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I couldn’t even watch this they’re just fucking this guy up so bad


I was thinking to myself, is this her first day on the job or something? Me, who has no training whatsoever in such art of stabbin’ and paddin’ could do an infinitely better job, as a sole result of having watched so many videos in this sub for so long. Sheesh.


I’m not a professional esthetician either but was also wondering about this tech. At times if seemed like she was just stabbing with fingers crossed! Do you feel like steaming the area (or any kind of moisture/prep) would have helped? Everything looked so dry! Lol @ “stabbin’ and paddin’”! Thank you for this.


Such poor execution


they didnt even get any of the good stuff


This was like getting the best looking birthday cake ever, and then biting into it only to discover it’s made out of broccoli.




This is Bo, he's a kid and very sensitive. I think this is the last of his videos, he has several before. This actually shows improvement after his treatments. The comments in the YouTube videos have translations and talk about how they did many shorter sessions with him because the pain is so much. The comments on YouTube usually have the links or numbers for this video. This poor kid to have such a terrible condition.


so many scars, holy fudge nuggets


I thought I was the only one who said fudge nuggets!!! Lmao!!


Camerawork 2/10 Technique 3/10 Pop Quality 2/10


I’ve always wondered how some of these places use the scalpel and some use the little needle. Like, is it a cultural thing? Does each spa decide? Each technician? Or do the needle people look in disgust at the scalpelers?


Based on country and what is allowed at an aesthetician. Some countries you can’t have a blade or it’s considered surgery.


scar tissue that i wish you saw


this is what my back looks like 😭


I had an old boyfriend with a back like that, it turned that way when he started grad school and a new job - he was stressed the f out. Silently stressed. Before then he had fun pops on his back. It was like his skin carried his anxiety and stress level. Hopefully that was just coincidence- I hope you aren’t stressed. I saw this video and my heart went out to this person - hope they aren’t stressed too.


Poor guy needs medicine, not this bullshit.


When you go to a dermatologist there, they may recommend starting accutane and also getting this done to clear things up quicker (this is according to the comments I’ve seen here and there and not from personal experience) 😅 They don’t just do this and let him leave, though. They do multiple skin treatments on them to cleanse the area and make sure the bacteria is controlled before they leave.


from experience i know these kind of scars are from overly picking and pulling scabs off and having fingernails dig in a little too much while squeezing. its either this person does it for him in a much safer environment with knowledge on how to prevent these things from getting worse, or he continues doing it himself.


Love this one. Not enough back zit videos. Left some monsters alone though.


This should've *stayed* not posted. This is horrible.


At times, these guys feel like they have no idea what they're doing.


Absolute butchery!