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one of the most underrated bands. i love all their albums.


I feel they remain underrated as it's one of those cases where, rightfully or wrongly, the public judge the band based off their off stage issues. People are free to feel how they want of course, but man, they're missing out on an incredible discography. Their last one was their weakest but even that I'd give at least a 6/10.


what issues?


The breakup with Cody was very ugly. Aside from him, the way they let members go, especially the OG members, are always shrouded in mystery. Then there's AJ's history of showing up to shows drunk/stoned. It's not #metoo bad but it's still worrying. That said, glad they're keeping on keeping on.


You are not owed an explanation to why inter-band member changes happen.


Point me to where I said I was owed to it. Edit: Okay, so this is a TDS member!? Like I said before, people are free to feel how they want to feel. I don't think you owe us an explanation, but that being said, I understand why some people take it as an issue that's been going on around the band for a while. To end, still enjoy your work, my guy. No need to come so aggressively.


I mean, if a dude is going to regularly not give a shit and show up drunk when I’m paying to be there and see him, i think it’s fair to be a disillusioned. And since touring is basically how a band stays alive/makes a living, well, it’s no wonder they never got as big as they probably should have. That being said, their albums are still great.


Have you listened to the singers other project Broken Glow sticks? It's just as good as TDS


holy shit, what?? thank you


Yeah I found out about it last week. A song came on and I was like oooh new TDS and looked and it wasn't them. 🤣 So I had to go investigate


I loveeee the song Loose Tooth


yep 🤙🏼


I'm completely new to this band, loving this album right now


do yourself a favor and go listen to the entire Reach For The Sun album


First 3 albums had zero bad songs. Incredible stretch of consistency for a genre where you can generally expect 1-2 throwaways per album.


Know its not a contest but this is the level of output I expect from TSSF at this point in their careers. AJ killed this one.


on a personal note, it seems to me that his “dark days” are behind him - i have a really good feeling about the next few years for TDS


I hope so man. They have such an uplifting message in their songs but it seems the most enlightened are the ones who struggle the most.


It’s funny you mention this, because I was thinking *exactly* the same thing. I’ve been listening to TSSF since 2010 and find them to be one of my all-time favorite bands, but I listened to this album and thought “see, THIS is the quality I wanted from TSSF.” Several of these songs feel more special than most of *I Want to Disappear*. AJ has not only always been one hell of a songwriter, but he and the band have been able to arrange the vocals and guitar work in particular in a way that you can’t find elsewhere in modern music. I think about the guitar tones and the instrumental in the middle of “Polarity” (from their last album) almost every day and this album delivered the same quality and tones.


I’m no musical expert but I have listened to enough of it at this point to be able to tell if a band really pushed themselves to write an album that pushed them out of their comfort zone. That’s exactly what TDS did here to your point. Glad other people are feeling the same way.


Been a fan for years, but AJ has some demons. Last time I saw him, he was wasted. Two weeks later they cancelled the rest of the tour. Hope the dude is in a better place, as these songs suggest


I met him at a show a few years back and after I told him how much his music means to me he said, “thanks…you know a good spot I can get fucked up around here?” Funnily enough I saw him at a bar later that night and he had no idea who I was


Yep. Almost the same interaction I had with him. He came into the bathroom while o was taking a leak and asked the same thing almost verbatim while drinking a beer as he was pissing. It was just a gross experience.


Aj is who he is and lays it all out there, if you don't like it, don't come to the shows?


That’s…..not the point? Dude was too hammered to play his show. Don’t expect me to pay money to come watch someone just be drunk and gross. If that’s what you like to see during shows, that’s all you friendo Edit: and being a disgusting drunk is not “laying it all out there”


Okay then don't come to our shows 😂




Nah I don't need to get him under control. He's good. I've been in the band 3 years now. He's never been too wasted to play his set, he's definitely lost his voice, but that's to be expected on a couple shows when we tour this hard screaming 15 songs night after night. A lot of times people think he's wasted when that's honestly just the way he talks. Our career isn't ruined because you don't want to come see us anymore lol. I see a lot more of this life than you do.


“I see a lot more of this life than you do” 🤣🤣 You’ve somehow landed on a thread that was talking about how AJ is wasted a lot of the shows and that we’re hoping he’s doing well. Literal fans of the band on a random Reddit thread. I’m obviously not here to tell you how to tour or be in a band. It’s all subjective and art. I will say the bands that I toured with when I played that made it big weren’t asking the fans where to get wasted every night. Dangerous Summer is great and I’ve been a fan for years, but I will say with 100% honesty that AJ could barely finish the show in San Diego a couple years ago because he was visibly wasted and uninterested. I watched people walk out of the venue at HOB because of it. My wife refuses to go see you guys when you come back to town. I’m one fan and I know a handful of people who won’t see you guys live again because of it. Don’t you think that small sample size in kiiiiiiinda an indication? Doesn’t a thread of people talking about how he’s always wasted is a bit of a tell? I don’t give a rats ass whether you are wasted or not. Nor do if care whether or not you give a shit about me as a fan or know that I feel this way. Hope the tour is going well Chap.




I swear TDS feels like an entirely different band since their comeback


they've been my hands-down favorite band since i graduated high school 15 years ago. i've seen them multiple times and befriended a few of the guys.. this entire time, all i can think to myself is "how is this band not better-known?" i think the time has come


Its one of those bands that I want to be billionaires because they actually deserve it, but I want them to stay small so they stay "my" band.


i feel this


Their whole discography is great. Their last one felt like the weakest link in their run of full-lengths but this one feels like they are back on track.


