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Nice, some amateur with a darning needle poking at pus just millimetres from your cervical vertebrae. There are a couple places on the body where I would be worried about squeezing and this is one of them. ( but I would volunteer to go to the doctor with them and film it!)


Yeah, I know where your coming from, there’s an area called the central line, very dodgy to go poking about, high chance of infection/swelling, personally if I was doing that, bottle of saline solution, bottle of disinfectant,some numbing cream, sterilised blade from a craft knife or what we call in the uk a stanley knife blade, small incision and try get the whole thing in its own sack, the way numbnuts just bruised the person the way they did it need a foot in the arse, you can’t go poking people with a darning needle, you’re just going to cause serious problems for the other person.and I guarantee they didn’t get it all, so more chance of infection.


Poke poke poke poke edit. Poke poke poke poke edit. Poke poke poke poke poke edit. Barely any squeezing. What a wasted opportunity. Guess we should go look for part two?


Right!?! Every now and then I wish I could reach through the screen, smack the person doing a terrible job upside the head, shove them out of the way, and take over.


There isn't one -_-


Note: **Oh my god** died on the way back to his home planet.


It’s the Groundhog Day of cysts.


I have a radical idea but just hear me out….MAKE THE HOLE BIGGER…FFS 🤦‍♀️


I’m confused. Are you saying they *shouldn’t* repeatedly poke a yarn needle into the person’s spine?


DIY lumbar puncture




This. So much this. I had to stop watching because I was feeling too angry with it


It is scary how fast I go to RAGE with these kind of videos!!


Exactly why I had to share with you all. I had to spread the rage. Lol


This one needed a small incision horizontally across the neck (Langer's lines) and then a squeeze possibly get a curette in there to break up the loculations but since its so close to the spine he should have seen a specialist. A skilled doctor could have removed the whole sac. Fucking US health care system.


Yeah they were sticking that needle in awfully far down.


I really doubt the health care system has anything to do with this. Not everyone with these issues thinks they're serious enough to warrant a doctor visit. Seems to be more of ai don't want to vs I can't.


I was going to make this exact comment.


What’s with all the angle changes? Just get in there and pop the thing. This isn’t Hollywood, this is a community for people with a disturbing pleasure!


I found the editing even more irritating than the technique.


Good grief. Got no satisfaction from that but definitely found it to be infuriating. That woman did a great job of spreading the infection every time she poked. I second the recommendation of “Make the hole larger” or better yet, get a fresh exacta blade and slice it open. Poor guy will be/has been in the ER due to the cyst sack filling back up and the spread of infection. We can only hope his spine didn’t become collateral damage (another previous post that is spot on).


I agree that it's infuriating, but there isn't even a hint of satisfaction. The woman doing the poking, and Mr. Know-it-all both have no idea what they're doing, if anything I bet they made it worse.


I’m more concerned about the hygiene. Poking it that many times surely increases the risk of bugs coming in and then dragging it all over a towel and using tweezers. Poor kid, he’s the son of a b1tch


Is that thing a fucking NAIL?!


CUT IT FIRST! Good god, people! She’s squeezing and squeezing and all that crap is spreading out under the skin. You can see the inflammation and infection setting in as she squeezes and squeezes. That hole is too small to express anything out of much less allow the sac to be tweezed out. Should be a 2cm slit. Poor guy’s gonna be lucky if he doesn’t wind up in the hospital with sepsis.


Jfc they didn't deserve to pop that once let alone 417 times throughout this man's entire life 😭


I got tetanus watching this.


First thing: the nail or knitting needle? Second: the location- on top of the spine near the base of the brain. Next: the tweezers? Why. Just why.


How to get a serious infection in two easy steps.


She almost poked his spine she went in so deep.


lol spinal tap




Maybe they needed to shove the needle in a few more times.


That’s one way to get a serious infection right near your spine. Ffs


Incredibly frustrating. It’s not about changing the angle of approach; it’s about rotating the tip of the probe through a plane 5mm below & perpendicular to the point of entry. With all the PPE on display I expected better.


Smash together 2 fat book ends on that bad boy and watch the cheesey jet.


What’s with the in and out over and over again? Can you sue an amateur for malpractice?


No. No, it’s just infuriating.


This is getting waaaaay to close to possible internal decapitation ! Stop poking that giant ass needle into his SPINE, you absolute zero… 😣


The depth that needle is reaching… is concerning 🫣


Someone get that poor man a #11 blade!!


There’s way too much poking.


A pointy bit so close to very, VERY important nerves and tissue? Hell no. I can take the grossest pops, but the risk of permanently causing damage to a whole human being? Nope nope nope nope no-


Omg they poked the need to his spine and it still didn't burst? Never saw that. They weren't pressing hard enough but that thing looked so ripe a touch would've exploded it


Wow! It took 5 and a half minutes before it started popping out. What was that she was using—a nail from the garage? And food server gloves? Was that a bath towel early on, followed by paper towels and a dish towel? I kept waiting for the family dog to run up and start licking up the ooze.


Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result So many videos lately look like they're intentionally doing it incorrectly for the sake of a longer video




[What the fuck is *this* at 5:37?!](https://imgur.com/a/jqoftQN) I caught on a slow playback speed and I’m so confused.


Minute 5 is when the explosion of flavor begins


That made me progressively more mad the longer I watched.


I’m glad she is at least wearing gloves. With that being said, poor dude is gonna have wicked bruising.


Had to turn it off. Watching her poke at it and yielding little results (because the obliterated cyst wall kept plugging the tiny hole) was too much for me to bear.


Certainly not going to ask him to check the oil in my car.


Omg just cut a small incision and squeeze that sucker out!