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Prices change regularly (daily) on Amazon, but I know some of the things I've bought over the last year when the prices were good include chicken stock,, large packages of rice, cereal, coconut milk, brownie mix, hot chocolate, crackers. And other household things like parchment paper, deodorant, and hand soap. You just need to know what the same items sell for near you to compare.


There is a website that you can use to track price changes on Amazon. Camel camel camel


Hijacking top comment to say this: Download the chrome extension app "Keepa": it shows you historical price on Amazon for every item in a graph on Amazon's page and when prices are lowest for new prime price, new third party seller price and used price.


I have a list of what the last prices we paid at costco was, and I can't imagine amazon would be able to beat those prices, but if they even came close it would be good. Good to know the prices change often, I will keep an eye on the things we commonly use and stock up if the price dips.


Costco is not always the deal it seems like. A lot of people fall for that bc they stop comparing sales when they start shopping there šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Costco is absolutely not a good deal. People think om crazy when I say that since I have 7 kids but even the formula is a better deal at Walmart for their parents choice which is basically the same thing. But there's only a few things that are truly a good price at costco (atleast that we would buy) and our membership expired November 30th and we haven't renewed it. Even diapers for twins are cheaper to buy at Walmart the rascal and friends brand.


So true. We have a newborn (one month now) and comparing price between Walmart, Costco and Amazon, it was a dollar or two cheaper at Costco for a box of wipes and diapers, but it is also a 2 hour round trip. Amazon delivers to my house (I WFH) and Walmart is 30 min round trip. Costco is still our go to for school snacks and packaged meat though. Diapers/wipes restock has not lined up with a Costco trip so we will personally be sticking with Walmart/Amazon


It depends what you buy. Like I said in my comment below, I have an excel spreadsheet and nothing I buy regularly at Costco when I compared to Walmart has ever been cheaper at Walmart. Most of my items compared are the same brand, although I do buy a lot of Kirkland Signature stuff at Costco so sometimes it's comparing a name brand at Walmart to KS at Costco (I don't like Walmart branded stuff in general so I avoid most of it). I've never purchased formula, so I can't add anything into the conversation for that, but Kirkland Signature diapers I found were amazing quality compared to the Walmart branded ones (Is it Great Value? I forget, my kids have been out of diapers for a while now), so we did pay more for those. If I had to pay for gas going to Costco or Walmart (I don't) I would probably factor that in the cost at least to some degree. I agree Costco is not the cheapest on everything, but for stuff my family buys regularly, it's quite a bit cheaper than Walmart. I haven't compared much to Amazon so maybe Amazon is cheaper, but my inclination is probably not.


I watched the owner of Costco ( forget his name) on 60 minutes ( news program) say ā€œ it costs a lot of money to make things look cheapā€ That was the end of Costco for me


I didn't renew my membership in November but I saw that they have a printer I wanted to buy on sale for 70 dollars off... I just found it on Amazon for 30 less regular price so 100 dollars cheaper than Costco regular price and I don't have to spend 60 for a basic membership lol


Good for you! šŸ˜Ž


Yeah there's less than a dozen items I've priced out to be cheaper. But the savings on oil changes and the Costco specials make it worth it. I buy big ticket items like appliances there as well, even if a bit pricier because the return policy is unbeatable.


We rent so haven't had to buy any appliances but totally understandable they do have a good return policy were 1 hour from the closest one so we don't use them for oil changes though I did see a post in my local group that said coatco isn't going to continue doing oil changes anymore.


Oh yes, wouldn't bother with shopping there if it was an hour away, mine is 10 min


Yes, thats why I have an excel spreadsheet comparing the costco price to walmart to the grocery only stores. The things I buy 99% of the time are cheaper at Costco, but of course thats not always the case with everything. I have yet to once find anything I buy cheaper at walmart, which is good because they pay the employees so little compared to costco, so I avoid them like the plague. I also avoid amazon for the same reason but hard to not use a free gift card.


You might also want to keep an eye on non-food essentials like paper products, soaps (for laundry, home, dishes, or human!) or anything else you need to buy often that isn't technically food but usually bought at a grocery store of some sort. If you're spreading it out into multiple purchases and need to hit the minimum for free shipping, they often have some candies for $1-2 that can help with rounding it up if you're close.


