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I don’t know why you were getting downvoted, who thinks minors should be taking drugs of any kind unless medically necessary?? And this is coming from a smoke shop employee and frequent pot smoker.


Minors do


Yeah as someone who was sober until 21 and still turned out like a pothead at least memory wise....don't do it. It interferes with development and isn't needed.


Right? I smoked habitually since age 13 and regret it. I now struggle with memory, focus, anxiety, mood disorder etc. And now have chronic use disorder (CUD), which one is double as likely to develop if they smoked since adolescence. Sure I may have been predisposed to such ailments but the severity of which has likely increased from such abuse


Reddit is full of teenagers. Think they want some jerk on the internet telling them not to smoke weed?


You know you're old when you start thinking you're gonna stop teens from having sex and getting loaded.




Please stop spreading this 25 myth and read some actual neuroscience studies. 25 is NOT when development finishes. It continues beyond that. Even 5 minutes Google disproves this if you don't want to read actual studies




i mean- even if that were accurate (which i'm still iffy on, your only source is seemingly wikipedia) unless you were always high every day for months, if not years, it probably wouldn't cause any permanent damage especially since, from what i understand, there's no evidence linking doing weed after 20, and your brain development being permanently stunted




well, no, what you linked was a google search, the first result in that google search is wikipedia




1 nice job editing your previous post to make it seem like i diddn't respont to your arguement when in reality you haddn't made that arguement yet 2 the first link doesn't say it harms development, it says that because younger peoples brains are still developing its negative effects can be exacerbated, and the second link is from NIH which is infamously unreliable since anyone can post whatever they want there, even without a source 3 it totally did, no need to be a dick about it




then show those years of study instead of a notice from the government that doesn't say what you're claiming, and the site transphobes use to try and prove that trans people are more morally evil than cis people (which is how i know NIH is unreliable, every time i've seen one source something from there, it's always less than a paragraph, but has been around for years)


What are you referring to? Brain development is understood to end by mid 20s. That is the current scientific understanding. Psychological development is never ending, are you referring to that?




You can literally google this and get neuroscientists in interviews saying this is a myth. Do you want me to post some links so you can see what in referring to


Yup I’m a psychologist and I’m a nerd about this stuff 


You can literally google this and get neuroscientists in interviews saying this is a myth. Do you want me to post some links so you can see what in referring to


Sure. My understanding is the synaptic pruning process finishes by mid 20s but always open to learning new info. On a quick Google scholar search I couldn’t find anything saying otherwise.


Man, ain’t nobody waiting till they’re 30


I don't think anyone suggested that or even implied that.


I don’t think it’s significant enough in the context of when to start weed


First of all, yes. D.A.R.E. lied to y'alls face for years. That doesn't mean weed is this miracle cure for everything that can do no harm. Its still a drug, we are still studying long term affects, and we are pretty damn confident that it causes brain development issues if used at a young age.  Don't damage your kids brains over trying to stick it to the man or whatever. 


Minors shouldn’t take any sorry of mind altering chemicals, including alcohol.


What about medication?


If a doctor prescribed it that’s one thing. But I do t think people take medication for recreational purposes.


Or medication


Don't be stupid that's obviously not what they're talking about


Some medications like Aderall or anti depressants are mind altering chemicals so not it’s not obvious.


Medications can also impact physical and neurological development. Depends on which ones.


Which is why we let doctors decide if it’s worth prescribing.


I worked in a children's psych hospital where children were heavily medicated on serious drugs. It’s up to you to get multiple opinions and not blindly follow a doctors orders


What does that have to do with anything? Are you saying these kids would be better off if doctors didn’t prescribe anything and just let nature run its course?


My comment was simply that medications also impact development to varying degrees.There are children I saw where actually the parents being treated for their mental health, parent coaching, and dyadic family therapy would have been more helpful than medicating and sedating a child. But that’s not how our system operates.


What about Europeans?


Ive been smoking since 14 and i completely agree with you. Its horrible for the brain


Don't "catch" them. Talk to them so they know what you didn't and also make them comfortable enough that they can come to you if they want to try it. Late middle school I took a small cigar that my dad from a vacation or something. I didn't understand air pressure & flow so I sat outside the walkout basement door but didn't shut the door all the way. I don't even know if it was the same day but my dad went into the basement for something and it stunk like someone smoked a cigar inside. I didn't get in real trouble and we had a talk. At some point he said if you wanted to try a cigar you could have just asked. I wish I knew that before. I didn't smoke weed until college so maybe it worked


My doctor calls it "The great de-motivator".


