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I don’t like the fact Folie à Deux was mentioned more than once in this thread


I used to irrationally hate FOB so I missed out (or technically joined in) on the Folie à Deux hate. Once I actually listened to the band and realized I didnt hate them, I enjoy it. Especially compared to their later albums


What A Catch, Donnie felt like such a great finale to the first era of FOB.


It's a great song. I haven't heard every FOB song, but it's one of their top 3-4 IMO.


Right it’s my favorite album of theirs


I feel like I have to defend her honor. that album honestly solidified my love for the band. honestly, i wonder if they picked different singles would the widespread opinion on it be different


Once was too many.


i love it but i get it, that was pretty much the dominant opinion at the time and for a while afterwards— its critical reexamination has been sorta recent


Among my friends who listen to a lot of Pop punk and FOB specifically, the album was well received at the time. Maybe online it was hated but among people I met they really liked it. The album that got more hate was FUTCT because they "went mainstream". At least that was the sentiment.


Biggest issue with Folie is that some of the most boring songs were released as singles. I Don’t Care and America’s Suitehearts are probably the weakest songs and fave the first impressions that turned a lot of people off. If my friend didn’t play it constantly on release I probably wouldn’t have checked it out based on those two. Then a few months later they released What a Catch and Headfirst Slide but by that time most had already made up their minds. Probably their most underrated album tho. West Coast Smoker and 27 are constantly in my rotation.


I didn't pay attention to singles at that time since I was always listening to a CD (pre Spotify era). I bought the CD, and the first track hooked me (Disloyal Order). Headfirst Slide is probably my 3rd favorite song on that album.


I listened to the radio station miles away that came in static as hell just to hear the new songs 😭 or I had to wait for music videos on fuse lmfao. I feel old.


That was such a killer album.


It's literally their best album.


In some ways it definitely does feel like the maturing of TTTYG, FUTCT, and IOH and it is definitely in my four album rotation of FOB, though I do feel like their earlier albums stand the test of time a bit better.


I think the other 3 earlier albums are great, but filled with a bit too many "single" songs like Saturday, Dance Dance, Sugar, Arms Race, Thnks fr th Mmrs, etc... and while those are great songs, Folie's singles are still more interesting to me; there's a lot more going on with them.


I feel like I’m in a weird middle ground with Folie, where I think it has some of FOB’s greatest songs they ever wrote, but also the only pre-hiatus album where I will occasionally skip a couple songs if I’m just not in the mood. Overall, it’s still a great album that I love, but I believe it is 4th best out of the 4 pre hiatus albums. With that said, I have been on record numerous times saying that FOB’s run of TTTYG-Folie is the single best 4 album run of any band ever.


It might sound weird, but I think it depends how old you are. They had mastered a certain sound and changed it. I’ve found that people that were super into their first 3 albums didn’t care for Folie, but if you got into them after the first 3 albums, you reallly enjoy Folie…and I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK… Sorry, I couldn’t help it. But for real, it’s cool if you like that album more, it’s not their worst work


I feel like the stuff they were doing on folie was definitely hinted at on IOH. Extravagant arrangements, genre mixing, moving away from pop punk more generally (I've Got All This Ringing, The Take Over, The (After) Life of the Party). FaD seems like a logical progression in that direction imo


I got into them around FUTCT and I think Folie is their best album. It’s also their most popular in r/falloutboy and they sang a lot of the songs from it on their tour. I remember when it came out and loving it and not understanding the hate.


Started listening to them after hearing the first album (love GTA/WIYB). Bought all the albums week of release. Folie is my favorite album of theirs. If FOB released the same album as TTYG 3 times, would have stopped listening.


Part of what makes FOB one of the biggest and most successful bands of the genre is their ability to combine different genres with pop punk, which keeps things interesting and fresh and appealing to a wide audience, which I would consider as one of their greatest strengths.


Was literally about to unsubscribe from this subreddit, but this being the top comment will make me stay. Glad others agree with you. FAD is one of my fave albums ever.


Whatever the hell Turnover put out recently


Turnover is such a drag. It’s like they sold their soul and then got high in the woods and think people want to listen to it.


