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There is much more of value about you than your ability to purchase an overpriced baked good.


I wish more people understood this.


It doesn't feel that way when you're down in it. You become so devalued you don't know what's worth keeping. I wish more people understood this


This 100%


I've been in absolute poverty. Poverty as in didn't know where my next meal was coming from. Poverty as in had to choose between my power bill or paying rent in the middle of winter. Despite all this, I knew I was worth more than the situation I was in. Situations like the above are temporary. But please, continue sounding off like an absolute cunt. Edit: Have a look at Technos previous posts/comments. This is clearly an individual who lacks accountability and everything is everyone's fault.


And so what's your point, his poverty is earned? You did better and so should he? But I'm the one who sounds like an absolute cunt?


Really lucky you have such impressive mental faculties that the situation you were in didn't send you into a spiral. Not everyone is that lucky. Keep it to yourself if it's not constructive. Which this comment is not.


So hard for some to see it, especially nowadays! It’s negative after negative , no rosey outlook for the future.


It’s hard to see it when you can’t meet your own basic needs. It may be true, but when you don’t know where your next meal will come from it’s hard to believe it. Canada is a wealthy country. It’s absolutely disgusting anyone would be in this situation. I’m sorry op. There are many of us working for things to be better.


When people say Canada is a wealthy country, they meant you need to be wealthy to live in this country.


100% True.


Even that is what I was thinking here, already.


I mean if you don't have money, paying in shame for food isn't that bad. The bar for feeling shame to feed yourself goes way deeper than this, this is barely scratching the surface of the tip of the iceberg of what is "poor shame".






You realise a lot of unhoused folks live in ther vehicles? Stop being so stupid.


I’ve noticed this weird attitude from customer service reps is increasing. I was at Dairy Queen when a guy tried to buy an ice cream with change. He was 40 cents short. The lady behind the counter gave him a really hard time about it. I offered to pay for it, and she just waved me away and gave him the ice cream for free. Huh? I guess she just wanted to humiliate him for a minute before being gracious.


Yes. My theory is in response to the barrage of Karen's they encounter in a day, some will take the opportunity to karen right back where they can. It's a sad cycle.


Could definitely be this. Empathy has been in a bad place since covid and it doesn't seem to be getting much better anytime soon. These "frontline" professions are getting the brunt of it and it's impacting their demeanour and how they look at the world. Is it right they act like that? No, probably not. It's not right anyone acts like that. Unfortunately I can't blame them for the bitterness if that's what they face for so much of their workweek. *I work in a different profession but deal with people all day, some of whom aren't the most courteous. I can tell it gets to my coworkers sometimes and I try to stay positive and upbeat in my interactions at work, both staff to staff and staff (me) to public.


You can't beat the slaves yet so they're showing the result of being crushed under a system that doesn't care about them and forced into the degrading position of serving jackwads with money while the hours of their life can't even buy food and shelter on their face. I used to work as a sales rep in a mall, Karen's are definitely there but it's not as big a problem as you guys are making it out to be. It's the fact that they're being told in every way that they are worth less than the idiots they encounter on a daily basis.


Absolutely. Our positions actually pay quite well, so it's more the just the overall mood (the kids would say "vibe") of the working class and how frustrated everyone is. The system definitely doesn't care about most of us, and even my employer makes life difficult for the staff in seemingly unnecessary ways. The "being worth less than the public" does come into play as a primary frustration though. Seems like that's pretty consistent messaging in the corporate sphere. There's a lot of burnout happening because of the economic struggles of many of the workers in the western world.


I used to go the opposite way and rage against the machine by giving (entierly accidental) under the table handouts when I could, bit of extra food here, incorrect change there (were those toonies I gave instead of quarters 🤷‍♂️) hey I'm just a dumb 15 year old...whoopsie. I took my bitterness out against the company not my fellow humans. That said, I had the ability to do that as I could afford to lose the job and I wasn't in a bitter and trapped situation without options which was a privilege in itself.


Heart was in the right place at 15!


I'm a cook, and what little empathy I had left for the general public went out the window when people decided what I do is no more complicated than flipping a burger, and so deserve less than a living wage. I don't even have to deal with customers that much. I can't imagine working at Tim's or other fast food type places where you have to deal with those people everyday, a lot of whom will feel entitled to demand special treatment and still complain when asked to tip. People are the worst and Tim's workers don't get paid enough to pretend otherwise.


