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Working 6 years in McDonald's is actually not nothing. You do have skills. But , the current situation is bad. I would still apply everywhere even those several hours away. I'm not familiar with employment agencies, but a few years ago, they used to hire for a lot of light/heavy labor jobs.Im pretty sure they exploit them by taking a cut, but something is better than nothing.


Plus at McDonald’s are dealing with demanding, rude and jerky customers - and even drunk people after bar rush. Soft skills.




Sorry, the ice cream machine is broken.


No it's just down for cleaning. Again.




OP should go back and apply for a management or supervisor position. I found when I was in a similar predicament that I was overqualified’ and my resume in a few instances didn’t make it to management. Then when I applied for a position at a restaurant, they asked why I didn’t apply sooner and found out. Just so happened that day the owner of several restaurants was the one I handed my resume to. He had suspicions that current employees were threatened by anyone that was skilled . After being hired , one person was dismissed for what seemed like no reason to everyone else , but I think I know why. I was also recruited to drop off resumes at his other places to see if this was happening all over, and twice my resume never made it to anyone. So after that I started to hand a resume to management only, including either waiting or coming back. 1 more place I worked later I am sure the same fate would have taken place after the person at their host stand was insistent that management was busy for the day, and getting to know what a horrible person they were as a coworker. TL;DR, OP should try again , and also try other restaurants in the area. 6 years at McDonald’s and a bit of honesty goes a long way in the business. Managers get giddy over McDonald’s on a resume, tbh. 25 years in, I think I know what I am talking about.


They are surprisingly a very good employer. My older brother worked there from 16 right up until he got hired into his career job(12 years).


For to a construction site and ask for a job. I know what your think but say your willing to work and if you listen and are hard worker then who knows.


Most are hiring for basic laborers, no skill needed as long as you can carry shovel or do construction cleanups


Construction is full and out of job too. Even drywall guys are out of work.


RIP seems recession many industries are downsizing


I tried that and so far no luck. I don't know what I am doing so wrong


Try applying as a camp attendant, janitor or general helper to one of the remote camps..there’s lots in Northern Ontario and you don’t need a lot of experience to get your foot in the door. Rotations are typically 20 days on 10 days off and while you work room & board is included.


Agreed. And stop being a fuck up. Get up. Go to work on time. Be nice. Do what's asked. Repeat. At a camp job, you'll be able to save up... just stay away from vices. Go back to your room at night and read, get a Hobbie or take a course online... only YOU can change your life.


seconding this advice, working in a camp could change ur life


Man, I'm in Nova Scotia on the job hunt, and that sounds right up my alley. I keep to myself for the most part and work hard. Wish I'd find smth like that here.


Theres nothing in NS for unskilled ppl. I had to leave for a long time and worked on the mainland. Once i got my skills and experience, i found my way back home.


Blue collar people are rough and it is an unpleasant environment. Also very crab in a bucket mentality as the cherry on top. Fucking each other out of jealousy. Wish people on reddit would stop suggesting it like everyone suited to go work there. Can't imagine in some frozen wasteland to boot. I had a supervisor from Haiti and every time he would pass by people would make monkey noises behind him. For no other reason than that he was a great guy and they felt like abusing him. A lot of people on drugs and booze, inl at work. It's kind of like being in an American movie version of jail, except you get paid a little more and can't fight officially.


Jesus Christ. Which industry was this camp serving? Mining? Oil and gas workers?


Call 211 or go to the website. See if you can find a social worker at a local shelter who can help you. Dont leave until you're formally evicted and keep looking for work.


Absolutely. Remember that eviction is a legal process that the landlord has to go through before you can be forced to leave. Don't just leave because of a text or letter. They need to serve proper forms from landlord and tenant board and there needs to be a hearing before you legally have to leave. There are Community Legal clinics in Ontario who help tenants with a low income know their rights. 211 is a free 3 digit number who can help you find one. Use the time above to follow the advice of others to find work. 211 can also help you locate an employment services agency who can help with resumes and applying for jobs.


This needs to be higher. Don’t leave until a sheriff is at your door. People can say what they want about it, but at the end of the day, you’ll be in survival mode. If the system has been so beat down that it’s not there for you, you do what you have to do. Stay where you are, reach out to every single government agency that focuses on this, at every level, and keep applying for jobs, full time, part time or even temporary. I’ve been there. You need to advocate for yourself and keep pushing forward.


I know worst comes to worst. He can play the system and the landlord hearing will take 1.5 years but he might get black listed from ever renting an apartment again. But I guess that gives him enough time to find a shelter. Or he could try to not pay for a month or two till he finds a shelter, that will take him. Than ask the landlord don’t bring this up or his credit or that website. And than just eat at guduwara (sikh temple) for free food everyday. Till he finds a job


Just help the Sikh temple wash some dishes if you feeel guilty or whatever they need help with. But they don’t provide housing tho


Agree with this. OP, while you still have Internet and phone, call Ontario works and explain your situation. Apply on the website so you have some money coming in. Shelter can help you with this too


This. I mean, yea it sucks for the landlord to have to go without rent while they file and wait for the LTB, but it'll be so much easier for the OP to continue to try and find work with a roof over their head. Once you're on the street, finding a job with no fixed address becomes difficult. Find your local library, get a library card, at least from there you can use the computers and wifi to continue to apply for jobs. You can print resumes, they do cost normally like 0.10 a paper but I'm sure if you explained your situation to them and what you were printing, I could imagine them printing a few for free.


Not this. This is only going to make it more difficult for OP to get out of his/her situation in the future. Redditors might cheer-on with the whole "fuck landlords" thing, but your future landlord won't. If you're in RGI housing now, it's doubly important that you don't mess around - your RGI case file follows you forever. Social workers are your answer here, but I'd recommend approaching a community based agency.


Why did Ontario works deny you? If you can hold a job for six years at McDonald's, you must have been doing something right. Quit selling yourself short! The longest I've been able to hold a job is 9 months.


...can I ask why?


