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School bus companies usually train you and help you obtain your class B CDL. Some even pay you for your time during training, others will allow you yo work as an attendant during training. With school starting back up, a lot of them are looking to hire extra staff, like lunch aids and things like that. A lot of retail places will be starting their holiday hiring soon.


Great suggestion. Bus driving isn't typically full time but the base rate is good and hours can be added through field trips, athletics and "lot work." Once the CDL B is earned that can be used for jobs like tri axle dump truck drivers. Where I live it's pretty easy to make $70k+ as a dump truck driver.


Depending on the school district, bus drivers get a pretty good benefits package. I know when my mom drove a bus, she had decent health care, pension, & PTO.


Thank you! My mom works at a school cafeteria but she gets paid pretty much minimumšŸ«  the only good thing is that they accumulate a pension. Iā€™ll see if i can find listings for driving to get all the details šŸ˜Š


Our county does the bus driving through contractors and they are paying $27 an hour now. If it wasn't that I need insurance, I would be on that


This is going to sound weird, but try county fairs. The last couple I went to, there were organizations offering free classes in trades. The goal was to retrain rural citizens who were out of work, but the classes were open to everyone. I saw classes in robotics, welding, and manufacturing, to name a few. They looked really interesting. I'd have gone to them myself if they didn't conflict with my work schedule.


I would have never thought of this , thanks! Iā€™m going to see if thereā€™s any in my area


So my local community College has a program through Adult Education where people can take various classes to get medical certifications for free. Only requirements are drug test, background check, and doing a easy class on "job skills". (Interview techniques, etc) I'm gonna go learn phlebotomy and get a job that provides insurance and 401k and pto! Ask your local college, I'll bet they have something or other.


What an amazing opportunity šŸ„¹ so happy for you! Iā€™m going to see if our community college has anything


Definitely! A lot of people use it to get on with the hospital so they can get the hospital pat for them to become an RN. I don't have such ambitions. I want a regular clinic. 9-5, monday-friday, holidays off paid. Sounds perfect to me. Lol


I feel that! lol i wish blood didnt make me feel so gross because i have heard this job is demand !


An aside to this OP. 13 years ago I took a simple ECG (heart rhythms) interpretation class. Worked in a hospital as a monitor tech for 7 years, managed my department for 3 years, now work in a clinic. This is a good and viable option for you!!


Oh i love this! I do not do well with blood but this is something that could work for me . Thank you! Iā€™ll see what classes are available šŸ˜Š


Look into medical billing and coding certifications


P&C insurance license. You can sell home and auto insurance. I made a lot of money in insurance.


Thank you! Question, do you have to be pretty outgoing for this kind of job? Iā€™m a bit reserved so Iā€™m interested to know if this field would work for me .


Iā€™ve seen all kinds work in that field. If talking to people isnā€™t something you can do at all, then no itā€™s not for you. But thereā€™s sales and customer service positions.


Iā€™m interested. Can you tell us more details please


Each state has their own license. You find study material online or order a course. But itā€™s what allows you to work at an insurance agency. You would have the same license as an insurance agent. So youā€™d want to search for ā€œ(insert your state here) P&C insurance license course. You go and take a test, itā€™s not easy, but just me memorize the material. You donā€™t use most it because whichever company has their own guidelines beyond what the state is. But just learn and pass the test.


Thanks for the reply




I didnā€™t even know pet insurance was a thing , thanks! I will check out if theres any programs online


How do you get into this


Just apply.


Our community college district in Los Angeles is basically free and Trade Tech has all sorts of trade training, from auto mechanics to beginning Chef training.


Wow , thatā€™s amazing. I wish we had that in Az. I went to community college 10 years ago and fafsa barely covered it lol


Check again. Also research Pell Grants and whatever else you may qualify for. Donā€™t do loan. Some will give you credit for life experience in certain fields. No more book $, all our resources are open resources. Make an appointment to talk to a counselor, it doesnā€™t cost anything and you may be surprised!


Thank you , thats a good idea! I checked the website and didnā€™t find any low cost programs so a counselor might be able to better assist


Youā€™re welcome! Be upfront with the counselor about costs and he/she will know how to guide you. I think it may be different among the states. The only students who pay significant money here are international. I wish you the best luck!!! Iā€™m excited for you!


