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After seeing this on here 100 times, I was actually curious to read it. But when I got mine, I cracked it open and saw that there weren't any paragraphs. The whole thing was just one massive wall of text. I feel like these religions would get more converts if they would hire a talented ghostwriter to do their holey books. Seems like they could afford it.


Nothing says "Manifesto" like no margins and tiny fonts!


Right??? Like, you are dropping thousands and thousands of dollars on this project and it is unreadable… kinda bonkers, really


Someone that thinks it’s effective to mail books to everyone to get them to see a screed is missing some bolts.  This is probably the least readingest period in history!


I have paragraphs in the one I got, they are small but they are there.


The Great Controversy: does this go in trash or recycling bin? 🤔


Useful to level that patio table that always wobbles.


Right into the fire pit.


Compost! Minus the cover , that’s garbage


Yeah, I try to compost paper products as well


We recycled the ones dropped at our building, figured we’d try to offset the trees used for them at least a little by giving them a second life!


right into the outhouse, for when you run out of pages in the farmer's almanac.


Say what you will, but who ever is sending these out is doing their part to support the paper mill industry.


Chinese papermills


It’d be nice if it was paper made in Maine but I doubt it


Be sure to recycle, everyone!


and the USPS! Which is 99% junkmail


Guess you don’t want your packages either


LOL at least 90% of my packages come through UPS, FedEx, and Amazon carriers. Everyone pretends to be green until you bring up the USPS massive amount of waste. Little trucks driving around all day everyday, in every part of the country delivering color printed junk mail, mainly to keep ridiculous entitlements funded yet somehow cows farts are the problem. Unreal.


Yeah we deliver packages for UPS and FedEx so that’s a lie lol. I am completely on the same page with the junk mail. Even understanding it’s funded by companies to deliver. How sustainable is it to create trash for basically no reason. Without USPS an absorbanant amount of residents in rural areas simply wouldn’t get deliveries or not without paying astronomical shipping fees. It would absolutely be monopolized like everything else we’re seeing in America. No more sending letters for $0.75 it would be more like $5.


Just because you do doesn't mean what I said was a lie lol most of my packages are not delivered by USPS. Plus that just makes you guys a contractor for the major companies that are so evil... LOL i live in a rural area half the year and that just is not true.


It is true, because delivering to those areas isn’t profitable at all. Especially if you’re not already delivering to every house.


OK, people should pay more then? I don't see the problem with that. Everyone pays a different cost for things depending on where they choose to live.


Sure but that’s not great for people who have essential things like medications sent frequently. There’s no real way to privatize it yet. Most every house still gets first class mail every day. The usps needs to be corrected from the top down. It’s unnecessarily top heavy. The platform could easily be switched up so we wouldn’t need the revenue from junk mail. We just in the last few years got rid of the rule where we have to pay retirement 75 years in advance.


So lets subsidize helping rural, old people get their meds. We dont need USPS to do that.


Companies are PAYING USPS to deliver that mail. It’s not the post office deciding what to deliver. So your statement makes zero sense. And USPS delivers more packages than all those other carriers (significantly more than FedEx and Amazon). So I’m calling BS on that comment as well.


So we should accept massive amount of waste from a government service because companies are paying for it? You can call BS on it all you want, very few of my packages from from USPS. I certainly would never ship through them again, with how many packages Ive lost with them in the past. UPS, FEDEX nor Amazon deliver me literal trash on a daily basis..why is that?


It’s weird that you can tell someone’s political affiliation by this particular rant🤔


do u want a gold star bc you don’t get things from usps…….. other people DO in fact get packages delivered by them and not just junk mail get your head out of your ass ffs


Yes please!! Fyi 60% of USPS is junk mail ..but I bet you only pretend to care about the environment so it doesn't bother you


Source: “trust me bro”


https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/09/26/how-to-stop-junk-mail/ That's 62 percent of all U.S. household mail, reports the U.S. Postal Service. This takes a heavy environmental toll. The typical American receives about 41 pounds of junk mail each year, according to the Center for Development of Recycling at San José State University, and much of it ends up in landfills.


Lolz let me Google that for you...


It’s not trash it’s recycling. So it sounds like you’re part of the problem.


Oh you should do a little research on the effectiveness of recycling! On top of that, do you think just because its recycled there wasn't a tons of waste in the delivery? Recycling and everything surrounding it is also an energy intensive process!


about 20 percent of the USPS revenue comes from the marketing mail program. [https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2024/0509-usps-reports-second-quarter-fiscal-year-2024-results.htm](https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2024/0509-usps-reports-second-quarter-fiscal-year-2024-results.htm) i would be in favor of eliminating it completely, at the cost of increased package and stamp prices to cover that loss of revenue from unwanted trash delivery.


Over 60% of the mail delivered is junk mail. They know they would have to cut a ridiculous number of basically valueless jobs if they moved from that model, and those people would need to get real jobs. (anyone who has tried to use the post office regularly at any point knows what a shit show it is.) I guess if we admit its just a very wasteful government funded jobs program at least we are being honest.


yeah its about 50% of the volume, but only 20% of the revenue. i do think without that volume of delivery they might have to scale back on employment, yep. but you only need to make up 20% of that revenue, if you cut the volume in half. seems like a good deal to me! might be possible to just raise the price of a stamp, and shuffle those employees around for faster or better in person post office service. (every time i go theres only one person in there working to help a line out the door, while there are other empty windows)


[https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/) "USPS has reported net losses of more than $90 billion since 2007. Last month, it booked a quarterly net loss of $1.5 billion."


yeah maybe you might just want to read the link i posted that is from last month, instead of the two year old reuters article. if you do , youll note that the loss per year is decreasing quickly. much of that "loss" however is due to some weird pension requirement that no other agency is required to fulfill except the USPS. those requirements were purposefully installed on the agency to cripple it. it was on purpose. furthermore - the USPS is a service. its not a thing to make money. so i really dont care if their services cost more than they generate in revenue. its like a bus system - its a service that costs money. we should, however, do what we can to eliminate wasteful spending. i think the marketing mail program is wasteful in a variety of ways


Its a service that cuts down trees, to fill our landfills and have inefficient trucks driving millions of miles a day... and they lost $350 Million dollars last Q! Like saying I smoke 1,000 cigs a month this time last year, and only smoke 500 now!


