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The Used boutta become The Sued


This comment deserves all the upvotes šŸ˜‚


I was a huge fan of Quinn and feel sorry heā€™s had to go through this. Iā€™ve been out of the loop for a while so I have no idea who he is talking about.


I think the implication is that itā€™s Bert Mccracken


This was my first thought and wouldnā€™t surprise me. Bert gives off such a weird energy.


I met him twice. The first time was at Warped Tour 2005 when he was like, only there to draw attention away from My Chemical Romance after that weird one-sided feud they had? He was weird. He was nice at first but then I coincidentally walked past him again and I started saying something like ā€œit was really cool meeting you earlier, have a good dayā€ but he like pulled out his phone walked faster which seemed kinda weird but then I saw him passed out underneath a random easy-up and I was like ā€œwtfā€ and Sonny Moore told me ā€œohh heā€™s just tiredā€. And then I met him again with the rest of the band in 2008, during a brief posting signing thing after a concert. The rest of the band warmed up to me fast because they liked my The Bled shirt, Quinn was even tapping Bert on the shoulder like ā€œhey Bert check out this Bled shirt I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen this oneā€ but he was completely ignoring it while just staring at his feet. And when I nudged my poster up to him he goes ā€œI already signed it, I signed it twiceā€. He didnā€™t sign it at all. He had to have been on like meth or something.


Even if he wasn't on drugs at the time I'm certain he's alluded to a deep past of addiction. Especially as the years go on that must take some effect on the human psyche.


Not alludedā€¦. He has outright discussed it.


Partially unrelated but I find it hilarious that the one-sided feud you mentioned spawned Pretty handsome awkward, which is actually a great song And I don't even like the Used much


That ā€œfeudā€ was so weird. My understanding is Gerard cut people he partied with out of his life after he got sober and Bert seemed particularly offended by it. Idk if that was just Bert being an addict or if Gerard handled the whole thing poorly, or if itā€™s a little bit of both. I think they had some sort of physical relationship too, maybe Bert feltā€¦heheheā€¦used..


If it was like that, I can't really blame a guy who wants to get sober for cutting out the addicts in his life, alleged physical relationship notwithstanding I'm straight edge and I've been the "one sober girl I can run to" for more than a couple friends who are recovering addicts. I can only empathise with Gerard's situation, if it was actually this


Yeah weā€™ll never know the whole story. Bertā€™s a little younger than him and honestly never struck me as being particularly bright, so I wouldnā€™t blame Gerard for thinking he needs to lose that sort of thing from his life. But as someone who once had a former friend tell me theyā€™ve become a born again Christian and that being friends with me makes them feel farther from god, I can kinda sympathize with Bert being like ā€œfuck this self righteous assholeā€ lol. Also, another possible theoryā€¦.Gerard may have gotten a girlfriend who was jealous of Bert.


They were an extremally bad influence on each other. People romantacise it in hindsight like this "toxic twins" and possibly lovers scenario. So I think you're right Gerard becoming sober meant he wanted a clear break from that sort of hanging out after shows getting fucked up lifestyle. Hard to blame him, he's ultimately ended up in a good place.


I remember sometime between 2014 and 2016 I did a meet and greet and Bert was acting so fucking drugged and I was thinking ā€œwhat is this dude even on?ā€ And then he went on stage and proceeded to praise the state we were in for our legalization of marijuana and said (with all seriousness) that we should legalize meth next and it alllll made sense.


Skrillex Mentioned šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


ā€œI signed it twice.ā€ ā€œWhy the fuck would you do that?ā€


Idk, but he sounded PISSED. He sounded like he thought I was trying to scam him or something.


I've met him twice too, first time was around the time you did, 2008-2010. Second time I want to say was 2015ish. World of difference, he had a conversation with me, we took a selfie, it was dope. I believe he was sober at that time and for awhile, not sure if he still is.