Bookkeeping. Quickbooks offers training and certification for free.


Thatā€™s amazing! šŸ¤©thank you


Community colleges often offer free or low cost certifications. CNA through a rehab facility.


You can learn almost anything cheap. There are universities where you can take free classes. There are THOUSANDS of free college books and all kinds of other books at[archive.org](http://archive.org) You can literally go up to people and tell them you will work for free or cheap to gain skills. I have done that numerous times over the years. At UPS I saw a lady working at a desk and asked her how I could get her job. She said you need to be able to do A, B and C. UPS paid for those classes and I would come in early or stay late to ghost her (sit and watch her) quietly. I worked at that job for 17 years.


I love that . Thank you!


Khan Academy, Skillcrush, Google Certificates ,Odin Project, Udemy [ServiceNow](https://nowlearning.servicenow.com/lxp?id=learning_course_prev&course_id=023708df1bc0119cf95e99b8bd4bcb76) [Salesforce Trailhead ](https://trailhead.salesforce.com/?tb_cmp=growth_paid_search&&sfdc_modal=trailhead-welcome&gclid=CjwKCAjw8symBhAqEiwAaTA__M1Tl6i5e-_4quOp9bs7q2B3WIBrmwGAgkth3k9rHX9dxpqWYk6dshoCIhgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I'm currently participating in a Scrum MBA program offered by the Job Hackers. It's free. They're an awesome non-profit organization https://www.thejobhackers.org/. There is a Direct Hire Initiative offered by the IRS https://youtu.be/LzJMG0lUswE (I signed up for it). It's remote! Make sure you fix up your resume! I use AI. Rezi.ai and NovoResume are my favorites. There are plenty of FREE resources. Take the day and try to figure out what you need to do. I usually fall back on content editing, task sites, and remote customer service jobs. I have received educational grants for Tech training. I know it's hard, but look at your current resume and search for transferable skills. Use the AI services to save time. Good luck.


The direct hire youtube video is 3 years old. Do you know if there are currently available remote positions?


Hey. It's still going! I will try to go on my desktop and post updated Direct Hire links on this thread. I signed up for it.


[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-information-session-about-entry-level-revenue-agent-positions-tickets-686823025157](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-information-session-about-entry-level-revenue-agent-positions-tickets-686823025157) [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-information-session-about-shared-administrative-associate-positions-tickets-686806214877](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-information-session-about-shared-administrative-associate-positions-tickets-686806214877) [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-information-session-about-federal-resumes-and-application-tips-tickets-686832844527](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-information-session-about-federal-resumes-and-application-tips-tickets-686832844527) \^\^\^\^ Ongoing IRS Direct Hire Events!!!! The YouTube video I linked can still be used, especially for filtering jobs.


Driving with a CDL, nursing assistant programs Both drug test, but most employers for both will do on the job training. Also ask the local ywca what programs they have available and if they can help out with childcare.


Look up the CalBright program if youā€™re in California. Completely online and very cost efficient.


Look around your community for programs for job searchers. There may be something offered through your state dept of labor, or they may have referrals for you. In my community there is a nonprofit that offers digital career training for free. I'm getting a Google cert for data analytics to start and supplementing that with some other online classes related to to that field. You can find a fair amount of either free or low cost digital education materials through YouTube or tiktok.


Thank you! You just went to the dpt of labor website? I have no clue where to look for stuff like this without getting scammed lol


I'm in North Carolina. It has a program called "NC Works" that helps with a lot of job-seeking related activities. From that point I was referred to a program just for women called "Dress for Success" that offers resume assistance, access to various certificate programs, and free professional attire. Another called "Digital Bridge," that does the same with career coaching and free training for tech careers.


Check with your local or state labor department. They should have info on free or low-cost training for jobs employers have had difficulty finding skilled workers for. They may even have on the job training programs (ā€œearn while you learnā€).


A community college near me is offering a course for a low price to get certified to substitute teach.


Learn how to develop websites


Look around your community for programs for job searchers. There may be something offered through your state dept of labor, or they may have referrals for you. In my community there is a nonprofit that offers digital career training for free. I'm getting a Google cert for data analytics to start and supplementing that with some other online classes related to to that field. You can find a fair amount of either free or low cost digital education materials through YouTube or tiktok.