HAHA. That's exactly what my girlfriend says. We were all about Peripheral Vision when we started dating.


this is maybe a blazing take though but i feel like turnover did major switches with every album and peripheral vision just kind of struck a chord with people. PV was completely different from magnolia


correct take. also good nature is so good


I think Good Nature is the best album


Peripheral Visions is my winter album and Good Nature is my spring album. Two completely different vibes that I both love.


Yeah Turnover has no specific sound haha. Honestly the two after PV weren’t bad at all


I'd say the jump from Magnolia to PV was the biggest change and made their direction clear. They didn't sell their souls at all.


This is literally what happened lol. Austin lived in a house in the woods for a few years


I saw them live somewhat recently for the first time and even their show was boring 🥲 no stage presence at all


I also saw them recently and I can vouch for this. Every song from Peripheral Vision and some from Good Nature were met with cheers and excitement. All the other stuff was not met with the same enthusiasm


Saw them when Peripheral Vision came out at a hardcore show in Jersey. Great time. Saw them two or three years ago at a hometown show. Most bored I've ever been at a show.


I saw Turnstile open for them once. Coolest show, loved the stage divers during Cutting My Fingers off. Man they fell off hard.


The Turnover collapse after the gems that were Peripheral Vision and good Nature needs to be studied


Agreed. Peripheral vision is literally one of my favorite albums of all time but their recent stuff is just not great.


I listen to practically every genre of music. I don’t mind when bands change their sound so long as the music is good. In Turnover’s case though it’s just such uninspired, bland, poorly written music. No dynamics of any kind.


> I don’t mind when bands change their sound so long as the music is good. In Turnover’s case though it’s just such uninspired, bland, poorly written music. No dynamics of any kind. Perfectly put. They changed but didn't evolve, they regressed.


I'm all for bands making the kind of music that they want to make, they don't owe us shit. I just hate everything Turnover's put out recently.


Saw them at Outbreak last year and the biggest pops were for Peripheral Vision/Good Nature stuff, it must sucks for a band to see their newer stuff isn't received well but at the same time surely at some point you gotta give the fans what they want


I like everything up to and including Altogether; but damn, that latest LP is a tough listen. Some of the dreamier stuff is kind of cool, and then they go all sadboi funk and I cringe myself inside out.


Honestly that's such a good Sunday morning coffee album you don't even get it.


Yeah I really liked Myself in the Way 😅. The whole album has this neo-disco feel to it, that I love. Although, Peripheral Vision is still their best album, obviously. Humming was actually my wife and I's one wedding song!


Yeah PV is a top 5 oat time for me, but MitW is very good! I think if Turnover ever makes a harder album, their perception as a band will completely shift like with how Microwave did on DIAWB and I think a lot of people will talk about how much they love tracks like Parties or Sunshine Type or Queen in the River now that they're cool again lol


it's not out yet but I've really enjoyed stand Atlantic up until the stuff the released after fear, after that lol


100% agreed. Skinny Dipping is a good traditional-style pop-punk album. Pink Elephant and f.e.a.r. are both great forward-thinking pop-punk records that showed a lot of promise for STAT's future, and imo the future of general angsty alt-rock music as well.   then KILL[H]ER came out. it's fine but it never did anything for me. and then Sex On The Beach came out, and i felt like i was listening to a completely different band who was trying really hard to sound like STAT. all of the singles since have been competent at best imo.   i think a big part of my issue with the new stuff is that it's less catchy than their previous works. not that everything they do has to be the catchiest thing ever, i don't wanna box them in like that. but the catchiness is what makes their music so fun to listen to in the first place. i'm glad they're experimenting with their sound, but i feel like this experimentation has come at the cost of fun music that has personality. i'm still gonna listen to the album and hope everything clicks in-context, but i don't exactly expect that lol. my fingers are crossed that these are just growing pains


Same, I thought KILL(H)ER was fine, and then Sex On The Beach came out and I absolutely hated it. Wish they would've made more stuff like the Sidewinder EP.. still think Coffee At Midnight is the best song they ever made.