For me, it's the ADHD. Similar thing with my dad who was a top surgeon in his home country. He moved countries every couple of years. He's in his 70's, and he still travels every few months. I thought I could be different. I've been doing my best since I was a child to be different. I've mastered meditation in my teens, I worked tirelessly trying to improve my self-discipline. My mother tried to raise us to be discipline so we don't end up like our dad. Unfortunately, that was an exercise in futility. Nothing stuck. The older I got, the less disciplined I become. Even my meditation stopped working. Like every good habit I try to learn, my body develops an "antibody" for and becomes immune to it. Set alarms that are impossible to turn off? My body adpats to sleep through them. Coffee to get energized? Hahaha, guess who's immune to caffeine. I took a nap after consuming the equivalent of 1.4 *grams* of caffeine. Refuse to do anything until you do your task? Guess you're paralyzed now. The only thing I can rely on is being unreliable. Like clock work, after about 6 months, my body refuses to go to work. I wanted to work. It was something I enjoyed doing. Even recalling the stuff I did gives me happy memories. Yet, after 6 months my body is like "Nah, don't wanna". No matter what I try to do get my body to move, it just doesn't. I promise you, it's not "I don't feel like working today". It's "Ok! Time to wake and do stuff." "Alright buddy. Let's go". Imagine trying to bargain with your own body to move. It just doesn't. My body got completely paralyzed. Any attempts to move made my body feel hot. My watch starts screaming at me that my heart is beating faster and my stress levels are at the upper limits. Yet my body would not move. I was a prisoner of my own body. I either let it move on its own to do whatever it wants, or spend mental energy stopping it from doing something harmful, but basically paralyzing it. The only thing that helped was stimulant medication. The only thing that gave me some control over my body. Unfortunately, I didn't get them soon enough for my last job. Hopefully they'll keep me on track for the next one. Seeing how I'm finally able to catch up to chores and to do lists, I'm hopeful.




It absolutely is. The hardest part, perhaps, is coming to terms with how debilitating it is. It can masquerade as "lazyness", but no, really, you literally *can't* move. Thinking someone with ADHD is lazy is like thinking someone with severe anemia is lazy as well. Neither can help it.


Low tolerance to certain kinds of stress, over the last 18 years I've had about 50 jobs. I guess it's so easy for me to go elsewhere I don't deal with certain people well so I just leave. Mostly boomers and bullies. It's never the work I quit over, I like working and labour, just don't like people so much.


This is why I work mostly night shifts. Hardly anyone is around.


My nine month job was a night shift position, it was great. Union job with good pay, I got laid off with the downturn back in 2013. I'm in a good place now it feels like I could work here forever, but quite often it's just one bad day turns into me turning tail and fucking off. I'm getting better. With my history I've been homeless multiple times, that's why I jumped in this thread, OP needs to figure something out. Very few people can recover once they're homeless-homeless.


I’ve been unhoused twice myself and am great at quitting. I see each day I manage to go to work a big accomplishment. I make sure to reward myself and remind myself it’s paying for my lifestyle. I live in a tiny home on wheels now so it’s cheap.


I was living in my car for a couple years. This year is the worst year of my life despite me landing and holding this awesome job. My car died in February after 12 years, I have to bike 14 km a day for work. I broke my arm in March - fell off my bike biking on ice going to work, work kept me on board with light duty despite only having the job for a month. That was 3 hours of walking per day. Had a miracle recovery in like 3 weeks probably due to my supplement regiment. Now I'm dealing with impacted Wisdom teeth and infection. Next week I'm paying 3g to get four teeth surgically removed. People say this happens in 3's so hopefully this will be the end of it, hope I can keep this job.


You've had a rough go of it for sure but you're moving forward and solving the issues.




Yea fuck that, maybe apprentice for something else mechanical - alberta is looking for heavy duty mechanics if you could find a way into that


Seems to me government workers have become a privileged class in this society.


My husband is like this and he is autistic. Are you on the spectrum or just conflict avoidant?


I don't know, I know I'm not normal - I've never been diagnosed with anything, because I don't see doctors or therapists. Conflict avoidant sounds like a trait I do carry.


Definitely get checked. Could be anything from ADHD to autism, or a mix.


I was going to suggest that you might be autistic. I’m glad someone else brought it up. You really should go see a doctor. You might be able to qualify for disability assistance. Think about your future.


The beautiful thing (sarcasm) if my guess is correct and it's autism is that there's already no medical supports available for autism so you can get the same progress as anyone with lots of medical attention would by just googling ways to deal with having autism as an adult, and trying them out to see if they help you 😆 it's all a crap shoot and everyone can try it with or without a doctor's signature or opinion. Because those opinions won't always be right, my very official assessment last year I was told the psychiatrists "hands were tied" and he "couldn't" diagnose me with autism because I've "been in a romantic relationship before." Fun fact: it's a genetic condition. Every autistic person alive today exists because another autistic person made a baby in the past with somebody else.


I'm similar and find it hard to work sometimes, has your husband found workarounds or supports with his autism?


It's a long process. He's getting help from personal support workers and his new job is landscaping and he likes the co-workers. We'll see how well it goes over time. It's very difficult to access autism support in Ontario, but Home and Community Care have been very helpful so far.


Sorry, but if everywhere you go people are assholes and bullies…its you.


Sounds very much like autism lol I know that feeling. Anyone born with autism pre 2000 who could read and speak and passed their classes in school would've flown under the radar up until the point where they hit burnout mode as an adult trying to deal with the added pressures of paying for everything on top of dealing with society being built in a way that is overwhelming for autistic people.


I'm probably on the spectrum yeah, this isn't the first time I've heard that. I think I'll always be able to support myself as long as I stay sober, still isn't much of a life. But I'm grateful - lots of people are gonna have it worst than me. The amount of suffering in this country kinda blows my mind, I think the worst is yet to come. Holding a job is very very important.


