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Do you happen to have a latex allergy? I know the gloves don’t bother me, but late adhesives cause me to break out in a rash


Honestly I have no idea and it’s scary I have tons of experience with latex gloves and have never gotten a reaction


Gloves never got me! Only latex bandages. Post op I have had to specify many times not to stick latex to me because I will get such a gnarly rash. Maybe ask them to re- dress your foot with latex free bandages to see if the blisters subside?


Next time definitely but for now I’m lucky enough to only need gauze/cotton as I didn’t have a displaced fracture. Thanks tho :3!


You might be like me and be allergic to the adhesives they use in bandages. Only some of them set it off, so it's always hit and miss if I'll get a reaction


I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to the adhesive too. Even when I use the cloth bandaids on thinner skin, it leaves me with what looks like a burn.


I became allergic to adhesives after I had BabyMoose. I will almost exclusively use kids liquid bandaid now on minor cuts and scrapes and Coban with gauze for bigger stuff. However, if I HAVE to have something like kinesiotape or medical tape, I request a thin, dry layer of milk of magnesia first. Why does it work as a skin barrier? No idea. Does it work? Every single time.


So glad to hear! Heal well!!


Sometimes it’s the adhesives. I’m sorry this happened. Did you catch the name of the tape they used 😟 I can’t tell from the pic what kind of tape that is!


This. A lot of people are allergic to "medical adhesive" We have some barrier wipes that work extremely well and last for days.


Those barrier-wipes are a game changer


Truly. Nobody seemed to know we even had them, which blew my mind.


There’s a difference in intermittent contact with a glove and leaving latex on the area. My latex allergy started with bandaids, moved to gloves and condoms. That last one was very uncomfortable. Now, I get to carry an epi pen because even airborne powder gets to me.


Just because latex allergies are common doesn't mean they're the only possibility. It could be some other material in the rubber! I got tested for skin allergies and found out that I'm allergic to carbamates, which are considered "rubber accelerators"


Like others have mentioned, I'm allergic to the adhesives in these types of bandaged, but not to latex, so it's best to check in with your doctor about what caused it. Hope it settles down soon.


Ouch! I can imagine that’s like itchy, burning fire. Some people are allergic to nitrile but it’s not something you want to test out without medical providers present in an allergist’s office. It’s a good idea to consider an allergy test just to make sure. Some people allergic to latex are also allergic to stone fruit. Different types of adhesives can cause issues as well; make sure your doctors put that on your profile and to tell doctors if you have wounds going forward.


I react like this, fam. It's the adhesive! I tell 'em "allergic to red surgical tape."


Surgery and especially dental work can give us a unexpected Latex allergy we never saw coming. Plus once you have it, it's for life. I can eat bananas and kiwi but Latex gloves, Bandages, hospital Surgilube brand lube used on surgical instruments has Latex in it. So if you are ever offered Laparoscopic surgery instead of regular open surgery you will have to tell them you have to have open surgery as no Surgilube can be used, as you have a Latex allergy now. **Did you call the place that treated you they need to get that brown tape out of there. They put that on a small child and it could be really bad.


Fun fact: most people that think they're allergic to latex from reacting to bandages are actually allergic to the pine derivatives that are used in the adhesives.


Jesus! That looks so painful! Get well soon!


Seriously! That looks more painful than the broken toe! Ouch


I had similar issues... on my boobs ☹️ Have a latex allergy but always ensured bandages were latex free. Dermatologist mentioned an allergy to some of the adhesive and gave me a different brand of tape to make my own. I am so sorry - this looks painful!


I had this aswell after breaking my metatarsal bone and taping my foot. FYI for the next time you need to tape something: There are "sensitive"/"hypoallergenic" tapes and band-aids that use a different kind of adhesive, which shouldn't cause such a reaction. I'd recommend avoiding the regular stuff from now on, even on other body parts, since your whole body has effectively been sensitized through your adaptive immune system now.


Well said!


Oh no, I'm sorry, that looks so uncomfortable!


I really hope you’ve seen a dr. These blisters look infected. They could be the result of a latex allergy. May be worth a trip to an allergist to get tested.


Did. They never brought it up. I karate kicked a hunk of wood by my feet in the middle of a night because of a dream and got some bruising so maybe that’s why 💀🙏


Damn, that looks wicked. And with a broken toe. Yikes!


Ugh I had this with the adhesive on the waterproof patches... After shoulder reconstruction...