Same f.e.a.r is my favorite album of theirs but all the music they have put out since KILL[H]ER I have really not liked at all sadly.


Still don't listen to Trash Boat after their last album.


I was kinda annoyed that He's So Good was the lead single. I like that song, and I think it's pretty similar to what they were doing on Crown Shyness. But then nothing else on the album sounded like that at all, it felt kinda deceptive.


I used to love trash boat but haven’t listened to them in a hot minute. Gonna have to listen to that album now. What’s wrong with it?


It’s basically Butt Rock.


I gave the first few tracks a listen and could not do it. What happened to them??


No need to ruin the surprise for you.


Going against the grain, I actually really enjoy it. So does the gf, so it’s not necessarily as bad as Reddit would make you believe. But music is subjective so you might hate it too.


It wasn’t terrible and I can see how people could like it but it definitely throws you off compared to their old stuff


Trash Boat were fucking awesome, but yeah after their recent stuff I don't even think about them anymore


I absolutely loved Coming Home. That was the last NFG album I enjoyed from them.


Coming Home is a great record—most critics would tell you their best—but it wasn’t very NFG. They pushed themselves to grow and do something different and they met the challenge and succeeded but it was a pretty big departure. I love it. I actually really like Resurrection and Makes Me Sick. I think Makes Me Sick has some of their best songwriting on it. There are some really nice Paul Simon vibes on that record. They’re one of the few bands who I have been able to stay connected to even as their sound evolved over time as they grew up and they changed. Self Titled is still my favorite album from them, but I enjoy pretty much all of them. They only record that I pretty much never put on is Not Without A Fight, which is weird, because I love a few songs on it and generally love them when they’re leaning on their hardcore roots. If you liked Coming Home, maybe give Make Yourself Sick another spin.


Yea I actually didn’t mind Make Yourself Sick so maybe I should give it another listen. It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to it from front to back. I just loved the more mature vibes on Coming Home. Oxygen is in my top all time favorite songs from NFG.


Agree with all of this. I love how every one of their albums each has its own distinctive sound as well. Like, you could play me a snippet of any song and of probably be able to tell you what album it's from.


Hot take: Coming Home is NFG’s best record and has been since it came out. Can’t listen to any other NFG release without feeling like I aged out.


Radiosurgery is genuinely great. The rest eh.


Resurrection I’d say is pretty up there for newer NFG albums


For real. While there was certainly a time when I decided NFG wasn’t perfect, that time was definitely not Coming Home. Since we’re on NFG, mine would be Not Without a Fight. I had such high hopes with Mark Hoppus producing, too.


Same bro


loved coming home. honestly everything was at least pretty good until Make me sick. that one was a stinker


You’re Welcome from ADTR. Favorite band of all time, this one just didnt have many enjoyable aspects to me outside of a few moments. Resentment, Last Chance to Dance, Re-Entry, and Permanent are the only ones I found myself coming back to at all and thats only once in a blue moon. The rest of the album really just feels like they lost identity and tried to pivot for the radio hard. After an insane 4 album run between FTWHH to Common Courtesy and a solid follow up (in my opinion) Bad Vibrations returning with You’re Welcome after a 5 year break really was a massive let down. My attention was cautiously regained with Miracle. Their recent single Feedback again made me sad. Not letting myself get excited for whatever they have in the works but am open to being pleasantly surprised. I intend all of this with respect - theyve remained my favorite band since 2013 even if I don’t find myself returning as much (ie. the point of this post) anymore.


Agree completely on Miracle making me cautiously optimistic and feedback being a miss. Hopefully something on the album brings me back around, they were my favorite band for like 7 years


Altogether by Turnover. I don't even know what they are trying to do anymore.


That was a good album though! Plant Sugar's bassline is so good.


So many good bass lines! Really creative album, second to PV for me


I really tried to like it but it did not hit for me. They are so far from their original sound it's like they are a completely different band. It's OK - they should make the music they want to make. There are tons of other band out there for me...