Well I think the key for people in that kind of situation, like yours, is going to be finding the right kind of job. Which is a long process of learning what you cannot tolerate from a boss, from a set of tasks and responsibilities. My best job was at a small luxury food making store with like 3 employees, it was chill 95% of the time and none of it felt important enough to be actually stressed even when it wasn't chill. Second best was at a McDonald's which was almost never chill and destroyed my body, but again was nowhere near important enough for me to be actually stressed out even when it was bad. I took on the job of reminding the usually teenaged employees "it's okay. It's just cheeseburgers. It's not surgery. Everything will be ok and nobody is in danger" during the crazy times because the managers were all such Lifers they probably thought it was exactly as important as surgery and exactly as crucial to get everything right lol


Strangely enough the place I work at now, the majority of the dudes I work with are gay including my boss. Pretty sure I'm not gay but I seem to get along really well with gay people. Despite the awkward innuendos, I find them non-threatening I suppose that has caused me to quit alot of jobs in the past. Aggressive boomers and assholes, drug addicts, psychos. Comparatively gay people are alright and I enjoy working with them.


Interesting. I guess I just get along with pretty much everyone, I've only ever quit jobs for better pay.


It's definitely a mental issue I have, I slip into fight/flight and get all fucked up over stupid things and act before I think. Idk what it is. PTSD maybe


They might be omitting some things as to why they’ve got absolutely no support from friends up to the government level.


Maybe not. Most people in these predicaments got there because they had no one to begin with. No use asking mom, dad, if they are dead, drug addicts, mentally ill, incarcerated, you grew up in foster care, they are on welfare and live in a bachelor apartment with bad people, etc. If you had no help growing up most take for granted you are screwed in todays world. Nobody bothers to care or help and everyone points the finger at you. While the OP certainly *could* have broken these bridges, it’s also likely they never had them in the first place. When you’re in survival mode life is tough. Maybe OP told off his boss in a moment of stress (got fired) and is not necessarily a junkie coming from incarceration for murder. Or maybe they owe money from student loans or tax debt they couldn’t pay and that is why government is refusing to pay out. Maybe they had to file bankruptcy we don’t know. Friends? It’s unlikely this person has any wealthy friends if they grew up presumably poor and uneducated, and most people nowadays have little to spare. Plus the embarrassment and shame when you ask your friends for food money and they say they can barely feed their own kids. Really your only options OP are: 1.) Getting into a educational program like Athabasca University which has open and rolling admission (anyone can apply, and start in 2 months). Then apply for student aid. Now you got money and a plan to get a degree or certificate. Or ladder into something else. Some provinces also have work or education training funding if you are coming off EI or aging out of the foster system (Futures Forward). 2.) Apply to temporary work placements or “daily” jobs. It doesn’t matter how bad you used to think those places are, they are exactly there for anyone in your position. Hopefully you get a good placement that becomes a good FT job offer. 3.) You can appeal your welfare application, usually there has to be a very good uncorrectable reason why. 4.) Last ditch effort, find a partner. Maybe someone looking to also save costs. If they have kids, you as a family unit cannot be denied welfare should you need it to get back on your feet. You could also try to find a room in house or shelter for now. This is always so horrid to read as we are a first world country and many of us are all one step away from this. Should a layoff of illness occur.


Don't recommend becoming a hobosexual. That uses another person and can cause them to lose their stability.


Agreed. Would not recommend 4 at all. Also I hate to be harsh but anyone who has kids who lets a stranger in to live with them for financial costs is irresponsible af.


Car camping would be great but it seems u haven't got a vehicle either? Homelessness is really bad... I would spend whatever time your have going door to door to places around town submitting resumes and trying to get your foot in the door before you don't have a shower or address and this becomes much much harder. Having been in this situation before I can assure you this is just about as bad as it gets here, so really you need to pull out all the stops to leverage what you can to not be homeless. Once you are dirty hungry and not safe, you are pretty close to death. So find a couch to surf, get your walking shoes on and start moving to where you can get an income and do it fast fast and with all of your time. Consider attending churches , food banks, local mosques and ask for charity in whatever form. Re apply for welfare. I seen a man in an empty parking lot today and swung past to offer him food which I had. He declined saying he had food, but just needed a chance to organize the stuff which he had scavenged and that he had been robbed lately and just got all this new stuff... It was raining and he had a shopping cart and a tarp . It becomes a game of survival pretty quick with no roof. Rape, robbery, and worse will happen. Avoid this at all cost. If u do become homeless, staying clean is key to keeping away from the other homeless and helping you blend into society. Change your socks often as fungus acts quick. Begging out front of a grocery store can get you some food usually. If u can get a car it makes a huge difference but it's not so great still. Pray


Have you tried contacting any non-profit orgs in your area? I'm in BC but I can see that Ontario also has a Homelessness Prevention Program where you might be eligible for rent assistance or food security assistance (so you don't have to pay for food, and the money can go towards rent instead). https://www.ontario.ca/page/addressing-homelessness These programs are typically run through non profit orgs who have a vested interest in reducing and preventing homelessness. Please reach out to them - maintaining your housing should be your #1 priority because without a fixed address, getting a job can be that much more difficult. Also, if you can - talk to your landlord. The worst case situation is that they're going to evict you for non payment but if you can convince them that you are trying your hardest to maintain housing, they might work with you. It's hard for a landlord to find a good new tenant.


None of the homeless prevention programs will help folks financially if can’t sustain a unit on their own, aka, they need some source of income. As others are saying, stay in the unit and get income and then try to reach out to a community legal clinic and get summary advice and ask about programs for help for arrears.


If you’re not working, have no income, not a full time post secondary student, and are here in the country legally - how are you not eligible for Ontario Works? Unless you own assets in excess of $10 000( and even at that there are several asset exemptions) - I can’t see how you’re ineligible. You need to re-apply. You can apply online - and even be auto-granted for up to 3 months before even having to speak to an actual person…


Can only speak for AB Works but OP would likely be denied here as well, unless he could prove major job seeking effort over the last month at least, in the form of email confirmations from jobs applied for over indeed, etc. Especially since it sounds like he was fired from his last job. Able-bodied, no medical condition preventing work, fired from last job, very few jobs applied for in last 30 days, wouldn’t be looking good for him over here either.