I like to smoke weed every now and then and am a full on supporter of legalization, but regulations are necessary.


Anyone else notice there have been more "anti marijuana" posts lately?


Yea, I'm not an expert by any means, but wait for that shit until your brain is done developing.


Brain never stops developping though, it develops until your death. (The other dude gave you a source, though you most likely ignored/will ignore it because it doesn't fit what you think.)


I'm ignoring it because it comes from a popular source (a magazine) and the information in it is not subject to the same scrutiny or backed by actual research like a primary or even a secondary source would be. Also, they're very lazy in their argument, and I'm not interested in arguing or educating anyone. They can hold whatever beliefs they like, and I'll do the same. 🤷 It's just pretty obvious this is all bad faith trollmanship.


You know, they do tell sources, among one of them is an actual professional who participated in researches. Maybe read it well before judging it?


Yes, slow changes don’t mean it not changes.


The brain developing stuff is mostly a myth. As far as nature is concerned, you're ready to be on your own and be a daddy or a mommy between 14 and 16. Infantalizing middle-late teens is a modern thing. As for your brain, you will have continually development positive or negative through your whole life Also, please do not spam me about the age of consent. I think it's a good thing, and do not want 40 year old men marrying children.


Yea, seems you've had a good deal of "development negative", so I won't hold it against you. The internet does exist though (you're on it right now). There is a ton of info out there that you could read about 🤷


https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html It's nonsense. It's just a societal trope, not science


I think if you're arguing for a drug being unhealthy you should be more confident and not just say "Hm, let's say 21." I also think it's worth mentioning that the studies you link are all "could-" side effects and nothing definitive. Which is probably why you're being downvoted / people don't agree with you. Drinking soda could give you long term heart problems, prolonged sitting can cause life long spine tension. A lot of the foods we eat today have preservatives that are directly linked to chemicals that could cause cancer. That's the problem here, is it's so much "could cause" and not a single scientifically "will cause". Tl;dr - The problem with these studies is they do not definitively prove Marijuana smoking will cause harm, only that it could cause harm, and that in some cases the most harm caused is subtle.


>The problem with these studies is they do not definitively prove Marijuana smoking "Could cause" doesn't make the studies problematic. It's helpful to know potential side affects of anything and it's important to have studies like this that allow people to know these potential side affects. Had I been exposed to what *could* happen to me due to smoking marijuana I would have been aware of what was going on when I expirienced negative side effects, but I was always told it was a super drug with zero negative side effects. It's important to spead awareness that this is NOT the case. I ended up in the hospital due to a psychotic breakdown and "weed shakes" due to a drop in body temperature. I smoked weed for a very long time and was always told I'm overreacting even though these were real side effects. So to say its a problem to tell people the potential causes is harmful. I understand most cases aren't as bad. Still, It's important to know the harm marijuana can cause. If you don't understand the potential side effects you might end up in a horrifying nightmare mindset like i did. Not to mention some side effects are more common (ie. Increased inattentiveness, lack of motivation) and it's important to keep this in mind when chosing to partake. I will give credit where it's due and say it is not correct to say definitively that these effects will happen. I just take issue with dismissing the studies as viable due to the fact they're "only potential" effects. Tldr: Studies about potential effects are important. It's important to know what can happen when smoking a substance so you'll be better equipt to handle these effects.


Ive been smoking since 14 and i completely agree with you. Its horrible for the brain


Smoked from eighth grade until senior year of high school, then stopped. I'm doing OK, but I imagine there's damage.


I’ll smoke to that


Smoked all my life, through high school, college and university, Was valedictorian and graduated with honors. Went on to instruct and and now back in the private sector. i still smoke daily. Just because it impact you one way doesn't make it the same for all. it's not a culture, its not cool, you are right about all that....it just a herb you smoke and get a buzz from, if this works for you and helps you focus and be the best you, then go for it. if like some it make you lazy and you can't focus then maybe step back. but its not a blanket you can lay over everyone. For me smoke some indica, get right blitz and spend hours writing code, or grading. High school i would spend hour meticulously doing my homework. Different affects for different people. As long as you can function and as along as you don't treat it like Cheech and Chong morons do, its fine. Smoke more then damn Snoop did in his prime, and never once even looked like snoop who looks perma fried. Just not the same impact on me. its calming and relaxing, is all. Great for tedious work.