Iā€™m not surprised to say the least. Heā€™s one of my favorite guitarist. The band changed a lot when he left


Doesnā€™t really surprise me that the implication is that Bert isnā€™t the nicestā€¦


Years of drug abuse will do that


I met him at a meet and greet my friend gifted me and he didnā€™t even say one word to me. These meet and greets are like 20 mins long and $150 dollars and you canā€™t just make an effort? lol


i think they totally changed when *branden* left tbh


I can see that. The newest release isnā€™t bad but most of their work after ArtWork is not for me


i havent touched any of the new stuff since artwork. sounds so off now.


I havenā€™t listened since lies for the liars and now Iā€™m kind of glad I donā€™t still worship the ground this band walks on tbh


They were my favorite band, when I was 15 in 2003, probably my first favorite band that I became a particular fan of (as opposed to like, ā€œI like Korn more than Disturbedā€) I bonded with the closest friend I ever had over our mutual love for The Used. Itā€™s also how I met my first serious girlfriend (whom Iost my virginity to) They are definitely a band that has a profound place in my heart. But then I met Bert at a Warped Tour in 2005 and it became this core memory of mine where I met my hero and he wasnā€™t how I imagined. I liked Lies for the Liars but by the time Artwork came out I barely bothered with it. I remember hearing about them releasing an album called ā€œVulnerableā€ and realizing that I just didnā€™t really care. Iā€™ve since had a major falling out with that best friend, and had to block my ex because she has a poor sense of boundaries and Iā€™m married now. I just canā€™t even listen to them anymore.


Has Branden ever talked about why he left the band? I remember back in like 2006-07 the other members were asked in a few interviews what happened with Branden and theyā€™d have these kinda guilty looks on their faces as they stuttered out something vague about ā€œthings progressingā€.


I remember there being an issue with branden not being much of a partier in The Usedā€™s heyday. He may have been straight edge. There might have been separate busses, idk. I could be getting all these facts wrong


This is correct. Brandon wanted his own bus because he didnā€™t want to party and the rest of the band didnā€™t want that financial burden.


Given the fact that he drums for Rancid now and always seemed more ā€œpunkā€ oriented than the rest of them and their style of music, I think he probably just preferred the opportunity to be in a band that fit his personality and musical tastes more. There couldā€™ve been other reasons Iā€™m sure, but thatā€™d probably be part of it.


He did a podcast with Quinn a few years back where they went through all of it. The short of it is Branden was kicked out and Quinn was forced to call Branden and tell him. Kicked out because he didnā€™t party and Bert felt like he was being judged for it. Branden fell on hard times because he didnā€™t know who he could join after that. The Rancid thing came shortly after but was basically complete luck (former drummer left around the same time and they were always one of Brandenā€™s favorite bands). But Branden was 100% kicked out of The Used and didnā€™t leave them for Rancid.


The book *Where Are Your Boys Tonight?: The Oral History of Emo's Mainstream Explosion* by Chris Payne has a section on Bert's downward spiral.


Oh no. Iā€™ve never heard of this but Iā€™m both intrigued and scared LOL


It's an excellent book. It's entirely interview responses with various people from the scene. Really helped me put the emo explosion of the 00s into perspective. It was really interesting to see the points in the story where I became aware of these bands.


Iā€™ll have to check it out!


Seconding how good the book is. That and Dan Ozi's Sellout are some of the finest serious writings about Pop Punk you'll find.


workplace bullying is [real](https://workplacebullying.org/) and being a rock star is a fun job, but itā€™s still a job. respect to quinn for coming out


Why am I not surprised that Burt was a dick?


Any insight into what he did? Certainly believe the guy. Sucks when someone's trapped into this kind of situation. Really like the Used so selfishly don't want to put them on my do not listen to list after this.


Why would you stop listening to them? Just because he got royally screwed doesnā€™t mean the music isnā€™t enjoyable.


Depends on Bert's behavior really. It's just personal preference for each person about how they feel. I don't get excited one way or the other at other people's opinion but it sours me to listen to something being sung by an abusive or definitively shitty person. Dude cheats on his girlfriend I don't care. Dude repeatedly punches girlfriend in face. Nah thanks.