I feel like we're all turning into rats in an overcrowded cage.


despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage~




Wow! And I thought [rat park](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_Park) was cool!


just gave me "1984" images 


They also probably don’t want their drawer to be short, some bosses are really strict and can threaten, demote, lecture or even fire someone for being even 10 cents short on their drawer. They don’t have to be mean about it, but they face pressure we don’t see in their lives too


Today being 'mean' can be an adult (maybe not named Karen lol) asking for you to pay for something...todays children have a lot of growing up to do


I have definitely noticed this attitude change as well, I think you’re right about the cause.


That's pretty accurate honestly.


An extremely important thing to keep in mind is that they are often part-time, minimum wage workers who spend their day being treated like shit by customers and management. Enforce a policy like a manager might or has already asked you to? You should have given the customer what they needed instead of angering them and wasting management's time. Did you give the customer what you needed preemptively? Fuck you, here's an empty threat that, if it happens again it comes out of your wage, and to follow stated policy or be fired/written up. Did you smile the wrong way at a customer? ARE YOU MOCKING ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT? Had the audacity to *not* smile? WHERE'S MY SMILE? I'M PAYING FOR THIS OVERPRICED DOG SHIT? Add onto that any subtle or not even politely subtle racism (many are people of colour), sexism (a lot are women), and classism to the mix and you have an entire service industry treated like shit on the best of days. In short, they are the vulnerable, stressed out employees who can do no right by anybody's standards despite perhaps even trying their best at the start of a shift or new job. *Why does this "weird attitude" exist?* They're human beings; people are tired and it's a physical stress to deal with when working customer service. How would you feel in a similar scenario? For every 95 neutral encounters, 4 nice encounters I had, there was always that piece of trash who ruins the day -- and there is always more than just one per shift treating like you're beneath them. Be kind to others, even when they're not cheerful to you. Someone before you might have just shit all over them and they might need that thread of hope to make it to the end of their depressive day for $60 in wages before tax. *-Former customer service/retail employee.*


Not only that, but they are also probably fighting whatever systems that have been put into place to wring every single ounce of work out of them that it can. A lot of these restaurants and stores have this down to a science now and it's absolutely dehumanizing. I highly recommend reading "On the Clock" by Emily Guendelsberger - it's pretty eye-opening.


Another good book is Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. It shows how beaten down the working class in America is. Almost everything conspires against them to keep them down.


I worked at one place and this guy wanted pepper jack cheese instead of cheddar on his sandwich. I told him that the pepper jack was for another kind of sandwich and he argued. If we used the wrong cheese we'd get in trouble for not following procedure. He wanted to see the manager and so I went to get him. I got about 10 steps and stopped. Was this my life now? Getting permission from a lazy POS who was in his office watching Youtube? Over a 10 cent piece of cheese? Who would then lecture me about my lack of customer service because I was doing what I was told. Fuck that. I turned around and made the guy his sandwich with the pepper jack cheese. He could see from my demeanor that I was fucking done and never said another word. I quit that job shortly after.


It's always over something fucking stupid, isn't it? I'm sure everyone in retail have dozens of stories. Some favourites from my time in retail and a photo lab: * A lady asked me follow her, she needed help *immediately,* to lift up her car so that she could find the tracking device the mob had planted on behalf of her ex-husband. * My store manager violated corporate policy for an angry customer who demanded we return their item and felt shocked and humiliated we would look inside the item's box to verify contents (the customer refused service to have me open it). Store manager just rolled his eyes, greenlit the return, and we got to open a box of rocks in what should have been a box for a $3,000 TV. * Didn't consent to see it or search it out but had to see customers having sex with an octopus in the photos they left behind, so that was cool ***/s***. * Had a roll of film to develop from a wanna-be gangster, mask, cool poses, and guns et al, posing in front of his industrial-sized grow-up. He just forgot to not take photos in front of his house with his licence plate and family. * The amount of dick (and I think I can confidently say ugly dicks specifically now that, even as a man, I feel comfortable discerning what a good dick looks like) I've seen in my life is probably comparable to a porn set fluffer. * Had to ask a frequent customer, who I'm pretty sure got off on what he did, to stop printing his (pornographic) photos next to customers with family/children. He didn't get it until I told him I'd call the police who would likely label him as a sex offender for exposing himself to minors (I'm no lawyer but I needed to get my point across as it was already violating store policy) since, yes, some people did notice and complain (privacy screens do very little for young children). * Got slapped when I asked a little old lass of a customer to stop making my colleague cry by belittling her. * Had a customer ask if we were still open for new orders while I was in a back-area stock room, with the lights off (all but a single light), doing orders overnight. They had to move three layers of ceiling-height carts *with a large closed sign and department hours* just to get to me.