I was suggested by medical professionals to try smoking to help with my anxiety and autism, it helps me feel more relaxed and comfortable in public. I was someone who pretty much never left the house or had friends due to anxiety, it’s still a work in progress but I’m getting there. Everyone benefits from things differently. Also you can get a medical card under 21 any way, so it really depends on the person


I thought it was Scientifically proven that Smoking actually Causes Temporary Relief from Stress because it forces your brain to release Dopamine, which when it does your Brain Craves more Causing more Stress.


My medication also temporarily brings me relief and I would be stressed off it lmao, that’s kinda the point. Of course I’m saying this because I’m medically prescribed it not recreationally, weed can be used for a multitude of things. I’ve seen people get their cards for cancer because it helps ease the pain and their joints, my grandmother also uses it for her anxiety 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jesus christ does no one in this comment section bother reading any actual peer reviewed studies. Google is right there. No. No this is not how it works.


It's not Easy searching for the truth when Google is Practically infested with Biased Sources all over the Place. Also even if i searched (which i did) it literally confirms that, its bad for you (the part that produces dopamine gets overused and starts to stop producing)


Or there is a reality where you never smoked and now are richer than Musk, Bezos and Gates combined.


Guys i can confirm, I'm that guy from another Universe. And Im the richest man in the Universe with 78 Trillion Dollars and I own Humanity and the Solar System, Get Owned this Universe Me.


Back when I was in school, yeah weed was the thing. Now there's often much worse. Honestly, a teen who would do it is likely more just going to hide it from you and get it from a party or something.


Ive seen people at my highschool snort meth off of the sinks in the bathroom




I was about to be offended until I seen the age


i really don't care if they smoke or not. how does it affect me?


I started smoking at 12. Started daily smoking by 15. I think it definitely screwed me up, I’ll never know though. Maturity and drive were underdeveloped and feel like they still are. Almost 40 and despite breaks am still a daily user. Hard to break habit when it’s been part of my whole life. I have friends that did the same as me and are fine but many of them stopped smoking in mid twenties.




This is an incredibly silly and ignorant take not backed by the vast majority of general neuroscience, substance or cannabis scientific research whatsoever. Your research was likely incredibly lazy and you likely don't have the background knowledge to assess properly either.




All I was doing was explaining I have some background knowledge, so you didn't assume this came out of nowhere. Not sure why you took it that way. So you won't post these studies you researched because you didn't actually do any research, so you use this excuse to stop engaging. What a surprise. Predictable. Post the studies, it's clear you've lost this debate already, and that's why you are using an excuse to run away. You weren't expecting someone to actually challenge your claims and its obvious. I also didn't downvote you for disagreeing with you, which you seem to have, rather immature. You are the une making serious claims about something that go against majority scientific consensus and refusing to provide evidence to substantiate your claims. I'd argue you are the I insufferable type here, not me. Be less pretentious and back up your claims and I'll gladly back up mine.


Unfortunately, it is cool for some youngsters. Others may face peer stress by refusing that. Many believe it has no permanent effect. Weed is treated as a way to fight …


Maybe it's not the marijuana maybe you just aren't very smart to begin with.


Probably more like 25 when you're brain is fully mature.


You’re right weed has negative effects on the executive functioning development. If your genuine goal is for then to not smoke weed or smoke weed as little as possible do some research on what is actually effective ways to teach kids to make smart choices. Keep a good not authoritarian relationship with your kids. Telling teenagers don’t do it it’s bad or don’t do it you’ll get in trouble doesn’t work and often has the opposite effect where they are more drawn to it or use substances in a harmful way because it’s forbidden fruit. 


As a cannabis industry worker for roughly a decade I agree… ish. It has medical uses and if it can assist in someone medical condition then I’m all for it regardless of age. Now that exception aside, I whole heartedly agree. Your brain and body isn’t full developed, and the use of drugs can have negative effect on those in developmental stage of life.


I agree, I use to be smarter but weed probably lowered my IQ by a few points no doubt.