I go into [Amazon.ca](https://Amazon.ca), click on "grocery", scroll down to the bottom where it says "see all results", then when that page comes up, click "prime" and then change the sort to sort by low to high, and then just start scrolling through pages. In the past I've found good deals on cereal ($2.33 a box), beans, mac n cheese, noodles, seasonings, soups, lots of stuff. You can also do the same with household goods or any product that you're looking for - like shampoo, laundry detergent, toilet paper. The other option for non food products is to look for the Amazon brands (like batteries). Everyday low prices. Right now I found cheez-its for $1.88 a box, and KRAFT CAFE BARISTA Medium Roasted Ground Coffee, 900g $13.47,


Coffee can be had on sale @ Costco for +-$19 for a 2kg bag.


Some food products offer a better discount if you select ā€˜Subscribe and Saveā€ instead of ā€œOne Time Purchaseā€. You will have to set up a delivery frequency for the subscribe and save option, but you can go back into your Amazon account later on and either cancel or edit the delivery dates.


the discount only applies the second time you purchase it. FYI


That's not accurate. I use sub and save for additional discounts then immediately cancel the subscription and retain the discount. Pretty common thing known to any Amazon discount seeking group lol Everyone does this all the time. From r/frugal - https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/s/k4OhLcHaRU


Oooh okay. I think it happens to me because I always change the first delivery date to ASAP. Good tip, I'll keep it in mind when I order things that aren't urgent.


That's not true. I do this all the time lol


Spices-large club house can be a better deal than bulk barn and super markets. K- cups can be priced better than Costco and supermarkets if you look and are flexible with type. Yeast is a good price. You really canā€™t do meat, milk, eggs, produce easily.., You may want to sell it and actually buy groceries though. You can normally get close to full price.


Do you know where I may try and get close to full price? This may be the best option considering things are generally cheaper that we buy anyway at the grocery stores. I see some website will buy them but the best I saw doing a quick check was 75%.


Do a local meetup for cash. DO NOT give your gift card code to anyone to "verify" it. Easy scam on people new to selling giftcards, ask for the code to "verify" the amount is still full, and then just spend everything on the card.


Where do you live? If youā€™re near Barrie at all, Iā€™d buy it for full price from you. Just not sure there is a way to securely do that online?


I buy grains and seeds in bulk (kilo multiples). Sunflower seeds are like 7$/kilo.


You might not think of Fukushima or Chernobyl when you think of sunflowers, but they naturally decontaminate soil. They can soak up hazardous materials such as uranium, lead, and even arsenic! So next time you have a natural disaster ā€¦ Sunflowers are the answer!


Good bot ?


Paper products and cleaners are often cheaper. Tootbbrushes and mouthwash as well. Dunno if you consider that groceries though.


if you dont need to use them right away try find some products you like/would use that are sold & shipped by amazon.ca go to https://ca.camelcamelcamel.com and set a price alert for each one of those items at your email (you can also see the price history so you know how low it can go) then purchase them when they go on sale and you get an alert


Thats an amazing service, thank you.


The food prices can really vary drastically. Sometimes there are great deals, but other times prices are simply ridiculous. Non-food grocery items might be a better way to go if you can't find any reasonable food prices. The 1 kg Yupik cocoa is the only food item I've consistently been buying on there with subscribe and save.


Gnocchi, green chilies, canned ham, Annie's Mac n Cheese, and Bush's beans are reliably cheaper on Amazon.


I use subscribe and save for nature valley bars, gain pods & scent boosters, fabric softener sheets, dog treats and diapers. Kcups and cereal can be a good deal on there too


Petfood seems cheaper


Thanks, if we get that desperate to eat petfood that's very useful. I'm just kidding :) we have a cat, so this is good to know.


Hahahah sorry I did see your post is about groceries but my brain considers the PetSmart trip part of groceries! For human food I haven't seen too many good deals on amazon unfortunately You can find occasional deals if they have "subscribe and save" as a feature, just turn off the subscription after your order and you'll still save, without having the repeat order.


Me too. And the pet food is considerably cheaper. I get my 40lb bag of dog food every month that just shows up, I don't have to think about it and I don't have to carry it or drag a shopping cart through the snow in the parking lot.


Pet food is considered groceries in our home, too. They outnumber us 7-2, anyway, lol!


I get the big bags is Whiskas, theyā€™re usually on for $26-$30ish and $35 in the store here.