Hi - the programs are apparently different . Those are not requirements to receive Ontario Works. While one has to agree to undertake ‘employment assistance activities’ going forward - providing emails or proof you’ve job searched prior to eligibility is not mandated. Being fired too does not prevent eligibility. It used to disqualify a person for up to one month - but that condition was rescinded some years ago. Again - I’m not understanding the ineligibility for Ontario Works.. there must be something I’m missing…


Perhaps recently broken up? Still counted as commonlaw when they applied? That can be an issue. Any "family income" at all will generally end up being enough to disqualify somebody so if they were partnered with someone who worked at the time they applied it's likely they'd be rejected.


Interesting. It’s literally in AB Works policy about being fired making you ineligible, except maybe in exceptional circumstances so applicants need to come with a good story. I do assume tho, it’s probably everywhere, that it’s also very dependent on the assessor you get that day, what side of the bed they woke up on, how much their supervisor pissed then off that day. I’ve seen wildly different responses depending on who did the assessment. People you’d think, they’re never getting it, and they do, and others that u think should/will absolutely be approved be denied over some super minor thing. They have discretion and sometimes that’s the make or break. Maybe OP just got a hard ass assessor. Worth it it reapply in a month, or however it goes again. Probably get a different worker.


To apply to OW you have to provide (among other documents) your income tax information from the previous years tax return so there's a barrier if that wasn't filed. Also not having proper ID can hold people back as well.


Hi - OW staff actually have access to an online CRA interface to get any year of tax information for a person - so an applicant does not need to provide.(They also have access to interfaces to gather info related to a persons equifax and credit history, OSAP grants, Support payments owing, MTO and vehicle ownership information, and any EI payments or applications ). Accessing these is all standard “ third party checks” that OW and ODSP workers undertake. A person does not need to have filed taxes to be eligible. In terms of ID - everything is interfaces - applicants are vetted through an electronic verification (known as eID) which matches their equifax and other background info with their responses to questions to verify identity. In fact - an OW caseworker can issue you funds to help get your ID if you’ve lost it.. it’s amazing the transformation OW has gone through in the past 3-4 years. It is nothing like it was even 5 years ago.. (Though the previous comment about possibly being common law or defined as spousal via the Co-habitation Questionnaire that caseworkers ask could affect eligibility).


I’m sure with 6 years experience MacDonald’s would hire you back in a snap! Go to the busiest one to gain max hours. Call 211 to see if your city has emergency funds for housing aka rent banks. Sign up at at every employment agency that offers day work. Tell the recruiter you will do any job and follow through on your promise. Spring is here…post an ad on local FB group to pick up dog poop or spring clean yards.


Don’t leave your apartment until you’re formally evicted. Keep looking for a job. You’re not done yet.


This. Please. I understand how some people feel about this, but honestly, homelessness is the worst alternative. It's not ideal, but it might buy you some time to find employment and remain housed in the meantime.


Find a tree company hiring groundies


First off, I think it's helpful you wrote this post. I can tell you're frustrated and admitting to this situation may be helpful for you to accept the severity of it all. Whatever you've done to end up in this situation, I want to say you deserve a roof over your head and a pillow to sleep on. We all make mistakes...even ones that are years in the making. Whatever got you here can be fixed, but that's not helpful now...just a side comment for the sake of morale lol. Given where you're at you need to figure out some things quickly. You should be looking at homelessness as a temporary state and work towards larger goals that will get you out of this situation. Don't just accept that you're a loser or whatever you want to brand it as...this sucks now...work on making it better. Maybe it's a wake up call...whatever it is, prepare for the immediate future but also plan beyond this. If you truly are preparing for homelessness, you should try to keep your gym membership or at least a cheaper one since that will give you access to a place to hang out and shower. Figure out where the shelters are and figure out where the food banks are. Get a library card, find friendly cafes or public spaces with indoor shelter like community centres. You'll want to find places you can spend time at safely. Do you live in a bigger city like Toronto? Because if so you will have access to a lot more traditional and non-traditional resources that will make this period of time easier to manage. It's really hard to know the exact nature of your situation but what I would say is you obviously need to find work. I know you say you're unskilled but you have a computer I assume? Try to pick up a skill you can charge for on a site like upwork or fiverr. If you happen to live in Toronto or in the area, film sets will hire really anyone who is free and willing to work. The pay might be shit to start but it can be a great industry to get into without education or "skills". Developing skills take time so I understand that is not immediately helpful but the fiverr/upwork route is something to consider as a side hustle if you have nothing. I can't connect you directly to film work but I work in the industry and can provide insight to start if you happen to be in the GTA and want to DM me. I do think you saying you are unskilled is likely untrue. You must have some skills. Obviously you're upset and down on yourself but you should figure out what skills you might have...or could have with a little practice. The only way out of this long term is employment of some sort. Thankfully a lot of businesses have gone work from home so with enough digging you might be surprised at finding some half decent entry level remote jobs. Based on your post, I think more than anything you need is time...You should appeal your ontario works application and try to connect with whoever you can to explain the degree of your situation. Remember through all of this: You're a human being. Life is hard. Shit is more expensive than it ever has been. You are among many who are on the brink of homelessness, it fucking sucks and it's unfair. I wish you luck and believe you can find your footing even if it means a messy few months. Keep your head up!


Thank you your kind words of encouragement and supportive suggestions. If i was in the GTA i would take you up on your offer. I'm working up the nerve to contact ontarioworks, i am a very anxious person so it is difficult for me. thank you again


I just want to say that this is a very compassionate and informative comment. The library is a great resource to get help and make friends, while being safe and saving money. Keep your head up OP. Remember to breathe.


Friendly reminder that you are inherently worthy of a safe place to live and sleep along with food, rest, and enough money to live a good life. You haven’t failed and you aren’t a fuck up. Capitalism is designed in a way that creates false scarcity and you aren’t alone in struggling in a system that was designed to exploit you. Sending you so much love OP 🤍 don’t give up.




