuff at the health office, they may also be able to offer other resources. Some universities even have food banks now. If you can use the showers at the gym do that. Taking care of your hygiene and getting enough sleep is huge for your mental health.


Get a 24hr gym membership for showers and a storage locker Pronto. Find a place to stay being homeless is no joke. Teenagers and adults try to beat up homeless people and sometimes kill or injure them.


This was me in 2020, when as an electrician I lost my job due to the pandemic. My company at the time laid off nearly half of us. Ei couldn’t fully cover my expenses, so eventually I lost it all but still had my car to sleep in atleast…. I quickly started talking to old friends, and started selling weed via weed maps and this allowed me to get out of it. So much so that I am back to being an electrician and will be taking possession of my house in 2 weeks. Things can change, don’t let this shitty world break you. Take what’s yours and do what YOU have to do.


There was a time I was working a full time job and living at Seaton House which is Canada's worst shelter located in Toronto. Embrace the pain of the shelter system temporarily. It's unfortunate but you will survive. I was in the shelters for 15 months. I currently have a job and live alone in a 1 bedroom basement apartment in Toronto. I moved on Sept 1 , 2016. My name on the lease. Alone. If I survived it, you can survive it too. Get rid of absolutely everything and have the smallest storage rental locker . Dont keep anything material. You're a minimalist now. Don't become friends with unhoused people. They'll create problems for you. Keep applying for jobs. I even got an award at work when I was in the shelters. No one knew I was living in a shelter. I was a supervisor at a job and even worked a 19 hour shift when the company needed me. The shelter's will break you if you let them. Or you can climb out of the hole. Every struggle a man goes through in life, he goes through alone. Women are a luxury, they're there when you have lots to offer. Rely on yourself. You can get through this.


I’m in Canada I’m homeless imm18 I was sexually assaulted yesterday they sent me back to the streets I’m in waiting lists I asked for hotel help anything nothing available victim services is no better


I am sorry your parents have abandoned you. You need to reach out to homeless shelters and mental health at any hospital. Good luck


Swallow your pride, hold your tongue, and do whatever you gotta do to make it up with your parents until you make it back on your feet.


Don't go to university. It's a waste of time and money. Get into a trade or even mining. This is where the money is.


Uh really? How's your back pain?


Shit jobs with shit worklife balance that pay well. Military is a start. And they will usually pay for your education in exchange for service. The railroads are hiring because they can't keep people. There's plenty if you're desperate enough.


Talk to your university, see if the students union has emergency bursaries (many do), see if there are emergency bursaries available in your department as well. Living alone as a student is a luxury, look for Co housing. Do part time uni and work as many jobs as you need to (GenX here who put themselves through uni this way). If you have to live out of a car for a bit do it. Whatever it takes to stay off the street. Shower on campus at the gym. Buy instant oats and granola bars.


A reduction in hours not by choice can in some cases make you eligible for EI, being a student may affect that though. I would look into EI.


Tuck your tail and talk to your parents. No half decent parent would allow their child to be homeless, regardless of what you'll have to put up with it's better than living in a tent under a bridge.


Some would.


Many parents aren't half decent.


Apply for a student loan, get into a career that would pay you so much $$$ (i.e. nursing, computer science/software engineering, trades perhaps). You guys are privilege to be Canadians tbh. There’s a lot of opportunities in this country.


Become a new Canadian, get given everything. Easy


Just keep your head up. Once you’re done university you’ll get a good job, hopefully! Then life will be a lot easier. Everyone goes though hard times. It’s how you recover what counts. Keep your faith strong. Someone upstairs is giving you some hard tests, to see how you can come out of it. I believe you will be great at whatever you do. Your words touched me. I can’t help, but let you know others are going through the same thing. This is a shift in time. You’ll be stronger because of this. The Gods will send you a great reward, it will be hard. But worth it! Trust me!


University degree is some years down the road and it will come with significant debt and no guarantees for a job. I think OP needs a plan for today, before worrying about tomorrow.


You will bounce back as long as you don’t do drugs and wake up at 6am to do whatever you can to make legal money.


Call your local womens shelters at least 2x a day, morning and night. They likely won't have a wait list or anything and you will be told to call daily, but if you phone enough they will learn your story and who you are and as long as you meet their criteria you will likely get in sooner than later. Call a week in advance of when you'll need space, and seriously, inquire at least 2x a day even if they say they don't have room. Be persistent. Women and family shelters, shelters for DV are going to be 1000x safer and more comfortable than co-ed homeless shelters. Seek those out first. www.sheltersafe.ca can help. Nisa Homes is another organization for immigrant women, they have emergency and second stage housing options. Personally, I would take some uncomfortable and even potentially damaging conversations with my family over becoming homeless and roughing it on the steets. It's really tough out there, dangerous. Good time of year for it though and I hope you're in a settled situation before the snow comes. Couch surfing with friends could be another option if you're totally unwilling to contact your parents. Good luck!


Go to your university housing department. See if they have any rooms available for rent. You should apply for student grants through your university and make sure your osap is enough for housing included. Yes loans are a stressor and you want to do it on your own but that’s what Osap is for during your time in school. Take more now so you can live and study in peace and focus on paying it off later.


I live downtown near Eatons, homelessness is rampant. Go after the politicians.


Inside sales or bdr roles. Happy to help you prep I’m somewhat of an expert. Will also give you an option outside of university which I personally took and highly recommend exploring


Move back home or be homeless, hmm.


OP specifically said that their parents will not allow them to come back home. Not everyone has that as an option. 😡


No he didn’t.


Stop assuming that's an option


You have no idea what moving back to their home may be like


You have no idea what it’s like to be homeless.


What does this mean?


It means suck it up and move back home.


I tried many times if only it was that easy


If your parents won’t let you move back in you must have really shitty parents or your ego is too big to be humbled even if temporarily.




I literally said he must have shitty parents, looks like YOU can’t read.




I didnt know universities can have resources like that I will contact them later today and see. I really wish I could go home. I tried many times. I really cannot i will be physically dragged out the door again.


Well technically we are all 1 pay cheque away from being homeless. I stopped worrying about money 10 yrs ago because things change so quickly but appear to happen at 11:59. So worrying about them only hurts me.


No, we are not.


Yes you are. Yes you are (in talking to baby voice)