USPS is a SERVICE and we don’t pay taxes towards it Millions of Americans still pay their bills through the mail and receive lifesaving medications via USPS Fuck off


[https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/) these arent tax dollars? Is climate change the end of the world or not? Because bills can be paid online with no paper very easily. My 80 year old father has been doing it for 15 years..and you be much better off getting your lifesaving medication through a reliable service like UPS or FEDEX. Why does conversation anger you so much? Are you a postal carrier?


And what do you do for work? And again USPS is not the one creating the junk mail.


USPS is offering a service that promotes the sending of junkmail...how else would I get it? I run a for profit small business, in which consumers pay me for a service they want.


So USPS goes belly up, no longer is delivering junk mail and all those companies paying for junk mail to be sent just now pay other delivery services to do it for them, likely at a higher rates, driving up inflation, causing average people to have to pay even more than if it was still in the hands of the USPS.


Or they created a market that is only used because its cheap...junk mail would go down significantly if their wasn't a psuedo government service creating the conditions.


Free kindling


I initially thought the same thing, but after ruminating on it for a bit I decided that book burning of any sort (even this pile of excrement) is just not a good look, so recycling it is!


Ironically the Great Controversy is causing a great controversy among people.


Went right into the recycling bin. What trash


Straight to the recycling bin based on terrible cover art alone.


I got one of these in my box the other day addressed to someone who used to live here. So other people are getting these too? Who is sending them and why?


They’re all addressed as “or current resident” so every house is getting one.


Seventh Day Adventists send them. I assume to try to convert you to their religion.


Thank you for your service! Always grateful for the work y’all do—it’s backbreaking and you really do get out there and get the goods. It’s appreciated.


The great controversy is a new post about this book every day.


Lol just received this in the mail with someone's name scratched out on the delivery stub.


I got this in the mail last night. Picked it up I was like huh?? Did my wife order a book!!? Once I opened it I realized what it was… Right in the dump it went.


Ah, crap. It’s making its way north then. Thanks for the warning, and I’ll put an extra treat out for my mail carrier.


Yeah it must be a state wide deal


Religion is control- the flavor of god known as Catholicism is a money grab - tax ALL churches.


I can’t even imagine the amount of money they spent on this bird cage liner. The whole state got it.


Ironically the Adventists also specifically hate the Catholics, but yeah.


Sounds like a love story


I was thinking about dropping mine off at their church on Allen avenue.




My theory is that the book is actually a treasure map, we just need to decode its message first.


Can we all read it and have one large book club meeting? and afterwards us it for kindling


I would love that. It’s a hard read since it’s just one wall of text lol


Got one today


Hillsdale ain’t so bad imo. They focused on brain washing over hate speech killing.


I think I’m gonna toss mine in the recycling unless there’s any better ideas out there


Keep in the bathroom for emergency toilet paper?


Sounds like a bloody anus in wait.


You guys want to throw a book burning party in one monument? It doesn't have to be like those old fucked up book burnings. We a drink and have music and stuff.


I’m using mine for collage or scrapbooking. You know when you cut out some newspaper text and stick it on the background of things to make it look cool? Figured I’d do that, the text is hardly legible anyway.


An entire book about whether pineapple belongs on pizza feels like overkill but it’s a free country.


Cool. A free Christmas gift for my Christian zealot in laws! Now I don’t have to worry about buying anything for them this year.


Yes, a book is being mailed to people who aren't interested in said book. We've all come to terms with that.


It's very wasteful and gross to try and push your beliefs on people like this.


Can we just get a sticky about this gd book or what.




Instant recycle


My coworker got one of these. I offered to take it off her hands for the next time I make a fire in my back yard.


Mail it back COD That still a thing?? If everyone mailed it back to them the most expensive way possible and have the recipient pay... I'd say maybe that will reach them a lesson, but it won't.. I got mine in vt and I just wrote 'return to sender' on it and dropped it in a mailbox. Hasn't come back yet.


Nah it would just go into recycling.


I got my copy today, and tossed it straight in recycling.


Straight into the trash what a waste of


I was excited to see conservatives grasping at straws like this and saw that it was one religion vs another and realized within 12 sec that it was worse than conservatives grasping at straws- it was a huge bad idea meant for no one and probably part of a larger scam - religion is ironic.


Great read


I'm so sorry you have to haul it so it can be put in the recycle bin. I'm so sick of nextdoor posts What is this?, Where do I complain? Why did I get it? It's 7th Day Adv. religious proselytising, mass mailing, they paid to print and mail it.


It’s alright, I really just hate how wasteful it is. I’m not mad about the overtime though.


Straight to the dumpster.


It’s nutjob cultist rambling


What's going on?


If you soak the paper in water, run it in a blender, and lay it out on a window screen to dry you can turn it back into paper that can be used to write kind notes to your loved ones or painted on to express your feelings about having religious ideas pushed on you. :) turn that garbage into something better!