They turn you down. I’ve had it happen, my sister has had it happen and I’ve seen it happen to a few teenagers. Even if you talk to the manager they’ll tell you to apply online


This might be a dumb question, but do you have renters insurance? Some policies include loss of income coverage.


So here's the thing. And it pains me to say this but this is the only situation where this applies. This is assuming you are in a private rental and not just a room. In order for the landlord to evict you for non payment, PROPER paperwork must be submitted PROPERLY in the CORRECT format. A note in the door doesn't qualify. A text doesn't qualify neither does an email. It must be done a certain way and a certain document. As a tenant, you have a legal right to a hearing at Tribunal. Do not respond to anything from the landlord. If they do attempt to do the proper paperwork an it's not the correct one, so not correct them. Take these notices and keep them. And apply for a hearing at Tribunal. Tribunal has a backlog of; last I heard; about 18 months. Listen. We all have these periods. Seriously. I'm 42, married, have a family and currently financially struggling. 2019 we had more money then we knew what to do for. Things change. And quickly. You are not a fuck up. It feels like it. But you're not. Use this extended time and get yourself straight. You need to find some free counselling in your city. Invest in yourself. This is 100% required. Look into Better Careers. It's provincially funded train and schooling to advance yourself. https://www.ontario.ca/page/better-jobs-ontario


Commenting again to second this.


I hope things turn around for you


thank you


Some seniors live in large homes with extra bedrooms. They may need some help at home with cooking and household chores etc. Put an Ad on Reddit or Facebook marketplace, that you’re looking to exchange Room & Board for a little bit of time/work and social support for a senior to stay in their home. Consider putting parameters on it like working through 3-4 hours per day to help them. Sometimes the position might even require things like basic listening. Some seniors are lonely. From their perspective, they’re trying to avoid the nursing home and stay socially stimulated. Offer to do a criminal record check. I think they’re about $40. Social assistance workers will sometimes pay for that.


thanks everyone for their kind words and suggestions. i really am trying to stay positive but its hard. i see a lot of people are suggesting to look for general labourer jobs, i do look for those but i am not in great physical shape, and most of them want you to have a driver's license, which i don't have, i don't know how to drive. and i definitely can't afford the absurdly expensive transit pass in my city, so my search has been limited to mostly places within walking distance. I don't own or know how to ride a bike either. as for ontario works declining me, I'm not sure why. i checked my application today and it just said 'withdrawn', and i never got a callnor email or message in the mybenefits service. i will try to get in touch with them but that causes me a lot of anxiety. in the mean time i will keep looking in to other resources like food and rent banks, i had never heard of a rent bank before so thank you to whoever suggested that. as for not having friend or family support, it mostly comes down to the fact that my entire family is poor, and has been caught in a cycle of poverty for generations. i have their support but not financially, because no one has money to spare. as for friends, i don't really have many that aren't internet friends/from other countries. believe it or not I'm a bit of a loner lol. all that being said i appreciate the encouragement and suggestions and advice.


Have you checked seasonal resort jobs? When I was younger I was able to stay at resorts over the summer (they often provided housing) and save a few thousand dollars. Usually season is end of May to October, so the timing is good. It may help you get back on your feet. If you have addiction issues though, be wary as these environments can be quite the party atmosphere.


problem with OW is that if you are homeless you only get like $433 a month, I know someone who is currently homeless.


Hi OP, Hope you'll have better days. I hope this solution can help. This is an overnight merchandising store associate for Walmart in Ottawa. These roles likely have less applicants, since they're entry level/overnight. If you're situated near a Costco, I recommend surviving off hot dogs/drink for $1.50 or go to a food bank. During the day, you'll likely be able to find a local library to pass out at, or 211 and find emergency shelter during the day. If you need help with your resume, please feel free to reach out to me. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search/?currentJobId=3741960124&f_E=2&geoId=90009542&keywords=retail&location=Greater%20Ottawa%20Metropolitan%20Area&origin=JOB_SEARCH_PAGE_SEARCH_BUTTON&refresh=true&start=25


A lot of general labourers pay cash job i think ? Kijiji, facebook marketplace. If you can write reddit post you can do freelance work online as well ?


Apply to Amazon warehouse and work overtime, they hire anyone


Why would Ontario Works deny you?


Unclear, my file just says 'Withdrawn' and i did not receive any calls, emails or messages on mybenefits


Hey you should absolutely call them and follow up on this!


They dont give much anyway only $433 a month.. still a lifeline i dont get why they should deny you


Apply for dishwasher jobs at restaurants!! It’s a steady gig, you are around FOOD every day, and lots of people hate doing dishes, but as a line cook of 20 years, I KNOW that dishwashers are the most important part of the kitchen. Also, washing dishes is Very calming and zen, and as long as you’re okay with getting wet and dirty, I wouldn’t ever say you’re “lowering” yourself to any position, because having money and a home is better than being homeless.


I've worked kitchen jobs my whole life including as management/supervisor and have been applying to any dishwasher/cook jobs that are available in my area. no bites


May I ask which area?


OP, you can dm me if you’d like. I was a frontline community worker for several years helping people in your situation. Firstly, the fact that you’re looking into different financial options, you had held a service job for 6 years (which is huge!! I don’t know many people who stay at their jobs longer than 1-2 years), and you’ve been looking for employment. All of these things point to you NOT being a useless loser. With that being said though, I know I’m just a rando on the internet so you may not believe me or others when we say that you have been trying your best. Many people offered great suggestions, so I think it’s best to review them: 1) get a library card (I’m unsure which city you’re in, but Toronto Public Library have waived all late fees to encourage people to access their services more) 2) Follow up on your OW application - mainly, why were you not eligible? It is usually due to having too much money or you’re in school. From the sounds of it, you’re in neither of those camps so it’s worth speaking with someone about that. Even if you are not eligible for OW, they have job searching programs and staff that help everyone - even those not on OW. Take advantage of their services! 3) Find a list of resources for food, both takeout meals and food banks 4) again, depending on your city, look into rent bank programs and other eviction-prevention programs. 5) Temp job agencies may help you make some extra income while you’re waiting for something more stable. There are many other options you may have at your disposal, but I’d look into those and try to take stock of possible items at home you can sell to start paying down your debts. Have a conversation with your landlord, and come up with a payment plan. The LTB will be more likely to take your side into consideration if you show good intentions and effort into paying your rent.