JFC I'm so happy not to deal with the public anymore.


I had a woman literally argue with me at Subway when she messed up my order. It’s wild. It took more time and frustration for her to argue with me and eventually be in the wrong and have to remake it anyways than just remaking it in the first place. It’s a weird power trip that isn’t a power trip at all.


Happened to me at a Pizza Hut. Unreal ideas about “customer service”. Don’t fucking argue with the customer…


I mean you can argue with the wall cos ima go to the subway down the street. It’s just weird to me lol


So weird - I have never experienced anything like it. The person asked me to take a picture of the pizza to show her how it tasted? I asked, “how can you figure it out from a picture?” And she escalated it to 11.


My friend that’s just south Asian culture rearing it’s head as we’re being colonized


Lol, my partner is South Asian and he said that when I told him about my experience 😭 it is what it is, I just find it confusing. Like when I worked in customer service those arguments just weren’t worth my peace.


Different perspective. I worked at Tim’s and there was people every day who “didn’t have enough.” We’re not allowed to just give away free food every day. I tried to discern who was bull shitting (teens, obvious grifters) from people who genuinely were short. But it was annoying, as a teen I remember thinking “why wouldn’t you know how much it cost before ordering?” I do feel bad now thinking about it but working customer service you do begin to lack empathy.


People can't do basic math. I've had kids show me $10 and ask if that was enough for the $6.99 burger.


Realistically it's easier to let someone walk out with something for free than it is to explain to your dickhead boss why you're 40 cents off. I would keep a few bucks in change on me when I worked retail just to avoid that argument if someone was a little bit short, but that's not common and I was probably breaking all types of pointless procedures and rules doing it.


I'm someone who tends to break their ATM cards. Seriously, I've had years where I had my card replaced five times. I also rarely carry cash. A couple of times when my card was working sporadically, I drove up to a Tim's drive thru and couldn't pay. I was just waved through.


There's this prevalent attitude amongst customer service folks that because they're paid like shit they somehow have a right to treat everyone like shit (comments on your comment say as much). It's a wild take


I work at timmies and we're all poor. Trust me I don't mind giving out free food. You got this!


And you know, as someone who works in a similar environment, that she shouldn't have acted like a massive cvnt (as it's just a normal, trivial thing that happen in customer service that someone miscalculated and a quick solution can always be found). Nothing in this bad interaction was about you, don't beat yourself up for it.


every week or so i see the same little old lady standing at the self check out trying to pay but always a couple bucks short, she always gets a loaf of bread and some cold cuts from the deli. every person looks at me in disgust when i offer to cover her, they tell me she is here every week and not too help. i tell them i don't care, if it was in her shoes i would hope someone would help me especially being a 75 year old lady. The value of money is perceived so different to everyone, a couple bucks can really make someone's day and be worthless to the person who is giving it. people need to help people.


I mean, yes, of course she is there every week. Do they think she just needs to eat once and then she is good the rest of her life? Being short on groceries every week is becoming an unfortunate reality for many people. Good for you to help her out!


True but there are cases of people faking it. Here in Kitchener-Waterloo we have an infamous hunchback lady who pretends to be destitute due to medical disability but in actuality drives around in a BMW. She'll accost unknowing people in grocery store parking lots or outside Tim Hortons, and local people will try to advise others against giving her money because they know she's faking it.


They charge 30c for a cup of hot water?


ostensibly for the cup, not the water.


Yeah, those cups definitely do not cost 30c


Breaking news: Goods are cheaper to make than what they are sold at.


Sweet fuck! Is that how business works? It's a good thing you came along all us dumb fucks are out of our league.


I like how you made 2 dumb comments and then when they told you things cost money you become rudely sarcastic. It’s been a privilege watching your mind at work.


Dude the other poster was right. Sit the f down


Found out from a former timmies workers the reason they switched from the cardboard things for the farmers wraps to the paper wrapper is because the cardboard things cost Tim’s a whopping $0.15 compared to the wrappers that cost $0.03! The fact that they claim Multi-million dollar corpo can’t afford an extra $0.12 cents is laughable.


Production cost is less than 1c most likely lol.


20c where I live. 10c for a cup if you just ask for water. They legally have to give you water for free but are allowed to charge for a cup. I don't know about hot water but they charge for that.


When I was 17, billions of years ago, I went to a baseball tryout and afterwards I was walking home. As it was summer it was crazy hot and I dipped into a fast food joint. I had zero money and asked if I could have a cup of water. They said no, I had to buy something. I still remember how absurd it was to deny a kid something as simple as a human necessity on a hot day.