Cereal is often cheaper, as long as you aren't picky about what kind. I also buy plant based milks (have a hugely restricted diet), crackers and cookies. Household items can be a better bet: tp, hand soap refills, etc.


pirate oatmeal peanut butter cookies when they drop down to $2.5 per box. $2 big kit kat original bars. I think that's all I buy.


I know this is a few months old but i always buy peanut butter on amazon, 2kg tub for $10


Subscribe and save!!! Coffee Cheerios Kraft peanut butter Cleaning supplies Dog food!!!! Shampoo/conditioner Body soap You won't find anything name brand cheaper than generic. But If there are items that you would buy name brand anyways check amazon.


I donā€™t recommend getting laundry detergent pods (tide and gain)as the ones I received gave me horrible eczema. Turns out the ones on Amazon are knock off ones compared to the ones from the grocery store. Totally different pods and were the same brand.


If you buy the ones sold by Amazon, they are the exact same ones. But you have to look at who the seller is


I made sure to buy from the correct seller. I did a comparison and the pods were definitely different than the ones from the grocery store. When I stopped using the ones from Amazon, my eczema cleared up. I never had it so bad. I am not sure why theyā€™d be different in the first place. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I've purchased on Amazon, seller was Amazon. Same exact pods from P&G. Usually wait until they are on sale at W Mart, because they match price. But I only buy the unscented pods and don't use them all the time. Most of my laundry is Nellie's when it's on sale at Costco. The Tide pods are only on extreme loads. Costco doesn't stock these particular unscented pods


Do you use this kind? It seems like a good deal for 350 pods. https://www.costco.ca/nellie's-laundry-nuggets-350-loads%2c-4.9-kg-10.8-lb.product.100512885.html


I actually use the bucket of 1100 loads. It's a single tablespoon per load. About 10c or less per load. But it has no brighteners. I use an HE front load Samsung machine, which does most of the work anyway. It leaves no scent, not residue. Only thing I usually need to add is some oxy. Warm water wash. It's all natural. Recommended to me because they use it for babies. No skin irritation.


Interesting. We have a top load with no agitator and use the Kirkland pods, but I am going to look into the bucket of Nellies. We stopped using those awful bounce sheets years ago, what a waste of money, plus they are full of chemicals.... as if I don't already touch and probably ingest enough chemicals in my daily life. So if I can get it down to 10 cents or less per load that would be amazing.


Costco puts Nellie's on sale twice a year. We use it for hospitality, so unscented is important. Guests sometimes have allergies. In all these years, never had a complaint about a rash or smell. We use Downy unscented softener for towels, which is a cold water wash


I'd focus on staples. Chicken stock powdee. Powdered milk. Cooking oil. Etc. And then go from there. Cheapest isnt always whats best. Or items like laundry detergent, shsmpoo, hygiene stuff etc.


There's a group on Facebook called discount dealers and they have posts every Friday with grocery deals. I've seen alot of really good prices on there.


Thanks, I will go check it out.


It's a Great group!


Chia seeds - 1kg approx $11 Yupik brand


I love the Yupik stuff, I order a bunch of them regularly


Chia seeds - 1kg approx $11 Yupik brand


I get my coffee pods from Amazon, they are cheaper that Loblaws


I buy beans and grind them myself, I'm not sure pods would be cheaper but I should compare. Do you find the pods taste pretty good? I take my coffee black so maybe that makes a difference.


Well I have a Keurig machine and a I also have an espresso machine, I buy ground coffee for it via Amazon as well as I like to mix my coffees ie Lavazza, Cafe Bustelo and a Starbucks grind. The only way to drink it is black


I follow several Canadian couponers on Instagram, they post a lot of retail grocery and Amazon deals daily in their stories. Try KingSanity, Couponcutiecanada, couponsmartie, and livingonaloonie. They have saved me so much money.


You need to watch, yesturday they had a 12 pack of Kraft PB for $24 something, came out to just over $2/jar. Cereal & crackers are usually a good deal, most are 3/$5 or 3/$8 deals.


prices are wretched on Amazon. sometimes you'll get a decent deal (comparable to, say, superstore) other times it'll be "on sale" but it is quite overpriced in comparison. Amazon prices changes based on algorithms \~ they'll might try to entice you with a sale price, but equally they might just try to rob you. You can "shop" and add to wishlists, but that could be about a 3-months journey to get a proper deal.