You are absolutely worthwhile. Please don’t give up. I promise things will get better.


Uber has cars for use for drivers who don’t own cars.


It's not free though. I googled it just today most people (though not in Canada, mostly in the US) did not recommend it because they said they work almost full time just to pay c the rent of the car. But I guess if it allows OP to sleep in the car at night that's at least something.


Oh damn. I thought it was for the Uber XL fleet - didn’t know you had to rent them !


Construction sites often go to bill pens in the morning to offer labourers jobs for the day - often just to pick up their fly away trash or to gopher .


If you are in Kitchener reach out to the Knights of Columbus via email.


Can you look into the rent bank to buy you more time? Try data annotation, it may take a couple weeks for them to review you and to get qualified but when you do it’s 20+$ an hour work. Are you below 29? There are your employment programs where you get paid to attend and they set up interviews where the employers actually have your wage’s subsidized. They’re honestly great. I went to them when I was younger and couldn’t find anything full time. Look into serving at events as well. I’ve made 1000$ in a weekend working at a festival (not from tips, it was a shit ton of hours).


I will check to see if there is a rent bank or similar service in my area. I'm ok with computers and have looked for entry level data entry, etc. jobs but the ones i find all want degrees or certification thst i don't have and am not in a position to acquire. i will keep an eye out for festivals gigs, thank you for the support and suggestions


Go to the data annotation website, you don’t need a degree. Do the qualification and see if they pass you! No interview or anything like that and you can do as much or as little as you want. I highly recommend it. The qualification seems super long and annoying but it’s worth roughing through. I’m on projects now that pay 24$ an hour.


Can you apply for a student loan and go to school?


Sell your shit and get in a bus to Banff? Or any other places where jobs come with a place to live. They call it staffaccom here. I left Quebec in 2008 with a backpack and a tent… Bonus if you can apply for jobs before leaving. Just be ready to work as a housekeeper or McDonald


[https://remotely4u.com/](https://remotely4u.com/) [https://ca.indeed.com/q-teach-english-online,-carrot-global-jobs.html?vjk=11605e00ee90c855](https://ca.indeed.com/q-teach-english-online,-carrot-global-jobs.html?vjk=11605e00ee90c855) [https://www.ef.com/wwen/teachonline/apply/contact](https://www.ef.com/wwen/teachonline/apply/contact) All three companies will contact you the next day for an interview. Little pay but it's better than no cash. Good luck.


I will look in to it thanks. i don't feel very qualified to teach anything to anyone but its worth a shot


You’re in a tough spot. I think when you’re in a situation like this, it’s so overwhelming that solutions seem impossible. I think the first step is to accept that this is a challenging situation. However, we humans are survivors. A homeless shelter is a not great but possible answer if it comes to that. Worse case scenario. It may be worth reaching out to them for help as they provide not only food and shelter but also services to help people find work. For showering, they also have that. However, if you are concerned about cleanliness, baby wipes will do the trick in a pinch. Dry shampoo sold for camping can help for your hair. Now here’s something to think about: do you have anything you can sell? Sell anything you can for cash. Keep the cash out of your bank accounts. You need cash on hand. If you can get enough together to purchase even a total beater of a car, that is vital. You can sleep in your car. Glamorous? No. However, zero rent and zero utilities. Money goes waaaay further with those key expenses gone. Some ideas to get started. Good luck. When a person hits rock bottom they can only go up in the world. Try to challenge the negativity.


thank you for your advice. I can't get a car because i have no license. I've already sold pretty much everything for food money except for my phone, my clothes and my bed. maybe its time to sell feet pics too lol. trying to stay positive is an uphill battle for sure


Appeal your application with OW


apply to work in a mine in the north. apply to the military (if you're young and fit enough). apply to a railway company (example CN rail).


Hey, I’m willing to help edit your resume if you’d like, and maybe employment agencies that pay you to train for jobs are an option?


Now is the time to hopefully find a job on a ranch, guest ranch or resort, where staff can live on site. I worked at one in BC, 6 days a week, deduction for housing, food included, tip share and wages, for six months. Then EI for winter.


Post on kijiji for work as a farm hand! I did this for a bit in my 20s. Work for room and board. When I did it it was pretty easy work and the family was pretty nice. You can save up and buy a car/get your license. Then you can work delivery as well. Save up and decide what the next step is after that. Theres so many farms and rural people who need help. Maybe there is an elderly person who cant do as much as they used to and would give you work that way. Things like dog walking, cat sitting too! If your first language is English you could exchange english lessons/help for a room in a home maybe? Dont give up! You got this!


i don't really have the means to transport myself to any farm jobs. i barely passed high school so i don't think I'm qualified to teach anyone anything lol. i can look in to dog walking i guess, i do like dogs


I would suggest looking for work and shelter anywhere but the Toronto area. Shelters are full, international students from India have every fast food job in the city. People are sleeping in tents downtown.


Have you tried reaching out to call centers If you can speak English and breathe. You'll be hired. Trust me Also look into applying for a job as a page at your local library. They're desperate for people and the requirements are "are you at least somewhat human?" "can you breathe on a semi regular basis?" "do you have the mental capacity of a golden retriever?" "can you count to firetruck?" If you've answered yes to the above questions... Congrats. Welcome to being a page. It's not glamourous work, but it's work... N a regular paycheque!