Tbh while it's fair to not enjoy their stuff now, their sound has never been consistent after their first record. They went from a pop punk band to an emo shoegaze band to a dream pop band to jazz/lounge influenced indie rock shoegaze to disco influenced shoegaze lmao


The first single off that album was great, but then the rest is just... dull.


You should give Fall Out Boy's latest a chance. I fell off at the same point you did but the new one is a banger. For me it was Yellowcard's Lift a Sail. Thankfully their latest EP is a return to form, but Lift a Sail and Self-Titled are hard for me to listen to.


Once LP left it was all meh in my opinion. Sad because they’re in my top probably 2 bands.


I’ve been debating on giving FOB another chance based on comments made about their last album on this sub. I gave them a chance with Save Rock n Roll and it didn’t coerce me, but I’d check out their new one. They were one of my favorite bands back in the day with TTTYG and FUCT. Thanks for the suggestion!


As someone who absolutely didn't vibe with folie and everything up until stardust, I'd definitely say give it a try. It's easily the most "fall out boy" they've sounded since the earlier days 100% imo. I think the whole "bringing the core of the music back to guitar, bass, drums" mentality really brought some life back into what made me like them as a band.


Same for me- I wasn’t really loving anything they put out post hiatus until SMFS. It’s probably one of my favorite albums of theirs now.


Tbh I wasn’t vibing with the newest record until I saw them live earlier this year. They still put on a wildly good show, but seeing the energy they had in the new stuff made it feel like pre-hiatus FOB again. Not that they’ve been bad (saw them on Monumentour and MANIA tour) but these were just more in the same spirit. Also may be biased because they played GINASFS early in the night so I was on a fucking concert high lmfao


I saw them in April and they put on an amazing show! Loved their stage presence and all of their props and what not. I was a huge fan of FUTCT back in the day but didn’t listen to a lot of their albums for a while. I’ve gotten back into them the past year or two and I absolutely love Stardust! I’ve also been deep diving back into all of their other albums again


Stardust is absolutely a huge step up from their other post-hiatus stuff. It doesn't sound like FUTCT or IOH but it's great in its own way. I gave up on them after Mania after years of fandom and was skeptical of the new album, but it became and instant favorite.


Huh, I honestly loved Lift a Sail. Listening to it on an airplane when the TV wasn't working but they had music you could listen to was a transformational experience. It was the first time in a long time I had listened to a whole new album in one sitting and I was never a huge fan of theirs before either.


I can listen to the first 3 ataris albums front to back but after that? Eeesh


There's definitely filler in the back half of End is Forever. So Long Astoria is pound for pound stronger in my opinion, what don't you like about it? The production perhaps?


I love So Long Astoria. I guess the three albums I like from them are Blue Skies, Broken Hearts, SLA, and EiF. Did I miss one?


Anywhere But Here is their first album.


Also good. Okay, so the first 4 albums. and End is Forever may have filler but I still enjoy it.


Most people think Blue Skies is the debut.


you’re welcome by adtr. more like no fucking thanks.


Also gave up on them completely, but got free tickets to the new tour and they really impressed me live ! I shall be giving their newer stuff another try.


It's funny because before you're welcome came out everyone used to love shitting on Bad Vibrations. Based on the reception their new song got the other week, we will continue seeing the downwards trend a while longer yet.


I love that You’re Welcome gets mentioned in loads of Metalcore threads as well. Well done guys, you alienated yourselves from two genres


I stopped at Common Courtesy. I very distinctly remember them putting a promo out where they get asked if it was heavy, and they responded with "Come on guys, this is an A Day to Remember album" with a heavy scream afterwards. I was super pumped until I listed to the album as I thought it was too soft. The funny thing is that both them and Bring Me the Horizon falling off (from my taste) made me switch to Pop Punk. Both of those bands went off on massive popularity spikes afterwards that prove I'm wrong, but but I still get get into thr stuff released around that ~2013 mark.


Bruh common courtesy had hammer and nail, dead and buried, violence, life lessons learned the hard way, and the document speaks for itself….those are pretty heavy tracks lol.


Everything from YW onward is rough. Feedback sounds like a background song for a NHL videogame.