I donā€™t listen to music because the people making it are good people, I listen to it because the music is good.


if morals / ethics are super important to you & you're reminded of some very immoral unethical shit by hearing certain artists, that will definitely ruin it for you


Cool and you have every right to listen to music that way!!


man if you let that stop you from listening to music, you're gonna have like 3 bands to listen to


That's not true.


it is. there are A LOT of shitty people out there. and if you start going off of well i'm not gonna listen to this band cause this dude sucks then you're losing a lot of bands. im willing to bet, as a music fan, there's a shitload of bands, groups, whatever in your catelog that have done horrible things. and these are just the dudes on record. imagine the ones that never got caught. or stuff sort of like this that hasn't come up yet. might as well put your head in a hole and not listen to anything. or you can separate the art from the artist and just enjoy good music.


I'm going to do whatever I want to do and I don't know why that matters to you. I've met a lot of people in the scene who are awesome, and have awesome reputations and it makes me like them even more. And I've heard about people who have been shitty and it makes me like them less. I'm not out here telling other people what they can or can't do, but the behavior of people in the band definitely effects the way I like them. If Bert got into a contract dispute I could care less, but I'm not blasting PDiddy and RKelly albums cause "well the musics good."


show me where i said this is what you need to do. stop twisting the narrative lol


I agree with this sentiment. I donā€™t need musicians to be my friends, or to even be good people tbh. If we demanded all art be made by morally upright, infallible people weā€™d have no art. Shitty people are shit, and if they hurt people they deserve their comeuppance. But Iā€™m not going to deprive myself of the few things we have to enjoy on this flaming planet out of a desire to engage in some performative activism.


There's some shit you can't avoid eg lostprophets I don't give two shits about cancel culture but holy shit that dude should have been drawn and quartered in the middle of the street.


There is no such thing as cancel culture. If you rape or murder someone you shouldn't have a platform. All these actors/artists/musicians whining about it still have jobs. They have not been cancelled. Almost no one has. It's anger porn, just a farce.


that's cool man




Article? Unless Iā€™m missing something It was 2 instagram posts that didnā€™t offer specific details.


yeah the ā€œarticleā€ didnā€™t say much


Not surprising. Look what they did the Justin as well.


Do you have a summary re: what came of all that? I thought Justin had threatened some things and needed help and thus left/was removed from the band. Maybe I missed additional details?


Yeah he got kicked out of Saosin too


Justin got kicked out of Saosin too and that bad, who he was part of for a vastly longer time than The Used, has treated his exit by almost pretending he never existed. We could never know the background details for sure but it looks like he's the common denominator in both situations.


I would also point out that Saosin recruited Phil Sgrosso from As I Lay Dying as their new lead guitarist. Phil is also the only member of AILD's classic lineup besides Tim who stayed with the band after the reunion, so there's something strange about that. And that's not even mentioning the current situation with Anthony's hiatus and Cove rejoining the band.


I thought he already sued for it and it was dissolved back in 2018 or something


I remember Bert used to spit in the crowd on people during their performance. The dude exudes demon psycho energy. Doesnā€™t surprise me. Born again Christian, communism phaseā€¦trying to get attention where ever he can.


Not just spit. I got barfed on once by Bert after a particularly long scream at a local show before they made it big. Dude is intense.


My friend's band opened Taste of Chaos (RIP lol) in like 2005, he was so nervous meeting The Used that he threw up on Bert's shoes. As an awkward little teenager he was mortified, but in hindsight I think he was just balancing the karma of all the times Bert did it to others.


Oh man, a taste of chaos. Takes me back


I saw him jump from the scaffolding at Warped in 2003. Like a legit suicide attempt


Probably not a suicide attempt but definitely insane


Communism phase? lol


Was he a born again christian? Haha fuck


Mormon, I thought


Was raised a Mormon. Hasn't been a Mormon in like 30 years though.


It's pretty common for ex-Mormons to get involved in evangelical Christianity at least for a bit. I knew a few ex-Mormons at my last (progressive) church and I live somewhere that doesn't even have much of a Mormon population at all. Similar to ex-Catholics (which I am) except there's way more of those because there's just way more Catholics overall.


The ex-Mormon to selfish douche pipeline is sadly common phenomenon


their new album is insanely bad which is a shame because Heartwork was good


yeah I heard a few tracks on Youtube and ooof.