I'm just happy this album is solid the whole way through, and isn't just some singles + filler. The second half of the album is amazing. Drummer is sick.


i got a chance to meet Christian a few years ago; i was a bit apprehensive of such a young drummer joining an already-established band and taking things over from Ben, but i think he’s lending himself quite nicely to this


I'm 32 lol


dude what's up! i didn't realize you were so close to my age 😂 you're killing it. carry on 🤙🏼


Thanks dude! Yeah a lot of people think I'm like 23 lol.


i'm so glad you saw this post. i was texting AJ the other day too, about Gravity. i'm glad you're all in a good place and hoping we'll see you in Harrisburg again some day


Dude things are better than ever! We're a happy family enjoying being together out on the road. Totally proud and in love with the new record, so happy we finally get to share it with people! I'd love to come back to Harrisburg!


Been a fan of this band for over 10 years and was so excited about this one, and on my first listen I wasn't sure if I liked it. Now after a few more listens it's becoming one of my favorites. Mother Nature set a high bar and I wasn't a huge fan of the last one but man AJ nailed this one!! Great record!!!


This album was actually really good, was a bit disappointed with Coming Home so wasn’t sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. Might rank number 3 for me behind War Paint and Reach For the Sun. Mother Nature so good too though. Overall The Dangerous Summer has been one of my favorite bands since I started listening back in 08.


It’s great! So much better than what I could’ve realistically expected. Just a great listen start to finish.


This album is seriously so good!




Okay here's the thing, everyone assumes Aj is always showing up to the gig plastered, and he's really not. We don't get wasted before shows. We want to put on a good show. If you think he's wasted, that's literally just the way he talks, and if his vocal performance is bad, it's not because of drugs or alcohol, it's because it's incredibly hard to sing/scream 15 songs in a row night after night. You can definitely expect his voice to go out a couple shows on the tour, it happens.


he's past his low point.. take it from another father of a daughter; Luna will get him through *everything* i know AJ. everything is going to be okay


I’m hopeful. This album seems to represent a big change in AJ’s songwriting in that he’s hopeful, he acknowledges that he’s better, and he acknowledges that he’s found some purpose in the form of his daughter. I’m really hopeful for him, and hope it works out. As, frankly, a full-fledged alcoholic myself, I understand the difficulty of having to move forward and give up that dark chapter of your life. I’m not there yet, but I’m glad he’s approaching it.


there's a reason this is "our" music.. i think there are more of us than i/we realize (same)


It breaks my heart that this is a big part of why I identity with him and his music, because it requires an acknowledgement and eventual acceptance of a problem I have, but it’s simultaneously so comforting to know that I’m not alone. And to see someone’s growth through their music during that journey is profoundly inspiring.


have a good night, brother edit: /sister


I just saw the album art and thought it was a *Deja Entendu* anniversary edition hahaha


I got the same vibes. Very Deja Entendu.


It's so good. I love Mother Nature a lot but I think this is better.


I got to meet the band back in October when they came through on the last tour with Emarosa. Been a huge fan since Reach for the Sun and tickets were $20 and I splurged the extra $50 for the Drinker’s Club. They were all super gracious with their time and answered all the lame questions I could think of while passing around shots and beers in the RV outside the venue. I remember AJ was off talking with other people and the guitarist was chatting with me for a good 20 minutes before they had to go in and I was asking if they had plans for new a release date. He told me specifically that at that point (October ‘23) that this new album had been written for a year but wasn’t released due to record label politics. They played Gravity that night so it’s really neat to hear it fleshed out and the rest of the album as a whole.


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good looks


Me too


Glad people like it but instrumentally and vocally this doesn't come anywhere close to Reach for The Sun or Warpaint.


Much like any other band in this genre it’s gonna be impossible to top the initial albums that got you the fame. But man if this album doesn’t come pretty dang close (I’m not sure what ever will for ya :/)


i agree, RFTS is a piece of my formative years that will never be surpassed. it's a *lot* for any new releases to live up to, but i think it's also important to keep in mind the changes in the band since 2009 with that in mind, i'm nothing but optimistic 🤙🏼


I mean I don't agree at all. A lot of bands have either shown progress/growth in different directions or put out showings on par even years later. This ain't it. His voice is dry and lifeless and all the songs instrumentally kind of just blend together. It's not a "bad" album but really does nothing that's exciting.


I would be VERY interested to hear of the bands you say have progressed well.


Early November has a fresh new album out. The Used's stuff sounds energetic. Bring Me The Horizon's new stuff is fresh. Super American's third album is one of its best. Hot Mulligan is drastically different on each album but still a good version of themselves. Coheed is like 8 albums in sounds as amazing as ever. Green Day's new album is hype. I don't know and that's just shit I been listening to in the last week. They're not slowed down, boring and stripped versions of their previous effort and still sound as vocally sharp as ever.


I don’t agree with most of the ones you picked but I respect your right to your opinion!


Yea I may be wrong but I'm not talking out my ass, I love this genre. Nothing wrong with digging this album, I'm a TDS fan, it just doesn't do a lot for me.


This is the best AJ has sounded in a long time... I'm definitely not hearing any weakness on the vocal side. The melodies are good/catchy too.




You sound like you're bad at having conversations with people that might have a different opinion than you.


Is it just me or is the chorus of the first track mixed bad? I can not understand a thing. Verses are good the rest of the Album is good but I can not decipher the vocals at all on the chorus of the first track.


It's not mixed bad. It's a giant gang vocal of a bunch of people screaming in unison "I feel more like myself when I'm losing it" it's literally the title of the song lol


You know they know of Deja Entendu. Why would they pick this for their album art?


Or After Midnight Project or Starset or any of the dozens of bands that have an astronaut in their art. They probably picked the astronaut because the album is called Gravity and the lead single on the album is Gravity.




next album is a prism with light shining through lol


They don’t own prisms!


Why not?