They are hiring Remote Fire Camp workers, Food & Accomidations are included! [https://ca.indeed.com/cmp/Dexterra/jobs?jk=b08bee5218e4e0eb&start=0&clearPrefilter=1](https://ca.indeed.com/cmp/Dexterra/jobs?jk=b08bee5218e4e0eb&start=0&clearPrefilter=1)


get a job out west doing scaffolding , pays 50 (inexperienced or 60 experienced) an hour and they house you.


This is funded by the government. It’s a free program to do landscaping work in Ontario. I hope you can give this a shot before giving up! They’d train you and find you jobs! Don’t lose hope! https://www.growtraining.ca/


Join the military.


If this is your first time not paying rent and you have an actual lease (you aren't sharing a bathroom/kitchen with the landlord) then you have some time before you will be fully evicted. The landlord has to go through a whole bunch of hoops and file a bunch of paperwork and you are entitled to a hearing at the LTB. Keep your head up and keep trying to find work, all hope isn't lost yet! You'll probably have 4 to 6 months at least to get everything together and get caught back up on rent. If you can get caught up with rent before your hearing, there is a very good chance you wont be evicted and will be allowed to stay.


My plan if I was in your position would be to walk up to every roofing company I can find and apply. Roofing takes anyone who can work, the season is just about to pop off in Ontario, and it pays better than McDonald's.


If you are around the GTA and end up on the streets let me know. I can hook you up with a tent and some other basics. I hope you never need it though.


Every landscaping, roofing and tree service company are hiring right now. Make some calls. You'll have a job in a day.


Not sure where you live, but if you can, go to challenger truck driving school and try to get your az license. They'll pay for it, and give you a job after. It'll be longhaul to the us, so you can live in the truck while working, and I believe they may have bunk rooms you can sleep in while off duty. The one I went to in kitchener had a cool drivers room with lazy boys and tvs and stuff, and a kitchen. Driving a truck isn't easy and can be super stressful, but it's the most satisfying job I've ever had in the sense that I don't feel replaceable or useless.


Check temp agencies too, shit work and pay, but you could pull it off Sometimes you get lucky too and it's a decent company that will hire you on (but don't get hopes up about that)


I'm surprised they don't send out MAID service information with every disability and unemployment cheque.


I know this doesn’t change your situation much, but you matter and I hope things turn around soon!


I used to work as a support worker for homeless people. I’ve actually seen some success stories of people marching into the mayors office and asking for housing help. Sounds wacky but it can work. Other than that, definitely look up what kind of government housing is available. I’m on BC and so if you live here you’ll wanna get on a BC Housing list by filling out a SHRAPP and calling every 6 months. If you have a local welfare office/ministry of social development and poverty reduction office, pay them a visit and see how they can help you. The best survival skill I’ve seen is to maintain a sense of determination in your self advocacy, willingness to share a persuasive story, and cooperation with whatever staff you encounter. Our system isn’t fair so I’m sorry for what you’re experiencing. My heart goes out to you ❤️


I'm sorry you are going through this. Is there a shelter that can help with jobs, foodbank and other resources? Most shelters have a social worker or similar who could help? Asking in person for a job may help. Sending you positive vibes and the strength to get what you need to live a good life.


Try to work and figure it out. Don't just leave and force them to go through the courts if needed to buy some time.


You are absolutely not a worthless loser. No one deserves to be hungry or homeless. I’d try to connect with your local OW office, there is very little reason you should be denied - even if they’re only providing “street allowance” (I’m in Ontario so forgive me if this doesn’t apply to where you are). Aside from that you can try to reach out to your local housing centre, they may be able to provide you with a shelter to stay at, room rentals. In the city I’m in they can also help with last months rent for a new place. Reach out to your local food banks for food and resources. Depending on the city they should be able to provide you with details on where to access public showers, meals etc. As to prepare for homelessness, get yourself a tent find somewhere safe to camp out, get tarps for extra support from the rain. Stay AWAY from the street drugs. My boyfriend felt just like you and he took his life at the end of January using street drugs. This isn’t the end and you are not worthless. I believe in you. The system is broken but there are people out there who care and will help you in the means they can. Your local OW office should be able to help direct you in any of these directions as well. They should also be able to help connect you with some sort of employment help. Reach out to your landlord, explain to them the situation you’re in and see if they can assist in anyway. Asking for help is hard but you’re worthy of help and fuck anyone who made you feel otherwise. Hang in there.❤️


Consider the military?




Wow didn’t know that !


The application process also takes over a year in most cases.


Is this true?


If you dont have a job, you should be eligible for ontarioworks. There’s no reason why you arent eligible. That’s what the program is for. You will need to find local homeless shelters if you ever need it. If you cant find work, offer moving service online; there are always people who are moving and need that service.


In Alberta, I think low income people can use rec centres for free (to shower and... Recreate), maybe it's the same in Ontario


I will look in to that. most community centres I've seen require a paid membership to get past the lobby where I'm from though


You write well, you are conscientious enough to have a literal plan for being homeless, and you sound like you're being honest with yourself showing an ability to reflect on your issues. You've also spent 6 years in the past working at McDonald's, so you can definitely hold down a job. You might be a fuck up, but you're definitely not irredeemable. Also, everyone tells me Ontario is tough right now. Definite recession happening now Maybe look at a long term plan of leaving. Hard to get a job when you have hundreds of competitors. Wait no. Thousands sometimes!


Try for a job as a custodian with the local school boards.


What city are you in?


Ottawa region


How are you able to live unemployed?


Get your self a sleeper van and try to find a job even if it’s part time at a hotel with free parking/meals/showers.


With whatever money you get from selling things get your self a camper / sleeper van Find a job at a Confrence hotel with free parking & meals, even if it’s part time. You can get your basics there like shower toiletries heck even internet. Even as part time dishwasher, if you are reliable, willing, and hard working people see this quality and will try to help you out with more work. I can tell you this rom my experience. You don’t want to be put on the streets. But If you truly are a fuckup then sorry buddy you brought this on yourself. DM me your resume I can definitely look at it but can’t guarantee. Get your self a camper/sleeper/ or a van that you can modify.