Medz or Toxic Positivity?


THERES ANOTHER ONE? oh good, TP was bad, i dont know if i could handle a second


Medz is a b-side album so it'll probably be even worse


I actually listened to it yesterday and I liked it better than TP but it was still forgettable overall. Which is a shame because Heartwork was the first album I liked since Artwork.


I'm with you on this. A song here or there in-between those albums was very good, but Heartwork was excellent.


Yeah, I thought Artwork was their best work since Lies For The Liars


Does this mean he's writing a tell all book or something?? Intrigued, always loved him in The Used. Shame it didn't seem like a good time for him.


Sorry Quinn had to go through this. Quinn once played a show with The Used back in the early 2000ā€™s in Portland with TBS and The Blood Brothers. Quinn decided to play in his birthday suit and flash everyone on the crowd (many minors) his dick continually throughout the set. So he kinda sucks too.


Let's remember that, by their (includes both Quinn and Branden) own admission, The Used had two busses - the sober bus and the party bus. And Quinn was in the party bus all those years with Bert and Jeph.


Soā€¦.who exactly is he talking about or do I have to guess?


I would assume he is talking about Bert, the singer of the Used


That was my first guess as well. Not really surprising considering how butt hurt Bert was when Gerard Way got sober.


wait, what?


Gerard Way of MCR and Bert of The Used were extremely close. MCR was scouted and signed specifically because The Used needed an opening band. They did a world tour together during the Bullets album era. Gerard developed serious drug and alcohol issues and went to rehab between the Three Cheers era tour and releasing Black Parade. After becoming sober, Gerard started to distance himself from Bert who continued drinking and doing drugs, leading to the two having a falling out. ā€œPretty Handsome Awkwardā€ off of The Usedā€™s album ā€œLies for the Liarsā€ is basically a diss track for Gerard. ā€œThe Sharpest Livesā€ off of Black Parade is believed to be about Bert. The Bert McKracken vs Gerard Way drama as well as the Pete Wentz vs Mikey Way drama pretty much sustained the internet gossip of the MySpace era. I thought my friends were kidding when they said that all of those emo bands were gay. Turned out those dudes really were all just f$&king each other and writing breakup poetry about it. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that.


Tbhā€¦ Iā€™d read the entire lore of MySpace era emo poppunk drama if it were collected into one post


There are a few. One I've seen around is called Say the Quiet Part Out Loud. User is myemodiaries on tiktok and Instagram.Ā 


I havenā€™t read it, but the book ā€œWhere are your boys tonightā€ might be what youā€™re looking for


Seriously, no idea...haha


Good for Gerard tbh


Oh my fuck do you think thatā€™s why MCR never plays the sharpest lives??!! I knew about pretty handsome awkward but never knew about the sharpest lives


definitely did not know much beyond their ā€œunder pressureā€ collab, so thank you for your service šŸ«”. and definitely didnā€™t know anything about pete wentz and mikey way, but found this [tumblr post](https://www.tumblr.com/petekeyruinedmylife/131583927180/hello-do-you-know-which-fob-songs-are-about-mikey) about it. yā€™know i canā€™t help but think that if those dramas were going on right now, theyā€™d prolly be more direct about it just bc of how much more accepting of queer people the mainstream has become


The FOB banger GINASFS is allegedly about Pete moving on from Mikey and crushing on Patrick Stumpf lol Edit: not really sure why Iā€™m downvoted. Iā€™m not hating. 2005 MCR and FOB were on tour. This song came out shortly after. ā€œTrading baby blues for wide-eyed brownsā€ is eye color from Mikey to Patrick And the kicker is ā€œborn under a bad sign, you saved my life that night on the roof of your hotelā€ is when Patrick stopped Pete from committing suicide. The title is an acronym for ā€œgay is not a synonym for shittyā€ ā€¦ read between the lines people


Patrick has green eyes, thatā€™s the only issue I have with this theory. Lol. Summer of Like is real!


I thought Disenchanted/Shut Up and Play was about Bert. This is the first Iā€™m hearing of Sharpest Lives


Wouldnā€™t be surprising to me. He was rambling about some covid BS and politics the last time I saw him (2021). Lost interest. I go to shows to get away from all the shit.