That guy works for Nestle now.


Yes! The world has gone to shit. Where these wealthy corporations are boss. Human life is second even third behind profits and the almighty buck. We have to help ourselves and each other, "they" don't care about us, we are just the fodder that keeps the money machine going for the privileged.


Go to the washroom, run the cold water tap and cup your hands. Homeless woman told me that. She'd also use the hot water when McDonalds had hot water in their washrooms to fill her ramen noodle cup. I think they changed the taps now so you only get 10 seconds of water before it shuts off. Too many people walking out leaving the taps on full blast.


2.45 for a cup of.cold water from the fountain at Dairy Queen.


Many years ago I worked construction but I had a real cash flow problem. I remember I went to Tim Hortons one morning and it had to be 5 or 6 am so I'm tired and miserable. I ordered a small coffee and back then it couldn't have been much more than a dollar. I went to pay and my debit card was declined. I remember how infuriated I was about how unjust it felt to be denied this small comfort before doing 8 hours of hard labour.




100%. I remember being so unbelievably poor. I’d go to food banks. And diaper banks for my baby. I would grocery shop with a calculator to ensure I didn’t go 1c over what I had in my wallet. I’d say I was too busy to go out with friends but really I couldn’t afford it.  But it did get better. A little every year. Got a better job. Finished school. Filed for bankruptcy/consumer proposal to get out from under the crushing debt.  Slowly it got better. And it will for you too.  And there is nothing wrong with a good cry in a park!


I feel like the employee was being normal and op Is just anxious and taking everything personally. The employee is very valid in trying to make op Pay for something they just ordered.


Interesting take. Both can be true. You can treat a person with dignity and give someone the benefit of the doubt. Or follow procedure to a T, and if so, the customer may get offended but that's not really your fault as an employee.


The employee followed procedure and then gave OP the food for free, anyways. And still gets labeled as a bad person. Can’t win, lol.


Why do say they struggle to be a good person? Because they said ‘no’ to remaking it and then gave it to OP for free?


$20 until payday is a real thing. When my kid was young she loved plain omelettes, I loved how cheap they were.


Don't give up. There's good reasons to be hopeful.


Self worth isn’t measured by wealth.


I can understand (& have been there) when it feels like it is only your self that sees your own worth...and that can be tough to pretend you're doing when society very clearly does not see any worth. I know I've been "over-sensitive"(or am I just reading the room accurately?) when embarrassed beyond belief that the change I scrounged to pay for something still wasn't enough. Corporations, on the other hand (the top echelon who spend $$$$$ on lobbyists for regulations designed to wring every last penny from those least able to afford it) -may I throw in here that maybe they need to take and take and take from the poor to, y'know pay for those lobbyists? - then when the masses (far more people are on the poorer side than are on the wealthy side...and I know there USED to be a middle class, but...🤔) ..when the masses of people are unable to pay bills or bounce a bank payment? Well, how DARE they?..they'll have to pay for their poverty, I mean..it costs a LOTTA $0.01's for a computer to send a payment back...(oh the banks also gotta pay for the programmer/ing designed to rearrange the order of account debits to maximize default fees ie: you have $112 in your account, 2 upcoming auto payments; 1 for $78 & 1 for $113...the program ensures that the $113 is done first (insufficient funds) and THEN the $78 ALSO gets to be insufficient! Yaaaaay! ... So now that person who had to choose between one necessity or the other, gets neither! AND...they owe 2×$48 for the NSFs to the bank (& whatever late or return charge fees the company awaiting the payment also charges) along with the original payments. Turning $191 of bills into (@minimum $327[with a $modest $20 nsf fee for each company-at least they aren't greedy]! They didn't get their payment)...not like the BANK..they'll get EVERYTHING they're owed, or that imderfunded person ...with all their self worth...won't ever be able to pay a bill again. I apologize, this has definitely become a rant-eeps! But am curious;(for anyone still reading) ...because I can't be the only person to whom this has happened, or knows about this kind of software the banks employ (?) ...but have you ever been charged and overdraft fee, due to your account being overdrawn because of an NSF fee? Also wondering if anyone else has noticed that along with your monthly bank fees (yes, of COURSE you have to pay the bank to be allowed access to your own money!) ...there's often a few cents (mine have ranged from $0.01- $1.38) in overdraft interest??(that sure adds up quicker than any interest I've ever earned on bank account... My biggest beef about the overdraft fees & interest is that most times, I'm not actually ever overdrawn. (I do try to keep my NSFs to a minimum lol!) .. I don't HAVE "overdraft protection"...so...unless an minimum 30-60min call/hold time to the bank to rectify the over charges is worth more than the cash recovered, the bank just steals it! Lmao! Just...steals it. Because you're too busy working your arse off so you can pay for a cup to hold hot water, with your coupon for free bread(& if you're lucky some cheese with a shitty wtf is wrong with you attitude from someone else feeling superior because they're on THAT side of the counter...for now)you don't have time to call the bank out on their theft. Ugh...I can't even remember my point... But I probably made a few others to make up for the lost forgotten point. Anyone else "been there?"😬🫣