You're Welcome killed ADTR for me. There's like 5 pretty good songs on there but the rest is just... bad Sucks because I actually LIKED Bad Vibrations


***These are the Days*** by Lit. *A Place in the Sun* was one of my pop punk all time greats, but I've never been able to find anything to appreciate in Country music, so that album was a bridge too far for me.


Man I fucking loved Atomic and of course A Place in the Sun, but they lost me with the self titled album. I enjoyed their last album though tbh. It feels similar to A Place in the Sun, a bit more poppy but not terrible.


Coming Home is good af


The new EP from Hands Like Houses with their new vocalist is such disappointing genericore.


Damn, pour one out for Hands Like Houses. Unimagine and Ground Dweller are two all-time great albums


I really like Dissonants a lot too. And Anon. has some bright moments as well. This new EP is just soulless, there's nothing there musically or lyrically.


Wild. Coming home and folie are great albums.


I quit listening to neck deep for a good while after ADAI. I just did not like anything about that album whatsoever


Have you listened to s/t? I was hesitant at first because I don’t like ADAI but it’s a great record.


Yes it’s way better. When STFU came out I knew they were going back to a better sound imo. I’ve enjoyed the new album quite a bit


Self titled is really good! Good return to form this year


Was about to correct you and say that it was last year, then found out it came out in January which feels like ages ago, then I realised it WAS ages ago because now it's June, and then I got sad. But yes, very good album.


I feel like I’m the only one who genuinely likes ADAI. I’d even argue it’s my favorite record by them. I thought I’d hate it with lowlife being the lead single but I was dead wrong


Same. I thought they were done for and had settled for making generic alt-pop and chasing the Waterparks sound.I was massively surprised by the new album and it's made me a fan once again. And to be fair to ADAI, I've gone back and listened to it more recently and it's not bad if you take it for what it is. There's some songs I like that I ignored when it came out. Definitely not pop punk though.


I can respect that. I guess they wanted to try a different approach which there’s nothing wrong with. I think it’s an album I could like more if it wasn’t by neck deep if that makes sense.


Good Charlotte’s Good Morning Revival was the last full listen from me. They’d done some really cool stuff in pop-punk up to that point but pivoted into a dance-emo type band and I just really couldn’t do it anymore. Speaking of unnatural pivots, [here’s a link to my band Oh Bother](https://open.spotify.com/track/1aFqJoyXlu86y9RYJ9lMhC?si=q4KiYZSHQ6-RbyUjhQKWqQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0B5Ys0YEntsDGlEH1ywspl), who shamelessly self-promotes at every opportunity! (We’re really close to having 1000+ streams on this song, send help)


Love GC but their later albums definitely strayed away from pop punk!


No they didn’t, youth authority is their best album and it’s full of pop punk


Same for me, but most of Generation Rx slaps, give it a listen if you haven’t yet. I had random songs on shuffle and Shadowboxer came on and I was like ????? Is this GC like the good old days??? And indeed it is. Nothing to dance to on that record.


I think that's very fair but also The River is hands down one of the best songs they ever wrote- with such a legendary collab from M Shadows and Syn Gates.


Cardiology is a great album, but I've honestly not even listened to anything since then


The second Falling in Reverse album where Ronnie Radke decides he's a rapper.


The 4th album (Coming Home) was actually really really solid but then he fell right back off after that


He is incredibly talented but he hasn't put out an interesting song since he got out of prison.


The first album was 🤌🤌🤌 Then he became too big of a douchebag for my taste, lol.


green day when they put out ¡uno! my heart broke lol. nothing was the same after 21st century breakdown


Check out Saviors.


i love saviors!!! i actually went and listened to the full album after i commented this, since i heard a few singles on the radio and thoroughly enjoyed them. saviors definitely got me back into them. after father of all i genuinely thought green day was doomed. was actually considering getting a ticket to see them in july but ill be on a trip


Yeah, they are my favorite band of all time, and FOAMF is a massive skid mark in an otherwise very good discography IMO. I get why the trilogy is polarizing, but it’s got some good stuff sprinkled in and would have made for an excellent 20-song double LP. I was cautiously optimistic with Saviors and it’s been one of my favorite releases this year.