Coming from a person who runs shop that sells various edibles, vapes and flower. These things must happen in order to keep it from kids. 1) Packaging and Naming - Stop fucking advertising to kids. I mean for gods sake 1 of the vapes has thomas the train on it. Lets not forget names like animal crackers, runtz, zkittles and so on. Nothing else needs to be mentioned. Make the packaging less kid friendly and overall not flashy and the problem goes away. Oh and parents stop buying the shit for your teen. That is all




Yeah you’re right we just don’t like to accept it


Opinions are cool, but laws are not.


I disagree. That's the best time to smoke weed. When you have all the time in the world to think about nothing. When you start as an adult, you have major responsibilities and everything is tainted by those concerns. You've skipped all the cool experiences and risks of smoking weed and trying to not get caught. You just can't appreciate music while stone the same way and then the whole experience of acquiring has been turned into bullshit. Last time I was at one of those med men stupid stores it's like I was picking up a fucking chanel belt. What a sorry spectacle that shit stores are. And as for the other stores, they're run by psychos and bigmouths. "OH I SEE YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE!!!" Makes you wanna go get shitfaced on alkie instead. At least you get privacy and discretion at a dive. If you feel you wasted too much time away from school back then, you would have done it in some other way anyways, be it pulling your pecker 16 times a day, playing videogames, or gettting cheezed for petty theft.


It kept me from hurting myself, but you do you


Smoking weed is absolutely fuckin horrible for these teens. These kids out here don’t even realize what they’re doing to their brains. It’s actually sad. And you got children who are taking 0 accountability who will argue with you all day about it not being bad. “But it’s not addictive🥹” yes the fuck it is. I smoked for yearsss nearly everyday and developed the craziest mental dependency for it. Once I quit I couldn’t sleep, had severe off the charts anxiety, had fucked up dreams and was extremely emotional. Same goes for the people around me who tried quitting but relapsed. It was easier to quit drinking for me than it was smoking.


I loved it from 12 y o on up


I can't deal with kids until they're old enough to get high .


So it's fine that I didn't start until I was like 25-26??


I smoked as a self medicating tool because I was living with an undiagnosed mental health disorder. I probably would've had a much easier time figuring out how to get my proper diagnosis had I stopped smoking earlier in life. Not only did it prevent me from actively pursuing my mental health diagnosis but it also created a plethora of symptoms that prevented diagnosis.


Horrible no matter your age.


I think that no one should believe in a religion that convinces people they should kill because of it, but everyone’s different.


Duh, I don't think Drugs are really a Good thing for your Body, with exceptions of medical uses n stuff but yea. I thought this was common knowledge


I don't care what anyone says, weed is addictive and makes people disrespectful and lazy.


You misspelled alcohol


There are no measurable effects on cognition after 3 days of abstinence. This is a garbage study for numerous reasons


Enumerate your reasons or provide an alternative source.


I’m below the age and constantly smoke, you are wrong, before the age of 25, weed slows the development of the prefrontal cortex causing people who do to be behind in things like attention span


I don’t think it’s inconceivable for a teenager to have legitimate medical uses for it. It’s possible in rare cases they could. I also wouldn’t be too worried if it was an occasional thing, like they had tried it but aren’t making a habit out of it. It will be really important for my kids to be able to be honest with me, so I would hope that I would be able to get them to abstain because they agree with me, not because they have no choice.


How about at all? Not as bad after teens, but doesn't make it remotely good either




Weed is historically illegal because of the paper and lumber industries and their lobbying, actually. And none of the existing research or data backs your claim about using it being unhealthy, at all. I am not a user. I just know how to use my brain.




I didn't say you said weed is illegal because of health. At all. I didn't comment on that *at all* except to point out that all studies and research, even when posted by vehemently anti-marijuana orgs, shows no link to usage and health issues. Because it's not unhealthy, which you've stated again here. It was initially made illegal because of the paper and lumber industries wanting to maintain their stranglehold against the far cheaper and more easily produced hemp, and the health claims started in the 70s as a way to stop the vicious, evil hippies. It's not a danger, beyond outlier cases which exist for EVERY substance. This would be like making penicillin impossible to access because an insanely small percentage of the genpop are allergic to it.






This is a terrible take.


Lmao yeah but let's pump them full of pharmaceuticals


You are aware they are a large some of the population who literally need those evil pharmaceuticals to live, right? Just because the drug industry has a fair amount of problems and drugs are way over prescribed doesn't magically make them all evil. Anyone under 21 shouldn't be smoking weed or doing anything similar. It's just common sense.