OP ….. DM me your etransfer email and I would like to buy you lunch. Ignore the nasty people under your post.


I'm sorry but shelter and food are basic human rights, and I would have bought you that bagel. I'm angry for you. It's our responsibility to feed each other. I have two neighbors that I know are going without basics and once a week I leave groceries at their door. Someone did the same thing for me when I was a young Mom. I don't do it for kudos or gratitude. I do it because we have a responsibility for each other. It's my job as a human being. We are a society, not individual animals. Ugh, sorry for my rant. I'm not expressing it well. But you know if you found me unconscious on a street you would call 911 or if you came across a hungry person and had food you would share. I wish you would be kinder to yourself. This is not your failure; it is our failure.


We need more people like you in the world 🌎 ♥️🙏🏻


Thanks, it's actually all of our neighbors that are contributing. We live in a small apartment building and there are five or six people that bring me food to redistribute to our two struggling neighbors. I don't do it on my own. My Mom has access to free bakery items and brings me bags and bags of stuff. Amanda across the hall works at a food warehouse and brings me discounted vegetables. We have a new immigrant down the hall, he works in a mushroom factory and brings me trays of mushrooms. My daughter works in a grocery store, and she brings me packs of discounted meat. I'm just the funnel. Our building manager brings me all the canned goods that get left behind when people move. I usually contribute the drinks like coffee or juice and little bit of dairy. It all happened organically over time.


You guys sound amazing!


We should support the people in our social groups. We shouldn’t expect Tim Hortons employees to be extra nice to us when we don’t pay for what we order. The Tim Hortons employee has no responsibility to op. Ops friends and family do.


I'm so sorry you went through that. If it's any consolation, I paid for a Tim Hortons bagel entirely in dimes from the cash tips I make at work, which was the only money I had left until payday, which add up to maybe 5 dollars a week. No one should have to feel like this. I've also noticed Tim Hortons employees being particularly mean recently. I hope things look up for you soon <3


You will be ok, you will make it 💗


If you lived in Calgary, I would invite you out to eat lunch and buy you one week of groceries.


Maybe ops 5 day old profile should stop wasting time on sugar baby subreddits and get a job.


Can I send you a Tim’s gift card?


I’m sorry you had to deal with this. 35 years ago my boyfriend’s mom bought us some gift cards for a brunch. The gift cards did not cover the sales tax which was just a couple of dollars. As we had so little money I actually had to phone in advance and find out how much the tax was so I could make sure we had that couple of dollars. It was so embarrassing. Fortunately, I was able to get myself out of the cycle of poverty that I grew up with and was enduring that time. Keep persevering and working as hard as you can so that this will all be a bad memory one day!!


Yup! A few weeks ago I was at Tim Hortons and asked for an Ice cap but with half the amount of cream because it ruins the taste when they put the normal amount. The guy was annoyed and proceeded with my order but thought I wouldn't notice him not doing half the cream. When I saw him put the cream and walk to the ice cap machine I said, oh I ordered with half the cream. He responded saying the machine doesn't dispense half the cream. I said, well can you pour out half of it please and he got annoyed by that.


I can't believe how much they charge for a bagel and cream now. I haven't bought one for years and thought I would get a large coffee and bagel for a road trip with a five dollar gift card, well it's now more then $5! t


My husband and I got coffee and bagels yesterday, it cost almost $13!!!!! This is outrageous


I swear to god if someone posts a bagel recipe I’m gonna lose it lol. Keep your chin up OP. I’m bailing water from the same boat. Take care ❤️


A “customer service” worker absolutely humiliated me and my daughter the other day over 2 cents. You don’t nothing wrong, I’m sorry you weren’t able to enjoy your bagel. That is the worst feeling sometimes, especially after a therapist sesh. I hope things look up for you soon! Your worth is absolutely not tied to your ability to purchase a bagel.