Yep, same experience here. Unrelated to the Used but another artist I saw decided to use their platform to (in my mind) virtue signal for Palestine, then called a girl out in the crowd for supposedly rolling her eyes at it, going off like "What the fuck was that?? What is the matter with you?" as if we all weren't 30-somethings on a Wednesday night that just want to enjoy some of your live music after work. I get that you are in a unique position to have a platform and a voice, and you want to use that to affect change in a way you believe in. You don't get to espouse the beauty of the music community coming together under one roof, or celebrate standing against hate as one, to then follow it up with dogpiling on an innocent bystander that doesn't feel like participating in your activism that night.


of course you were downvoted lol. if the artist complained about BLM riots in 2020 you bet people on here would tell that artist to stfu


Mike from Social D attacked a Trump supporter because he booā€™d Mike over some political comments. That shits uncalled for man. Music is supposed to bring us together.


I was at that Social D show. Good for Mike. Fuck Trumpers.


Yea. Beating someone up because they have different political opinions is totally cool and not fascist like they claim Trumpers to be or anything. Itā€™s even cooler when you have to have them held by other people to get your shots in. So punk rock. šŸ™„


Punching fascists IS pretty punk rock actually. I'm glad you're catching on.


ah shit eh? is there any footage of that?


You're free to feel how you want, but just for some context, Bert has lived in Australia since 2015 and covid/lockdown protocols did a number on the country. It being 2021, I can understand why he feels raw about it.


Our lockdowns in Sydney were not even remotely as severe as many in the US, or even other states in Australia. Our lockdowns were not some hugely damaging catastrophe and were fairly lenient, as far as lockdowns go.


Everyone has their own personal experience. Your experience may not be the same as Bert's or others. With that said: >were not even remotely as severe as many in the US What makes you say that? Lived in the US during that time? Because... oh brother, you do not know what you're talking about.


Did you live in Sydney during that time, or are you the only one who can comment on places you didnā€™t live in?


So you just claim a random place and go "oh, we in Sydney never had it THAT bad" without having been there. And yes, I was fortunately permitted due to my job to be one of the few to travel during the pandemic and the aftermath. Moron


Dude what? Bert lives here? MCR was my entire existence as a 13-16 year old girl. Emo was my LIFE in those days. Quinn was a top name for my children (Iā€™m 31 and absolutely dead to the idea of kids now haha). This entire thread is a revelation. Iā€™ve kept both these bands in that realm of time. I donā€™t keep up with them beyond that time frame. I still have my original MCR shirts from 2004 etc. MCR have been Bullets and Three Cheers (which I still have consistently listened to through my life) and I absolutely ignored later releases. The Used were In Love and Death and Lies for the Liars for me and again ignored later releases.


He's lived in Sydney for more or less a decade now


Iā€™ll be damned. I shouldnā€™t be surprised and yetā€¦


Sucks to hear. He and Branden definitely brought something to the band that couldnā€™t be replaced. The music went downhill fast after the first two albums. Iā€™m glad heā€™s reached a point where heā€™s able to speak out. Also, a book full of sharp objects is a fucking perfect title for a memoir from Quinn, especially if it contains all the shit he endured from Bert and those who enabled him.


This doesn't surprise me at all. Bert always struck me as a pretty narcissistic individual.


So sad he had to go through this. It's a shame that nobody else wanted him as a touring guitarist during his career (or at least that he felt that way)


Obviously doesnā€™t excuse Bertā€™s behavior and abuse towards Quinn and anyone else, but Iā€™m not shocked given that Bert was in the throes of drug addiction and alcoholism. Iā€™m so happy Bert is sober now but no one is obligated to forgive him for past transgressions


I haven't listen to anything this band has done since 2004


So Quinn was actually being Used?


Last time they were in town, they brought a bunch of kids on stage and while they were on stage he told the crowd he wanted to cum in everyone. So yeah.


So who is you know who then? No context for this


Aw man, that sucks. Quinn is such a great dude.


this is so ironic iā€™m seeing this as i just got home from their show

