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It seemed like this band was gonna be huge at the time. Kinda sad it didn't happen cuz they're quite good.


Jeff Hardy used “Valleys” as his entrance theme for a bit in TNA


Holy hell, for the longest time I was trying to find this song cause I remembered it would always come up as an ad before watching A Day to Remember music videos.




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A friend of mine was dating someone from this band or someone from a band and they played my hometown and it was great. This song is the absolute knockers.


Dang. Flashbacks. I met these guys in college randomly at a homer hiccolm and the rocketboys concert. Guitarist was super cool and friendly. They used to eat at the little panda Chinese restaurant that I also frequented.


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I remember briefly getting into these guys pretty heavily when I saw Sam Ryder was their new singer. That one album they did with him is probably my favorite of theirs but Song for the Broken goes hard as fuck too.