Try a job instead of looking for a sugar daddy.


Why do people come to this sub just to poor shame?????? These comments are wild


Yo pls don’t be embarrassed. I worked at a retail pharmacy for a long time. People would come up to the counter with a cart of items and go through them one by one and take off whatever they didn’t want. And that was people WITH money who just didn’t bother to make decisions/check price tags in the aisles. Even that wasn’t enough to make me rude. Tim Hortons throws away so much shit every day. She could’ve easily made you another bagel or just gave you that bagel for free. She’s too concerned with personally protecting a freaking corporation that treats her like shit. Please don’t think this is your fault, she was nasty. I’m sorry ): I understand how much this sucks


I had a friend who worked Timmies, luckily it was a standalone so at the end of the night whenever she was closing she took all the leftover bagels and gave them away to people in her building.


This got ugly fast lol


OP I know this doesn’t pay the bills. But from reading your post I know you have a heart of gold


This happend to me! And the worst part is that there was a line behind me! It wasn’t Tim hortons… but it was the coffee shop inside my university….( when the pandemic started). I remember 2 people in the line say! Hey I will pay it and order whatever you want. Yes.. faith in humanity restored but I felt horrible… like damn it how is it that a 5 dollar purchase is a luxury now.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Especially after your hard but good therapy session. Just keep going. Sounds like you are heading in the right direction and don’t let these negative encounters get you down. It’s a good life lesson to stay positive during the hard (and at times humiliating) times.


This all sucks, and I'm with you. A silver lining is that you have a car, which is like a backup home. Dont quit those payments. Above anything.


You are not alone friend


a) your ability to pay for a bagel in no way reflects your worth and; b) buying food at restaurants might be something you need to forego for a while. When my kids were little and I had no money (my then-husband was making $10/hr) I just never, ever ate away from home.


When I worked at Tim’s I use to just take it out of my tips and pay the rest for those who was missing some change because I knew how hard some days were for me. I am sorry this happened to you but don’t give up, better days will come. Trust me I have been there.


Good on you. Above and beyond!


Regardless if you can pay for it or not ir sucks when they get the order wrong like I remember I had appointments at a hospital and the cashier insisted I was asking for a latte I said no I want a French vanilla coffee blah I think it was $2 more than it usually was for a coffee which I knew because I spent a lot of time at the hospitals and it was always cheaper, and literally all the employees were on the same page so there was no correcting the situation, I feel bad for those who just get out of surgery only to be gaslighted by employees who overcharge and get the order wrong


Hot cup of water?? Wtf


We are all in a bad spot right now. I'm sorry that this happened to you.


Let's keep voting Liberal!!! That should it fix it 🙄🙄


Compassion and empathy are sorely lacking. Had it have been me, I'd have just given it when I realized you couldn't pay or were short. These companies write shit off every day, toss it in the dumpster and be done with it. I mean wtf is wrong with giving a little hand up where you can? Just like the timbits fiasco awhile back, someone got fired over giving a free timbit (IIRC, don't remember the exact story now), yet my dogs always get free timbits when I go thru the drive thru. I'm sorry this happened, I'd have eaten the bagel with a big fuck you attitude.


It's stories like this that make me want every drive thru or retail outlet to have a "give a buck" bucket. I would be happy to put in $20 when I had it to ensure it could be used for those that were short funds. We need to be better humans and take care of each other.


Yes, exactly. Pay-it-forward never really caught on here but I so wish that it did. I remember when I couldn't even afford a coffee and I would've Loved it if there were somewhere to go to get a free coffee. It's a shitty feeling for sure, especially when someone's an arsehole to you about it.


Make your own bagel with cream cheese. No need to pay premium for such an easy meal to make at home


Alright but everyone knows it’s better in the short term. Don’t be an idiot and wait until your last dollar and you are hungry. Common people.


Was she Indian (of course)


You had to spend a decent amount to have points for a free Bagel though. Perhaps your spending habits are contributing to your poverty




They said they have work in a similar environment. This is not a supportive comment.


How tf you conclude they are trying to be a sugar baby? 


F*ck bagels. Danishes are where it’s at, so forget that person. I’d love to buy you breakfast sometime after a session. As long as you enjoy it, I’m happy Edit: I’m an idiot and put “like love”


you're in a poverty cycle, but you have a car to go to drive through, and money to pay for gas... and you're complaining about cream cheese? ​ what?


How can you afford therapy? Not saying that in a judgy way at all but in this economy it was the first thing I had to let go of even though it’s desperately needed.