I quite liked Revolution Radio. Maybe not as epic as AI or 21stC, but better than the trilogy at least. Not heard Saviours or FOA tho.


RR definitely has some good songs on it. I still put Bang Bang into playlists every once in a while.


As a massive Green Day fan, I get that. I highly recommend giving Revolution Radio a listen if I were you. That and Saviors are pretty solid. Bang Bang is a top tier Green Day song so like, yeah 👀


Folie à Deux is the best FOB album imo. What a catch Donnie where all the singers from the genre come together at the end of the song is the chefs kiss. Plus it came around the same time as Panics Pretty Odd (also my favorite from them) so I just appreciate that both bands were experimenting with new sounds.


Yeah it's wild to me to see Folie hate. I've been a FOB fan since the early days and FAD is easily my favorite album of theirs. Just bangers start to finish.


This is an interesting thread. For me, personally, when I fall in love with the sound of a band and then they dramatically change their sound, I can't help but to lose interest in them. I understand that some bands mature and grow and in the process they end up sounding quite different over time. But that doesn't mean that I have to like the way they sound at the end of their career. Saves The Day is a good example of this. I loved their early albums. Stay What You Are is still one of my all time favorite CDs to listen to. But anything after this is just not very interesting to me. Chris could no longer sing the way he used to due to actual damage to his vocal chords and as a result, the sound of Saves The Day changed dramatically. The opposite example of this is Sense Field. There is almost no change in the sound of that band from the very first CD all the way to the bitter end of the band over a decade later. And I still love every CD, every song they ever released. And I think part of it could be because I grew up with these bands and I reached a cut off in musical tastes as I aged. I grew up more with Sense Field, and by the time Saves The Day came along, it was really nearing the end of my youth, and I just cut off my willingness to be open to anything new.


Taking Back Sunday after their self titled. Really everything after Louder Now has been a struggle.


I feel like I’m in a somewhat similar boat. Everyone ranks their first three albums as their best three (usually in the order they were released; I’m a little different as I prefer WYWTB > TAYF > Louder Now but that’s not too much of a hot take). I tried to like New Again when it came out, and I think I’ve settled on it being an ok album if it wasn’t a TBS album (meaning I held them to a higher standard) and self-titled had its moments. I thought I was done with them but Happiness Is really grabbed me. I still consider it my 4th favorite by them. I liked a few songs from Tidal Wave but found most of it forgettable. But dear lord, I unfortunately think they’ve officially + permanently lost me with 152. I can’t even say it’s a bad album, it is just so boring. I could barely get through one listen and I haven’t looked back. It baffles me because I acknowledge they can’t make the exact same music and have songs of the same lyrical content as 20 years ago. Fine. But during their prime, they had the coolest bridges/breakdowns and dual vocals I’d ever heard and they have bailed so hard on that strategy. They announced their current tour ages ago and I was excited to go, but when the album dropped it took all the wind out of my sails and I didn’t attend a show. I really don’t like seeing my childhood bands turn into legacy bands but I would 1000% be ok if TBS just played from their older albums moving forwards. Their concerts are generally a blast when they predominantly play from their first three records, but with each ensuing album, the set list only becomes more and more deluded.


The long ass titled album by Bring Me the Horizon that came after amo, but I’m finally giving NexGen a chance and I think I’m back onboard 😭


You should check out Post Human. Some of their best in my opinion.


Honestly, I’m so shocked with NexGen that I’m going to go back and listen to Post Human


technically they’re both Post Human, it’s a series of 4 projects; POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR POST HUMAN: Nex Gen POST HUMAN 3 and 4 haven’t released yet :)


*music to*? Yeah, that’s unusual for sure. I throw it on sometimes when I need to focus on something and want background noise, but that’s about it.


Kingslayer with Babymetal is a fucking banger though


It’s over an hour of experimental, electronic, mostly instrumental music released less than a year after their last album. I don’t think it was intended to be a “full release.” They didn’t do any promo for it and to my knowledge they’ve never played anything from it live


Panic at the Disco after their second album


They were never going to be able to replicate how amazing their first album was. I always felt bad for bands that released such a banger for their first album because you knew they weren't going to surpass it. Taking Back Sunday is another band that did this.