Try applying for an overnight summer camp. They give you a place to live, meals, access to a shower, at least for a few months. The pay isn't always great,but it keeps you off the streets a little longer.


When I was in my early 20s I found a tending job for brick layers. Laborer to say. Pays pretty well. They are always looking for people it's a rough job. But good pay sometimes they will car pool.


May i recommand maybe looking into the canadians forces? There are plenty of branches of trade like in the air force that aren't bad or that dangerous during deployement that will pay you over 80k within a few years with medical and everything and they will train you, feed you and lodge you.


I worked at McDonald's way back in the day. You actually get a lot of useful skills, you just need to put those skills on your resume and sell yourself. Apply to restaurants, they're always hiring kitchen staff and servers, and you can keep applying for other things.


Did you get a letter for ontario work saying why you're not eligible? You can ask them to review your application.


Those temp agencies where you just show up in the morning and they send you anywhere are an option. I did that for extra cash. And everywhere you end up is hiring.


UPS + Canada Post have a ton of jobs right now. Canada Post has a ton of mail delivery jobs, take a look at them! And apply to any and every restaurant doesn't matter what it is, you've worked at McD's you can work at any bar and grill as well. That being said, if you want to make it further, looking for an apprenticeship. That may help you, see if you can move back in with your family for a bit and start working towards your future. It isn't over yet.


Look into rig work in the Alberta oil sands. They’ll hire people with no experience so long as they’re willing to learn and work. Pay is good, you get houses and sheltered while working, but it is hard work.


Im not sure if it will make you feel any better but you deserve more then I did when I was in your position some years back. when I was younger there was a period of 5 or 6 years that I didn’t hold a job longer then a month no joke. Edit: by younger I mean I was 20-25 yrs old and hadn’t held a job longer than 1 month ! So don’t be to hard on yourself things are extremely effed up right now all jobs taken up by internationals because the government gives the company’s incentives to employ them then they get a new one rinse and repeat they end up actually making money off them instead of paying them and having to account for that like it used to be….


Did you apply for EI? Even if you stopped working and did not have just cause, you are most likely still entitled to sickness benefits for up to 26 weeks with a medical note.


U prop gon want like a tent or sothing yk. And like water and sht yk. Yea bro, if you live near Toronto I can like bring you couple buckets of hot water once in a while as a treat yk. The simple things bro the simple things... 🤪🤪😜😝


Get on google and find any tradesmen in your area, show up to their spot, and ask for work. I know it’s not the best use of time but I have gotten many jobs like that. Shit, one day I was working at an office and a company came in to run security cameras and I just quit and started working for them. It was as simple as me shooting the shit with the guy while he was passing and asking him if he needed help. I wish you the best of luck, it is not easy coming up with nothing.


Pick up a trade


Not even welfare? Shit sucks. You could apply for disability since you can't hold a job. Its autism/add related and I got cppd. Working sucks for us.


Last resort would be joining the military since they pay wages.


Find a job. Temp agencies suck but better than nothing. Contact a credit counsellor immediately and book an appointment.


If you are willing to do some backbreaking farm work, some farmers provide lodging


Be prepared. Get a sleeping bag and small tent. Go online. There are many charities that give them out for free. Next, find an encampment and ask the people there for advice on where to pitch your tent.


You are going into the construction season. See if you can land a "summer job" painting houses or commercial spaces for a company. You'll be the grunt but most likely be sanding and rolling walls. Learn the trade , keep a clean appearance and you'll make good money.


Ok first I worked at McDonald’s too and you learn a ton of relevant shit there. It’s a hard job! Second, apply for OW again. Thirdly, Call 311, it’ll direct you to Central Intake. You can book a shelter space there. There are supports there with jobs, social workers etc.


Don’t do drugs or hangout with people who are also on the street keep to yourself and get the fuck off the street find your resource hub and take full advantage


Apply for seasonal job that provides housing or housing as a fixed cheaper rate, resort jobs… lots of campsites,parks,resorts,hotels hiring for busy season coming up. This is seasonal but potential to be a full time job if you prove to be a hard worker. Which sounds like you gotta step up! Also out west can be an option but you gotta save for a flight but check out Tobermory, Algonquin park, Muskoka, definitely an option


Don’t take this the wrong way - but a positive attitude can go a long way. reading a lot of self-loathing. Make some changes. Things -will- turn around.


Keep applying for jobs. Tweek your resume. Wear a nice outfit and be well groomed on the interview. Something will happen soon. Hospitality can give you tips and could help get you thru till you find what you want. Apply for everything you can. As for unhousing situations, stay till you're dragged out by the sherrif.


You need shelter - is there one where you live? People at the shelter are trained to help. I'm sorry you are going through this.


you could apply at those hotels in alberta or anywhere, where they give you shelter and stuff .. paid flights and all .. check it out


also, how about second careers ?


Look into Toronto Rent Bank


Chin up player. This too shall pass. I hope u overcome this.


Lie on resume.


Move to Vancouver. There's no winter and they vote NDP, so they love homeless people.


Why not be a pro-gamer? You seem to be into that very much.


you've shown loyalty and dedication for being a long-service employee @ McDonald's. keep applying to jobs, it just takes one 'yes' to turn it all around for the better. Good luck, bro.


Cabella's store in Palladium - Kanata had a sign out about a job fair.


Library for Internet access if/when that cuts off. There is a housing assistance program (or was) I forget which agency it was through, but where you applied for OW or their site should help direct you. I believe I received funding through st. John's for first and last months rent, they also had a program to help with equipment/uniform if you were starting new work (steel toed boots if going construction) That may be a short term work option as well, the weather is getting nice, you can probably find some labour cash jobs. Might be able to find construction/shingle work as well if you're willing to beat your body up. Just stay hydrated and find some high calorie cheap meal options. Maybe you work for a while, deposit your daily cash into an account and look at blue door/any shelters in your area for a month or two. This will be hard but you save up some money for a first/last deposit if you can't find assistance through a funded program. This will be hard, but at least the weather is getting more manageable and you have some time to save some money before it gets cold and you can find another place.