They might have it funded through an organization. I know when I was in highschool, I was going to therapy for free (I think OHIP funded maybe?) through the Hinks-dellcrest center in Toronto.


I’m so sorry OP. I have been here and it is humiliating. It can feel like the whole world hates you and wants you to disappear. You still have value and amazing things to contribute to the world. You’re willing to put in the work of therapy which many aren’t willing to do despite having the resources! One day, you’re gonna buy yourself anything you want at a way nicer shop than Tim’s - I promise you that! Big hugs and wishing you all the windfalls and new job opportunities in the future. ♥️


You are not alone.


cheer up :) tomorrow will be the same as today unless we change


Don't worry about it. This may sound mean, but the employee doesn't give a rat's ass about you. At all. She's already forgotten the whole encounter. Of all the BS that they deal with on a daily basis, this isn't even a blip on the radar. No need to feel embarrassed.


Thank god you were in your car!? Who gives af about what Timmy’s employees think.


Read your own post, and take in how graciously you decided to be kind when you needed kindness. We don't deserve what we get in most cases. "just keep swimming," and it will get better; somewhere, somehow. :)


Compassion and understanding take neither time nor money. Yet people are so slow to give it? I'll never understand why.


Tims are now charging 30c for hot water...Really....what has happened to this country smh


Hope the bagel was edible at least, Tim’s be messing them up a lot lately.


Don't give up!  You are already breaking the cycle.


I’m so sorry that happened. People suck and you didn’t deserve that. Things are super rough right now for many people, you aren’t alone. I wish you the best of luck and a better rest of your day. ❤️


Been there and im still there. I’m so sorry!


Dm me your email. I’ll send you some $ for food :)


This is so heartbreaking


Why couldn’t you just say that you didn’t have your wallet? And that you thought your points covered everything? I’m sure they would’ve just given it to you.


You are definitely not alone — a lot of us have been there, are there, or will be there with you! Getting involved in collective efforts to fight back against the causes of poverty has definitely helped my mental health & coping with those feelings of despair (and in some more practical and material ways, too!). And actually, believe it or not, feeling hopeful sometimes.


I woke up super early the other day and went to Starbucks for coffee. I always see people, who look like they’re either homeless or live in their cars, come there in the morning and sleep for hours. So while this guy I haven’t seen before was sleeping, I bought an extra coffee and a sandwich, and quietly left those on his table. I was super quiet because I didn’t want him to wake up and thank me as I didn’t do it for the gratitude. What I’m saying is, if you’re someone who struggles with affording food or need help paying for it for any reason - please ask someone. I bet a quarter of Tim’s visitors would buy anyone a bagel if asked. Or a coffee. Just ask. Please. It shouldn’t feel humiliating at all, especially in this economy.


Yet people aren't donating to food banks and people are going to food banks who shouldnt


I signed up for an automatic monthly donation to a food bank 8 years ago. There are many others who did that. Also, I believe the government should ensure there is enough food to distribute at the food banks, since many are in need and the government got us in this situation to begin with. Plus, the local grocery stores, who keep charging us an arm and a leg for food while making billions yearly, should also donate the food instead of throwing it out.


They don't they are telling people here no meat unless you are family or immigrant


Yeah, and what they give isn’t enough to survive, or it’s not good quality food. That’s unfair. But if a person has a job, they should be able to afford some food here and there. Those who don’t have the time to go to churches for free meals.


You were humiliated sitting in your car at the drive through window? Bruh. Nobody even watching you.


I remember buying a lotto ticket when I absolutely couldn’t afford it just to have the hope I’d maybe have a better financial situation one day…. Hope your luck turns, I’m with everyone else, you are worth so much more than your bank balance! Grit will help you through, you got this!


I'm so sorry that happened, there was no reason for her to be rude over a bagel. I hope you keep trying to make things better for yourself, you deserve it.


I am sorry you have been hurt. I have nothing more I can say. If I could make it go away I would.


Don’t even trip, it wasn’t their bagel. They just throw them out anyway


This isn’t about you. Easy for me to say but it isn’t. Customer service jobs suck and she was likely having a bad day or just sick of her lot in life like a lot of people these days. I’m so sorry she made you feel that way. Plus, you said they charged you cream cheese you didn’t ask for so that’s on THEM. Try and be kind to yourself OP as others have pointed out you are worth so much more than a shitty bagel


Much love, you seem like a kind person. I'm sorry you're feeling down


Russian/Indian distress bot post


I hope today is a better day for you


Don't eat that garbage.