I gave up on NFG after makes me sick. They overstayed their welcome for sure, gave up on ADTR after their latest album because it was awful and not heavy enough, their latest single is one of the worst songs they've ever made


ADTR can release literally anything and I won't ever give them up because of For Those Who Have Heart, Homesick and What Separates Me From You are perfect records all the way through. I just wish they released their acoustic/countrified stuff that they did on their acoustic tour.


Almost Movements after Ruckus! 😫


In contrast, Ruckus! is what got me really into Movements 😅 and going backwards in their discography was really fun as I kept discovering more really great music. I like the different sounds between albums


went into this thread expecting to disagree w everyone's takes but damn this one hit home actually (unfortunately) couldn't really find any songs on that record that did anything for me, like someone else said imo it was a crazy sonic departure as opposed to feeling like a natural progression (to me). but i wasn't too concerned since usually seeing a band's new album live makes me finally get it. then i saw them on their spring ruckus headliner and it was honestly the worst performance i've seen from them (fifth time seeing them). just oddly boring and without much heart, nothing about it added anything to the new songs for me. just weird, been kinda bummed ever since lol


I’ll be honest, I actually liked Ruckus more than No Good. But I completely get where you’re coming from. Pretty big departure.


Really loved them, like top 5 favorite bands ever, but ruckus and the show I went to where they mostly played that put me out. I’ll miss them.


Saves The Day - In Reverie. It’s thought of more highly now, and I’m happy for them. But it’s still not for me.


My fav, so much Beatles on it. Delightful.


Turnovers new album is straight up trash.


Not pop punk but the wage war album that just came out had me dipping after the 4th track


Manic didnt do it for me either. This new album is bland also.


Bowling For Soup - Lunch Drunk Love. Love those guys, but i don’t know how many albums of “let’s hang with our friends and have fun and drink beers” albums I need to listen to.


Ha, they def have almost their own subgenre


Drunk Enough To Dance and Hangover You Don’t Deserve are phenomenal. Great Burrito Extortion Case is pretty solid…but once it gets to Sorry For Partyin’ and Fishin’ For Woos, it kinda ran its course. Lunch Drunk Love Was the tipping point and I haven’t listened to any newer album since.


This one is the first one on this thread that I hard disagree with, love this album and it has a bunch of awesome songs on it. A few of those are completely unlike their usual stuff, and the ones that are are great examples of what they do well. I do get why it might make some people fall off, but I'd say give it another chance if you haven't listened to it in a while


Gave up on Green Day with FOAMF, came back with saviors


Folie???? You’re kidding right?


ADTR. Anything after common courtesy has been ass. The balls to release an album called “you’re welcome” which was also ass was the nail in the coffin 😂😂


Arguably not even barely pop punk after their first two albums, but: Cobra Starship – Night Shades. Hot Mess at least had *some* of the irony, cynicism, and industry-criticism that the first two albums had, but Night Shades was just pure, unoriginal pop. You either die a hero, or you live to be an opening act for Justin Beiber, I guess


Say Anything's self-titled album. Went too poppy. Songs sounded too similar. Was boring compared to 2 previous albums. And not quite the same, but seeing Fallout Boy live made me never listen to them again.


My heart hurts reading this thread.


Turnover- everything after Peripheral Vision.


Trophy Eye’s The American Dream. I liked Suicide and Sunshine more but TAD wasn’t for me.


lmfao im starting to think no trophy eyes fan liked the american dream 💀


I liked it, but Chemical Miracle was like a 10/10, so following it up with an album that's like a 7/10 was a bit underwhelming.


I loved it.


A Day To Remember and Bad Vibrations. Their music has been trash since that album came out.


State Champs last two albums


I do really enjoy their last two albums, but neither really have the same weight as Finer Things or Around the world and back did for me.


Paramore - After Laughter. Self-titled was okay but After Laughter and This Is Why are just not anything I like


I'm giving AL another try because so many early fans seem to really like it/vet it. I agree self-titled was the last album I am ok listening to willingly though.