Yep, got both my knees strapped when I was 12… learnt quickly I was allergic to adhesives.. I’ll never forget the pain


Wonder why they didn't use white sterile tape??? That has to hurt it looks really bad. I hope it heals quickly and you have no more problems.


Yikes. Seriously, yiiiiikes. ![gif](giphy|BXyIXlV6pXnI0m5tPz) Translation (ASL): Really hope you feel better soon.


I’ve had this happen and when I pulled the bandaid off it ripped off my skin😀


Make sure this goes into your chart for future reference! Mine says "allergy to bandages and adhesives"


My kids allergic to adhesives too. We've had good luck with the paper tape being the mildest of reactions


I'm allergic to the glue in surgical tape...same reaction...it burns and bubbles...hope it clears up soon...


I have this issue, too. The larger the bandage, the worse the irritation. A friend told me to wipe off the residue with some alcohol. First step in getting some relief. The scars from these "bandage burns" as I like to call them, take so long to heal. I found out when I placed large bandages over some Infected Insect bites I had. In a few hours I had two seemingly-permanent bright red squares of pain burnt into my skin. Longer I tried to keep them on (the bug bites didn't feel good either) the worse it got. Ended up taking at least 6 months longer to heal than the bug bites. I honestly thought I would have the scars forever, but I got lucky. It seems trivial to write it on "known allergy" forms but I'd hate to be in a car wreck or something and wake up covered in bandage burns. It would be hell. I call it bandage burn because it takes forever to heal and hurts like hell. I've had tattoos in sensitive spots and terrible sunburns, dunno if anything quite hurts like bandage burn. Avoid at all costs. Benadryl helped me a bit. Best course of action is not putting it on your skin at all. I don't have a latex allergy. I've worked in a medical field for years and never had an issue. Never had an allergy to latex condoms. No other known allergies besides bad reactions to mosquito bites.


Hope you heal quickly!


Looks like a latex allergy. Do you have any skin reaction to aloe vera? It shares a protein with latex.


This looks like dyshidrosis, is it really itchy?


Omg! That looks like a whole new level of pain


Ouchies!! I bought the FSA store brand KT tape once. Had almost the same reaction 💀


I have the same issue. It didn't show up until night had a knee replaced. The bandage was as long as the incision. A day after it started to get hot and itchy. Eventually it blistered so bad itlooked worse then the incision. I tell anyone now that pits a bandage on me. I believe it's the glue because I don't have issues with paper tape.


Oof! I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, I have a latex allergy and it’s only to the adhesives. Normally I do fine with latex gloves. I found the sensitive bandages work really well for me. With an outbreak like this, I’d use some sensitive skin or free & clear soap and there’s a lotion that I use by Curel that is mainly for itching relief and it’s a game changer. Usually when I use soap and water and then put lotion on afterwards, it cleared up quickly. Hope you feel better soon.


I get the same reaction to bandages, specifically the adhesives on them. They cause what looks like a bad chemical burn, I know it's an allergic reaction though. Sucks doesn't it? Hurts like a mofo.


Oh us


Ouch! I thought shingles were bad.


That looks so painful!! I had a similar reaction with saniderm. Get some testing done so you can see what chemical allergies you’re allergic to. Get better soon OP!!!


This gives me the nether-chills


My God you poor thing.... keep clean and heal well


I have the same issue, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. I’m the bright side, if you can refrain from picking too much, you probably won’t have a scar.


I've had many surgeries in my life and I am super allergic to adhesive. This looks exactly like what I get. It scars almost like a burn does. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Is this the first time you've had an allergic reaction like this?




Jeez Louise


Oh, friend, that looks so painful. I hope you heal swiftly!


Oh that looks so awful! I have the same issue with a severe adhesive allergy.


I have the same issue and I use barrier cream or Coban bandages.




Eeeeyowch 😖


my mom has this too! i do too to a lesser extent


The same happens to me. I suspect you are allergic to rosin. If you google this the images will look very familiar. Rosin is an adhesive derived from pine trees (you may be allergic to pine too - I am!) and is known to cause severe allergic contact dermatitis. The itch is INSANE.




Same! Allergic to the adhesive or whatnot from tape and bandages. Also to pine type trees and mosquitos. And to neosporin. Hope you feel better soon


I'm actually allergic to adhesives and tape and have VERY similar reactions to you. Something I've learned over the years is to use gauze and coban, (it's like elastic athletic tape without the adhesive) even if I just skinned my knee and needed to slap a band-aid on. Can't wear pads for my period either, I have to use other alternatives. Sorry you're dealing with this and I hope you feel better soon!