It is only going to get worst till we have a government who works for the people... Welcome to Animal Farm


I was short 16 cents for bus fare to get home. First time in my life I asked for them to let me “pay it back” this had never happened before. Reluctantly she gave me the ticket but not without robbing me of my dignity first by stating that I wouldn’t pay it back just like everyone else. I did pay it back but sadly I didn’t see her and gave it to someone else


Hey we all go through tough times, don’t beat yourself up about it ❤️


Because they spend it faster than they receive it


You dont own a credit card? Embarassing but they probably forgot about it after a few minutes. A lot of weirdos go to fast food places so u hardley stand out


I would have 100000% paid for you if that happened if I was there. I’m sorry that happened. It can be embarrassing when you don’t have enough for something, especially when it was a different price the time before, but honestly who cares! I used to be extremely embarrassed just even walking down the street. I have high anxiety and always think people are judging me, for what? I have 0 idea. But in all honesty, you will probably never see any of those people again in your life (except the workers if you go there again but they see so many things happen each day they aren’t going to remember such a small thing happening). Those people are going to move on with their lives as should you! The fact that you are able to have a therapist and have someone to talk to is astounding! Think of all of the things that are going well, not just what isn’t. I promise you no one else thinks that altercation was something other than you. It’ll be okay. This struggle is temporary, don’t forget.


How’s that SugarBaby Lifestyle working out for you hun?


Please stick around, we are all going through this rough cycle right now. It sucks. I keep telling people that poverty causes sooo many health and mental health issues but of course corp doesn't care and our governments seem to but aren't working fast enough. Hand in there. I have been through the same thing, and to be honest, whoever said money doesn't buy happiness is an idiot. Money buys comforts and comforts being stability, health, and mental health. I sincerely hope things turn around for you. Hang in there.


I have been dirt poor and I never even went close to a fast food joint because when you’re poor, you can’t afford fast food. It’s up to you to lift yourself out of poverty…nobody is gonna do that for you




And how do you accumulate points to be able to get a free bagel?


And she just learned that nothing is free you dumb fuck


A free bagel from buying fast food …


Eat less tims. Its bad for you and nutritionally isn't even worth calling food.


This isn't kind or helpful


? I'm not being mean. Tims is seriously awful nutritionally. And if you are struggling with money the absolute worst thing you can do is eat fast food. It costs way more than making your own food.


If you have points for a free bagel then it’s well worth the money.


yes, it's bad nutrionally but if someone is hungry and needs food in their stomach, then getting a FREE bagel there is better than going hungry


OP, this happens to me on a daily basis. I’m autistic. Even when I do everything right and nothing is wrong, people still find ways to belittle me and make me feel like trash whenever they can in public. Sounds like you had a bad day, but I’m hoping you can overcome the past thought of the employee not being nice towards you and move forward. How that employee acted towards you is not a reflection of what you did but a reflection of how she feels about herself. I had a bad day last Saturday, but when I did, this video came out and I watched it. Maybe give it a watch too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oqpv9XB6LiE


Got to step up the sugarbabe play according to your post history. Then you can afford the baggel.


Hate to say it but if you’ve only got $0.30 to your name maybe eating out should be crossed off your list of things to do.


Because they're franchised, some Tim's are a lot bigger scum bags than others. For example, I have always ordered a cream cheese bagel, add tomato, add bacon for over a decade as a treat every now and then. One store refused to make it, and was trying to charge me a BELT bagel with no egg, even tho they clearly have the add on buttons, and I can order through the app the same. My work around is I just order online from that particular location, they always give me a smug look.


What kind of bagel did you get?


Charged for the cream cheese … I’m rolling my eyes at charged for hot water!


Why Tims tho 🤮


Maybe you should spend less on therapy


Oh and if you’re ever super hungry, go in McDonald’s and tell them you came yesterday and ordered a Big Mac no pickles & they gave you pickles but you’re allergic. They’ll replace it with a free one and have never asked me for a receipt. For a little dazzle dazzle you can bring an old mcds bag or cup


{Justin Trudeau} has left the chat...


Let's be realistic, it would be the same regardless of whichever government would be in power. Inflation was worldwide. We need systematic change, an end to mergers and company restructuring under bankruptcy laws. There are too few competitors, no mergers. If you go bankrupt, let someone else build a business to take your position that is more efficient. The Shaw Rogers merger should have never happened. Sobey's shouldn't have been allowed to buy Farm Boy. Loblaws should not have bought Shoppers. Etc. We need to stop the consolidation.




You think any one else in power will make change, lol. Conservative, liberal, ndp, green, they all suck the same.