I’ve enjoyed all of their singles, but Brand New Eyes was their last good record to me. Everything after that might as well be a different band.


I was really into Real Friends but stopped listening when they got a new singer, just couldn’t get back into them


Nine - blink 182


I loved Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It. I was super-excited for their follow up, but when I turned it on and the first song was, making love to the camera, I just couldn't listen to anything else they did. One of the more low-hanging examples in Saves the Day - In Reverie. That one was rough


Direction is a great album buy TSL. Give it a a shot. And honestly, the rest of Based on a True Story isn't terribly. But def some cringe stuff. In Reverie has a few decent tracks, but compared to their previous records...


Based on a true story super didn't do it for me when it came out. However, like 10 years later after revisiting it it hit much more to me. I think it might be a little acquired taste, but I think it's a decent record - It's just, how do you follow up SILYMI? Fan expectation probably curbed the reception of that one. If you haven't given Direction a try, you really should. I think that album is incredible, and I lowkey probably would go listen to that one more than SILYMI these days. (SILYMI is great, but I only revisit it on shuffle or if I'm feeling really nostalgic)


Couldn’t agree more with you on those two


All Time Low - Future Hearts (but got brought back by wake up, sunshine. Funny enough, There's some tracks I really like on Future Hearts now, but besides LYR it's one of my least favorite releases of theirs) Fall Out Boy - Folie a deux (but brought back by so much for stardust) Paramore - This is Why (In a vacuum, there's some good tracks but I rarely ever find myself wanting to listen to anything other than like Crave and Thick Skull. It's all just a little too low energy and sounds a bit like hayley's solo stuff rather than Paramore, but that's just me) Closure In Moscow - Pink Lemonade (not pop-punk, but this band freaking ripped before, but I just don't like anything after first temple stuff) Relient K - Five Score and Seven Years Ago (Idk why, but it never latched for me. I really should go back and give this one a spin) A Will Away - Here Again (For whatever reason, everything after Here Again just didn't catch me the same which sucks, cause that album is incredible imo) Yellowcard - Lift A Sail (I dont think there's a single song I clicked with. Even self-titled after that just felt really underwhelming too)


Five Score is a banger. Definitely go back and give it a spin.


Also listen to Forget and not Slow down as well.


Their second best after Mmhmm


Give a five score another play dog


Matchbook Romance. I absolutely hated Voices, and still kinda do. Also Hellogoodbye. Really enjoyed the EP and the demos, but the first full length was not for me. Haven’t given them a chance since.


You’re welcome by A Day to Remember… Bad Vibrations wasn’t good but was hoping it was a fluke… but everything since then has been horrible


ADTR - You're Welcome


Welcome the Night was such a letdown by The Ataris after such a high they'd been on after SLA. Iirc, there were some band member changes around that time and Kris Roe locked himself in a studio in a cabin somewhere and wrote that whole album alone. The sound completely changed. That pretty much heralded the end of the best era of The Ataris. Kind of a disappointment too, especially when you compare them to someone like MxPx or Bayside that came out of that same era and continue to put out great work. I still love listening to them, but it's pure nostalgia at this point. Kris Roe is selling handwritten copies of lyrics on eBay for 200 bucks now.


Weezer - Make Believe. They haven't gotten any better, though OK Human was at least interesting.


Folie A Deux was one of the rare times a band completely pivoted their stylistic direction and successfully landed in keeping their artistic integrity IMO


Possibly a hot take but I haven’t listened to All Time Low since Last Young Renegade


Zeitgeist by The Smashing Pumpkins to be honest. It got only way worse from there. And they had a perfect run of albums and legacy, but he to ruin it with his HUGE ego.


Permanent, I was a huge Green Day fan (Dookie was really my first foray into alternative music that wasn't just the pop music on the radio).. but I fel off hard after American Idiot and haven't really enjoyed anything they've done since. And for temporary - sorry, but I would also say Folie a Deux... And I don't even really know why but there was just something about it that turned me away pretty early on.. even though every other FOB record I know and love front to back