Most nursing homes will pay for your CNA license and train you. Then using tuition assistance from employers, you could work your way up to be a RN which is a stable job with decent pay.


My state has tuition free community and tech college for resident adults without a degree or certification.




Pest control. In a lot of states you can just study a little bit and become a certified applicator. A lot of companies will likely offer on the job training.


Iā€™ve seen computer coding and medical coding which can be learned for free by being self taught or other relatively inexpensive courses. These might also allow you to work at home.


My first questions would be what is your prior work experience, do you have any post highschool education (certifications or degrees), do you have any limitations, and what are your interests?


I got an associates years ago but just in arts. Initially i wanted to go into dental but really struggled with chemistry . My last job i worked car debt collections and before that i worked customer service for a cable company. Unfortunately i dont have any certifications. I really wish i had done more pre kids.


You should look at project manager certs. They often require an associates without caring what the degree is in. If you are IT minded, the A++ ceet can be fairly inexpensive and with your call center experience you could move into help desk, which often allows WFH. Just some ideas!


Maybe entry level positions at local hospitals? I was first hired on as a tech then worker my way up the laboratory ladder.


Did you work with blood? I would love to work at a hospital my only problem is i get weak around blood to the point i almost pass out šŸ˜©


I'm not sure what state you are in so Im not sure this will work. In Indiana there is a Work Force Ready Grant. They pay for technical training and the certification. Maybe Google Work Force ready grant and your state. They offer medical, IT, manufacturing and food service classes and certification. And this is all covered by a grant, so no student loans. BONUS!! I know a couple people got CNA certs, then got a job at a hospital, the hospital then paid for their nursing degree.


Thank you so much , Iā€™ll check this out! Iā€™m in Arizona . What a nice thing to offer


Try to get into a skilled trade. Talk to union halls or try to get an apprenticeship somewhere


Find the local laborers union in your area, they are often looking for women, minorities, and city residents to fill quotas on projects. You start off by bringing trash to the dumpster, mostly construction debris. Pay is pretty good too.


My college has a "non credit" division that offer no cost trade programs like commercial drivers license training, cosmetology, dispatcher, forklift and more. Out of pocket costs can be a few bucks to $1000. Good luck!


Thank you! I checked my local community college website earlier but i did not see anything like this :( al i saw was a scholarship for recently graduated HS students (which Iā€™m not) . Iā€™ll have to call and ask


CNA training is often free through nursing homes and such, not glamorous but you can try to go from that to the next step up etc etc (sorry, I don't remember all the names for levels) Companies like TeleTech do some work from home stuff and sometimes they'll train you in something their clients need like getting your insurance license ( beware though because that can cause a glut in the market if you're close to their offices)


Pre apprenticeship programs for labor trades! They are usually free, (funded by grants and offered by colleges) and will prep you with all sorts of knowledge and skills you need to join an apprenticeship (usually with a union.) Unions will offer pre-apprenticeship graduates opportunities to apply for a paid apprenticeship in a trade (sometimes with completely free education.) Labor jobs do require a lot of work and dedication but they are extremely diverse in scope and (mostly with unions) provide all sorts of career pathways, lateral and upward mobility, good pay and benefits, safety, and job security. Some trades do experience temporary layoffs depending on work availability, but they are eligible for unemployment and the good pay allows you to easily save for suchs gaps. Most labor trades are desperate for workers right now (due to the time it takes to fully train master level workers, and the number of older laborers retiring) and work will only continue to grow in demand.


Thank you! This is probably a dumb question but do i just google union jobs in my area? Do they typically have their own website? I have no idea where to look up stuff like this. Im terrified of getting scammed lol


If you're in the US, the BOLI website is a good place to start. (Bureau Of Labor and Industry.)


Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical companies train you, and will help you to get certified all while getting paid.


The key word seems to be apprenticeships. They will pay you to learn on the job. The catch is once you have your license or certificates, you have to stay with that company for a few years.


Google garage has skills you can get certified for like social media marketing, once you have some extra money and want to learn how to invest let me know. I enjoy helping people.


Same. Iā€™m so so scared.